The right words can have an impact on how we perceive pretty much everything. A word or two can make the difference between a “pre-owned car” versus a “used car.” Which car would you prefer?
I think it’s high time we changed the perception about ourselves by changing our language about ourselves. Up till now, those of us who want to remain in our normal health state have been derisively known as “The Unvaccinated.” And, what’s even worse, we have been naively cooperating by labeling ourselves the same as those who scorn us! It’s time to stop that nonsense!! Here’s why.
The word Unvaccinated in our context implies “lack.” The impression given by the term is that those who refuse the injections have (or are) “less than” those who take the injections. We are wrongly perceived as either sadly or stubbornly deficient or defective — even dangerous — because we lack a drug in our bodies that, in itself, is proving to be defective. How ridiculous! Do you feel a sense of lack?
Let’s look at some “UN” words to prove my point: Unenlightened. Unmarried. Unemployed. Unclean. Unattractive. Unhealthy. Uneducated. Undesirable. Unaware. Uncooperative. Uncaring. Uninformed.
Unvaccinated. Get the point?
Now, I propose we reinvent the perception of ourselves; one we can cheerfully announce without putting people off and also get them thinking. By this change, we can plant seeds of positivity around our informed and intelligent choice, change perceptions and the narrative and, perhaps, change minds and hearts and even increase our ranks.
From now on, let’s see ourselves truthfully as “vaccine free” individuals — because that is what we are: mentally and physically free. If someone asks if you’re vaccinated, cheerfully reply to them with a smile, “I’m vaccine free,” or “I’m happy to say, I’m still vaccine free.” Practice saying it and writing it; YOU are no longer wearing the scarlet letter of UN, my friend.
Think of saying I’m vaccine free as similar to the positive feelings around these words: Sodium free. Gluten free. Pesticide free. Static free. Phthalate free. BPA free. Hormone free. Fat free. Hassle free. Sugar free. Tax free. Allergen free. Stimulant free. Preservative free. Drug free.
Now let’s convey the same positive note about the empowering choice we have made for ourselves. Make saying “I’m vaccine free” a habit. Free is the operative word. And, please share this with all the vaccine-free people you know.
When my dermatologist asked about my jab status, I told him 'yes, with the natural vaccine'. He proceeded to say I could still be vulnerable to the variants and I said, 'apparently those who have got the jab are too.' He then dropped it.
In that way i am a coward too, i don't feel like confrontation with the vaccine iliterates/mainstream literates anymore, especially if you don't even know who they are, unless they show how they feel in public. But, when i do get a chance, i will say i am free of vaccines, as simon cowan advised us on a positive note.
"If someone asks if you’re vaccinated" - I answer "I've not taken a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.3%, so that would be a NO".
I follow it up with "What is your age group's IFR?" When they don't know (and they NEVER do) I ask "How did you do you risk / benefit analysis if you don't know the risk from the disease?".
At that point they say "I asked my doctor" and change the subject.
If asked whether I’m vaxxed I simply reply “Good Lord, NO!”, in a - Do I look stupid? - tone of voice.
That is inevitably followed up with “Well why not?”, in a - Yes you do look stupid? - tone of voice.
That’s when I launch into your “I've not taken a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.3%, so that would be a NO" response.
As an aside, at a very prestigious university dinner party I once got this incredibly hostile response “Well then you’re bug-f**king mad”, then repeated for good measure.
I suggest these: Just simply Non-GMO; Covid Free; Wolverine; More stridently as Purebloods; Thinkers; Human; Non-replicants. I use all of these. Vaxx Free is OK, but likely inaccurate as you likely had some vaccines.
Non-replicants! LOL, ... sitting behind Canada's Berlin Wall. I lean towards Non-replicants, after our prime moron got re-elected by my countrymen. I have to believe they have been possessed by something, or I must be the insane one.
"i missed that meeting" (with apologies to the late and great bill hicks): did they really now? the masochist masses' Stockholm syndrome keeps surprising me:. i'm certain my dumber local German compatriots (i'm not proud of it, i was born into this mess!) will reelect the green party, formerly pacifist and eco, now warmongering and fracking gas importing destroyers of the domestic economy
True! For me the best way to describe the non-injected group of people seems to be "mRNA free" or "naturally immuned". The other group - "mRNA treated" or "artificially immuned".
I prefer this as well bc I've had other vaccines as a kid. I'm not anti vax on all vaccines, as the term implies. Just experimental ones funded by govt, tested only on a handful of mice for a few weeks, and the vaccine makers rating their own studies.... and then trying to withhold the study results. The term unvaxxed in itself proves evidence of their lack of common sense. I don't like bud light, does that make me anti-beer even if I drink other beers?
The only justification I've seen for Geert continuing to push ADE is that he's warning the elites that better people than them will be the result of trying to kill off so many. But that's already the case, the top has been breeding for stupid (but capable of lying with a straight face) for a millennia or more.
Are you making a joke? We have reviewed the evidence, applied logic (not logical fallacies), and read the history of virology and vaccinology. Their work is just nonsensical BS. I just read a paper from the 1930s, where Thomas Rivers reported how he cut up chicken embryos and mixed the media with "vaccine emulsion" (the latter undefined), and after they saw something happen in the goop, they declared "vaccine!" They then injected that crap into children and saw blisters (in 109 out of 127) and declared, "immunity against smallpox".
In 2002, Offit (and a host of co-authors) told the world, that you can inject an infant with 10,000 vaccines, at ONE time, and no harm will come to the child!? See Pediatrics, 2002; 109: 124-129.
Are you making a joke? I simply asked a question of clarification to glean more understanding. You can save your snark for the vaccinated, no? Sorry you misunderstood my inquiry.
Thank you very much. I personally do not know any other unvaxxed people because I live in England. the FLCCC in the USA, Dr.Zev Zelenko and Dr. Peter McCullough also have published, online, clear info on what to take before covid strikes, and early on if infected. Keeping the immune system primed is obviously great advice.
There are more unneedled in England than you are being led to believe. In my office there are two women and myself that are unneedled, but those are only the ones I know of. I say "that I know of" because so many unneedled are keeping their heads down, and with good reason.
The UK government told us there were 5 million unjabbed miscreants walking around, but last week it appears to have been exposed as over 23 million organic purebloods.
There are many of us unjabbed weirdo's around, though as you said, mostly keeping our heads down.
That said, I tell anyone who dares to ask that I'm happily unjabbed.
The usual look of incomprehension or horror is reward enough.
Interestingly, people are increasingly giving me "the reason" they had to have it, as though needing to justify their decision to me.
I have a similar experience; Yes, I come right out and say that i'm not vaccinated because I don't believe it's safe and it's not effective - and the other person will tell me they had it early on and regret it or feel afraid of what it may do to them and say 'no way are they vaccinating my children' (which appears to be the turning point for many ppl). I am very sympathetic to them because people are losing their jobs over this (which must be illegal !?).
I think the level of coercion has completely forced many people, sadly. This is exactly why I do NOT keep my head down. I want to stand up to this and state my case proudly (on behalf of those who cannot) and not have to speak in hushed tones afraid who might hear me ..or showing papers to the police.
What kind of world is it ? And what does that remind you of ?
Hi, my understanding is that it is 5 million who were eligible that have declined the jab and if you include non eligible children it is 23 million.
I work in healthcare and often happily tell patients that I chose to avoid the governments kind offer to inject me with something that may well cause acute and chronic inflammation.
The subject will often arise after a patient says something like "have you had your booster yet". Which leads me into telling them I haven't had any. Or someone might say that "all sensible people have been jabbed now", which they find a bit embarrassing when they realise they have just insulted someone who is treating them and who knows more about it than they. I will often start about how boring I found the subject of Brexit and switched off from listening about it after a year, but working in healthcare Covid is fascinating and myself and my partner spend several hours a day researching and learning about the subject, partly to keep in from of the government BS. But we are indebted to the likes of Geert, Peter McCullough et al for keeping us informed.
What about the people that give no reason for getting the shot after hiding the fact that they got them. What is the point of it all?
My brother just told me today that he got the shots 8 months ago. Since that time he has had four colds and covid multiple times. My brother lives with our mother and me and my unshotted sister have to go over and caretake our mom every day. Now my sister knows why she got a frozen shoulder 7 months ago, and I got an enlarged neck lymph node at the same time.
These are shedding shot side effects to the unshotted and hidden by the shotted for no reason other than narcissism and stupidity.
My wife and I are vaccine free and will remain so. Thank you for your tireless effort to inform, no doubt risking ridicule and cancellation. When the smoke of this mess clears, I hope you get the credit you deserve for your courage and leadership!
as someone who caught the virus early on, had very mild symptoms (in part I think to being hammered by the swine flu years earlier), I have managed to move through the pandemic with no issues from covid. Like many, I have been pretty devastated by the onslaught of fear rather than illness. The tipping point came when i went from a fully masked, no one socialising and soon to be mandated washington state to the uk to visit family. It was the height of the uk delta outbreak and they had just dropped all restrictions. I stayed 18 days, tested five times and was moving freely on day 6 where i then proceeded to go to crowded pubs, a large wedding and very crowded trains. all the while testing negative and feeling so grateful to just be outside of the fear. It confirmed what i had felt all along, but what I was being told was absolutely not true, that I was okay. I find the fear has been especially crippling, so much so that I wrote about how to move on -
Could you at some point do a primer on the concept of "training" the innate immune system? I suspect many laymen (and probably medical professionals too?) think that immune system training is confined to the adaptive immune system.
Thank you, Dr. GVB. Due to neuropathy from a flu shot in 2013 as well as a severe case of unilateral facial paralysis (AKA Bell's) in early 2021, I remain un-injected. Other than that, I'm very healthy and am increasing my contacts despite this false notion that un-injected people pose a grave threat to so-called fully vaccinated people. Unlike these folks, I am not living my life in abject fear. However, soon I will be barred from entering restaurants and indoor facilities in my city as this falsehood is perpetuated and thus believed by so many.
By this time we all know that anyone can get it, anyone can spread it yet the unjustifiable and nonsensical discrimination continues and seems to be ramping up even as new information and admissions come from the CDC. Many "fully vaccinated" people blame "unvaccinated" people for new variants and ostensibly prolongation of the pandemic as this lie is repeated by "experts" on national public radio and other news outlets ad nauseam. I am very grateful for your extensive research on this important issue.
This can be the only reason this vaxmania and scapegoating continues. The belief that the variants are arising (out of nowhere) in healthy unvaxxed people is a hard one to shake, especially since people rarely give a reason for their revulsion.
In the US the Resistance movement is still STRONG despite the fact that the plutocrats refuse through thick and thin to acknowledge that their "vaccines" have failed. The mantra that you'll hear from every congress/senate staff member who has just been infected is:
"... my fully vaccinated status — and the booster I received — have rendered the infection much more mild than it would otherwise have been. And I am grateful for that. The vaccine works...".
Who wrote this script for all of them? I don't know.
Imagine that these are the people who lead a country and they're unable to think logically. After 2 years they've been unable to "flatten the curve" that they had promised would take only 2 weeks in 2020 and they still want the citizens to believe in what they say... Have reptilians invaded the planet and taken its leadership hostage?
Is the power of reason dead on this planet?
I think so since the Secretary of Defense (with his $800 billion budget) who has just been infected by Omicron says something like this:
"The vaccines work and will remain a military medical requirement for our workforce. I continue to encourage everyone eligible for a booster shot to get one. This remains a readiness issue...".
He has just discharged 100s of Marines for refusing his 'vaccines" diktat. These are the only few in the military who still recall what happened to the Gulf War I veterans who took Anthrax vaccines doped with Squalene in 1991 and who caught the Gulf War syndrome (250,000 US soldiers 33,000 UK soldiers).
Just walked away from the teaching faculty of a major university after 21 years. Critically b/c I said no to the mandates & exemptions. Was barred from teaching scamdemic politics in a course on. . .politics.
My health will miss being in classrooms 3X/wk getting constant, low-level exposure from students.
Will have to substitute something else.
Almost all faculty talk like students are a weaponized biohazard. Huge mistake to keep the young home. For everyone. It’s gonna backfire.
Please support they also have a substack and are in the process of sending letters out to all universities who require the vaccine. They have already had two universities change their vax requirement. You can read the letter they sent out on their substack account. It is powerful. I truly hope and pray this will start a domino effect.
I know some have been fearful of shedding from this jab, I have also heard of menstrual irregularities caused from being in close contact of others who have been jabbed but only heard this anecdotally.
I would like to hear others thoughts on this as what is being shed after jabbing would be bits of spike rather than the whole virus. I work closely with people (considered medium risk by what was PHE) and have done through out the lockdowns (apart from the first) and most of my patients are jabbed, I haven't been aware of any effect on myself, in fact I wonder if being exposed to the bits of spike being shed after being exposed to a patient who was recently jabbed actually helps teach my immune system how to deal with it.
Thank you, Dr. GVB. And I like your reminder to folks that the more fear one has, the higher probability of becoming ill. Once I let go of my fear, I clearly saw reality and truth. And I also like your message about individual responsibility. My personal health is MY responsibility...not the government’s, or the corporations behind the curtain controlling them.
I am not vaxxed. I had the delta in September and fully recovered. Since then I have helped/cared for, 7 other people with Covid in either my home or theirs. I have not gotten sick again, but have felt very well throughout. I have no intention of being vaccinated.
Your comments and advice to the unvaccinated is appreciated, But please provide more detailed advice. It is not easy to increase contacts in the environment of a pandemic. Many unvaccinated And uninfected individuals actually restricted their contacts with other people in order to stay healthy, what is your advice to this group of people? Thank you for all your work.
12mg * 30 tablets 57.5$ to 60 tablets 108$ to 120 tablets 216$
They sell Ivermectol without a prescription.
Ivermectol's Indian manufacturer, SunFarma, is a subsidiary of Japan's Daiichi Sankyo pharmaceutical company and considers its manufacturing process control to be somewhat reliable.
Great to see Dr Raszek mentioned! He is a Canadian doing wonderful little outdoor science walk and talks and validates your work in the latest one. Read the comments. Thank you for being so steadfast throughout this. You were right all along and I'm glad my intuition told me you were to be trusted.
Still vaccine free!!!
The right words can have an impact on how we perceive pretty much everything. A word or two can make the difference between a “pre-owned car” versus a “used car.” Which car would you prefer?
I think it’s high time we changed the perception about ourselves by changing our language about ourselves. Up till now, those of us who want to remain in our normal health state have been derisively known as “The Unvaccinated.” And, what’s even worse, we have been naively cooperating by labeling ourselves the same as those who scorn us! It’s time to stop that nonsense!! Here’s why.
The word Unvaccinated in our context implies “lack.” The impression given by the term is that those who refuse the injections have (or are) “less than” those who take the injections. We are wrongly perceived as either sadly or stubbornly deficient or defective — even dangerous — because we lack a drug in our bodies that, in itself, is proving to be defective. How ridiculous! Do you feel a sense of lack?
Let’s look at some “UN” words to prove my point: Unenlightened. Unmarried. Unemployed. Unclean. Unattractive. Unhealthy. Uneducated. Undesirable. Unaware. Uncooperative. Uncaring. Uninformed.
Unvaccinated. Get the point?
Now, I propose we reinvent the perception of ourselves; one we can cheerfully announce without putting people off and also get them thinking. By this change, we can plant seeds of positivity around our informed and intelligent choice, change perceptions and the narrative and, perhaps, change minds and hearts and even increase our ranks.
From now on, let’s see ourselves truthfully as “vaccine free” individuals — because that is what we are: mentally and physically free. If someone asks if you’re vaccinated, cheerfully reply to them with a smile, “I’m vaccine free,” or “I’m happy to say, I’m still vaccine free.” Practice saying it and writing it; YOU are no longer wearing the scarlet letter of UN, my friend.
Think of saying I’m vaccine free as similar to the positive feelings around these words: Sodium free. Gluten free. Pesticide free. Static free. Phthalate free. BPA free. Hormone free. Fat free. Hassle free. Sugar free. Tax free. Allergen free. Stimulant free. Preservative free. Drug free.
Now let’s convey the same positive note about the empowering choice we have made for ourselves. Make saying “I’m vaccine free” a habit. Free is the operative word. And, please share this with all the vaccine-free people you know.
Spread the good news.
We are Vaccine FREE.
When my dermatologist asked about my jab status, I told him 'yes, with the natural vaccine'. He proceeded to say I could still be vulnerable to the variants and I said, 'apparently those who have got the jab are too.' He then dropped it.
I see ur point.
These days I prefer to keep my vax status to myself.....
Why advertise to the lunatics out there?
Don't trust the consequences.
In today's spycraft world..
Less info is best.
I tell many people as I reasonably can.
I want to convert and inform in either order.
In that way i am a coward too, i don't feel like confrontation with the vaccine iliterates/mainstream literates anymore, especially if you don't even know who they are, unless they show how they feel in public. But, when i do get a chance, i will say i am free of vaccines, as simon cowan advised us on a positive note.
"If someone asks if you’re vaccinated" - I answer "I've not taken a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.3%, so that would be a NO".
I follow it up with "What is your age group's IFR?" When they don't know (and they NEVER do) I ask "How did you do you risk / benefit analysis if you don't know the risk from the disease?".
At that point they say "I asked my doctor" and change the subject.
If asked whether I’m vaxxed I simply reply “Good Lord, NO!”, in a - Do I look stupid? - tone of voice.
That is inevitably followed up with “Well why not?”, in a - Yes you do look stupid? - tone of voice.
That’s when I launch into your “I've not taken a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.3%, so that would be a NO" response.
As an aside, at a very prestigious university dinner party I once got this incredibly hostile response “Well then you’re bug-f**king mad”, then repeated for good measure.
I suggest these: Just simply Non-GMO; Covid Free; Wolverine; More stridently as Purebloods; Thinkers; Human; Non-replicants. I use all of these. Vaxx Free is OK, but likely inaccurate as you likely had some vaccines.
I'm mRNA free!
I personally love “pure bloods”
Its good, but can be falsely misconstrued to have racist connotation.
How about 'Clean-Blood'?
It's a conversation starter. Lol.
Non-replicants! LOL, ... sitting behind Canada's Berlin Wall. I lean towards Non-replicants, after our prime moron got re-elected by my countrymen. I have to believe they have been possessed by something, or I must be the insane one.
It isn’t far-fetched to believe that elections are rigged‼️
"i missed that meeting" (with apologies to the late and great bill hicks): did they really now? the masochist masses' Stockholm syndrome keeps surprising me:. i'm certain my dumber local German compatriots (i'm not proud of it, i was born into this mess!) will reelect the green party, formerly pacifist and eco, now warmongering and fracking gas importing destroyers of the domestic economy
All of your suggestions are good. I like Thinker, though with a slight twist - “Critical Thinker”
"Survivor of the winter of death" ...I also love Purebloods 😝
Not a GMO
I am experimental injection free.
True! For me the best way to describe the non-injected group of people seems to be "mRNA free" or "naturally immuned". The other group - "mRNA treated" or "artificially immuned".
I prefer this as well bc I've had other vaccines as a kid. I'm not anti vax on all vaccines, as the term implies. Just experimental ones funded by govt, tested only on a handful of mice for a few weeks, and the vaccine makers rating their own studies.... and then trying to withhold the study results. The term unvaxxed in itself proves evidence of their lack of common sense. I don't like bud light, does that make me anti-beer even if I drink other beers?
I find "sod of you unclean contagious jabbed cretin" works!
"Cult crazed jab junkie lab rats" also gets their attention and it sort of rhymes LOL.
I have been using 'vaccine free' for a year on twitter. My thinking mirrors your own exactly
I also suggest using 'vaxxed' as a derogatory term.
I always use that word!!
Unbelieving in allopathic medicine here. Unbelieving in Geert's ADE as well. Actually unbelieving in Geert full stop.
Well stated!
Wow. Why please? What drives your unbelieving?
The only justification I've seen for Geert continuing to push ADE is that he's warning the elites that better people than them will be the result of trying to kill off so many. But that's already the case, the top has been breeding for stupid (but capable of lying with a straight face) for a millennia or more.
lots of inbreeding among select groups, and they have the genetic diseases to prove it
Dear Amy Daniel,
Are you making a joke? We have reviewed the evidence, applied logic (not logical fallacies), and read the history of virology and vaccinology. Their work is just nonsensical BS. I just read a paper from the 1930s, where Thomas Rivers reported how he cut up chicken embryos and mixed the media with "vaccine emulsion" (the latter undefined), and after they saw something happen in the goop, they declared "vaccine!" They then injected that crap into children and saw blisters (in 109 out of 127) and declared, "immunity against smallpox".
In 2002, Offit (and a host of co-authors) told the world, that you can inject an infant with 10,000 vaccines, at ONE time, and no harm will come to the child!? See Pediatrics, 2002; 109: 124-129.
Are you making a joke? I simply asked a question of clarification to glean more understanding. You can save your snark for the vaccinated, no? Sorry you misunderstood my inquiry.
Dear Amy Daniel,
I did not mean to seem snarky. (I apologize if I came off the wrong way). Can you clarify your question?
No thanks, I'm over it...... It's another day. Have a great one.
Beautifully said. Feeling you higher self writing these words. Great advice to pay it forward.
Thank you I will !!
Reject ALL vaccines
with the exception of rabies, I mostly agree
Excellent point - thanks for that!
Thank you very much. I personally do not know any other unvaxxed people because I live in England. the FLCCC in the USA, Dr.Zev Zelenko and Dr. Peter McCullough also have published, online, clear info on what to take before covid strikes, and early on if infected. Keeping the immune system primed is obviously great advice.
There are more unneedled in England than you are being led to believe. In my office there are two women and myself that are unneedled, but those are only the ones I know of. I say "that I know of" because so many unneedled are keeping their heads down, and with good reason.
The UK government told us there were 5 million unjabbed miscreants walking around, but last week it appears to have been exposed as over 23 million organic purebloods.
There are many of us unjabbed weirdo's around, though as you said, mostly keeping our heads down.
That said, I tell anyone who dares to ask that I'm happily unjabbed.
The usual look of incomprehension or horror is reward enough.
Interestingly, people are increasingly giving me "the reason" they had to have it, as though needing to justify their decision to me.
I have a similar experience; Yes, I come right out and say that i'm not vaccinated because I don't believe it's safe and it's not effective - and the other person will tell me they had it early on and regret it or feel afraid of what it may do to them and say 'no way are they vaccinating my children' (which appears to be the turning point for many ppl). I am very sympathetic to them because people are losing their jobs over this (which must be illegal !?).
I think the level of coercion has completely forced many people, sadly. This is exactly why I do NOT keep my head down. I want to stand up to this and state my case proudly (on behalf of those who cannot) and not have to speak in hushed tones afraid who might hear me ..or showing papers to the police.
What kind of world is it ? And what does that remind you of ?
Hi, my understanding is that it is 5 million who were eligible that have declined the jab and if you include non eligible children it is 23 million.
I work in healthcare and often happily tell patients that I chose to avoid the governments kind offer to inject me with something that may well cause acute and chronic inflammation.
The subject will often arise after a patient says something like "have you had your booster yet". Which leads me into telling them I haven't had any. Or someone might say that "all sensible people have been jabbed now", which they find a bit embarrassing when they realise they have just insulted someone who is treating them and who knows more about it than they. I will often start about how boring I found the subject of Brexit and switched off from listening about it after a year, but working in healthcare Covid is fascinating and myself and my partner spend several hours a day researching and learning about the subject, partly to keep in from of the government BS. But we are indebted to the likes of Geert, Peter McCullough et al for keeping us informed.
When I am asked, on the odd occasion, "Have you been vaccinated?" I respond with "Yes, many times." Sad truth but I had no say as a child.
Good clarification. I wasn't aware of that.
I had hoped it was 23 million informed adults who told Boris, Whitty and Valance to piss off.
There aren’t 18m ineligible children (under 5s) in the U.K.
About a third of 20-30 year olds remain unjabbed.
I am the only unjabbed 40 something in my circle though. Sadly. Muppets. It’s going to be a lot of pressure to bear when they all succumb to ADE.
Me too, the fear mongering machine has worked well on the Brits unfortunately.
What about the people that give no reason for getting the shot after hiding the fact that they got them. What is the point of it all?
My brother just told me today that he got the shots 8 months ago. Since that time he has had four colds and covid multiple times. My brother lives with our mother and me and my unshotted sister have to go over and caretake our mom every day. Now my sister knows why she got a frozen shoulder 7 months ago, and I got an enlarged neck lymph node at the same time.
These are shedding shot side effects to the unshotted and hidden by the shotted for no reason other than narcissism and stupidity.
They believed the narrative and will likely pay the price for that lapse of judgement.
I don't judge, or get confrontational with people for getting the jab, unless they are trying to shame others for staying pure.
I have noticed the exact same thing. Started about six months ago and is becoming more pronounced.
My wife and I are vaccine free and will remain so. Thank you for your tireless effort to inform, no doubt risking ridicule and cancellation. When the smoke of this mess clears, I hope you get the credit you deserve for your courage and leadership!
as someone who caught the virus early on, had very mild symptoms (in part I think to being hammered by the swine flu years earlier), I have managed to move through the pandemic with no issues from covid. Like many, I have been pretty devastated by the onslaught of fear rather than illness. The tipping point came when i went from a fully masked, no one socialising and soon to be mandated washington state to the uk to visit family. It was the height of the uk delta outbreak and they had just dropped all restrictions. I stayed 18 days, tested five times and was moving freely on day 6 where i then proceeded to go to crowded pubs, a large wedding and very crowded trains. all the while testing negative and feeling so grateful to just be outside of the fear. It confirmed what i had felt all along, but what I was being told was absolutely not true, that I was okay. I find the fear has been especially crippling, so much so that I wrote about how to move on -
Could you at some point do a primer on the concept of "training" the innate immune system? I suspect many laymen (and probably medical professionals too?) think that immune system training is confined to the adaptive immune system.
Thank you, Dr. GVB. Due to neuropathy from a flu shot in 2013 as well as a severe case of unilateral facial paralysis (AKA Bell's) in early 2021, I remain un-injected. Other than that, I'm very healthy and am increasing my contacts despite this false notion that un-injected people pose a grave threat to so-called fully vaccinated people. Unlike these folks, I am not living my life in abject fear. However, soon I will be barred from entering restaurants and indoor facilities in my city as this falsehood is perpetuated and thus believed by so many.
By this time we all know that anyone can get it, anyone can spread it yet the unjustifiable and nonsensical discrimination continues and seems to be ramping up even as new information and admissions come from the CDC. Many "fully vaccinated" people blame "unvaccinated" people for new variants and ostensibly prolongation of the pandemic as this lie is repeated by "experts" on national public radio and other news outlets ad nauseam. I am very grateful for your extensive research on this important issue.
This Canadian scientist reviews a study whereby the authors claim to show the vaccines are causing the escape variants
This can be the only reason this vaxmania and scapegoating continues. The belief that the variants are arising (out of nowhere) in healthy unvaxxed people is a hard one to shake, especially since people rarely give a reason for their revulsion.
In the US the Resistance movement is still STRONG despite the fact that the plutocrats refuse through thick and thin to acknowledge that their "vaccines" have failed. The mantra that you'll hear from every congress/senate staff member who has just been infected is:
"... my fully vaccinated status — and the booster I received — have rendered the infection much more mild than it would otherwise have been. And I am grateful for that. The vaccine works...".
Who wrote this script for all of them? I don't know.
Imagine that these are the people who lead a country and they're unable to think logically. After 2 years they've been unable to "flatten the curve" that they had promised would take only 2 weeks in 2020 and they still want the citizens to believe in what they say... Have reptilians invaded the planet and taken its leadership hostage?
Is the power of reason dead on this planet?
I think so since the Secretary of Defense (with his $800 billion budget) who has just been infected by Omicron says something like this:
"The vaccines work and will remain a military medical requirement for our workforce. I continue to encourage everyone eligible for a booster shot to get one. This remains a readiness issue...".
He has just discharged 100s of Marines for refusing his 'vaccines" diktat. These are the only few in the military who still recall what happened to the Gulf War I veterans who took Anthrax vaccines doped with Squalene in 1991 and who caught the Gulf War syndrome (250,000 US soldiers 33,000 UK soldiers).
Heureusement que le ridicule ne tue pas!
The discharged marines actually got the better deal.
Just walked away from the teaching faculty of a major university after 21 years. Critically b/c I said no to the mandates & exemptions. Was barred from teaching scamdemic politics in a course on. . .politics.
My health will miss being in classrooms 3X/wk getting constant, low-level exposure from students.
Will have to substitute something else.
Almost all faculty talk like students are a weaponized biohazard. Huge mistake to keep the young home. For everyone. It’s gonna backfire.
Good work here. TY
Please support they also have a substack and are in the process of sending letters out to all universities who require the vaccine. They have already had two universities change their vax requirement. You can read the letter they sent out on their substack account. It is powerful. I truly hope and pray this will start a domino effect.
I know some have been fearful of shedding from this jab, I have also heard of menstrual irregularities caused from being in close contact of others who have been jabbed but only heard this anecdotally.
I would like to hear others thoughts on this as what is being shed after jabbing would be bits of spike rather than the whole virus. I work closely with people (considered medium risk by what was PHE) and have done through out the lockdowns (apart from the first) and most of my patients are jabbed, I haven't been aware of any effect on myself, in fact I wonder if being exposed to the bits of spike being shed after being exposed to a patient who was recently jabbed actually helps teach my immune system how to deal with it.
Thank you, Dr. GVB. And I like your reminder to folks that the more fear one has, the higher probability of becoming ill. Once I let go of my fear, I clearly saw reality and truth. And I also like your message about individual responsibility. My personal health is MY responsibility...not the government’s, or the corporations behind the curtain controlling them.
I am not vaxxed. I had the delta in September and fully recovered. Since then I have helped/cared for, 7 other people with Covid in either my home or theirs. I have not gotten sick again, but have felt very well throughout. I have no intention of being vaccinated.
Your comments and advice to the unvaccinated is appreciated, But please provide more detailed advice. It is not easy to increase contacts in the environment of a pandemic. Many unvaccinated And uninfected individuals actually restricted their contacts with other people in order to stay healthy, what is your advice to this group of people? Thank you for all your work.
Dr. Pierre Kory: Ivermectin:
would be better.
Prevention, treatment, vaccine sequelae, post-infection sequelae, for doctors
The five protocols of , and related papers are also posted.
In Japan, Merck's Japanese subsidiary spitefully does not ship ivermectin (stromectol) for COVID-19, so I personally import it from India.
Since my sister lives in Washington State, the stores I told her about are as follows.
12mg * 30 tablets 57.5$ to 60 tablets 108$ to 120 tablets 216$
They sell Ivermectol without a prescription.
Ivermectol's Indian manufacturer, SunFarma, is a subsidiary of Japan's Daiichi Sankyo pharmaceutical company and considers its manufacturing process control to be somewhat reliable.
Thank you for these wise words.
UK ITU Doctor Confront Health Secretary about Mandatory Vaccinations.
An awkward exchange from an unvaccinated doctor about waning vaccines
Thank you . Excellent advice and very much appreciated.
Great to see Dr Raszek mentioned! He is a Canadian doing wonderful little outdoor science walk and talks and validates your work in the latest one. Read the comments. Thank you for being so steadfast throughout this. You were right all along and I'm glad my intuition told me you were to be trusted.