here is CDC's "history of pandemics.... or flu (the old name). Pandemic sounds scarier.

this has not been updated in a while so save this version while you can. I am sure they need to do some tweaking to this information at some point to make this event meaningful to their narrative. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pandemic-timeline-1930-and-beyond.htm

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Doctor Vanden Bossche… have you heard of nanorazors made of graphene hydroxide in the vaccine ? German whistleblower Andreas Noack was murdered over this ? Thank you

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Dr. Vanden Bossche, thank you for sharing your knowledge. Can you comment on the credibility of Thailand Medical News. They are putting out some detailed but very frightening information regarding covid and particularly the newest variants like Omicron. They claim that omicron is milder initially, but deadly in the longer term, even suggesting that prior immunity to previous corona viruses (colds etc) make the situation worse. All their articles seem extremely alarming. They do say, like you have all along, that mass vaccination is driving the mutations but that it cannot be remedied now. That is what I got from one of their articles, yet none of them offer any hope. There are also a lot of advertisements fir masks etc on their website. I hope you can comment on their motivation. Thank you!!

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Finally my only point of contention with your thesis is considered Dr. Vanden Bossche!

" thereby making yearly vaccination with updated Flu shots completely redundant!"

This could be true!! After learning about how "vaccines work", I'm very cautious and under-confident about our approach to any immunization against respiratory infections.

Have you seen the Hazard Ratios during the early vaccination of Vulnerables against FLU when properly analyzed without immortal time bias? Looks exactly like Covid! (See last page of supplementary appendix) https://ete-online.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12982-020-00091-z#Sec18

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