Wake up…vaccines have been a CDC for power and profit scam for nearly 50 years.

“The Return of the Microbes” Part 3 - The Aging Viking


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Anything to do with spike if I understand the science is a flawed route to go down, one really needs to get a grip with these scientists who one minute are saying 8 mice tested and bivalent vaccine is good to go, now a cooks brew of Yellow fever, again and again we see the shortness of time in these claims of the next good thing, admire the experiments seeking to find the right pathway, just give some real time to view the evidence PLEASE.

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"Get a grip?"

Yes every single one of them should be gripped by the throat until they stop breathing.

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Oh the evil intentions have burst forward from you.

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Seems to me that it's more important for the powers-that-be to promote and use vaccines and medications that are toxic and useless. There are a handful of medications and antioxidants available that actually help people. Forget the experimental stuff on this end. It makes perfect sense to me to use medical therapies that actually have a proven track record to administer.

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How we forget the spike is the bugger that gets in to the nucleus of a cell , breaks through brain barriers gets into your heart, ovaries , kidney now a mixed attempt to put more in yet another failed time trial, time being so deficient on all these studies, just ask the 8 mice responcible for the bivalent vaccine being approved another concoction of spike, UNDERSTAND spike is not the way , I get that why can not these special scientists.

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Spike is “mysteriously” effective and patented.

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The spike patent is worthless if everyone refuses to take it.

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I get the feeling that somebody wants more people patents. As far as I can discern. If you're wearing the "software of life." The patient owner owns the GMO patent. Good to know that there are safer and better ways to fight against diseases and actually stand a chance of winning. Experimental fake medicines are no match against medicines that have proved themselves time and time again.

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spike protein takes care of everything.

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good question indeed.

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The "Spike Protein" is a clearly a patented synthetic entity, and if it is actually practical, causes the alleged effects, is manufactured and is put in vaccines, is probably a biological/chemical weapon component or deception signature in the C19 vaccines, biological/chemical weapons of genocide!

Animal tests are not proof of much, or anything, for humans, because there can be significant metabolic and body structure differences between species, especially between a top tier carnivore/omnivore like man, and a lower tier and much smaller animal like a rodent.

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What could go possibly wrong by adding a spike to what is widely known as one of the worst vaccines to take as yellow fever.

There seems to be a compulsive obsession in getting everyone jabbed up to the hilt, even those who are not at risk. Not content with the usual childhood vaccines they’ve pushed covid and now flu jabs full throttle when neither is needed, parents stand up and protect your children from the ever growing profiteering racket known as big pharma, they do not care about the wreckage or carnage they have and are still causing.

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Thanks for sharing such important information from these bogus papers Dr Bossche outstanding analysis

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I never fully understand Geerts prognosis on these complex issues.

He seems to have some respect for the capacity of the current vaccines to prevent severe infections, although I don't see it in the real world data , but he thinks vaccination will continue to drive evolution of immune escape variants. Does that really matter if he believes they are still protected, or is he suggesting we are on the cusp of something quite destructive, vaccinated, or not?

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Bingo. However, I believe Geert needs to trust in God and let the chips fall where they may. We can’t undo the damage that’s been done to the people foolish enough to be coerced into allowing themselves to be injected with this garbage. Continuing to add to the same nightmare that is already upon us will only make this whole thing worse and worse and worse. Despite his good intentions, does Geert want that on his conscience? How about we just stop doing this crap to humanity? Let’s just put an immediate halt to this evil insanity and worry about moving forward from here. We can start by holding the perpetrators of this scam accountable.

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The God thing is an interesting concept. Clearly we were not intended by God, to live forever, as nature is designed to kill us, one way, or another. So the question then becomes, should we oppose nature, in order to oppose death? It seems humanity is hell bent on any scheme that tries to do so. It's as if anyone who doesn't live to 100 has been cheated and we need to eliminate the cause for premature death, or any suffering for that matter. To justify this thinking, humanity has utilized psychological controls that the rest of nature does not employ. These focus on notions of guilt, empathy, compassion and other constructs that the rest of nature doesn't give a damn about. I think Dawkins called it the Selfish Gene.

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I prefer the word, “expire.” Lol. You’re discussing the perpetual question of “who am I and why am I here” which is pondered by every thinking human. Suffering and death are a part of our experience in life and should result in growth of character in this classroom here on earth. The atheistic global sociopaths are actively pursuing immortality, power and control through “trans humanism. “ The gene-altering devices are their opening salvo in this endeavor against humanity. Seems a common theme with these people is a lack of accountability wherein they can do as they please to the rest of the world and never have to pay a price for their pursuit of power and control over everyone and everything, including death. I find that evil and sick.

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But, no one/ nothing can't take our light. Keep on shining and rising above the darkness. IT'S NOT FOR THE FAINT of HEART to experience the adventure and keep on beating~

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They're trying with geo engineering the spraying of particles from planes into the atmosphere to reflect the suns rays and light in support of " climate"

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It seems like these psychopaths corportocrists are convinced they can control our behavior so that they will create an equitably justice ideal society they will be proud of. And they will allocate earthly resouces justly! Of course as privileged genies they will deserve the best

What could go wrong

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But, we know who we are and what we are made of! Free will lives on forever through history of psychopaths, ego manics, narrissists, evil dooers. Just our turn to fight the battle head on for humanity. Female's can run from getting burned at the stake from speaking. Lot of history is being uncovered from all are ancestors that have suffered and seen their demise from evil forces. NOW the light is shining to dissolve, to make way for the truth to thrive in.

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Thanks for your analysis. Reading stuff like this continues helping me grow in my ability and awareness of how to look at studies.

The insistence on finding more ways to continue injecting an otherwise disinterested {mostly} population with new, shiny products {that draw their interest} is getting tiresome, to say the least.

I wish more people would wake up and see it all for what it is. Two weeks to flatten the curve has become a lifetime, apparently, of the latest every six monthly injections.

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In Japan, it's now offered again after 3 months. . . and people are taking it at this short interval. I am worried sick as to the outcome.

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Geert, was this a mistake or is this now your view? You wrote: "It has, indeed, become obvious that C-19 vaccines still protect vaccinees from severe C-19 disease (and even from C-19 disease altogether),"

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I believe that is quoted correctly, his position hasnt changed, and the studies show it is true so far. However he is not saying anything about C-19 vaccines adverse effects, nor is he saying the C-19 vaccines prevent infection or transmission, nor is he saying natural infection is less effective.

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I suppose it depends what one means by "C-19 disease" but his statement that it protects vaccinees from "C-19 disease altogether" sounded to me like he was saying it prevented any illness. Especially now with Omicron and its variants, I am surprised to see him write this.

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yes you can be infected without illness - that is called asymptomatic infection

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Of course. But he didn't speak of infection in my quoted statement. He spoke of protection against "C-19 disease altogether."

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unfortunately he doesnt respond in the comments

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Let’s just keep advocating jabs to pregnant women, really?!!

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it appears one way or the other, all these vaccines aim to inject more Spike Protein into us, and turn our bodies into factories to produce more Spike Protein.

Why is that?? What is so good about Spike Protein ??

before covid, i never heard of Spike Protein, but now it appears is all about it.

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There is nothing good about Spike protein. So far, it has turned out to be quite destructive. I would never have believed this even years ago, but it seems more and more likely this is part of a depopulation program.

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but if thats the case, why mandate these vaccines in Europe, US, Canada, Australia ... these are not most populated countries, despite all these immigration waves.

depopulation efforts would focus on countries with much larger population numbers. in india they fought covid with ivermectin etc. supplied by WHO, china does not have Spike Protein vaccines.

something does not add up ...

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They mandate them in the western countries because we value freedom, democracy, and equality. They have been breaking that for years with manipulation and pinning us against one another.... but to the point..

They mandate them in western countries because of our values, and they can replace our population with people who do not have our values and are getting an immediate upgrade in life by coming here. Kill the old stock and replace it, less population, population less knowledge about what you are doing behind closed doors, population that is coming into a system that you just rewrote the laws in using covid and "far right nationalist" manipulation. So the only thing standing in the way of that is really the westernized civilization that refuses to be controlled except by being convinced and that takes a lot of effort, you apparently can convince everyone of the past 2 years but they clearly planned a synchronized attack and it worked but natural law dictates you can fool some people some times but you cant fool all the people all the time.... so thats why its urgent they must muzzle the last of us and maintain control by all means.

You get the point, anyone can debate who is behind it if its the global elite, world eco forum, China, a combination of all those plus a bought and paid for political class, all i know is the end goal is population control on a systematic level, everyone tagged, everyone monitored. You will own nothing, you will be happy, and if you are not happy you will be diagnosed with a mental disorder, prescribed medication and public health will monitor you to make sure you take your medication for everyone and your own safety, hell, as i type this it sounds ludicrous on the face of it but all i am saying is this is what they WANT. Thats why its so urgent we realize the who's and what's about what is going on and move to the attack and demand prosecution because all the pieces for a global totalitarian state are there, think about it.... NATO, UN, WHO, WEF. Right there is your global governing branch, global economic division, global health division, and a global military.... ready to snap into place at a moment of extreme chaos, perhaps a mass depopulation event from this injection, as suggested. The END goal is they want this one government controlling literally everything. Your government is probably funding all those letter agencies and contributing to NATO's army.

What stands in the way of these agencies usurping world leadership?

Free people.

The End.

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The spike protein is probably another bio-weapon added to an already weaponized coronavirus lab creation. These snakes have ways of making diseases and viruses deadlier with their slicing and combination processes. Better off not to take their drugs (OTC) too, including vaccines since they seem to be designed to either create, accelerate death and disease, or make viruses and diseases worse than they were or would be without them.

If people are truly concerned about saving lives and improving human health. They could do so without filling up cemeteries, hospitals and nursing homes. No room in my heart to trust mass murderers masquerading as saviors of human health. I consider them more untrustworthy than before covid was unleashed in the world. And these people will more likely continue with their assaults on human health until their dying breath.

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I suspect that would be less disease and human suffering if people and organizations didn't exist who funded, and knew how to weaponize viruses and create biological weapons.

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One Mary to another..... we know what that name sake throughout history represents! lol. Yes, creating a new healthy petri dish to thrive in and jumping ship from the sickened petri dish cell it's over due to place our intention/attention . Female energy cleaning up the messes is happening. MOTHER earth is wanting to give birth and grow bigger in beauty, thrive, create after all.

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In all likelihood, spike protein is the immunogen researchers have been looking (err...developing) for as an adjuvant replacement.

The majority of coronaviruses, as such, do not elicit a strong immune response. Antibodies are rarely made, and even then are generally a-specific and short-lived. This spike protein (more so the original) seems particularly adept at making people's immune systems react more strongly (or overreact).

Ultimately, (at least based on what I have learned so far), the immune system bases its memory to coronaviruses on early-expressed, functionally constrained, non-structural viral proteins displayed during infection. The response is primarily innate and cellular, not humoral. Given that coronaviruses are in a quasi-swarm (constantly mutating), this immune strategy , while not necessarily preventing any infection, bypasses the issue of creating an overly specific and potentially detrimental response to an ever-changing virus.

Also, wild-type coronaviruses are fraught with replication errors and many virions created during infection are not actually infectious. Therefore, the severity of SARS-Cov1 and 2, for example, appears (again, from what I have learned) to be the result of viral purity which creates 'perfect' replication (at least at the beginning). Such purity is made from viral sequences stitched together using circular DNA and then turned into RNA with RNA polymerases. This purity does not exist in the wild and any lab leak while initially starting as pure and dangerous would eventually dilute with the ever-present coronavirus swarm and then be no more deadly than those. They do still kill people and we don't freak out about that - they just get lumped in with the yearly PLI - pneumonia-like illnesses. We don't test either 'cause it's virtually impossible with wild type coronaviruses. Interestingly, a pure version with high fidelity of reproduction is much easier to identify with PCR...

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There are other contents in the vasines that aren't disclosed to us. They are experimental products. We're still trying to figure out what the overall objective is. Maybe it's to protect us from nuclear radiation or something we don't know. At this point bring it on

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Thank you for the analysis.

Two things stood out to me while perusing the article

1. The research was funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

2. The introduction describes SARS-CoV2 as a zoonosis. No REAL evidence for this claim was presented. It was also stated that the pandemic likely occurred from a spillover event. The authors failed to suggest that the spillover event may well have occurred at a coronavirus lab.

Looks like the “scientists” were not too concerned about credible evidence from the start. No wonder Geert was able to poke so many holes in this flawed pie-in-the-sky research.

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i think scientists tend to ignore the fluffy intro and massaged conclusions of studies these days. those are put there to satisfy funders and get past the censors. the real goods are in the middle of the study, and of course the supplemental data, and raw data if available.

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Genuine question - how does this stack up against the admission by the Pfizer Director to the EU where she stated that the jab was never tested for the transmission of the disease?

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what do you think that "transmission of disease "means?

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My understanding of the term is the ability to transfer the disease from one person to another. What do you think it means, is it something different?

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quite correct.

the problem is that is seems that a lot of people, including some who one might think should know better, think it has something to do with getting infected.

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thats my understanding as well.

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what the definition of "is" is?

real question by ex - el presidente bill clinton to some inquiry on his sexual abuse allegations. there is a long line of crooks in this country, unfortunately they seem to gather around power for some reason.

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i cannot remember having asked you anything.

so why don't you get back into your mother's basement and play with your marbles.

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Short version of Geert’s lengthy and scholarly article is - the original toxxx shots and the “ updated “ omicron toxxx shots are both Garbage.

Don’t fall for any of these biased studies.

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Hmmmm ... lack of adequate controls. 🎯....shameful and shameless.

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How do we put an end to this bs "research"?

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Injectionists need to inject vasines vials into trash bin not people it is unethical and they too will later regret their actions.

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