Thank you. Your work is so appreciated.

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I appreciate GVDB's insights, but am left more confused than usual by this.

Why the Torii?

Why the sudden concern over smallpox?

Are we no longer worried about more virulent variants, especially for the jabbed?

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My thoughts exactly, Geert please expand on reasoning behind small pox, and childhood schedule.

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He thinks all the diseases which we considered largely eradicated will be returning to decimate us.

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Is this bc of the massive vaxing and is he referring to the vaxed as being decimated?

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But vaccination won't be the effective response, we need to give that up.

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I am guessing that he might, but I am often (or usually) guessing when it comes to GVB.

Decimate is one out of ten.

I hope that doesn't happen, nor is it worse.

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I thought I would lowball it and say decimate so as not to be too dramatic, but I have actually heard GVB in more than one interview clearly state that he fears and, indeed ~ especially most recently ~ *expects* far greater death tolls than mere decimation ...

"He who lives longest shall see the most."

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The concern regarding weakened immune system is due to a condition known as ADE . Basically the innate immunity is diminished due to the “gene modification programming” from the experimental chemical concoction being injected.

Shingles, past cancers they’d beaten, and many other diseases are already returning for many, and will rise because the herd immunity of the injected has been tampered down. People need to wake up and stop receiving more boosters which may cause their own demise at some point now or in the next few years.

This injection is not like traditional ones with a real live virus like in the past.

Dr Zelenko from Florida, who has done much research on all the “vaccine” patents by Gates, and Fauci’s cabal, has named the condition the injected will gets a VAIDS.

Vaccine AUTOIMMUNE Disease.

Fauci is the boy who cried wolf quite often. Look on DuckDuckGo.com (never throttled censored Google) for Swine flu stories and AIDS. He said the same HYSTERICAL things and made the same types of errors.

Look at President Ford getting an injection to psychologically influence the masses using the media….this is their framework. And many people are still injured from that Fauci fiasco (Swine flu vaccine) https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ford-swine-flu-vaccination_n_5ea831f2c5b6ab20b1532511

This covid gene experiment however is the most aggressive and medically irresponsible , unethical scamdemic . With so many reported Deaths and injuries it is on a par to Hitlers Mengler to me. It’s unconscionable to me and criminal - forcing people to get something put into their body they don’t want in order to feed their family and go to a store.

I am praying they are held to account at Nuremberg trial #2 soon.

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Isn’t it because of the vax destroying the immune system?

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I’ve been hearing for some time that the jabs harm immune systems so many diseases that were held in check by peoples immunity may now re-emerge in those people. TB was mentioned early on as a feared example. Not sure if GVB is referring to this prediction or not, but it’s scary.

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Martin, I am confused as well. I thought the concern was over highly infectious variants that are highly virulent.

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Unfortunately, we are far from having just one concern in this appalling "real life enactment" brought to us by the fiendish globalists. Both of the scenarios here mentioned are among the many enormous concerns.

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I think those of us who have had the smallpox vaccine will not be as susceptible to monkey pox~~he said in a video I watched the other day that monkey pox is going to spread to children, too. And those who have had flu shots in the past are going to be more susceptible to the new avian flu (or it can even come from minks, I think he said?). Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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If you can't get the smallpox vaccine or in my case don't want it, there may be an alternative. The purple pitcher plant has been used to treat smallpox in the past and some scientific research has been done into its effectiveness.

It may be hard to get a reliable source of extract and I am not saying it works but even the kew gardens info page mentions it use as a treatment for small pox..

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Herbal medicine used to treat smallpox in the 19th century found to halt viral replication in vitro


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This doesn't seem to be true even though "the experts" say that the childhood smallpox vaccination protects you from getting monkeypox. At least it didn't work that way back in 2003, when there was a small outbreak in the Midweast. Several people got the disease despite the childhood smallpox vaccination.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2168110/#r14

What was different than now, no human-to-human transmission was detected but this could have been just a behavioral issue; they didn't have enough sex with large enough groups?

The more important question is: Would the childhood vaccination work even against smallpox? I'm quite sure they'll be itching to get us injected with something when Smallpox gets loose from their lab.

But don't worry, if you (or your possible partner) don't have multiple sex partners who have lesions on their genitals/mouth, you have minimal risk of getting monkeypox. It may be a nasty disease but IRL you must have untreated AIDS to die for that. Easily treatable with tecovirimat (TPOXX).

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Do you mind me asking in which video you saw this? I’d like to watch it.

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Hi, Maria, here it is~~I think it's near the end when he talks about it.


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I just watched the latter half of this interview, Sheree, thank you. Everyone, I think it is worth listening to.

GVB: “We will find each other somewhere maybe in Africa. Africa will win this game. Why? Because they are not vaccinating … They are basically developing herd immunity. That’s the place where we will all need to go. It could be the end of Western Civilisation. The Romans, The Persians, The Greeks; it all happened for one or the other reason to them. And it would not be surprising that a pandemic like this one, which is no longer a natural pandemic, but which is really now a very fierce pandemic that is driven by humankind, would yield us the same result. Everything can happen, and it’s good to be prepared. But health-wise, as an unvaccinated, you don’t need to worry. You don’t need to worry about any of what we have been talking about.”

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Maria, you're welcome~~his words gave me great pause and I know he doesn't say anything lightly.

As far as prepping I think the thing most of us forget about is how others are going to want what we have (if we have food). I don't know what the solution is or if it's even possible to prep for something that is this catastrophic. But I remain hopeful that it will all be okay in the end.

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For the unvaccinated, he talks about getting enough sleep, keeping stress levels down, he mentions how he swims 30 mins daily, ie keeps in good shape.

As well of all of the above, I think I possibly need to start reading about (doomsday) prepping? If anyone has any recommendations in that genre I would welcome them.

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Jun 26, 2022
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I don't know~~I have never had a flu shot (never thought it made sense to get a shot based on the previous year's mutation) and I don't know why he thinks somehow having past flu shots might be a problem, but I hope it all goes well for everyone. It's all so sad and scary.

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I was also wondering about this. However, I read somewhere that if your flu shot was more than two years ago it has probably left your system altogether. Not sure if that is correct but I'm also hoping this is true as I had my last in 2018. I was also thinking I was making a wise health decisions back then.

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Jun 28, 2022
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PLoS Med. 2010 Apr; 7(4): e1000259.

Published online 2010 Apr 6. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000259

PMCID: PMC2850385

PMID: 20386730

Does Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Increase the Risk of Illness with the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic Virus?

Cécile Viboud 1 , * and Lone Simonsen 1 , 2


Study: Flu vaccine protection starts to wane within weeks


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GVB says to have access to anti virals if you have been vaccinated, and I’d apply that to the flu jab as well as C19 jab. I think he means Ivermectin, HCQ. We should all be taking D3, C, zinc and Quercetin daily. The last two have properties that help thwart viral replication, I’ve read. I have IVM and HCQ on hand should I or loved ones get sick.

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He also means;

Oil of Oregano

Sweet Wormwood

Black Seed Oil.

All show efficacy as antibacterial & antiviral.

Use in front of HCQ & Ivermectin.

Black Seed Oil as a daily supplement is a good place to start.

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I recently tried HCQ as a preventative and I got a full body rash. So I had to stop. (I tend to react to Rx drugs, so most will be okay with HCQ). So now I’ll try the black seed oil instead. Thanks for the reminder!

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when innate immunity is compromised, due to lot of issues, and covid multiple ineffective jabs are only one of these factors, but a crucial one, then other viruses make their appearance to profit from a weak organism

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Small pox can be devastating on a population, not something you want to take off, especially with Covid everywhere & a huge population with faulty immune systems. Vaccines are life savers & stop disability when they are good.

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Smallpox is airborne. So is monkeypox. And they persist on surfaces and linens. I don't think that smallpox vaccines are thought to be protective after about 5 years, but I could be wrong. Maybe it won't stop infection, but it might be milder? Be safe, all!

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False on MP.

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Watch his debate with Bigtree. I love Geert. But disagree with taking MMR +.

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I’m a nurse and after having a horrendous response to the 2nd cv19 shot in January 2021, I knew I had been poisoned and I will never trust another vax ever again. I’m 53 and used to get the “free” flu shot every year, to protect my patients. But now that I know how risky vaccines really are and how useless they’ve been I’ll no longer participate in this scam.

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I am a retired RN and I fully agree on all of your statements.

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Ditto here!

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The Guppies are out in front of the Whales.

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The fallacy of protecting others gets so many people on board with getting vaccinated and it is so wrong.

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It’s mass psychological operation . The uk sociologists group involved admitted they are involved in how to coerce the public to “submit”. Most normal people want to fit in and please others…they count on this for this program. Amp up your critical thinking brain to thrive in the new dark age.

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New Dark Age is really good. You nailed it by stating people want to fit in. I have believed for a long time that most people don’t want to entertain new ideas that contradict those of their group of friends because they don’t want to be dropped. I might call it herd stupidity.

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Jun 25, 2022
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I rarely use emoji’s other than the vomit one but you really choose a good set of them here…all very appropriate.

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Can you give me a reference please Awake....would like to follow this up being aware that Watson Al is being harnessed by most governments around the world to do this....


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https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/05/14/scientists-admit-totalitarian-use-fear-control-behaviour-covid/ There are many articles on www.DuckDuckGo.com regarding the regret of the SAGE team involved in the mass public fear campaign to influence behavior of the public to stay home and get the shots. The US has used similar think tank tactics using psychologists and sociologists to determine how to get the public to conform. Ie make it about making OTHERS safe… guilt and peer pressure tactics.

Good doctors know this is never good medicine.

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Thank You Awake

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Yeah, thanks IBM -- Not!

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Do you know IBMs system was used to “filter out” and find the Jews in Germany by Hitler. Amazing they are still in business and weren’t shut down.

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This was linked to me last night on my thread. At 8:56, this very logic is trotted out again.

It's a debate on the COVID vaccines which do NOT stop infection and transmission. And we have known this for a full year.

There is a Swamp Creature by the name of George Lomonoss who continues to make the "public health" case for these vaccines as with all vaccines, that they are protective of others.

Whether vaccines in the past have done this, leave aside.

These exp. injections do not. This man is lying and he is parroting a lie that we know to be false.

He should be punished for these lies.

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Both the first and the third people called on are shills for the vaccine makers. Notice that one is from Johns Hopkins, a very guilty party in all of this. Yes, they are spreading lies and the big problem is a ton of people believe them and people like us can’t get through to them.

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Self spreading vaccines Johns Hopkins.

Elite science has all been conscripted into the Evil Army.

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We must fight hard to stop these, so called, self spreading vaccines.

Interfering with complex dynamic systems, what could possibly go wrong?.

Answer. Everything and anything right up to extinction.

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Wow, ain't that the biggest sucker punch of all time!!!

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An interesting observation:

1.) HCW's are the most dogmatic about V's, and rarely change until they are directly harmed or see a family member harmed.

2.) Nurses figure this out 1000% faster than MDs or PhDs

3.) MD's and PhD's and Administrators ignore the Nurses that figure this out and continue the program, so change doesn't happen

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Right! The HCW’s are the most dogmatic, at least the ones I know, but then they know everything no matter what the topic. The MDs think they are at the top of their pecking order and look down upon the lowly nurses, many of whom look down at the peasant porters. The ones who get it don’t look down at others but instead appreciate their insight and honesty.

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Jun 25, 2022
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Well MD's have the most at stake. They have advocated or provided the jab for thousands of their clients. Now what do they do when the little angel on their shoulder speaks louder and says "you may have harmed those patients".

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Totally agree. We cannot trust anything these murderers promote. Nobody can be sure what they’re taking now.

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There are detox protocols. NAC being one of the primary. Recommend seeing FLCCC (covid19criticalcare) website of Drs Kory, Marik and other said for protocols. White pine bark tea is supposed to help and there is a refining with bentonite clay on line . Most of the FLCCC protocols against spike help. CoQ10, high dose turmeric (be careful on dose if you are on prescription blood thinners). See Dr Colleen Huber’s substack as well. Many of her commenters have tried various things with moderate success. 🙏 for u.

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Thank you, I’m doing all of it, including fasting.💖

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Same here. I’ll take a vaccine again. My baby, who is 1 will never take a vaccine. We focus on a traditional diet promoted by Weston A Price. Ever since our change in diet, I have t been sick once. My baby had never been sick and we’ll continue to protect ourselves naturally through good food, mineral water and sleep.

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My sister stayed away from vaccines, typically, as did I. However about 20 years ago her doctor convinced her to get the annual flu shot. She said she nearly died. Had the such an awful case of Influenza that she thought it

would kill her.

I am convinced virtually all vaccines do much more harm than good. I do know that my daughter's "safe and effective" CDC recommended & State required vaccines destroyed her health for her entire youth and childhood. Now she took 3 Pfizer per the "Nazi" Biden's Decree.

I pray continually.

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Jun 25, 2022
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I guess I was clueless before but I can see the culling now. I work in a large retirement home with its own small skilled nursing department. It’s so depressing to be the only one connecting the dots. I speak my mind too. They just laugh at me.

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it causes a lot of cognitive dissonance to own that you are harming, and possibly killing people, because you weren't as good at your job as you thought you were. It's hard to believe that a whole system can be built on lies, or that tiny little you might be more informed than the collective medical system.

My dad had a sign up in our house that said "God Heals, and the Doctor takes the Fee." I never forgot that. Let that guide you.

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I haven’t given any vaccines to anyone since October 2019….my facility hired CVS to give all cv19 and flu shots since dec 202…I refuse to administer all vaccines and EUA medications, too.

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Have you been able to get documentation for your boss of the unavailability of Comirnaty in the U.S.?

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Thank you for leading by example! I hope you recovered well from any harm from your shots

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I’ve often longed to have the ability to give the shot— I have given my grandma insulin and given horses, goats and dogs shots now & then. If I were in your shoes, rather than say you won’t give them, I’d pretend to administer the shots all day long.

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Your lucky. Some of mu friends kinda resent or hate me now. I tried to explain more to them. One said I DON’T CARE!

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Someone on a Substack recently was writing about this phenomenon, which he now describes as "aggressive ignorance," as well as "aggressive indifference." SO sad ...

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I’m shocked how reckless people have become with their health!

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Lost quite a few too. Family also shunned me. Sigh

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Stand strong. You have support in this community.

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Stand firm someday the truth might set them free of their cognitive disidence. My closest friends think I'm some kind of freak. Sometimes it's lonely being right and well informed vs being a sheeple.

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Me too! I’m over it and they are still in cognitive dissidence. They are SO blind and it doesn’t matter what I show them

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My 23 yo son says that too:(

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I'm a little surprised to hear you still have a job! You must live in a red state huh?

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I actually live in Marin county north of San Francisco. I live in Sausalito. Literally just woke up last August…and lost all my old friends because I cannot tolerate their zombie ways. I’m still working because I got jabbed x2 and put in a religious exemption to avoid the booster. My employer accepted the request for about a month then asked me for medical exemption so I got a lawyer who save me and another coworker from having to take the third. I imagine things will crank up this fall so we shall see how it pans out but to be clear I will never take another vaccine of any kind ever again what ever the consequences may be.

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My heart goes out to you. I also live in the California -In LA. I'm not in the medical care profession but I believe any one in this field who dare to speak and stand their ground should be celebrated as heroes. Cheers, Christina.

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I lived in beautiful Marin ( Sausalito too) for 29 years. I left in 2019 to Fl.

The insane lunacy of CA totally frightened me....

My sister still lives in Marin..MV....

We are estranged....

her jabs matter more than family ..

GOD bless you for awakening to the sad reality of the plandemic...

Trust no one. Follow ur own inate critical thinking skills‼️

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So sorry to hear you had to take two C-19 vacs. I was "lucky" and retired after 42yrs in a acute care hospitial job(PT). I avoided taking any flu shots after almost constant pressure from some higher ups in the hospital. But my last four years before retirement I was mandated or be fired. (Can't believe we living with such tyranny in the land of the free). After the first mandated flu shot I got the flu for the first time in my life and was deathy ill for 3 weeks. And being the giving person that I am, I shared that nasty flu with my wife and she too was terribly sick.

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Jun 26, 2022
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Already been doing that. Every jab (they’re on their 4th) a few deaths will occur 3-6 weeks after. It’s impossible to count every stroke, neurological and rash that occurs as I don’t work one on one with all the residents in our building. Also noticed that death certificates aren’t going into the charts for over 1.5 years now. Have no idea where they are putting them. Highly suspicious to me. As they used to get into the charts within a month or maybe a couple of months.

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Jun 26, 2022
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sadly, it's probably because of the flu shots. I remember reading the early VAERS cases. It was full of people in nursing homes that were either COVID+ (which meant they should not have been vaccinated for at least 90 days after testing negative), or COVID recovered. Many died within hours, or the first day or two. People who were old and survived COVID, killed.

Someone I know was caring for her 90+yr old dad at home. She found him after he collapsed in the bathroom. He didn't survive the stroke, though he likely had survived COVID, because my friend got it early on (Jan 2021 lost taste and smell) and had long haulers symptoms, all while caring for her dad. She had been so careful with him, and took him to a drive through clinic so that he wouldn't be exposed. She sincerely believed that they were safe, though she was warned by people like me. She did mention, afterwards, that she would never know if it was the shot that did it. Which is true (he was old, and had heart issues), but an acknowledgment that heard our warnings. Her mom died a few weeks later in a care home. I think she lost both parents in less than a month.

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So many human tragedies behind all of this. It’s awful.

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What is as bad is the hoardes of ppl who still refuse to see what has happened and is happening!!

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F*ck. I just learned today that she died a few weeks ago (June 9th). Early COVID (lost taste and smell), then vaxxed, likely boosted (not sure). COVID Long Hauler. Died swiftly of cancer. I am heartbroken :(

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I’m so sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.

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She was an incredible person, and truly earned peaceful rest. Her family must be reeling.

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Maybe the should have been speaking out years ago. More people keeping quiet has put us in this position we are in today. There's only so much parents of the vax injured can do to spread awareness. Those in the healthcare field needed to share their experiences as well. Well, here we are...I'll never understand their complicitness. It becomes just as bad as those doing it intentionally.

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I never heard of VAERS until I had my nasty experience with my 2nd Pfizer dose. I personally stayed away from most medications as I’m a sensitive person. I work in long term care and every elderly person is on 10+ meds and their families demand antibiotics, etc. I’ve never noticed suspicious deaths until the Covid pandemic. They’re elderly. They sometimes die of sudden deaths and it’s accepted. Everyone that’s died post shot (including the shingles shots-dying with shingles after their shot!)no one around me puts it together. I try to connect the dots but they just call me a conspiracy theorist. It’s maddening.

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Continue speaking your truth. I've been doing it for years. I only know it pays off bec/i get private messages sent to me or stopped in the store a long time after I've made an impact on them. You'll never know when you are waking people up and who you've planted seeds for. And then there are those you plant the seed for and their next seed from another person. All I can say is it's thankless but necessary so we make things right for our children and grandchildren. Stay strong. <3

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I just posted this question as you were posting your response: "I was very surprised to see you recc'ing the regular childhood vaccines. Why are you telling us to worry about things like chicken pox and mumps and measles, when the vast majority of healthy children tolerate these illnesses without issue (much like CV19)?"

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I haven't seen Dr. Vanden Bossche post replies to comments on SS. Otherwise I would stay silent. But if I had to speculate it is the data that show live attenuated vaccines provide a benefit when considering all cause mortality, whereas all other vaccine formulations do not. So if SC2 is weakening immunity on the population level resulting in higher prevalence of measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella, then he is suggesting to consider making sure kids have the live attenuated vaccinations that are available. I'm not sure what live attenuated, replication competent vaccines are administered in USA. I thought the varicella vaccine is not that kind. Commenters please correct me.

*edit* the two approved varicella vaccines in the US are live attenuated.


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But kids who don't get the vaccines are healthier overall? So... (shrug)

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And at this point why would you trust any pHARMaceutical for yourself much less for your child😳

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US kids are the most vaccinated and are likely the least healthy in the western world. Not a lot to recommend the childhood vaccines.

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has a lot to do with many things such as diet,exercise, etc

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Agreed please see my post above

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I've known too many people with damaged kids from the regular schedule, let alone this one.

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Generally. Also there are interesting long term benefits to exposure that they haven't been able to clearly figure out- such as the seemingly protective effects against cardiovascular disease later in life.

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So if SC2 is weakening immunity on the population level resulting in higher prevalence of, thats problem all these guys are just guessing at this point. Think of it this way you cooking something, you add to much of one spice so you try to correct it with other spices, thinking you fix the problem you plate up your food and taste it, and it tastes like crap you can not eat you must trash it and start over. all Attenuated vaccines all of them have never been tested to see if they cause cancer, or reproductive issue they all state so in there inserts. when there is no liability for your product, you go for the money thats been there M.O. for decades (justice means nothing today) the whole system is corrupt all based on profit not health sad really because these clowns have a lot of power.

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The huge problem is all the other gunk they put in the vaccines now... Can we EVER trust a current vaccine to be manufactured with absolute integrity for the health of a humanity that is in the process of being culled?

I think I'mma take my chances.

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No we can’t. I will never get another vaccine and I had plenty before this, including the Covid VAX. This entire situation has made me realize that we cannot trust our medical system ever again. It’s deliberately killing people.

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Yep! I hope you heal from the inoculation without any long-term damage and will be okay.

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I feel exactly the same way. It goes to show how deep belief systems go. I am sure he hasn't checked the research by doctors who have been barred from practice. It's a pity because anyone who touts vaccines, to me, are rather dangerous. There are no safety studies on children who take vaccines and those who don't. Why not we ought to ask? More cloak and daggers?

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No one wants to know. No one wants that kind of paradigm shift. The matrix is real.

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Yes, I’m just learning about the matrix and how deep it’s roots are. For example, even though I decided I’d never take a vaccine again (after my bad reaction in Jan ‘21) I went ahead and got my poor cat a rabies vaccine in September’21….she died a miserable death 3 days afterwards. Well, it solidified my decision to never vaccinate again.

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Oh my goodness I am so so so very sorry.

I know your absolute pain.

I lost a kitty 8 years ago to too many drugs. Oh gosh, I cannot even think about that now, but I have still a lot of pain in my heart

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That's very tragic. It is confounding that people don't know anything about vaccines, and often not even doctors. Their span of knowledge is extremely narrow, they don't look outside their "industry" to find cures. So many cures are easy as pie. I NEVER go to the doctors and never will. I believe they are doing the work of cultists and they are totally oblivious to it. They won't even engage in conversation to learn something new and have swallowed the fraud wholesale. Very concerning.

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I live in BC Canada as a terminated medical laboratory technologist. In the region that I was employed only 5% out of 10,000 medical health professionals refused the experimental shot and believe fake science. In December 2021 when they started vaccinating here I heard of many people getting Covid after it, some with complications. I decided that I wouldn't take the shot and continued working my double shifts till October 2021 when I was terminated. Never sick even one day in the 4.5 years that I was there. I finally got Covid in May 2022, just like the last cold I had in December 2016. I believe in the shedding phenomenon as I wasn't close to anyone, but now I have antibodies against it as my immune system did what my immunology lectures said it does.

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For doctors, their well paid jobs depend on believing the fraud, so only a very few will ever be honest enough to stick their cowardly heads above the parapet.

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I'm sorry about your cat, that is awful. I too, learned the dangers of vaccines because I wanted to be a good pet parent. I am grateful for my early education on these matters, before it became politicized (almost 15 yrs ago). I had to sign a contract not to 'overvaccinate' and was to follow the Jean Dodds DVM protocol. I learned that overvaccination could cause: allergies, seizures, autoimmunity, neurological problems, cancer. WOW! Like you, I thought the problem was just too much, not that the concept was altogether an outdated, inelegant science. I learned the difference between modified live viruses and killed viruses, I learned that some vaccines were pointless (like bordetella and coronaviruses for dogs, because they circulate and mutate too quickly). I learned that some manufacturers were better than others, and learned about mercury and other toxic additives in vaccines. I learned about titer testing for antibodies instead of booster shots. I learned that rabies shots probably lasted a lifetime.

Then ten years ago, we bought my dad a kitten. It had FIP (wet), which was a fatal ADE version of coronavirus. We lost two kittens to this disease. I guess God really wanted to prepare me for this time.

I don't have kids, so I just kept this all quietly to myself. I contemplated and researched, but it didn't matter that much. Then the Disney measles outbreak happened, and everything started getting politicized. At some point, I got curious about the human vaccines, because the things parents were claiming about vaccine injury perfectly mirrored the veterinary literature. And here we are. The parents aren't wrong, and they weren't wrong.

I was lucky enough to have my dog for 14+ years. Average age for the breed is 12, so we did pretty well. Only took her to the vet a handful of times, and am pretty certain she would have lived longer if I never vaccinated her. She only got puppy shots, and one rabies shot around 2 before I stopped completely. Dilated Cardiomyopathy was what got her. A consequence of industrial dog foods. I probably could have avoided that simply by feeding her 1 chicken heart a day. Modern medicine and modern food have really led us astray and caused much unnecessary suffering. It's important to look forward, not dwell too much on how things could have been.

Again, sorry for your loss, and welcome to the good side of the fight. Marin County is beautiful, and I've always wanted to tour the floating homes out that way. I visited Muir Woods, just north of there, and it was enchanting!

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I think they've tricked us with vaccines. I suspect they make some of them "work" but they too probably also cause other chronic diseases. Vaccines are used experimentally on humans and animals. Indeed, it seems like all of our earth is being used as a sick experiment. Our forests are being decimated like there's no tomorrow, after decades of cancer funding, still no cure for cancer (chemo only has about a 5% success rate within 5 years) Yet everyone doesn't seem to understand the dire situation we are in on all fronts. They're still talking about taking vacations or going to concerts. We are being genocided and we have a chance this time to turn the course 180 degrees. Yet everyone is twiddling.

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Wow - it is nuts that you were able to find out this stuff about pet shots when it's like pulling teeth to get anyone to talk like this about human shots!! You sound like a wonderful pet parent <3

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omg how horrible. I'm sorry.

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So sorry.

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Well at least parents are now starting to say wait what.. no safety studies really? I saw New York Times piece where peaditricians were complaining that parents weren't accepting what they told them anymore and accusing them of being pharma shills... So who knows maybe this covid thing had a small silver lining

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I'm hoping this will completely change the landscape and make everyone take responsibility for what they believe and especially what they put into their bodies and their children's bodies. I feel quite confident of this especially if we who know, keep on talking.

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Seems there’s zero signs of that happening here in the Bay Area, sadly

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Oh don't I know it. It infiltrates every corner of society especially (alas) the most highly trained. Have you heard Dr Thomas Cowan explain about terrain theory? Medical schools don't even mention this theory - why not? And why doesn't anyone ask these questions and insist on answers instead of the usual total ignore-ance?

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I've never seen the word ignorance written out like that - that's kind of brilliant!

And yes. During this pandemic, watching the smartest people I know - some truly truly brilliant minds - fall to the rhetoric wholeheartedly, was trully staggering for me.

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For me too and many others. We are simply staggered by the total denial and total lack of asking any questions or wanting to talk about it in a way that is out of the spiel. This is a fascinating thing to witness. It tells me that one can be very learned and still not able to deduce reality from fiction. This means we are surrounded by a dangerous cult-minded mind virus more than the flu virus. What's next in their little serious of episodes one can wonder...

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My five kids weren't vaccinated during childhood they all have had very healthy lives so far. Oldest 35 youngest is 23. No asthma eczema for allergies zilch. They all caught covid barely symptomatic and haven't had it again even as vaxxed friends keep catching it over again. However the 26 year old took x2 Pfizer to keep her job. She has now had Covid 3 times since then each time worse than before and flu twice and it's mid summer. I don't know what to advise her now.

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The Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) have a detailed protocol for those who took the jab and are suffering now. It involves ivermectin and a bunch of over-the-counter recommendations such as vitD, zinc, quercetin I think, and much more. There is a one-page print-out that they have published on their website which you could give your daughter. I’m sure it’d help.

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And the protecol uses melatonin.

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I would tell her to focus on her melatonin levels through outdoor IR and not take another shot. Even better if she can find an outdoor job, especially over summer.

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Ok thanks she's coming here to Greece soon for three weeks. Lots of sunshine :)

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There could be a big problem in the medical system if these childhood illnesses began to manifest simultaneously in children of all ages lacking prior immunity. Imagine the pediatric waiting rooms.

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Most healthy children will be fine and will not end up in the hospital (maybe you mean doctors' office waiting rooms?).

You're right, adults might have more of an issue.

An issue we caused by making sure there's no such thing as lasting immunity anymore.

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Exactly! MMR has driven many innocent children into Autism, Autoimmunity and Asthma, etc....

Please read Dr. Theresa Deisher's Open Letter to Legislators, watch Vaxxed 1 and 2, and read Dissolving Illusions, if you have any questions, or watch Dr. David Ayoub's presentation to American Society of Physicians and Surgeons entitled "Beyond Thimerosal." It's on Rumble or Odysee I think.

"Safe" childhood CDC forced vaccines almost killed my flawlessly healthy baby girl at 4 and 5 years of age, 20+ years ago now.

I've been looking into the Kavorckian mix in the vaccinators needles ever since, and know well that the catastrophic situation with ill health and horrible disease in America's children is a direct result of FDA and CDC's endless "safe and effective" childhood poisoning in "vaccines."

Nothing beats natural immunity, a healthy human being and breast milk. Which is why there is a war on that also.

Good luck everyone. The mad scientists and politicians have set the dogs of disease, famine and war loose upon humanity.

Pray. A lot. Help your neighbor...and stock up on good safe medicines, herbal, homeopathic, nutraceutical, or pharmaceutical, if you can buy older out of patent drugs with actual safety profiles.

(And let's think about electing non-psychopaths for a change!)

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Psychopaths are disproportionately attracted to over-concentrations of power, which in turn have been created by overly-large organizations of any kind. "Too big to NOT fail" is flooding the landscape with Top-Down directives. Psychopaths-with-too-much-power always ends in widespread destruction. We are currently watching our Public Health systems in the Top-Down mode. Problem. In America II organizations will be kept small and "flat".

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I'm all for small. And accountability. No government should get a budget that isn't attached to performance, analysis and public approval.

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Wow thank you for your story Katherine, and for your perseverence and bravery and suggestions. This is so hard, to realize. Best

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Someday GVB, you will get red pilled, i cannot imagine you have not seen damages from vaccines in the animals you treat. I would like to see you and Tess Lawrie/others have an in-depth discussion or debate, based on what Tess said to Geert in a video, that she sees almost no kids with disease damage but lots of kids with vaccine damages, even pre covid....how would one know if one doesn't treat kids?.....maybe GVB, you must to say that to keep credentials, but seems you really believe in the childhood whackscene schedule; and still no control group for either animals or people, pre covid....so, on what do we base this belief?

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I know people who have lived this. They weren't as lucky, they didn't get complete recovery. But they did make big strides. But for them - it was clear as day what caused the symptoms. You can say correlation does not equal causation, but when numerous parents bring their up-to-that-point-developing-perfectly kids into the dr, get a shot, and very shortly thereafter they regress into autism-like symptoms - you can't say "well, it would have happened anyway." At some point you have to take off the blinders. Of course, it doesn't happen on such an obvious level for all kids. Thank goodness!!! But.

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It's the denial of these results that stump the mind. And then constant reports of daily numbers of supposed covid outbreaks that only reached into the teens. No differentiation between the alleged covid and the regular seasonal flu - just complete dismissal of these questions. This should make any thinking person stop and question - why the inconsistencies?

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You are absolutely 💯 correct.

And all the moronic "experts" and physicians who refused to listen to parent after parent after parent need to barred from medicine and public policy.

I've come to the conclusion that everyone who has taken the poison shots has been damaged.

None of us know how intelligent, low long-lived, how physically healthy or how intuitive, creative, etc., etc., we would have been without them.

Toxins harm. End of story.

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You are correct

Every vaccinated person, especially the 3x+ ones ALL have suffered some degree of myocarditis in their heart tissues.

Some die suddenly (SADA) by multiple Jabs while others have the (silent) heart attacks that cause the damaged heart tissue to enlarge the heart, further reducing pumping efficiency until exertions/time intersect.

Lots of "unexpected" heart attack deaths coming for people in their 30's & 40's over the next 2-3 years.

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I pray you are wrong, but fear you may be correct. The one thing that gives me some hope is that there was extreme variability in the toxicity of the lots they rolled out. Perhaps many who recieved the less toxic batches may have escaped serious harm?

Only time will tell. But the immune system is pretty miraculous, given a little help. Healing is usually possible in my view, we just don't have enough knowledge, all too often.....

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MMR causes autism -- the issue appears to be taking 3 in 1.

I want to post the link 'Vaxxed' but I cannot find the film - seems to have been scrubbed - or at least well buried

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Yes, i cant find easily but https://vaxxedthemovie.com/ has ways to purchase and maybe the time is now to do that if one can?

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There were free versions ... which I can't find

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oh yes I agree, there were, and I agree they are gone now, I may still buy cuz....best Fast Eddy

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I just saw an excellent interview between Dr. Paul Thomas on his show Against The Wind, and Dr. Blaylock.

They are both treasures, and Dr. Blaylock's perspective on Autism and the type of brain inflammation from the immune activation in vaccines is very enlightening. I highly recommend his work!

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They screened it in full as an episode of the highwire a month or so ago. Just search on their website and you will find it.

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100% Agree! NO 💉 are safe & effective.

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Aside from who one might agree or disagree with, I respect both of those individuals immensely and the fact that they did not hesitate to challenge each other is exactly what is missing from the world wide conversation. This is going to sound sappy, but it gave me goose bumps as I recognized the scientific method in action. What a breath of fresh air. I hope to see more of this.

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are you referring to the conference in England a couple of weeks ago? If so, do you have a link for free viewing?

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It is on his Voice for Science and Solidarity website. Darkhorse interview with Dr. Brett Weinstein.

I must say for a mostly right brain thinker and player as myself, their first interview started me on a very fascinating topic that captured my interest over a yr. ago. And listening to their latest one really explains how our systems at hand play out. Leaving the politics out of the game, I find they stick with the nature of how the systems work and explain it for us. Finding myself listening to it over and over and getting more insights of the nature of things in a complex system. Like what happens with the soils below our feet with interventions of??????

My higher education from these two teachers is paying off in my later years of having not gone down that path in my earlier yrs.

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It's on the Highwire. It's free. Just search recent episodes. Del is amazing. https://thehighwire.com/watch/

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Better Way Conference, it will be free eventually but you can buy a virtual ticket and watch replay of all seven discussions quite cheaply

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Fyi - I am still not vaccinated - a healthy 70 yr old - in Fort Worth, TX. I was not a fan of the vaccines offered but was interested in the Novavax which now wouldn't help against omicron anyway. I suppose I have not been exposed to the virus...continue to limit my exposure.

In early March 2020 my husband and I had a flu that I considered at the time was the worst flu I had ever had......for two weeks. Simultaneously, symptoms were cited for COV 2 and we had had those. A month later I went to Quest Diagnostics for an antibody test feeling sure we had had it. It came back negative....have always wondered if it had been a false negative.

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Do a T-Cell test. https://www.t-detect.com/covid-19/for-patients/. Both my daughter and I had negative antibody tests and positive T cell tests, more reliable. I am not sure but it may mean that your immune system cleared the virus without having to mount an antibody response. I am still trying to figure this out. I am healthy almost 72, had mild Covid and happily have natural immunity now. I have super healthy grandkids who are completely unvaccinated and some on the CDC schedule who are relatively healthy by have had eczema and more frequent illnesses. I did not vaccinate my 3 children born at homier the 1980s.

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My husband and I had exactly the same experience. The T-Detect test proved our prior Covid despite negative antibody tests two months after infection. The body is SUPPOSED to dial down antibodies several months after clearing an infection, so perhaps that's the explanation.

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I don't understand why people even have tests if they are fine. Why try to fix what's not broken? This keeps our attention on sickness and not health and our minds are very powerful. For example, when a diagnosis is given, the mind takes on the diagnosis and the body follows that thought. The body and the mind are intricately connected but materialist science completely disregards the consciousness. It's really the science of cavemen.

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I agree. At first, I was interested in knowing - this is March/April 2020 - since at the time I thought we would feel more at ease knowing we already had it, had antibodies (and more importantly knowing that we should thus have T cell effects) and could proceed as normal. The media had begun its fear campaign showing horrific photos of Italy's outbreak, etc. We were taken aback by all of it....and waiting to hear about early treatments....couldn't believe they didn't hop on that. It was like hibernate or die until we have a vaccine....nothiing at first about early treatments ..unbelievable.

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The more I learn about the body, the more I realize that the medical profession is looking at it from the entirely wrong perspective. For a start - they test for viruses that come from dead tissue. instead of live tissue. So they miss what actually happens in the body. Dr Thomas Cowan explains the distortion of virus knowledge in depth. Viruses change within the body, depending on the need. There really is very little understanding of viruses by the medical industry. The industry is relatively short and was taken over by the Rockerfellers- we need to look at understanding the body through different modalities like German New Medicine or Chinese Medicine - the whole gamut really, not just pharmaceuticals. Oh what a mess medics have made.

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They look at $$$$$$ only

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Good to know. I didn’t want to fork over the $200 for a T-cell test but my curiosity may get the best of me eventually.

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Thank you.....glad to hear that. I'll do the T-Detect test for sure.

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But Mr. GVB is telling you they should be vaccinating now to be protected before a smallpox outbreak or epidemic.

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I’ve wondered about this too. My whole family is unvaccinated. Three of us had what appeared to be classic omicron symptoms back in January but I subsequently tested negative for antibodies.

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Did you have the actual blood sample test? Mine was made by Abbott which was supposed to be reliable - I'm thinking it wasn't. If what we had early March was the flu, then it is odd that I haven't gotten any variant since....we do limit exposure but still there has been comingling with others...and my husband works...not online like I do, but out with quite a few others.

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Yes it was a blood test. And we do not limit exposure at all. Three children that have been in school since May of 2020, we work in the office, travel, go to work functions, parties, sporting events, etc.

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Yes - I was also going to get quantitive test until I read the fine print on T-detects website as to what you are agreeing to with using them to conduct this test and it cost about $150. You agree to your DNA be used in studies.

Always check who these 3rd party tester medical financial backers are.

Untrustworthy Bill Gates has his hands in everything it seems.

If you don’t mind your DNA being in his database then get the test.

I’m rather getting my IgG serum bloodtest from an online company who uses a regular QUEST or LAB CORP lab where I can order any blood test I want and pay for it without a doctor and tradional medical plan.

This test is not quantitative (ie doesn’t show a range response to how strong or weak my covid viral antibodies are), …but it is should show that I do have immunity post covid. (I will order the igG test).

Most frontline doctors, mine included , don’t understand the two types of antibodies are very different depending on when they are taken. Even though I told mine recently I had covid 3 months ago and wanted the test that is NOT for a very recent test mine ordered an IgM bloodtest which wasted $70 of my mine because it came back negative. IgM should be used only when you want to confirm antibodies for a current or extremely recent infection.

When you’ve had a few months pass, post covid, the igG is best, as I understand the literature on it.

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Ok but covid isn't real. It is just made up, it's just the flu rebranded. So what you had was the flu. Many people are swept up using their minds thinking of diseases and thus they are not really living they're giving away their loosh. This is the energy that parasitic energies harvest from humans. Everyone needs to know about loosh.

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I looked it up.....get the idea and will read more. Well, "they" are not gettinf any of my loosh. Our govt. has been heading in the wrong direction for years and now it's headed full speed into a cliff.

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Thank you....that was very helpful to know. I'll go for the igG test.

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I will see if a T Cell test is available around here. Thank you for your reply. Since it was in early March 2020, I first doubted it because it was so early - then after hearing it was most likely here before that and was around lots of students etc, I wondered. Then the odd loss of taste....I had made some tomato basil soup and every time I ate some, it was not a loss of taste, but a change of taste....as in a vinegar bitter taste...lol. Strange ...and then the coughing and breathing issues....thought it was because I was older . It wasn't till afterwards, I heard about the symptoms. Thanks again.

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I will be curious to know your results. You can order the -Cell test anywhere, also through Labcorp.. Call them. Their customer service is very good. I think T-Cel immunity is very enduring- perhaps a lifetime. They will only claim up to as many months as they have been giving them

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Wonderful.....I will get back with you.....I will give you my email and just send me one back and I can then get in touch terianglimtx@gmail.com. It has been so interesting to find out that many of us out there are highly educated people that have been questioning every step of the way regarding this unnecessary and as far as I am concerned unnatural virus. My friends were automatically placing me in an anti vax status......or worse.

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I know.

It is insulting.

I have endured plenty of it myself.

I hope you are not being shunned or forced to stay away.

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By some, yes. Amusingly, some friends wanted to come over and said they would wear a mask...to protect themselves. I laughed and said don't you realize YOU all can transmit this and most likely have a higher viral load than someone that is unvaxxed?

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My husband and I both had covid in Nov of 2020. He was ill for 5 days and then weak for about 3 weeks but had a full recovery. I had a very mild case which I got 3 days after he came down with it. We both tested positive for T cells 3 mths later and then we tested t-cell again 9 mths later…still + . Last month my husband came down with a mild cold…+ for covid. Took several tests and still +. I did not get it. I know one other friend same thing. T-cell + for over a yr from first covid. Had mild covid case last month too. So for at least some, the T cell doesnt last forever - however it may be why they both came down with mild cases? I really dont know the answer to that….

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Thank you and I have had the same experience. Thought I had something "weird" in late February of 2020 (so fatigued that I could barely move for five days straight and then I was suddenly okay again). Had an antibody test in May of 2020 and then again on the last day of December, 2021. Zero Covid antibodies. (am unvaccinated, obviously). Now I am curious if my T-Cells are what saved me~~I have *not* protected myself this whole time as far as masking, interacting with others and such, so I feel certain I have been exposed multiple times. I am 61 years old and very healthy (no medications, etc.). Get lots of Vitamin D, too! I wish the best to all of us as we go through these very strange times!

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I want to salute you for being free from pharmaceuticals and the bioweapon (it's not a vaccine). Brava! I think that strengthens our defenses.

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If it was tested by the PCR test, then you must know this test cannot diagnose accurately? By a long shot.

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This was a blood draw....the test was from Abbott and I thought it was "reliable." But who knows.

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So much "fudging" has gone on. I think it is dangerous to go to doctors, period. Maybe if one was in an accident but certainly not for any diseases. There are so many natural and easy cures. I also never take my dog to the vets. They are like barbarians in their level of understanding about the body.

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I know! I am the same way! I rarely go....they have been wrong so many times with friends' issues. And my dogs...same way. I have learned whether I wanted to or not, to delve in and learn things for myself. Natural and easy cures have also worked best for me. They simply don't know most of the time and take a guess.

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Right! And the usual response is antibiotics or surgery. So many people have cured themselves totally even from their death bed. Did you read Medical Mafia by Ghislaine Lanctot?

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I'm 71 - unvaccinated and healthy. Keep your immune system strong. Stay away from vaccinated people. You guys will be fine.

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Staying away from vaccinated people is key! I made the mistake of talking to someone outside for an hour, then he told me he was boosted, then I felt really weird afterwards, scratchy throat, etc. Something transferred to me from that conversation. They just are not safe to be around.

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I have reacted several times to the exposure to vaccinated people. You don't want to breath the same air or be very close to them at all. So... I am not around them if I can help it. I felt bad for two days recently after having my hair cut by this pink haired mutant.

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Same experience here. And wow did I have to jump thru hoops to get the antibody test...my doc gladly ordered the antibody test, it was hospital admin that required an authorization sheet signed by doc and myself in case it was not covered by insurance (it was). Mine was negative and I still question that.

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I’d agree with you on most points, but how can we trust what’s in any vaccines. They are intent on having us take them at any cost. I don’t trust them

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I don't blame you. I don't trust any of the vaccines. In fact I would predict that vaccines will be discovered as being a great burden on the body and cause other chronic ailments.

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I’ve followed Geert from the start and he has guided us away from these gene therapy jabs. I’ve always wondered how they will explain the coming mass deaths. War? Famine? Climate crisis 😂?

Then I had a thought, could they explain it away with a super variant. Who has been pushing this narrative from the start, Geert. He’s never been banned, de platformed and avoided any conspiracy theorists. I wonder, is he a Trojan horse? The deaths are happening now, the world is sinking faster and faster into mayhem. Then this post pops up advising get these jabs. Sorry, I won’t take anything now, I can’t unsee what I see

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Oh that's so refreshing that you are joining the dots. Yes many are "controlled opposition" there is simply too much for the pharmaceutical industry to lose. They do send out seemingly credible characters. I too followed Geert but now, no. Because any medic who continues the continued use of vaccines, is a huge red flag. Heard of Agenda 21/2030? See videos by Rosa Koire. She recently died but warned about this plan for a long time. When people become familiar that this is all planned. Also listen to Dr David Martin. He shows what the plan is and covers its progress from the beginning.

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Thx, I will look into this. Things are happening so fast now

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Here is a link you can read/watch. Very telling. She was a true hero this woman.

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Hmm interesting point. I just don't know what happened to his dire prediction that they virus would mutate to become deadly because of the vaccines and now he's saying suddenly everyone will be fine and..... "not worry too much about C-19; most of us now have a level of trained innate immunity or even natural immunity that will protect us from moderate (and certainly from severe) disease. The situation will only further improve as the virus continues to select more resistant immune escape variants". This stuff can make you crazy I don't trust anymore in this industry anymore

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I thought that too at first. He’s saying the C19 unvaccinated - those that didn’t take the shot-don’t have to worry too much about C19.

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Totally agree,

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I don't blame you. Doctors ignore genuine questions, just point blank ignore. Our body is always adjusting for all sorts of things - it breathes, cleanses and heals ALL THE TIME. Constantly. Our natural body is the best defense against ANYTHING that comes our way. We must remember that we are part of nature and putting in manufactured substances only confounds the body and takes its functioning away from working on the optimum into trying to synthesize those foreign substances that it doesn't recognize. Look into distilled water - there are scare tactics about that too but it is truly a wonder elixir. It's a lie that it needs to be remineralized.

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Really? You've listened to him on multiple videos and you think he is anything but sincere? Sincere and very worried? No one is guaranteed to be 100% right at any point in time, and this is an evolving situation, but you could doubt his sincerity and scientific reasoning?

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Long Covid... at least that's the spin here in New Zealand.

BTW - a nurse informed me that the local hospital has lost over 20% of the staff - they are refusing any boosters (mandated...) due to fear of the vax injuries coming through the door.

I was skiing earlier and hit some ice and did a smack down hurting my ribs. Nothing serious but I thought I'd pop by the ED at that hospital and see if I could get some meds for the pain. Was greeted at the door by a nurse who told me that unless it was serious don't bother us -- it is minimum 5 hour wait -- if it still feels bad tomorrow you can come back.

I asked why the wait was so long - she said they have a lot of very sick people with emergencies ... I was hoping she'd say -- the problem is too many doctors and nurses don't want to be boosted cuz it's too dangerous so we are short staffed... plus we are being overwhelmed with people who have severe flu symptoms...

My wife and I know a number of boosted young healthy people who have 104 fevers and the most brutal coughs... who had to go to the ED...

Seems like we have a perfect storm brewing -- it's not the unvaxxed like me who are overwhelming the hospitals ... it's the vaxxed who appear to be suffering from VAIDS + the vax injured + the hospital staff quitting rather than inject more poison into themselves.

Well done J'ASSinda Ardern!

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Hello Fast Eddy, glad your still about. Came across your posts oh , 2 years ago. Good to hear from you. Yeah, I left the paramedic role as would not take the death vaxx. Got a new job, on my course, only 2 not jabbed. The other 6 are constantly fatigued, fall asleep during the day, coughing, sneezing. I’ve red pilled them into not accepting anymore, but it’s hard to tell them they’re finished. Heartbreaking mate. Stay well. Chaos is coming

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Jun 25, 2022
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You trust anything in a syringe now?

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So, is Geert saying that smallpox is not truly eradicated? Why would those who haven't received the smallpox vaccine -- probably the majority of people now in most countries -- suddenly need a smallpox vaccine?

And, as far as the recommendation that children get up to date on their MMR, chicken pox vaccines, etc., Geert essentially admitted in a recent public forum that he has not studied the childhood vaccine program. He is assuming these vaccines are all "safe and effective." If he starts looking into them, he will find exactly the same thing he is finding with the Covid-19 shots and flu shots -- that they do more harm than good. Also, Geert is not acknowledging (for reasons I don't understand) that diseases like measles and chicken pox are not typically a threat to otherwise-healthy, well-nourished children. The vast majority of children in the developed world who contract these viruses in childhood will handle them just fine and will then have that coveted lifelong immunity, which the vaccines do not provide.

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The smallpox vaccine works against Monkeypox, which is why the manufacturing is being ramped up. Those of us old enough to have needed a smallpox vaccine to attend school are in good shape.

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Then why is Geert recommending the smallpox vaccine for everyone who hasn't had it. Is there any real risk that Monkeypox will spread beyond the gay community, which is where it currently resides exclusively?

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I think Geert feels the vaccines will so decimate the immune systems of the vaccinated that all sorts of diseases might prosper and spread throughout the world. If I am wrong I hope Geert sets me straight.

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He won't. But you are wrong. Were is the ridiculous claim made that the vaccination will decimate the (entire) immune systems? Where is the proof?

The repeated vaccination and infections might turn off the immune system against that antigen or lead to autoimmunity. It might cause damage to cell metabolisms via persistent spike proteins.

The narrow vaccination with only the spike protein as target and Original Antigen Sin might lead to ineffective antibody response to variants.

The inappropriate antibodies might lead to ADE.

And much more.

All those risks are worrisome enough but that doesn't mean that you have to believe everything.

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Geert's English isn't always clear. I think he meant get the smallpox vaccine if you haven't had "it", where "it" is the vaccine (not smallpox, though I'm sure he'd consider that adequate innoculation as well!).

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“It” is the smallpox vaccine according to Geert. I think he is worried about all serious diseases. This is how I interpret him. It looks like his hope for the vaccinated is that anti virals can knock out the virus since their immune systems won’t. Regardless, this whole situation sucks and it’s something none of us should be facing.

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I can think of a few people that should be facing it...

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He started his discourse in the context of "mass vaccination during a pandemic / with leaky vaccines against fast evolving respiratory virusses"

That should have been a no-brainer.

The other vaccines you mention are more complex to evaluate and some may have a real positive benefits-risks analysis.

I'm doubtful about measles though based on my own analysis.

But there's also a group of people backed by that Kennedy guy who are pure anti-vaxxers by principle. That's not a nuanced view either.

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It is a nuanced view if you understand that all adjuvanted vaccines can trigger autoimmune disease through a process called molecular mimicry. It's the adjuvants, in most cases, that make vaccines so dangerous and result in so much chronic disease. (In the case of the mRNA vaccines, which are really not vaccines at all -- they are drugs -- the problems extend way beyond the adjuvants.) The adjuvants are necessary in vaccines because without them the immune system often would not react at all to the antigens.

No one should ever trade the small risk of acute illness for the even bigger risk lifelong chronic illness. That is the choice parents are currently being pressured into making, without their knowledge or consent.

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That is a VERY IMPORTANT bit that I completely failed to mention in my answer. That bit is super important - chronic illness replacing childhood illness.

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Chronic illness does happen in natural infections too. Likewise dormant / opportunistic illness.

Don't compare apples with oranges.

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Right but again - is that the norm? Isn't that an outlier thing to get chronic illness from a childhood disease?

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You obviously have an assumption about that. But do you have proof? Or at least good arguments to substantiate that assumption?

Let's not forget that many chronic illnesses have gone largely unnoticed in the past.

Even popular vaccine damage topics like ADHD or even autism were not identified in the past. Does it mean they didn't exist?

We have to be very careful with all those assumptions. They are not well-founded or even fallacies that can be proven.

However the lack of scientific proof of Covid vaccine efficacy / efficiency cannot be repudiated with any public domain data right now. That is purely factual.

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Lots of molecules could trigger autoimmune disease by resemblance of self-antigens. Not only adjuvants. Maybe you should do a torough review of all the supplements (and their components) that are being sold too.

And if we are consistent, then much of the health care (traditional or alternative) needs more scrutiny.

There's always a benefits-risks analysis to be made. But it is not easy. Only if you lack critical and nuanced thinking you come to an over-simplistic position.

People should always get complete accurate and clear informed consent. It's obviously missing in vaccinology. And covid made that even more clear. But don't forget the rest of health care.

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No doubt much of what we call "modern medicine" is actually quite dangerous and is doing more harm than good.

Vaccine adjuvants are uniquely dangerous in that they are essentially small bits of poison that are placed in vaccines to stimulate your body to mount an attack. There really is no parallel.

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But, autism is fun! Don't ruin the FUN!!!!

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Thanks for your very intelligent, well-argued contribution.

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And non-modern medicine isn't?

That shows your bias.

Also the statement on vaccines being small bits of poison fall in the same category of lack of nuance. The biggest poisons are natural and organic. And they can be ingested in many ways.

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Yes, measles shots definitely mucked up the natural way of things. People are in greater danger now than they used to be.

The view of many Kennedy supporters may not be super nuanced, but the principle is of course that for most healthy kids, the majority of childhood diseases are a nuisance (they can be a few-day nuisance, and not necessarily fun) that leave the kid with life-long (or at least long-term) immunity. And in the case of girls who might grow up into women who have babies of their own, that translates to maternal antibodies to pass on and protect said babies. And in the case of all kids who get these illnesses, they grow into adults and elderly people who have some protection against them - most of these diaseases, of course, being most dangerous to babies and adults/the elderly.

With chicken pox, adults used to get their natural 'booster' by being around kids with CP, and thus they wouldn't get shingles later. Surprise surprise, the chicken pox shots come, and adults no longer get their natural booster, then suddenly shingles is a huge thing. So now there's a shingles shot to fix it. Surprise.

Are there outliers, kids who have horrific lasting effects or die from childhood illnesses? Of course. There are outliers for every illness. But the majority of kids are ok. And sort of like with this current situation, there will also be a lot of kids who are damaged by the vaccines. Risk/benefit analysis for sure. And parents should be free to choose whatever path they like.

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Well... I refused HPV vaccine for my son due to lack of proof of benefits mainly.

But for a daughter it would obviously be a more challenging benefits-risks analysis, no?

The issue is that for true informed consent the information is too incomplete and too unsure or even obviously inaccurate like in the case of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.

However this works in both ways when it comes to diseases that can have a much bigger impact on the target group (especially kids). Imagine you refuse HPV for your daughter and she gets ovarian cancer...

Maybe you will then think of anti-vaxxers as the mirror image of the vax-pushers?

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Nope. With the dismal safety profile of the HPV vax (and the fact that most HPV self resolves/doesn't turn into cancer) there is a 0% chance I'd give that to a kid or take it myself. Also women can and should get regular screenings, as you can treat if it's found.

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I agree that the proxy endpoints of the HPV trials deserve scrutiny. However I can also point on massive Scandinavian studies showing no mortality reduction in cancer screening. And all the screening could also give rise to Group B streptococcus and infant mortality.

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I agree that the proxy endpoints of the HPV trials deserve scrutiny. However I can also point on massive Scandinavian studies showing no mortality reduction in cancer screening. And all the screening could also give rise to Group B streptococcus and infant mortality.

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I agree that the proxy endpoints of the HPV trials deserve scrutiny. However I can also point on massive Scandinavian studies showing no mortality reduction in cancer screening. And all the screening could also give rise to Group B streptococcus and infant mortality.

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Can you explain what you mean about the screenings? This is something I've not heard yet. (with group b strep)

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"Imagine you refuse HPV for your daughter and she gets ovarian cancer... "

Yes, that's how our pediatricians were used to get me accept childhood vaccines. They made us believe world is much more dangerous place to live than 1-2 generations ago in terms of diseases. I don't think they're right. Scientists genuinely believe what they believe because of their education which is a form of indoctrination. You can not overcome that easily.

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I agree too much is done out of indoctrination. But in the opposite way too. And ovarian cancer is serious and has a high prevalence in young women. Hence let's not go over this to quickly. Everything that could reduce this deserves to be studied well in a very nuanced way.

I don't like proxy endpoints and I agree they may not prove the important endpoints. But be aware that scientific methods are full of proxy endpoints. Are you denying the value of all of them?

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No I am not denying the value of all of them. One has to do so much research and reading&lstening to different scientists to evaluate the validity of most of them.

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certain strains of HPV are linked to cervical cancer, not ovarian cancer

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Darby Shaw I totally agree with your comments regarding childhood vaccines. These are not dangerous diseases to healthy children and those vaccines do more harm than good. However, I will note that in the U.S. they stopped giving the smallpox vaccine in 1972 and they gave it to 1-year-old children. So anyone under the age of 50 in the U.S. has not had it.

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I couldn't agree more. I think those of us who have studied the childhood vaccination schedule are a little ahead of Geert on that.

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Covid went though my house and well as my daughters. We are all 2x vax about 1 yrs ago for all. My Spike Quant total antibodies are now off the charts >2499.99 U/mL. Prior to that they were coming down monthly post vax. They were (before covid infection) 480 U/mL in March. It was a flu for us, nothing different about it as with other flus we've all had in the past. Mine was Strep throat (no fever), got antibiotics and was better in a few days. No more jabs for us, decided long ago, actually wish we never got any. But hindsight.....

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Antibiotics also cause side effects that are not good, they alter the gut biome. Take colloidal silver instead or hourly doses of vitamin c because these do not cause the destruction of the biome (anti-biotic means anti-life, get it?)

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Thanks. I ate natural yogurt in an effort to combat that. Will look into colloidal, tx.

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Oh you're going to love learning about colloidal silver. So darned easy and effective. I use it for everything - on myself and on my dog. I also use CDS (called the Miracle Antidote) and both are incredibly effective and no side effects. Simply brilliant and despicable that these cures are silenced.

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And your long term safety analysis on colloidal silver is where?

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There are hundreds of studies. Colloidal silver is also used in hospitals topically for burn victims. Look up Steve Barwick. He does sell products however he also supplies truckloads of scientific studies. Long-term it's been used for decades totally safely. I hope you ask the same questions about vaccines...

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I use the same skepticism and scrutiny on everything. You are not. You refer to some person - the Anthony Fauci of your colloidal silver - with the claim of there being "many studies". 1) Show me the best large trial that verifies (S)AEs. 2) Show me the best VAERS analysis on its use. 3) Show me the best prospective controlled trial on it's benefits.

It's not because the vax-lobby doesn't have the proof to substantiate their claims that the alternative medicine sects are off the hook. I don't like quackery from whatever type. So if you mean it, answer my 3 questions correctly and honestly.

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I'm not your babysitter. I don't care if you think it's bunk. Pretty soon the ones you think are credible will be a laughing stock. You speak from utter ignorance - you believe the "authorities" are going to tell you the truth? Hey it's your skin not mine. I'm not here to save anyone. Everyone has to save themselves. Soon the people you relied on will be pulling the wool from under you and you won't have all those fancy medical doctors to go to. You'll be on your own, probably without food as well. Just listen to your demands. You sound like a toddler in a high chair waving a spoon around demanding I give you food. You're grown up now, enjoy!

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Everyone who resorts to such type of replies has clearly lost the argument.

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Colloidal silver functions as a broad spectrum antibiotic, how will it not alter the gut biome?

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Do you have in-vivo and clinical studies to prove that at safe doses?

In-vitro mustard also works as a broad spectrum antibiotic...so to say.

We are dealing here with a alternative medicine substance heavily pushed by believers (like covid vaccines are pushed by their believers) and with ludicrous improbable claims ("it can make you live as long as you want") but without the understanding of the proposed methods of action nor the evidence.

But if you ask to see their "best" trial / biomolecular evidence they go into a rant.

And what has this subject to do with the letter here?

They are just parasites looking for a free ride to sell their quackery.

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In vitro it's a broad spectrum antimicrobial at achievable doses. Whether or not the effects are systemic, no idea, but I don't see how it wouldn't kill some gut bacteria if ingested.

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I do but I'm not your babysitter. I told you where to find it - look up Steve Barwick and you will find oodles as he has compiled it all already. You're just lazy. And you depend on "the authorities" to molly coddle you. Every human needs to be their own researcher because if you don't, you'll take yourself out of the gene pool. I didn't say colloidal silver makes you live as long as you want. This is typical of "non-thinkers" - they make assumptions without asking questions and you lot are going to take us down if we let you. It's not colloidal silver or CDS that will enable longevity for as long as we want, it is our own beliefs - which determine whether we message our cells the way of synergy or entropy. This is a mind universe in the material. Viruses are not even like we are told, they change, they could even be bacteria changing and morphing according to what is needed by the body. Mental entropy directs the body towards death. Humans have many more capacity than what we see today. Our trainers have inured into us through indoctrination to be in entropy thinking. I think it's good that you're asking though because that means you do have a modicum of curiosity. I am not scientifically trained, my skills lie elsewhere however I do research ALL aspects. So here are a couple to start with if you want to take that trek - Dr Thomas Cowan and Dr Andrew Kaufman. They explain it well so that we lay people can understand. And while you're at it, question too - why the medical cartel never mentions terrain theory nor answers these doctors' research. What the medical cartel does is bar anyone who mentions anything outside of the prescribed narrative keeping us dumbed down. But now with the internet, we're sharing information. We're just bugs to them remember.

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Do you understand English? Are you dumb? Or stupid?

I don't need to listen to your doctor-salesmen. That's for the truly lazy people. I look at the actual science: the molecular biology, the biochemistry, the epigenetics, the immunology, the pharmacokinetics...and the different trial stages. The results tell a lot more than some gurus' sales talk.

The fact is your magical wonder silver's extraordinary abilities are NOT supported by in vivo studies and clinical trials. (If I'm wrong about that you had plenty of chances to show them - or ask your amazing snake oil doctors for them) And such a simplistic mechanism can never make a big beneficial change in complex diseases and conditions. It's like expecting vitamin C to cure all cancers.

Now stop your crazy rants. I really have enough of it. If you really cannot understand what I write then please go stand somewhere on a market to sell fish. You will be more successful in that.

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I'm not sure of the workings of it and there is much to learn about the biology of it and all biology. However many substances target only certain things, like diatomaceous earth. It may have something to do with ph, or some other factors. This knowledge has to be sought as it's not readily available by the orthodox channels.

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A friend 3x jabbed. Has 2500 antibodies level too. He had covid in Jan (only 2 days sick). He had covid again in May 8 days was Very sick. He also has “covid blood” meaning its DARK PURPLE, a unique phenomena only known to those with covid.

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Yikes. Never heard of that. I am hearing the more jabs you get the sicker you can be. I did do a D Dimer test too, to detect Mico clots. It was normal. Thank goodness. So sorry about your friend. All 3 shots were which one, if you know? Tx

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Could this be where "covid toe" originated? If so, why only the toe?

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It's interesting about the purple blood but has he been jabbed?

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I would love to hear why you are recommending childhood vaccines to children who haven’t received them. Do you not think a child’s healthy immune system could fight off chickenpox and measles? Thank you for your hard work and bravery to stand up against censorship

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I was very surprised to see you recc'ing the regular childhood vaccines. Why are you telling us to worry about things like chicken pox and mumps and measles, when the vast majority of healthy children tolerate these illnesses without issue (much like CV19)?

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All great, common sense advice, thanks.

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I am 83 yrs old, take lots of vit. D3, C, etc. no flu vax last yr, no other vax, VERY MILD flu this spring. Doing well. No needles for this old lady.

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I normally like what you say but it is a huge misgiving to think ANY vaccines should be taken. I am sure this will come out eventually too. It really behooves the medically trained to check out doctors like Suzanne Humphries, Sherri Tenpenny, Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, and many more. But those for starters. No vaccines are safe, there is no safety data. And the diseases they purport to prevent cause other long-term harm to the body as it tries to overcome the onslaught vaccines make on the system. Please check it out. Sometimes "professionals" can be biased and believe the medical rhetoric.

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No vaccines are safe, but under the same logic no drugs, supplements, herbs, alternative medicine etc. are safe either.

Are you consistent in that?

You are simply biased. The benefits-risks analysis of almost all medical interventions are simply very complex with too many unknowns.

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Glenn, I appreciate your desire to see through the absolutism on both sides and find the underlying truth. However, this is a complex topic that isn't going to be answered in a few short comments. I encourage you to do your own deep dive and come to your own conclusions. There is plenty of information out there. I'll answer your questions above with a couple questions of my own, to start your research:

1) While I agree that every drug or supplement has its own risk/benefit analysis, to what standard should we hold drugs that are routinely injected into the bloodstream of healthy infants with developing immune systems?

2) Are you aware the none of the childhood vaccines were tested against a true placebo? Most trial control arms were either previously approved vaccines considered safe, or just the adjuvant without the antigen. (The one exception is the HPV vaccine which had one small trial with a saline placebo.)

3) Are you aware that none of the childhood vaccines are tested in combination with one another, even though that is how they are routinely given (kids get multiple shots at each well baby visit)?

4) Are you aware that the same moratorium and censorship when it comes to talking about or studying the safety of Covid injections has been applied to childhood vaccines for decades?

I hope these questions give you a starting point as you continue your journey.

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It's exactly because it's a complex subject that you should be very careful to over-simplify and think without adequate nuance and objectivity. Are you doing that? I don't think so.

The questions you ask are basic questions that have complex answers too. They are not unbiased either and play on people's emotions to some extent.

Forgive me, but they appear to be coming from some kind of counter-narrative anti-vaxxers playbook. In a way they are similar to the playbooks used by covid-vax pushers.

Yes, of course I'm aware that the science, called evidence-based medicine, behind those vaccines suck. And yes the people in vaccinology and the Big Pharma do act like sects with very long tentacles. That is clear.

But are you aware that many medical practices exist without placebo-controlles clinical trials. Some of them, like antibiotics and certain types of surgery, obviously useful and effective.

And when it comes to vitamins or repurposed drugs, like vitamin D3 or Ivermectin, with very strong safety signals (if used appropriately) I (and probably you to?) I'm willing to oversee limitations in the evidence. Because lack of good proof is not proof something doesn't work.

I'm not going to go much deeper because it's very complex and it can only be captured in a full library of books, so to speak.

The principle should always be primum non nocere. However in reality it starts from risk analysis. And the risk of "doing nothing" must not be discarded either.

Thus whether we should consider such an imperfectly proven vaccine first depends on the impact (!) and absolute risk. Obviously for covid in young and/or healthy populations that is much lower than that of TB for instance. Or Ebola. Etc.

But if you reject that outright and out of principle then you are not different than people belonging to the vaccinology sect.

The reason I doubt that you are sincere is your cherry-picked question on "rountine bloodstream injections of healthy infants with developing immune systems.

How rountinely is that? Do you claim that other pathways (skin absorption, absorption via the GI track, ingestions via the respiratory tract ...) of how we get foreign particles in our body are necessarily less risky? And when insects inject substances in our bloodstream, is that less risky or more risky?

Is it less risky if substances travel through or lymphatic system or are the photons of electromagnetic radiation?

May that trick works on naive and emotional people. But to me it sounds like a "you must get jabbed to protect granny" type of argument.

So frankly, I don't feel like you have added something substantial to the discussion.

In most cases we will agree that a particular vaccine is not recommended, but for different reasons.

Now let's see if you are sincere and recognize the fundamental limitations of your arguments phrased as questions (and that doesn't mean you cannot come up with something much better) or you are here to sell your story no matter what. Or if I somehow hurt your ego, I'm sorry but you should not start to approach someone assuming things.

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Glen, thank you for your detailed response. I can assure you I'm not operating from any "playbook." I apologize if I was asking questions you already knew the answer to. It's hard to know where to start this conversation. I'm glad you've gotten this far.

My biggest issue is with vaccine POLICY not the vaccines themselves. I object to the policy that vaccines are given to every baby in the U.S. without a clear understanding of risks OR benefits. When it comes to children, I believe we should use the precautionary principle and only approve a vaccine for the CDC's "Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule" when it is proven by rigorous long-term studies (of both the vaccine alone and in combination with other vaccines that are administered at the same time) that the benefits outweigh the risks.

Your biggest concern appears to be the "risk of doing nothing." And yes, I agree that there is absolutely risk in both vaccinating and choosing not to vaccinate. And there is risk in rolling a vaccine out very slowly, instead of quickly, to the population as a whole (some will die of the disease before we prove the vaccine safe). But in my opinion, a vaccine program shouldn't be focused on acute disease mitigation. It should be focused on improving the long-term health of the population. And there isn't any way to know you are achieving that particular goal without long-term studies.

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No my biggest concern is not "the risk of doing nothing". I just wrote that shouldn't be discarded either. I agree "rigorous long term studies" are necessarily and both in benefits and risks. In particular when we are talking about diseases with relatively low risk for children. I do promote to use long-term QALY benefits to be used to evaluate the benefits of such vaccines.

However when faced with a very high risk disease or condition things can be very different. Suppose you travel to an area with high Ebola risk and there was an effective ebola vaccine (not saying there is) with at least reasonable proof of a high ARR against mortality. Are you then going to refuse that and wait for 20 years?

Or a terminal cancer patient. Can you then give an experimental drug with probable benefits and not so well known long-term risks, under honest informed consent?

That's my point. It al depends on risk analysis and often we do have to deal with missing information. Depending on the situation it can be a showstopper or far less relevant.

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Thank you so much for the tireless and dangerous work you do to educate us.

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Thank you Dr Geert for this important information.

If you are able to, could you please expand your advice to be considerate of people who do not want, or can not get, any of your suggested vaccines (ie. smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella).

For myself, I do not have any trustworthy doctors/healthworkers nearby to supply and administer any vaccines, or health advice in general.

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It's better for most children to get the real full measles, rubella and mumps when still young. The measles vaccination is now starting to backfire creating more and more pockets of adults who are very vulnerable to it. Varicella may be another story.

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Varicella is the same story. It's mostly a nuisance illness which provides long-lasting immunity, and adults get 'boosted' by being around kids who have it. Then older people are protected and adults don't get shingles (usually).

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No, thanks. No vaccines for me. Of any kind.

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Same. My mother somehow kept me away from the childhood vaccines (I'm 56 now).

I did finally cave in and try a covid vax, the Chinese 'attenuated virus' type - and got heart damage, a mini stroke and clots in my leg and fingers. I think I'll pass on any more injections thanks!

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The interview with Bret Weinstein was patently convincing. An intuitive green light came on with both the breadth, detail, and very careful language usage by both.

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Being among the first person in the world who forecasted and wrote an hypothesis and a possible pathway for the immune shift that is occuring I disagree with too points of yours. The flu vaccine, which is useless for the most part, but in some people it will be helpful for other reasons.

And the don't worry about COVID because of trained immunity. The virus isn't evolving just to exploit vaccinated antibodies, lots of people now had vaccines + breakthrough infections and it is causing a shift in the virus.

We will live to see a very nasty version of Omicron, that resembles a turbo charged version of Delta.

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I thought this is what Geert said a month or so ago, but now he seems to be downplaying a more aggressive version of Covid.

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The science is not settled

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You aren’t telling him anything he doesn’t already know, JP, with your last paragraph there. This is what Geert has been saying for as long as we’ve had this SARSCov2 virus.

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Show us the proof of the flu vaccines are helpful for some people. Or you mean the people of the health industry that benefit from it. People who "need" flu vaccines tend to have no benefit from them because of a failling antibody generation and cellular immunity process due to their immunodeficiencies.

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The flu vaccine has a (literal) reverse immunological response than the (original Wuhan Spike) SARS 2 vaccine, that is why they were pushing the flu+COVID jab last year.

I never said it is helpful for the flu, on the contrary, the flu jab creates super spreader when they find a different strain next year.

The papers are out there, just google it.

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I know the papers but you should read them better. You are jumping to conclusions.

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