For God's sake, can we get an OTC pill/kit which includes either Hydroxy or Ivermectin plus Zinc and Vit. D and C and all the other goodies to allow people to squash these viruses on their own? Wouldn't this be the best way to approach this pandemic?

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Kansas just approved the use of HCQ and Ivermectin, New Hampshire and 25 other states considering use of same drugs. Florida doctors can prescribe. We need otc access now.

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I doubt OTC IVM will happen here in Maskachusetts but I can easily and happily drive to NH.

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Maskachusetts - PRICELESS!

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We need it in Canada too!!!

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In Canada you'd have more luck getting your hands on plutonium than IVM, unless you have a line on a veterinary supply. As for HCQ, I doubt you can get that at all.

Stock up on the alternatives promoted by FLCCC.

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Don't we also need to stop the injections, promote healthy people including kids, to get covid and thus have natural immunity to stop the progression of variants?? This article is very complicated

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For most, stopping the injections will be simply too late.

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Goody. Maybe I won't have to crack open that half liter bottle of iver I got from the feed store after all.

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Haha 🐴 🐴 🤪

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Be sure you know how to convert the liquid (sheep drench?) to human equivalent. Much easier to do with horse paste and there are fewer excipients to cause stomach upset. Malone is on record saying that he wouldn’t give the liquid/sheep drench products to his horses.

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You're assuming that the people who unleashed this want us to be alive and healthy.

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Did you happen to watch RFK Jr's latest video? It'll scare the living shit outa ya! This was without doubt the best and most comprehensive explanation with regard to what the global elite have actually admitted. This interview was superlative and I highly recommend not only watching it but sending it to everyone who still has any doubts.


Kennedy asked Coles:

“The billionaire class themselves seem to see transhumanism as a way to kind of permanently extend their lives, or at least their consciousness. … How do you achieve a level of control that will allow informed and enlightened elites to manage global populations and the world?”

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Thanks, I'll check it out!

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Actually Vladimir Zelenko came out with such a product however sans the hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Additionally for $125 fee you can have a consult and they will order the medication from a pharmacy in your area if you have Covid.

This is from his web site:

Z-stack contains a proprietary blend of micronutrients in optimal proportions to help boost your immune system. Here are some of them, Main Ingredients of Z-stack:

Zinc (from 130mg Zinc Sulfate) : 30mg, Daily value 273%

Vitamin D3 (As Cholecalciferol, 5,000IU): 125mg, Daily value 625%

Vitamin C (As Ascorbic Acid): 800mg, Daily value 889%

Quercetin 95%: 500mg

I beleive he also came out with a product to help cleanse the system of those who unfortunately took the injections.

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Pretty certain 1,000IU = 25mcg, not mg.

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Thanks for posting. If you have access to IVN or HCQ, do they replace the Quercetin? Do you need both IVM and HCQ at the same time or is it a one or the other situation (along with Zinc and the other vitamins)?

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Go to the FLCCC website. It details prophylaxis and early treatment protocols. https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/

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We can, but Biden is going after all states that allow it.

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What is Biden planning to do to states that allow sales of IVM and HCQ? I had not heard this!

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He withholds funding and various other means of exacting punishment.

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I've got my own kit including all those (except Hdroxy) and more. Haven't had a much as a sniffle this entire time.

Agree with the author, prophylaxis is the way.

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OTC would have been great tho

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We had the bio weapon flu. A nebulizer w organic hydrogen peroxide helped a lot too

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what is in your kit and daily regiment? Thanks - always like to share what has worked with others

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Contact AFLD or Stella Immanual

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Just came across this: "Dietary Fiber Confers Protection against Flu by Shaping Ly6c - Patrolling Monocyte Hematopoiesis and CD8 + T Cell Metabolism" https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(18)30191-2

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This was GREAT - thanks for sharing. I suffer from chronic inflammation - an idiopathic autoimmune disease - so this viable information.

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Quit being logical.

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There'll be a snowball fight in hell before we gat that I'm afraid. Self reliance cannot be understated.

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In layman's terms: it's not nice to fool Mother Nature! Again and again and again....

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These vaccinators are playing God. That doesn’t tend to work, ever.

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I agree and I also suggest that quackcination is trying to do better than Mother Nature.

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Bless your heart, Dear Geert. Many of us are ever so grateful for your incredible dedication. Thank you, thank you, thank you. If even a former would-be linguist and economics student can comprehend what you say, there may be some hope yet.

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GVB is definitely a savant when it comes to the mechanisms of viruses and vaccines! He’s been prognosticating this long before it all came to pass.

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Thank you for your work! And for keeping us up to date with your articles. So grateful!

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So… the authors of the paper say that the vaccines are driving increased viral infectiousness and virulence, and their solution is… more vaccines? Really?

Do we really believe they could be so, well, stupid? Or is this more likely to be how it looks - a propaganda piece bought and paid for by big pharma (or someone else with a stake in the C-19 vaccine agenda)?

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When 15 million Americans want the truth they turn to .... THE OSCARS of course. Brought to you by?

Drum roll....

I don’t even have to actually type it. You guys know who paid for it (starts with a Pf)

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Why isn’t Fauxci and the gang who released this on us in prison?

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Because they own it.

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Because Joe Biden won’t do anything about him. He’s currently the one person who could fire him.

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Trump had his chance and blew it.

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Thank you. I don't know how you manage to keep going but it is essential that you do.

I maybe understand only 10% of the tech. -having read your recent paper on this - but the conclusion is understandable and logical. To my simple mind there is a parallel to be seen with antibiotics,- incomplete eradication of a pathogen gives it a chance to mutate in order to live/survive. Sterilising v. none sterilising immunity - who'd have thought there would be any problems!

I suppose the only good news, lol, from any of this is that us unjabbed will be top dog....

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If he is right, and I'm not qualified to say he isn't but he's well-qualified that he might be, then the unjabbed will be top dogs of a destroyed world.

If just 10% of the global WORKING population are removed, by death or sickness, economies could fall apart - especially as they're already wobbly now. If 20% or more? That would be when the lights go out and there's not enough experts to control the nuclear power stations.

Top dog of that world isn't a role you'd enjoy.

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I predict if the powers to be continue to successfully push and Inject Boosters 4 & 5 within 2022, you can push that world population reduction to above 30%.

We Top Dogs indeed will have a workload beyond imaginable.

If the Vaxxers get to the children & infants, we will test the Bill Gates desired depopulation targets !

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This is an extinction level event. Even if you are unvaxxed and survive - you will soon starve

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China will soon own the US and has more than enough people to fill the gap even after they too exterminate much of their population.

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I think it is good to promote the un boostered.

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If this occurs, the unjabbed will have to deal with the saline-jabbed-WEF types.

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Sadly in my opinion, the un-jabbed will be rounded up and jabbed, either in their own homes or in quarantine camps, e.g. Howard Springs, NT, Au.

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If by top dog you mean healthier and less prone to illness then I agree their chances are better, depending on the myriad of other choices we are faced with every day.

Both the quackcinated and unquackcinated still have to deal with all kinds of other challenges to bodily homeostasis, but those who continue to get quackcinated will continue to add toxicity that their body must deal with on top of everything else.

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Interesting hypothesis Geert. Many thanks.

About time there is an open and honest debate in the societies at large to reach a common consensus to combat this "plandemic".

Instead of peddling one coercive narrative of endless covid jabs (+ boosters), mask wearing, lockdowns, shaming, control and victimisation agendas...

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Dr. Paul Alexander has a collection of studies for every subject area from lockdowns and masks to early treatments in one easy to scan collection at Brownstone. His summaries are great for average readers & peer reviewed studies get into the weeds. https://brownstone.org/author/paul-elias-alexander/

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Dr. Paul is so passionate about helping people. You can really feel the concern for others that he feels. It must be torture for all these doctors trying to actually save lives instead of just making money.

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The governments are already drafting laws to make questions illegal

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Here in MA we have highly educated people referring to ivermectin as horse medicine. It's unnerving to observe this misguided groupthink. In January 2022 the new White House Covid czar Dr. Ashish Jha was interviewed on our local NPR station. He was asked about the then still remaining ban on unvaccinated people from entering Boston restaurants, gyms, etc (the mandate was lifted 2 weeks later). Dr. Jha was asked by the boostered host who had a "breakthrough" infection: "Does it matter if the person sitting next to me is unvaccinated if I can still get infected being vaccinated and boosted?" Dr. Jha's response: "The truth is that vaccinated and boosted people spread it much less" and he THEN said: "I don't want to sit next to an unvaccinated person if I can avoid it, my risk of getting infected is lower if everyone around me is vaccinated."

My jaw dropped when I heard this. Dr. Jha has since been elevated to a powerful, influential position. https://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2022/01/19/january-19-2022-rb

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MA is indeed full of smart people who feel the need to check their brains at the door so they can participate in the cult of covid. It isn't much use to be smart and educated if you turn off all your reasoning skills as most of these people have. Smug, wrong people who would feel so foolish if they could see how history will view them one day, but for now they feel so RIGHT.

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I think Geert is saying that this new virulent Covid strain growing out of the vaxed population will be very infectious to everybody and completely resistant to our current vaxes, but will sicken and kill the vaxed population much more than the unvaxed because their immune systems have been so badly damaged by the vaxes. The best treatments will be the anti-virals that have been suppressed by the Big Pharma regime, including HCQ, Ivermectin, Quercetin, zinc, and lots of others that researchers will hopefully discover and develop.

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He’s saying what he has been correct about from the start. Mass deployment of a non sterilizing leaky vaccine in the midst of a pandemic only leads to vaccine resistant variants. And now this paper is claiming that updated vaccines for the new variants is the way out and Geert says this is just going to continue to make things worse. I trust Geert as he has been correct from the start.

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Geert could be right, or it could be that quackination adds to the toxic load and leads people down the path to illness and away from the path of health. More infectious scariants requires one to assume the existence of a virus that has not been isolated from a sick human. No such virus has been isolated and fully genome sequenced. If it has, please provide a reference, as dozens of professionals have looked for such proof and have not found it.

As per Occam's Razor, (the simplest explanation is preferred) one would conclude that the quackcines as well as numerous other causes are at fault without blaming it on an unproven fragment of genetic information that is said to be floating around and has not been proven to cause disease.

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In layman's terms, what does this mean for the unvaccinated, previously infected and recovered, (either with Alpha or Delta) or twice previously infected (Alpha + Omicron)?

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I'd also like to know what it means for those of us who got vaccinated early on and now regret it. No boosters.

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I'm no expert but from everything I've read you need to keep your immune system in optimum health. Proper diet, nutrition, vitamins, plenty of sleep., etc.

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Well that's what he's been saying from the beginning; you're already at greater risk of infection. The good news is the current strain out there is mild, but as we keep it under pressure it will learn to spread even faster - and at that point the usual safety net of 'A good virus doesn't kill the host cos it can't spread' no longer applies.

It doesn't care if you die after it's already onto the next person.

A far more deadly or debilitating version can easily arise, and your vaccine-created antibodies will make it infect you easier and then harm you more.

That's the cold, painful and not at all comforting news, sorry.

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A high stationery sickness curve is the end game. Popping VAIDS medicines. 2x per day nasal flushing & throat gargling.

For the Vaxxed over the next 1-3 years, this future awaits.

If heart attacks and strokes don't get you first, it will be a short waiting game for your stage 3-4 cancer prognosis.

MS, Parkinson, Prion Disease & Dementia can follow.

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Same as the rest of us, but with extreme vigilance. Avoid crowds. Use prevention & prophylactics. Nasal sprays & throat washes on exposure to rid as much virus as possible. Ivermectin to prevent entry into cells & replication. Quercetin, zinc, vite D3 & C, NAD, glutathione supplements to boost innate system in case the virus mutates to where it's no longer recognizable. And aggressive treatment at 1st symptom.

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Better outcomes long term if they are successful with a detox program for;

Spike Protein

Graphine Oxide

Lipo Nano Particles.

But they will never achieve Top Dog Status of PUREBLOOD's.

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Thank you for all your work, great discussion.

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For those like myself that find this “above our pay grade” science, I recommend looking up the three primary terms (N-terminal, Receptor Binding Domain, glycosylation, and a few others , I.e. epitope. Put those on a file or piece of paper and then reread it. It’s not as difficult when you define these terms.

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thanks Laura, what a logical sharp piece of advice! moved from circa 40% understanding to 80%

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My pleasure. Not sure I’m up that high. My dad’s (Phd) simple explanation to me yesterday of what a peptide is (basically a bunch of amino acids and if 50 or more it becomes a protein) was extraordinarily helpful to understanding some of this too. We’re all still learning . Also recommend a PopularRationalism substack (Dr James Lyons Weiler) if you haven’t yet seen. He offers online college level courses in this stuff and is on THIS side of the fight. Dr John Campbell too, still has his YouTube video and offers college level text book I think at no charge? No sure about how he gets it to you unless it’s a pdf. I haven’t looked into it yet.

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Thanks Laura.

Yes I read Dr Weiler and been watching Dr Campbell since the start. Also a chap called John Paul is very informative.

He just dropped a new one on substack with links to previous articles titled "SARS-CoV-2 - Recombination, Omicron immunity, ADE ?"


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So how are we who are vaccine-free to prepare for this? I have recovered from Omicron (using FLCCC protocol), but am seeking to get more ivermectin, HCQ, doxycycline, vitamins D and C, zinc, quercetin and NAC to have here at home in case of future infection. I understand I should also make all my daily decisions in line with the goal of becoming as healthy as possible.

Apart from this, any thoughts? 99% of people I know are double vaccinated and boosted here in Ireland. I feel like I should be doing something to prepare for what GVB is warning us of.

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Sounds like you are on the right path. You have your meds ready. Keep taking Vit D from here on out. We Covid-recovered vaxx-free folks may get a new variant eventually, but with good health and high vitamin D levels and our FLCCC kits handy, we will fare much better than the others.

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I appreciate you so much, Mr. Vanden Bossche. This world is such a struggle now. It helps to understand the procedures and results and corrupt policy these people have taken and what is being done to us. I will never understand their greed and arrogance though. Beyond my ken.

May God bless you for your work.

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