You will always be the smartest man in the room Geert. I actually saw the video of Peter Hotez in Sept 2020. He was talking to a committee and warning them about the dangers of “Immune Priming” (I think was the term) in regards to Coronavirus vaccines. He said (paraphrasing) “That riddle had not yet been solved. And if this phenomena were to occur it could be very dangerous.”

Well somewhere after Sept 2020 that problem had been solved apparently. Because it wasn’t long after that Peter became the world’s biggest spokesman for the covid vaccines. I think this is aligned with what you have been saying. I referring to his warning in front of that committee.

Mother Nature has a way of settling things in the end. She always lashes out at the hubris of men. And boy have we ever overstepped our bounds. Thank you for all you do sir.

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Geert does your brain hurt? Maybe you could share some of your intellect with the inept CDC, WHO, and politicians that call the shots but can’t spell the word virus. Thank you for all your effort - there are a few of us that see you, believe in you, cheer you on and I am happy to be one of them.

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I am an unvaccinated medical-surgical nurse that provided direct bedside pt care during the pandemic. I became extremely ill after caring for a patient in 2022, who proactively received his 4th covid booster prior to coming in for elective surgery. He became critically ill with covid on day three of his admission - the day I cared for him. I was in close proximity of him during many of his aerosolized respiratory treatments, and was not provided any appropriate ppe by my facility.

I became so ill within 30 hrs and diagnosed as covid + and was in bed for 17 days. The other ( vaccinated)Rn also became extremely ill.

I have been unable to return to work bc of the lingering symptoms of my illness. This article has helped me to understand the process of what is happening. Although I will need to reread it several more times to absorb all the content. I remain positive that my body will recover from this. It is so sad to have witnessed the poisoning of so many. I refused to take this gene therapy shot or administer it to anyone. I can’t believe that it is still being marketed and that so many people support it.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30


There are a lot of smart people in the world but you are the most honest to truth and your profession. Brains are helpful but integrity is in rare supply. You have integrity to accompany your intelligence.

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I just want to say that there are thousands of people all over the world that suffer from Long Covid from their Covid infection from 2020 BEFORE vaccinations. It is an extremely complex illness and I don’t even pretend to understand it all but I do read about the suffering they have been going through. The vax is most likely also causing many problems but there are long haulers from 2020 as well.

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You know what came after the Black Death? The Renaissance. If we get through (if Geert is right, which who knows), we may get to the best of times

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This is reading now like an Agatha Christie novel and we are coming to the final chapter of the mystery. Geert your ability to synthesize the minutiae of this science into a coherent narrative is spectacular.

I believe there is a much larger part at the population that has awakened to the fact that the vaccines are dangerous (given low vaccine uptake, etc) There will be more push back against mandated shots this time around.

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Of course they have nowhere else to evade the catastrophic human and social consequences of their nightmarish experiment.

They have to blame the unvaccinated, et alia (i.e. their despised unruly nemesis). We well remember and won’t forget.

Who else will be left ?

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There shall be no doubt that the responsibility of this unprecedented gain-of-function experiment on the very human species solely lies with those who orchestrated this mass vaccination program.

Correct! " Long Covid" is probably a Covid-19-vax-injury.

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Guys, I am getting anxious about what and when will happen? I am trying to go in denial that this will not happen

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Something is definitely going on right now with this virus. Our unvaccinated friends are getting sick and their symptoms include fever, sour throat, sinus inflammation, lack of energy, but nothing so bad to send them to hospital. On the other hand, the vaccinated ones have much worse symptoms and one of them is different then before: it is an unbearable painful sore throat that sends them to the ER. I heard of a 16 years old girl who had this severe sore throat then ended up with pneumonia. She is triple vaccinated. This is a true case that we heard from our American friends. There was also another case like this, an adult. And here is another case that's quite worrisome: a female friend early 50s, who is unvaccinated and never had covid until now, she was extremely ill a week ago. She didn't end up in hospital. Her severe illness lasted a week, until she started taking antibiotics. After that she got better.

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of all of this, what continues to bother me the most is the complete and utter denial of so many people who *still* think the "vaccine" is "safe & effective"

fortunately, there are ways to pierce this dangerous psychological conditioning... https://open.substack.com/pub/eccentrik/p/so-many-are-still-in-denial-about?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29

All we can do is keep up the antivirals and pray that we'll never need a blood transfusion.

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Initially, “vaccine hesitancy” was a phrase referring to doctors who did not have the power of self-conviction to impose any vaccines on their patients. This was right before covid, and was discussed during Event 201 - as explained by Del in The Highwire Episode 265 here: https://staging.thehighwire.com/ark-videos/the-rise-of-vaccine-hesitancy/

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I feel reassured when I dip into these online communities, but the conversations I have on a daily basis in the outside world reveal how in denial most remain (or perhaps they just don't like to talk about it). Nobody I know has the slightest clue about Geert's work, and trying to discuss his ideas with my relatives scares or baffles them, so they instinctively dismiss it, even though my aim is to try and induce a little bit of anxiety so they might start considering seriously IVM and HCQ. Well done to those of you who have got through to your loved-ones! I don't know whether it shows a weakness on my part, lack of leadership skills, or I just have a very stubborn family!

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There will always be cold and flu season. Stay healthy.

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