I hate this. My family recovered from covid about 2 months ago, and the silver lining has been our naturally acquired antibodies. I was feeling relief. Now I'm worried again! I wish they would stop forcing this garbage vx on us! It's really starting to look more and more genocidal!
I have wondered about the degree of ineptitude involved in managing this pandemic.
What does it look like? Maybe deliberate stupidity and worse. I guess it is up to us as individuals to best figure this out the best we can, after all we have been blessed with
the best tool kit in the world thanks to Geert Vanden Bossche.
Read Robert Kennedy's recently released book "The Real Anthony Fauci". The fraudulent testing that RFK describes occurred in order to discredit hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) by staging bogus trials that used significant over dosages of HCQ and/or delayed giving the HCQ to patients until the severity of the illness was past the point where HCQ was known to be helpful sounds like fraud to me.
There is a quite lengthy free excerpt/sample from "The Real Anthony Fauci" that contains an account of the full court press that was applied by Fauci/Gates/Pharma to illegitimately discredit HCQ and other treatment alternatives which the "rebel" doctors were reporting were effective counters to the disease. Here is the link:
Viral immune escape variants. From what I know so far, there is according to the latest, study out of Sweden, about a month ago, Merogenomics 18 YouTube. The spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells. Huge, new game changer in molecular biology. DNA repair down regulated? Implications for the immune system? I do understand that the sterilising innate immune system if working properly, will increase naturally to fight of evolving variants in ability to be effective. But for how long? This combination of events is is causing more exponential mutations. The novel vaccine immunity does not appear to improve in time as the sterilising innate immune system does. Is the innate immune system compromised by the vaccine? So far to me it appears so and is compounded by viral immune escape variants. Cytokine storm comes to mind. Also vaccine resistance and antibody dependent enhancement. Japan and Uttar Pradesh in India had great results with ivermectin. I hope this variant/variants don’t diminish the efficacy or anti virals and anti inflammatories like ivermectin.
As a retired med lab tech, I lean toward "worse." Every step they have taken -- everything from masks to lockdowns to "treatments" known to kill to pseudo-vax mandates -- every thing they do degrades the immune system & damages your body if it doesn't kill you outright.
Nobody is that stupid or incompetent. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. It all points toward deliberate economic destruction & global depopulation.
Seeking solidarity with like minded folks who have been inclined to trust Vanden Bossche from the get-go. So grateful for his expertise, voice, and his courage.
Does this variant/variants of delta carry more viral load? Is this strain more or less pathogenic? Has this strain partly evolved due to higher HIV in the population? Let’s hope it turns out this virus, though appearing more virulent, is less pathogenic.
- South Africa opened up 12-17 age group for Mass Vaccination recently on October 20th
- As the quiescence period was due to end in the Summer with air conditioning, SA also started boosting.
- This created a very potent new susceptibility pool synchonously that helped bring about this outbreak.
- Possibly there is some interaction of intranasal vaccine trials going in SA which would put significant pressure on spike to mutate.
(Same exact process was followed in India earlier with co-administration of spike based and whole virus based vaccines and contrary to what people think, the infections levels only came down because India ran out of vaccines, which ceased the creation of rapidly re-infected pool of susceptibility)
Thank you Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche for representing integrity and leading the charge to help us avoid this catastrophe. Many around the world are inspired by you, Dr. Malone and others who've put everything on the line for this. It matters that much.
Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche. You are a shining beacon of hope in these dark times that have engulfed us for 2 years now and third to begin shortly. Whatever you have stated and claimed is actual science.
In my family, two of my sons (31 and 25) went through the virus in about a week each. The eldest, though, needed to take one dose in order to be able to work for a really interesting Swiss startup in Munich. For me, it's like a nightmare to know that my athletic healthy son has put that dangerous stuff in his system. The rest of us are not inoculated and we plan on keep it that way. The future looks grim, since youngsters are not going to be able to live a normal life and maybe they'll be banned from university and interesting jobs. I never imagined a reality/nightmare like this.
If you can get ahead early in life with on the job training, it is like a head start regardless of training in institutions, It can be an opportunity to end up to 10 years ahead financially than your friends still at university. A lot of uni graduates where I live work in coffee shops.
I have seen this in Australia where tradies earn more money than professionals. They have greater financial freedom, job security and own the more expensive real estate which is a shocker in Australia.
You can always study online. For me, online study is the only way. I would be inclined to get a trade up my sleeve. You can always study at home. Far fewer distractions. More academic freedom. More original ideas. I became a press artist this way while I was studying music at my for my own pleasure at the Conservatorium. How many well paid jobs in classical music - I don’t think so. It was fun and I had a great time. Never regret one moment. Here I am studying this, it’s all new to us all, novel virus, novel vaccine. And novel times.
Together we will work it out.
Look on the bright side. Things will work out. Life is nuanced, doesn’t always go to plan.
Thank you for sharing your study and reasoning on all of this. I truly earnestly appreciate your guidance. Now I am worried too.
I agree that the mass vaxx created the variants. I understand the process.
Why aren't the "top loud speakers" saying this. Why are they lying?
Why didn't they start with the medicines to begin with? (okay I know that answer)
Please please continue to share your research and ADVICE.
I am 65 yo, healthy and twice vaxxed with pfizer in April. I do not want more vaccines because I do have long term side effects with this vaxx after 6 months. what are the alternatives?
I cannot remember where, but some place I read an article about Famotidine... and it's helpful effects on protections.
What are your feelings now about mass vaxx and most importantly, vaxxing the little kiddos?
Thank you Doctor so much for sharing your knowledge. I am grateful
Rosemary, be sure and follow the FLCCC early treatment protocol if you get Covid-19. Early treatment, starting on day one of symptoms, will help you head off hospitalization and death. Go to FLCCC.net to read their protocol. I’ve saved tens of lives so far, in people ages 51- 88 and not one of them had to go to hospital, much less ever dropped their oxygen saturations or developed pneumonia. No Long Covid either in any of them. It works. Get your early treatment kit ready now if you do not already have it. Dr. Peter McCullough also has some great early treatment protocols he uses, as do other smart clinicians.
Would fluvoxamine, antihistamines, vitamineD, and a whole foods plant based diet, even fasting while infected protect us from ADE? (Dr goldhamer fasting can save your life)
There is no way to be 100% certain, but yes, having your early treatment kit at the ready and immediately deploying it the very first day of symptoms (don’t wait for test results), is the key to having the best chance to do well.
Inhale steam, hot tea with ginger, anything to keep your upper respiratory tract warm and moist so the virus loses against your mucosal immunity at the first sign of any symptom. The only centuries old anti-viral that can be trusted.
Yes, many times this is sufficient for our bodies to fight an infection, but it's unclear if it will be sufficient to prevent an infection of a newer pathogen but nevertheless, be it ginger, turmeric, or whatever the crucial part is keeping the airway warm and moist rather than cold and dry. Even inhaling warm alcohol vapor can neutralize the virus in the nose. (!!Be careful as high alcohol concentration can reduce motor function quickly and cause injury to you or others if driving.)
Some sources - From Japanese physicist:
[Submitted on 15 Mar 2020]
Possibility of Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Human Respiratory Tract by Controlled Ethanol Vapor Inhalation
Tsumoru Shintake
Viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza are lipophilic, enveloped viruses, and are relatively easy to inactivate by exposure to alcohols. The envelope mainly consists of the lipid bilayer, taken from the host cells at assembly/budding stage of the viral life cycle. Therefore the constitution of the lipid bilayer should be common in all SARS, MERS and influenza viruses, even after mutations, and thus these closely-related viruses will be disinfected by exposure to ethanol with the same concentration. Existing experimental data indicate that an ethanol concentration of 30~40 v/v% is sufficient to inactivate Influenza-A viruses in solution[1,2,3]. The author suggests that it may be possible to use alcoholic beverages of 16~20 v/v% concentration for this disinfection process, such as Whisky (1:1 hot water dilution) or Japanese Sake, because they are readily available and safe (non-toxic). By inhaling the alcohol vapor at 50~60∘C (122~140∘F) through the nose for one or two minutes, it will condense on surfaces inside the respiratory tract; mainly in the nasal cavity. The alcohol concentration will be intensified to ~36 v/v% by this process, which is enough to disinfect the corona virus on the mucous membrane. This method also provides more moisture into respiratory tract, and helps to clean the inside of the nasal cavity by stimulating blowing of the nose, and also makes the mucous escalator work actively so that the self-clearing mechanism in the trachea will remove viruses faster. An alternative prompt method is also discussed. We use 40 v/v% whisky or similar alcohol, dripping on a gauze, inhale the vapor slowly at room temperature. This method works well for the front part of the nasal cavity. This is suitable for clinical workers, because they may need to use prompt preventative measures at any time.
Comments: This paper is related to COVID-19 corona virus outbreak, happening today March 2020. this https URL is collecting preprints. Medical doctor and our research scientists, including me, are trying this method for four weeks, no side effects are reported, no one infected with corona virus till today
Subjects: Medical Physics (physics.med-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:2003.12444 [physics.med-ph]
(or arXiv:2003.12444v1 [physics.med-ph] for this version)
"Temperature-dependent innate defense against the common cold virus limits viral replication at warm temperature in mouse airway cells"
It is easy to think that this virus will become less pathogenic and more virulent as naturally occurring viruses tend to do. On a Mr Been medical lecture on YouTube, Mr Been was very cautiously optimistic about the tests out of Africa. The virus first entering the airways, is first to show any endothelial inflammation on bio markers around the sinuses mouth and throat. There seemed to be less indication of inflammation compared to previous strains. I initially thought great. Then hold your horses. Some things not quiet right. This is a gain of function novel virus, too many unknown variations involved. It’s not that simple, the virus has adapted with the novel vaccine involved. What about cytokine storm? I don’t know that much. A different ball game. Best to err on the side of caution, it’ll probably be alright, explore all possibilities till we know.
I very much appreciate Geert Vanden Bossche insights. Been correct up to date.
How has the high rate of recovered people (infection induced immunity?) in South Africa (calculated at 32M out of 80M) effected the generation of new variants? This appears to be double the number of vaccinated (fully + partially) South Africans. This seems to follow the pattern of the previous VOCs (and VOIs), appearing before wide-spread vaccination or in low-vaccinated areas (UK, Brazil, South Africa x2, India etc.).
Could the reporting of 'mild symptoms' also be due to the reporting of infections in recovered people or vaccinated people?
The reporting of 'mild symptoms' (mostly in recovered/vaccinated) also seems to imply that we are not seeing any ADE. Do you think that this indicates that we can put an end to this 'myth'? If not, what else do we need to see to say that ADE is nothing more than a 'Bogeyman'?
I hate this. My family recovered from covid about 2 months ago, and the silver lining has been our naturally acquired antibodies. I was feeling relief. Now I'm worried again! I wish they would stop forcing this garbage vx on us! It's really starting to look more and more genocidal!
I have wondered about the degree of ineptitude involved in managing this pandemic.
What does it look like? Maybe deliberate stupidity and worse. I guess it is up to us as individuals to best figure this out the best we can, after all we have been blessed with
the best tool kit in the world thanks to Geert Vanden Bossche.
Read Robert Kennedy's recently released book "The Real Anthony Fauci". The fraudulent testing that RFK describes occurred in order to discredit hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) by staging bogus trials that used significant over dosages of HCQ and/or delayed giving the HCQ to patients until the severity of the illness was past the point where HCQ was known to be helpful sounds like fraud to me.
There is a quite lengthy free excerpt/sample from "The Real Anthony Fauci" that contains an account of the full court press that was applied by Fauci/Gates/Pharma to illegitimately discredit HCQ and other treatment alternatives which the "rebel" doctors were reporting were effective counters to the disease. Here is the link:
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has so much to say about how HCQ was discredited by the authorities and inside workings in the white house at the time.
Viral immune escape variants. From what I know so far, there is according to the latest, study out of Sweden, about a month ago, Merogenomics 18 YouTube. The spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells. Huge, new game changer in molecular biology. DNA repair down regulated? Implications for the immune system? I do understand that the sterilising innate immune system if working properly, will increase naturally to fight of evolving variants in ability to be effective. But for how long? This combination of events is is causing more exponential mutations. The novel vaccine immunity does not appear to improve in time as the sterilising innate immune system does. Is the innate immune system compromised by the vaccine? So far to me it appears so and is compounded by viral immune escape variants. Cytokine storm comes to mind. Also vaccine resistance and antibody dependent enhancement. Japan and Uttar Pradesh in India had great results with ivermectin. I hope this variant/variants don’t diminish the efficacy or anti virals and anti inflammatories like ivermectin.
As a retired med lab tech, I lean toward "worse." Every step they have taken -- everything from masks to lockdowns to "treatments" known to kill to pseudo-vax mandates -- every thing they do degrades the immune system & damages your body if it doesn't kill you outright.
Nobody is that stupid or incompetent. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. It all points toward deliberate economic destruction & global depopulation.
Seeking solidarity with like minded folks who have been inclined to trust Vanden Bossche from the get-go. So grateful for his expertise, voice, and his courage.
Does this variant/variants of delta carry more viral load? Is this strain more or less pathogenic? Has this strain partly evolved due to higher HIV in the population? Let’s hope it turns out this virus, though appearing more virulent, is less pathogenic.
- South Africa opened up 12-17 age group for Mass Vaccination recently on October 20th
- As the quiescence period was due to end in the Summer with air conditioning, SA also started boosting.
- This created a very potent new susceptibility pool synchonously that helped bring about this outbreak.
- Possibly there is some interaction of intranasal vaccine trials going in SA which would put significant pressure on spike to mutate.
(Same exact process was followed in India earlier with co-administration of spike based and whole virus based vaccines and contrary to what people think, the infections levels only came down because India ran out of vaccines, which ceased the creation of rapidly re-infected pool of susceptibility)
Thank you Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche for representing integrity and leading the charge to help us avoid this catastrophe. Many around the world are inspired by you, Dr. Malone and others who've put everything on the line for this. It matters that much.
Sources for above stats in the bottom of the page.: https://almostwrong.substack.com/p/delayedukhsa-report-delta-plus-spreads/comments
Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche. You are a shining beacon of hope in these dark times that have engulfed us for 2 years now and third to begin shortly. Whatever you have stated and claimed is actual science.
In my family, two of my sons (31 and 25) went through the virus in about a week each. The eldest, though, needed to take one dose in order to be able to work for a really interesting Swiss startup in Munich. For me, it's like a nightmare to know that my athletic healthy son has put that dangerous stuff in his system. The rest of us are not inoculated and we plan on keep it that way. The future looks grim, since youngsters are not going to be able to live a normal life and maybe they'll be banned from university and interesting jobs. I never imagined a reality/nightmare like this.
Before I forget read 1 Corinthians 13. If I have all the knowledge, prestige and money in the world and have not love, I am nothing.
If you can get ahead early in life with on the job training, it is like a head start regardless of training in institutions, It can be an opportunity to end up to 10 years ahead financially than your friends still at university. A lot of uni graduates where I live work in coffee shops.
I have seen this in Australia where tradies earn more money than professionals. They have greater financial freedom, job security and own the more expensive real estate which is a shocker in Australia.
You can always study online. For me, online study is the only way. I would be inclined to get a trade up my sleeve. You can always study at home. Far fewer distractions. More academic freedom. More original ideas. I became a press artist this way while I was studying music at my for my own pleasure at the Conservatorium. How many well paid jobs in classical music - I don’t think so. It was fun and I had a great time. Never regret one moment. Here I am studying this, it’s all new to us all, novel virus, novel vaccine. And novel times.
Together we will work it out.
Look on the bright side. Things will work out. Life is nuanced, doesn’t always go to plan.
Be happy live in peace. Have hope.
Your youngest son will need a special organic diet of anti inflammatory food.
He is loved. He will be ok. God bless.
I am sure you have noticed that Omicron is appropriately an anagram for Moronic.
Dr Geert - heartfelt thanks for the valuable information you are giving. I look forward to hearing your further analysis.
Best wishes.
Thank you for sharing your study and reasoning on all of this. I truly earnestly appreciate your guidance. Now I am worried too.
I agree that the mass vaxx created the variants. I understand the process.
Why aren't the "top loud speakers" saying this. Why are they lying?
Why didn't they start with the medicines to begin with? (okay I know that answer)
Please please continue to share your research and ADVICE.
I am 65 yo, healthy and twice vaxxed with pfizer in April. I do not want more vaccines because I do have long term side effects with this vaxx after 6 months. what are the alternatives?
I cannot remember where, but some place I read an article about Famotidine... and it's helpful effects on protections.
What are your feelings now about mass vaxx and most importantly, vaxxing the little kiddos?
Thank you Doctor so much for sharing your knowledge. I am grateful
Rosemary, be sure and follow the FLCCC early treatment protocol if you get Covid-19. Early treatment, starting on day one of symptoms, will help you head off hospitalization and death. Go to FLCCC.net to read their protocol. I’ve saved tens of lives so far, in people ages 51- 88 and not one of them had to go to hospital, much less ever dropped their oxygen saturations or developed pneumonia. No Long Covid either in any of them. It works. Get your early treatment kit ready now if you do not already have it. Dr. Peter McCullough also has some great early treatment protocols he uses, as do other smart clinicians.
Would fluvoxamine, antihistamines, vitamineD, and a whole foods plant based diet, even fasting while infected protect us from ADE? (Dr goldhamer fasting can save your life)
There is no way to be 100% certain, but yes, having your early treatment kit at the ready and immediately deploying it the very first day of symptoms (don’t wait for test results), is the key to having the best chance to do well.
Inhale steam, hot tea with ginger, anything to keep your upper respiratory tract warm and moist so the virus loses against your mucosal immunity at the first sign of any symptom. The only centuries old anti-viral that can be trusted.
I second ginger! In our family ground ginger and honey mix never failed to give instant relief and treat chest congestion caused by common cold.
Yes, many times this is sufficient for our bodies to fight an infection, but it's unclear if it will be sufficient to prevent an infection of a newer pathogen but nevertheless, be it ginger, turmeric, or whatever the crucial part is keeping the airway warm and moist rather than cold and dry. Even inhaling warm alcohol vapor can neutralize the virus in the nose. (!!Be careful as high alcohol concentration can reduce motor function quickly and cause injury to you or others if driving.)
Some sources - From Japanese physicist:
[Submitted on 15 Mar 2020]
Possibility of Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Human Respiratory Tract by Controlled Ethanol Vapor Inhalation
Tsumoru Shintake
Viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza are lipophilic, enveloped viruses, and are relatively easy to inactivate by exposure to alcohols. The envelope mainly consists of the lipid bilayer, taken from the host cells at assembly/budding stage of the viral life cycle. Therefore the constitution of the lipid bilayer should be common in all SARS, MERS and influenza viruses, even after mutations, and thus these closely-related viruses will be disinfected by exposure to ethanol with the same concentration. Existing experimental data indicate that an ethanol concentration of 30~40 v/v% is sufficient to inactivate Influenza-A viruses in solution[1,2,3]. The author suggests that it may be possible to use alcoholic beverages of 16~20 v/v% concentration for this disinfection process, such as Whisky (1:1 hot water dilution) or Japanese Sake, because they are readily available and safe (non-toxic). By inhaling the alcohol vapor at 50~60∘C (122~140∘F) through the nose for one or two minutes, it will condense on surfaces inside the respiratory tract; mainly in the nasal cavity. The alcohol concentration will be intensified to ~36 v/v% by this process, which is enough to disinfect the corona virus on the mucous membrane. This method also provides more moisture into respiratory tract, and helps to clean the inside of the nasal cavity by stimulating blowing of the nose, and also makes the mucous escalator work actively so that the self-clearing mechanism in the trachea will remove viruses faster. An alternative prompt method is also discussed. We use 40 v/v% whisky or similar alcohol, dripping on a gauze, inhale the vapor slowly at room temperature. This method works well for the front part of the nasal cavity. This is suitable for clinical workers, because they may need to use prompt preventative measures at any time.
Comments: This paper is related to COVID-19 corona virus outbreak, happening today March 2020. this https URL is collecting preprints. Medical doctor and our research scientists, including me, are trying this method for four weeks, no side effects are reported, no one infected with corona virus till today
Subjects: Medical Physics (physics.med-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:2003.12444 [physics.med-ph]
(or arXiv:2003.12444v1 [physics.med-ph] for this version)
"Temperature-dependent innate defense against the common cold virus limits viral replication at warm temperature in mouse airway cells"
Visit FLCCC website. They have a prevention protocol, also they have a link to doctors who will prescribe Ivermectin.
Anti inflammatory diet. You can check it out.
Love your work Geert. Thank you for your continued wisdom. Blessings
Is it true that this variant has been found in mostly double vaxxed?
Hope you follow up with a more in depth discussion after you learn more.
It is easy to think that this virus will become less pathogenic and more virulent as naturally occurring viruses tend to do. On a Mr Been medical lecture on YouTube, Mr Been was very cautiously optimistic about the tests out of Africa. The virus first entering the airways, is first to show any endothelial inflammation on bio markers around the sinuses mouth and throat. There seemed to be less indication of inflammation compared to previous strains. I initially thought great. Then hold your horses. Some things not quiet right. This is a gain of function novel virus, too many unknown variations involved. It’s not that simple, the virus has adapted with the novel vaccine involved. What about cytokine storm? I don’t know that much. A different ball game. Best to err on the side of caution, it’ll probably be alright, explore all possibilities till we know.
I very much appreciate Geert Vanden Bossche insights. Been correct up to date.
How has the high rate of recovered people (infection induced immunity?) in South Africa (calculated at 32M out of 80M) effected the generation of new variants? This appears to be double the number of vaccinated (fully + partially) South Africans. This seems to follow the pattern of the previous VOCs (and VOIs), appearing before wide-spread vaccination or in low-vaccinated areas (UK, Brazil, South Africa x2, India etc.).
Could the reporting of 'mild symptoms' also be due to the reporting of infections in recovered people or vaccinated people?
The reporting of 'mild symptoms' (mostly in recovered/vaccinated) also seems to imply that we are not seeing any ADE. Do you think that this indicates that we can put an end to this 'myth'? If not, what else do we need to see to say that ADE is nothing more than a 'Bogeyman'?