It has been my opinion for a long time that the vaccine and the end times are inextricably linked - and this connection may shortly be revealed. So what you say here is sadly very plausible.
According to researcher Steve Kirsch the death rate of the COVID vaccines is roughly 1 in 1000 doses. This translates into 676,000 dead Americans. It turns out, however, that Kirsch’s analysis, which is based on a breakdown of VAERS figures, may be too conservative. Working with data from 17 countries on all-cause mortality, researchers with Canada-based Correlation Research in the Public Interest have come to the conclusion that the death rate of the COVID-19 shots is somewhere in the region of 1 in 800 doses. They estimate that the vaccines have killed some 17 million people worldwide.
True! Israelis where demonstrating against him and his policies for weeks then suddenly Hamas happened and everyone has been distracted! The end is near! I feel something seriously wrong will happen.
Remember, Benjamin Netanyahu proudly boasted that Israel was going to serve as a laboratory for the mRNA vaccine. Israeli citizens were forced en masse into taking the jab. This is unconscionable.
And what about that seven hour gap between when Hamas broke through the border of Gaza and attacked Israeli citizens, while the most advanced, sophisticated military in the world claimed to have no knowledge of it whatsoever, and then waited around for seven hours before they responded with any level of sufficiency?
Perhaps because they wanted an excuse to sweep the Palestinians out the door and occupy their lands permanently. The second great Nakba. They act with impunity and always have. The state of Israel is built on gigantic lies.
Nor is there anything more pathetic than ad hominem attacks. Hedges was in fact one of the few who was arrested by the US army for defying their press pool system. He reported in Iraq, Yugoslavia and his work has been a beacon of truth in a dark world. He in fact departed from the NYT in 2005 after they publicly reprimanded him for undermining public trust in the papers impartiality. Look him up, you might be surprised at what an admirable man he is.
Catherine, I’ve looked at Chris Hedges’ blog post (and see that you registered approval). I’ll confine myself to his statements about Israel’s origin, as that’s the part that you imputed. I’ll quote Hedges and then reply.
1) “The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied.”
Justin McCarthy’s book provides good estimates. it’s open access. You may want to consult it.
However, McCarthy’s discussion of 19th/20th century Arab immigration lacks perception. (F. M. Gottheil, (1979) “The population of Palestine, Circa 1875” Middle Eastern Studies 15(3), 310-321
What is now Israel and the West Bank included about 340,000 inhabitants in 1850 and 490,000 in 1880, when Jewish immigration from Europe began. Jews and ‘Christians were each about 10% of the inhabitants. The land was part of the Ottoman Empire. European diplomats mentioned that the Arabs living there had no sense of national identity. Their concerns were local.
19th century European travelers noted a fertile but sparsely populated land. For example, Frederick Gottheil notes, in his "The population of Palestine, Circa 1875" that, "the British Consul for Palestine, James Finn, wrote in an 1857 report to London that 'the country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants."
And that Samuel Manning in 1875 wrote that the Sharon Plain, "which might support an immense population is almost a solitude. Two or three wretched hamlets, mere clusters of mud huts,..." and that en route from Jaffa to Hebron .. 'An hour beyond Rachel's tomb,' he writes, 'brings us to a fertile, but desolate and unpeopled valley>"
So, Chris Hedges’ first “lie” is falsified. It’s historically true, “that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied.”
2) “The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages … because they were told to do so by Arab leaders.”
So, we surmise, then that The Economist lied on October 2, 1948: “London: During subsequent days the Jewish authorities, who were now in complete control of Haifa (save for limited districts still held by the British troops), urged all Arabs to remain in Haifa and guaranteed them protection and security. … There is but little doubt that the most potent of these factors [causing Arabs to flee] were the announcements made over the air by the Arab Higher Executive, urging all Arabs in Haifa to quit... It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades." (Block, et al. 2016, "The Legal Status of the State of Israel: A Libertarian Approach."
Just prior to the 1948 war, some 75,000 Arab elites, including many military commanders, left the Mandate for safer climes. Meanwhile, surrounding Arab states were advising removal of women, children and the elderly from villages. Those events demoralized and frightened the population, leading to a large exodus.
All this is available from published literature. So, Chris Hedges second “lie” is a straw man accusation representing his contention as a canonical story.
Let’s realize, too, that nowhere does Chris Hedges notice that some 850,000 Jews were expelled from Arab North Africa and the Middle East after the 1948 war, with just the clothes on their backs.
Israel absorbed some 500,000 of these refugees. The Palestinians could have exchanged places with them, moved to North Africa and the Arab Middle East, would have acquired more wealth than they left behind, and taken up lives in a culturally friendly state.
But they were forced to stay pinned in the West Bank by Arab states that refused to accept them, and whose leaders themselves pocketed the wealth stolen from the Jews; bank accounts, property, everything.
So Chris Hedges' lie #2 is just a misrepresentation of historical events.
3) “The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine.”
Israel accepted the UN Partition, acceding to a disconnected archipelago state. The Arabs rejected Partition. They announced their intention to annihilate the Jews. They launched the war. They lost and have forcibly kept the Palestinians in thrall to Jew-hatred ever since.
The UN Partition gave Israel 55% of the land west of the Jordan. The extra ~20% they acquired after the war was largely unoccupied desert in the Negev and some land west of Jerusalem and around the Sea of Galilee.
Jordan owned the entire West Bank up to the 1967 War. The West Bank and Jordan were contiguous. Jordanian Troops were stationed in Jerusalem. If they'd wanted a Palestinian State, they could have had one. But they didn't want one. They wanted the end of the Jews.
The evidence doesn't support Chris Hedges’ accusation that Israel was founded on lies. No matter his long tenure as the NYT's Middle East Bureau Chief. In fact, given his protracted focus on that region, Chris Hedges seems remarkably ignorant of its history.
I don't know what happened to my very lengthy reply and for the life of me given all the events since the 22/10 and everything I have read and seen I just want to ask you these questions.
Do you condemn the bombing, burning, shooting, torture, displacement, starvation denial of all the means of sustaining life including the collection of rainwater to drink, by the Israelis?
Has your heart not been stirred to rage by the atrocities visited on the Palestinian children, now numbering well over 7000?
Can you consider that whatever the intellectual arguments and historical argy-bargy this is textbook genocide committed by Israel on the Palestinians?
The post statistic says I had only one reply, Catherine. Yours of today (20/11/23) 3 hours ago. So if you'd replied earlier, the essay apparently never made it to the status of a comment. Maybe you navigated away without clicking the "Post" tab?
says Gaza received nearly $6 billion in aid between 2012 and 2020. How many water treatment plants did Hamas build? How many power stations? Gaza could be Singapore. But instead it's a swamp of violence, corruption and Islamism where children from Kindergarten through high school are first taught to hate Jews.
Gaza included 280,000 children in 2021. People throw around "genocide" very loosely these days, trying to stir up emotion. You should avoid the temptation. In the case of Gaza Israel's is the only genocide that has produced a population increase.
Hamas has baldly stated in its own constitution, that it intends to exterminate the Jews. To commit a real genocide. Hamas has fired its genocide-intending rockets into Israel for decades, killing civilians.
Hamas launched the war. What did it expect to happen? What did you expect to happen? The killing upsets you. Put the blame where it belongs: on those who started the war.
German and Japanese babies died violently in WWII, Catherine. Thousands of them. Whose fault was it?
"...The Palestinians could have exchanged places with them, moved to North Africa and the Arab Middle East, would have acquired more wealth than they left behind, and taken up lives in a culturally friendly state."
This is ridiculous. The idea that an indigent population that has lived there for centuries, should uproot themselves and 'exchange places' with an incoming group. Please. And as for the sparsely populated claim, who cares? They were living simple, peaceful lives and had (and have) every right to remain in the land of their birth and their ancestors.
The hundreds of thousands of Jews of North Africa and the greater Middle East had generational roots going back more than 2000 years. Yet they were forced out en mass in 1948. Israel took in about 500,000 of them, where families lived for years in tent cities.
Given the imposed and enforced exodus of the Jews, a population exchange would have been best. There were several populations that moved after WWII, none of them happy.
Pre-1900, regional Arabs were living lives of poverty. Their lives improved during the late 19th and early 20th centuries when the Jews migrating in to the waste land _they'd purchased from absentee landlords_, drained the swamps, irrigated the deserts, and made the land fertile.
Arabs then moved into what became Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank from surrounding regions because the economy had greatly improved and they could find work.
By 1947, most of the local Arab population had generational roots going back only a couple of generations. In 1948, the instant Israel was declared a state (under UN auspices) the surrounding Arab states launched a war of extermination against the Jews.
"Simple peaceful lives"? Hardly.
There's no understanding that situation without some knowledge, a necessity that your comment reveals.
Scott Ritter's essay uses inflammatory prose to get his audience to accept an argument from passion rather than reason.
The behavior of a few does not typify the whole. And unsupported statements, "an eyewitness to the attack said afterwards." does not constitute evidence.
The 1948 war came because the Arabs rejected the UN partition plan that the Jews had accepted. It is true that when war came, the Jews encouraged the panicked Arabs to leave. But given the murderous hostility Muslim Arabs had imposed on Jews historically, going right back to 1000 years of the Dhimma, the reduction of an Arab presence in a Jewish state was very rational, and restrained actually, given the history of abuse.
The astounding security "failure" of Israel re: the Hamas attack is just not credible. It seems far more likely that it was deliberate, rather than a mass effect of Israeli brain fog from the vaccines. The Palestinians need a homeland, not continued apartheid. Hamas' attacks can not be an excuse to bomb Gaza, nor rain deadly white phosphorous on Gaza residents. And really, who knows what the real news is anyway of what's really happening over there???? X-Twitter now exposes most all the fake photos msm and other actors, small and large, post as "proof" of just about anything, from both sides. I must say though, if Senator Graham is foaming at the mouth, whatever he's foaming about, I'm going to be looking as closely as I can at the other position. And no, Hamas actions were NOT defensible.
You ended one of your videos with the message that you are not religious, but that if God cannot do this, we had to turn the tide as human species (or something like that).
The thought of a combination of war and pestilence at the same time and in Israel of all places has been bothering me for some time.
Read John's revelations if you dare and see it unfold before your eyes.
Have the days of global peace, marrying and merriment already happened? Are those foretold days behind us now? I ask because it's that a precursor to The End? It's possible we have another roughly 200 yrs before the Revelations list of events occurs...
Indeed, none of this or that erodes nor erases our obligation to be ready for Christ's return today and readying our children.
Globally we’re in the most peaceful times of our history. The odd war does not equate to the magnitude or the frequency of wars in previous generations
Good point. My own theory is that the war has been created as a diversion in order to hide the fact that young children are beginning to die. A very cute poster boy, who was convinced by a muppet to "vaccinate" just died in Israel.
Media is not covering that, and people do not seem to be interested. Propaganda sadly seems to be working.
Yup… Israel (Pfizer’s laboratory) is a highly “vaccinated” country. I said at the time that they were doing to themselves what many others tried to do in the past. What a twist of fate that after everything they have been through that they would self-genocide themselves? You can’t make this kind of stuff up.
Remember when Dr Zelenko was alive, his indefatigable efforts to stop this genocide in Israel? He met with top rabbis, councils, and I thought for certain, his message would be not only heard, but acted upon. When Dr Zelenko was reaching out, mid-2021, Israel was already experiencing horrific side effects of the first round of shots. He could point to data already available while pleading for the shots to end. And then the people got hit up with boosters, while still recovering from not only delta covid, but the poison shots. Their population experience was about the worst on the planet, in terms of side effects, based on the graphs I was reading. It seemed very few escaped the shots, the push to get them was extreme. In addition to Dr Zelenko's work stateside to reach out to Jewish communities, Dr Robert Malone said he was consulted by Rabbinical councils in NY, who could see disruptions in the menstrual cycles of the women in their community. I think they may have prohibited the shots.
Yes... I remember all of it. I am not Jewish but I have for a long time felt a certain kinship with the Jewish people. I was really upset when all this started. I just couldn't believe that it was happening and they were doing this to themselves. And they have injected their population with multiple "boosters". As you know, the chances of surviving multiple injections of this poison are pretty low. Except for the Jews that are scattered around the world and "uninjected", the Jewish people are going to be almost completely annihilated.
I met an American who has lived in Israel for decades and works as a cop there who’s unjabbed. Didn’t ask how he got out of it. Edited to add: his wife and kids there are also unjabbed.
Ditto that for many militaries of the Western world, including the US. Add to that the influx of woke into our military and it doesn’t look good for any of these countries. Meanwhile, who’s NOT getting those death shots……
I wonder about the CCP military as well. They seem in mighty good shape, makes me wonder if they didn’t placebo their military age men, but did “vaccinate” their useless eaters (elderly, infirm, etc).
This was on my mind today as well. I prayed, that the Lord will be merciful and not allow a deathly variant hit His people now. Not to imagine the added and unspeakable suffering in this terrible time of war.
When the virus evolves into a more virulent virus, the stakeholders will blame it on low booster uptake which stands at around 2%. They world has no clue what is happening with the pandemic…The course is great! It’s helping to crystallize many themes for me…keep it up!
It has been my opinion for a long time that the vaccine and the end times are inextricably linked - and this connection may shortly be revealed. So what you say here is sadly very plausible.
Tidy solution to the tensions in the Levant, imo.
Bibi's jab mandates will kill far more sons of Levi than Hamas ever will.
I hear estimates of 17 million deaths
And it will get worse every year.
17m deaths so far? Annually to come? Kindly expand your comment. Thank you
According to researcher Steve Kirsch the death rate of the COVID vaccines is roughly 1 in 1000 doses. This translates into 676,000 dead Americans. It turns out, however, that Kirsch’s analysis, which is based on a breakdown of VAERS figures, may be too conservative. Working with data from 17 countries on all-cause mortality, researchers with Canada-based Correlation Research in the Public Interest have come to the conclusion that the death rate of the COVID-19 shots is somewhere in the region of 1 in 800 doses. They estimate that the vaccines have killed some 17 million people worldwide.
17 million plus or minus a half million
Through September 2, 2023
And counting
True! Israelis where demonstrating against him and his policies for weeks then suddenly Hamas happened and everyone has been distracted! The end is near! I feel something seriously wrong will happen.
Israel created Hamas as a counter to the PLO. They created a monster that's going to eat them.
Geert gets it. If they got the real Pfizer jabs, it's only a matter of time.
I concur….if indeed
Remember, Benjamin Netanyahu proudly boasted that Israel was going to serve as a laboratory for the mRNA vaccine. Israeli citizens were forced en masse into taking the jab. This is unconscionable.
And what about that seven hour gap between when Hamas broke through the border of Gaza and attacked Israeli citizens, while the most advanced, sophisticated military in the world claimed to have no knowledge of it whatsoever, and then waited around for seven hours before they responded with any level of sufficiency?
Breaking: The Israeli Ministry of Health caught lying and manipulating an expert report on adverse events,-and-that-side-effects-are-mild-and-transient
Perhaps because they wanted an excuse to sweep the Palestinians out the door and occupy their lands permanently. The second great Nakba. They act with impunity and always have. The state of Israel is built on gigantic lies.
"gigantic lies" Name one, Catherine.
Here’s someone better qualified than me who won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism who writes very well about it.
There is Nothing more credible than a NY Times journo !
Nor is there anything more pathetic than ad hominem attacks. Hedges was in fact one of the few who was arrested by the US army for defying their press pool system. He reported in Iraq, Yugoslavia and his work has been a beacon of truth in a dark world. He in fact departed from the NYT in 2005 after they publicly reprimanded him for undermining public trust in the papers impartiality. Look him up, you might be surprised at what an admirable man he is.
NYT has proven over and over that it is biased and untrustworthy. The mechanics at virtually any garage in the country could keep you better informed.
Nor Pulitzer, who must be rolling in his grave, many times over.
Catherine, I’ve looked at Chris Hedges’ blog post (and see that you registered approval). I’ll confine myself to his statements about Israel’s origin, as that’s the part that you imputed. I’ll quote Hedges and then reply.
1) “The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied.”
Justin McCarthy’s book provides good estimates. it’s open access. You may want to consult it.
However, McCarthy’s discussion of 19th/20th century Arab immigration lacks perception. (F. M. Gottheil, (1979) “The population of Palestine, Circa 1875” Middle Eastern Studies 15(3), 310-321
What is now Israel and the West Bank included about 340,000 inhabitants in 1850 and 490,000 in 1880, when Jewish immigration from Europe began. Jews and ‘Christians were each about 10% of the inhabitants. The land was part of the Ottoman Empire. European diplomats mentioned that the Arabs living there had no sense of national identity. Their concerns were local.
19th century European travelers noted a fertile but sparsely populated land. For example, Frederick Gottheil notes, in his "The population of Palestine, Circa 1875" that, "the British Consul for Palestine, James Finn, wrote in an 1857 report to London that 'the country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants."
And that Samuel Manning in 1875 wrote that the Sharon Plain, "which might support an immense population is almost a solitude. Two or three wretched hamlets, mere clusters of mud huts,..." and that en route from Jaffa to Hebron .. 'An hour beyond Rachel's tomb,' he writes, 'brings us to a fertile, but desolate and unpeopled valley>"
So, Chris Hedges’ first “lie” is falsified. It’s historically true, “that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied.”
2) “The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages … because they were told to do so by Arab leaders.”
So, we surmise, then that The Economist lied on October 2, 1948: “London: During subsequent days the Jewish authorities, who were now in complete control of Haifa (save for limited districts still held by the British troops), urged all Arabs to remain in Haifa and guaranteed them protection and security. … There is but little doubt that the most potent of these factors [causing Arabs to flee] were the announcements made over the air by the Arab Higher Executive, urging all Arabs in Haifa to quit... It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades." (Block, et al. 2016, "The Legal Status of the State of Israel: A Libertarian Approach."
Just prior to the 1948 war, some 75,000 Arab elites, including many military commanders, left the Mandate for safer climes. Meanwhile, surrounding Arab states were advising removal of women, children and the elderly from villages. Those events demoralized and frightened the population, leading to a large exodus.
All this is available from published literature. So, Chris Hedges second “lie” is a straw man accusation representing his contention as a canonical story.
Let’s realize, too, that nowhere does Chris Hedges notice that some 850,000 Jews were expelled from Arab North Africa and the Middle East after the 1948 war, with just the clothes on their backs.
Israel absorbed some 500,000 of these refugees. The Palestinians could have exchanged places with them, moved to North Africa and the Arab Middle East, would have acquired more wealth than they left behind, and taken up lives in a culturally friendly state.
But they were forced to stay pinned in the West Bank by Arab states that refused to accept them, and whose leaders themselves pocketed the wealth stolen from the Jews; bank accounts, property, everything.
So Chris Hedges' lie #2 is just a misrepresentation of historical events.
3) “The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine.”
Israel accepted the UN Partition, acceding to a disconnected archipelago state. The Arabs rejected Partition. They announced their intention to annihilate the Jews. They launched the war. They lost and have forcibly kept the Palestinians in thrall to Jew-hatred ever since.
The UN Partition gave Israel 55% of the land west of the Jordan. The extra ~20% they acquired after the war was largely unoccupied desert in the Negev and some land west of Jerusalem and around the Sea of Galilee.
Jordan owned the entire West Bank up to the 1967 War. The West Bank and Jordan were contiguous. Jordanian Troops were stationed in Jerusalem. If they'd wanted a Palestinian State, they could have had one. But they didn't want one. They wanted the end of the Jews.
The evidence doesn't support Chris Hedges’ accusation that Israel was founded on lies. No matter his long tenure as the NYT's Middle East Bureau Chief. In fact, given his protracted focus on that region, Chris Hedges seems remarkably ignorant of its history.
I don't know what happened to my very lengthy reply and for the life of me given all the events since the 22/10 and everything I have read and seen I just want to ask you these questions.
Do you condemn the bombing, burning, shooting, torture, displacement, starvation denial of all the means of sustaining life including the collection of rainwater to drink, by the Israelis?
Has your heart not been stirred to rage by the atrocities visited on the Palestinian children, now numbering well over 7000?
Can you consider that whatever the intellectual arguments and historical argy-bargy this is textbook genocide committed by Israel on the Palestinians?
The post statistic says I had only one reply, Catherine. Yours of today (20/11/23) 3 hours ago. So if you'd replied earlier, the essay apparently never made it to the status of a comment. Maybe you navigated away without clicking the "Post" tab?
In any case, this article
says Gaza received nearly $6 billion in aid between 2012 and 2020. How many water treatment plants did Hamas build? How many power stations? Gaza could be Singapore. But instead it's a swamp of violence, corruption and Islamism where children from Kindergarten through high school are first taught to hate Jews.
Gaza included 280,000 children in 2021. People throw around "genocide" very loosely these days, trying to stir up emotion. You should avoid the temptation. In the case of Gaza Israel's is the only genocide that has produced a population increase.
Hamas has baldly stated in its own constitution, that it intends to exterminate the Jews. To commit a real genocide. Hamas has fired its genocide-intending rockets into Israel for decades, killing civilians.
Hamas launched the war. What did it expect to happen? What did you expect to happen? The killing upsets you. Put the blame where it belongs: on those who started the war.
German and Japanese babies died violently in WWII, Catherine. Thousands of them. Whose fault was it?
"...The Palestinians could have exchanged places with them, moved to North Africa and the Arab Middle East, would have acquired more wealth than they left behind, and taken up lives in a culturally friendly state."
This is ridiculous. The idea that an indigent population that has lived there for centuries, should uproot themselves and 'exchange places' with an incoming group. Please. And as for the sparsely populated claim, who cares? They were living simple, peaceful lives and had (and have) every right to remain in the land of their birth and their ancestors.
The hundreds of thousands of Jews of North Africa and the greater Middle East had generational roots going back more than 2000 years. Yet they were forced out en mass in 1948. Israel took in about 500,000 of them, where families lived for years in tent cities.
Given the imposed and enforced exodus of the Jews, a population exchange would have been best. There were several populations that moved after WWII, none of them happy.
Pre-1900, regional Arabs were living lives of poverty. Their lives improved during the late 19th and early 20th centuries when the Jews migrating in to the waste land _they'd purchased from absentee landlords_, drained the swamps, irrigated the deserts, and made the land fertile.
Arabs then moved into what became Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank from surrounding regions because the economy had greatly improved and they could find work.
By 1947, most of the local Arab population had generational roots going back only a couple of generations. In 1948, the instant Israel was declared a state (under UN auspices) the surrounding Arab states launched a war of extermination against the Jews.
"Simple peaceful lives"? Hardly.
There's no understanding that situation without some knowledge, a necessity that your comment reveals.
Scott Ritter's essay uses inflammatory prose to get his audience to accept an argument from passion rather than reason.
The behavior of a few does not typify the whole. And unsupported statements, "an eyewitness to the attack said afterwards." does not constitute evidence.
The 1948 war came because the Arabs rejected the UN partition plan that the Jews had accepted. It is true that when war came, the Jews encouraged the panicked Arabs to leave. But given the murderous hostility Muslim Arabs had imposed on Jews historically, going right back to 1000 years of the Dhimma, the reduction of an Arab presence in a Jewish state was very rational, and restrained actually, given the history of abuse.
Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law, Security Council Reaffirms
Hardly a dispassionate legal judgment: "Antisemitism and Discrimination Against Israel at the United Nations"
Don't lose the thread, Cat.
The astounding security "failure" of Israel re: the Hamas attack is just not credible. It seems far more likely that it was deliberate, rather than a mass effect of Israeli brain fog from the vaccines. The Palestinians need a homeland, not continued apartheid. Hamas' attacks can not be an excuse to bomb Gaza, nor rain deadly white phosphorous on Gaza residents. And really, who knows what the real news is anyway of what's really happening over there???? X-Twitter now exposes most all the fake photos msm and other actors, small and large, post as "proof" of just about anything, from both sides. I must say though, if Senator Graham is foaming at the mouth, whatever he's foaming about, I'm going to be looking as closely as I can at the other position. And no, Hamas actions were NOT defensible.
Dear Geert.
You ended one of your videos with the message that you are not religious, but that if God cannot do this, we had to turn the tide as human species (or something like that).
The thought of a combination of war and pestilence at the same time and in Israel of all places has been bothering me for some time.
Read John's revelations if you dare and see it unfold before your eyes.
Have the days of global peace, marrying and merriment already happened? Are those foretold days behind us now? I ask because it's that a precursor to The End? It's possible we have another roughly 200 yrs before the Revelations list of events occurs...
Indeed, none of this or that erodes nor erases our obligation to be ready for Christ's return today and readying our children.
Globally we’re in the most peaceful times of our history. The odd war does not equate to the magnitude or the frequency of wars in previous generations
This has got to be the shortest post from you ever! There really isn't much more to say, is there.
Less is often more.
Sheep spend their lives worried about the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd.
Perfect comment!
Interesting and horrifying. Pfizer treated Israel as the world's laboratory.
Their own leaders treated Israel as lab rats…
They did a pretty good job in their homeland country, (USA(, also.
Good point. My own theory is that the war has been created as a diversion in order to hide the fact that young children are beginning to die. A very cute poster boy, who was convinced by a muppet to "vaccinate" just died in Israel.
Media is not covering that, and people do not seem to be interested. Propaganda sadly seems to be working.
I connected those two dots as well!
Yup… Israel (Pfizer’s laboratory) is a highly “vaccinated” country. I said at the time that they were doing to themselves what many others tried to do in the past. What a twist of fate that after everything they have been through that they would self-genocide themselves? You can’t make this kind of stuff up.
Remember when Dr Zelenko was alive, his indefatigable efforts to stop this genocide in Israel? He met with top rabbis, councils, and I thought for certain, his message would be not only heard, but acted upon. When Dr Zelenko was reaching out, mid-2021, Israel was already experiencing horrific side effects of the first round of shots. He could point to data already available while pleading for the shots to end. And then the people got hit up with boosters, while still recovering from not only delta covid, but the poison shots. Their population experience was about the worst on the planet, in terms of side effects, based on the graphs I was reading. It seemed very few escaped the shots, the push to get them was extreme. In addition to Dr Zelenko's work stateside to reach out to Jewish communities, Dr Robert Malone said he was consulted by Rabbinical councils in NY, who could see disruptions in the menstrual cycles of the women in their community. I think they may have prohibited the shots.
Yes... I remember all of it. I am not Jewish but I have for a long time felt a certain kinship with the Jewish people. I was really upset when all this started. I just couldn't believe that it was happening and they were doing this to themselves. And they have injected their population with multiple "boosters". As you know, the chances of surviving multiple injections of this poison are pretty low. Except for the Jews that are scattered around the world and "uninjected", the Jewish people are going to be almost completely annihilated.
I met an American who has lived in Israel for decades and works as a cop there who’s unjabbed. Didn’t ask how he got out of it. Edited to add: his wife and kids there are also unjabbed.
That’s good
Bibi must've taken the money 🤑💰 to sell out Israel in that fashion. I wonder how much Bourla from Pfister 🤛 ✊ 🤜 paid him?
Probably a lot, and paid to a Cayman Islands bank
I seriously do worry that the IDF's high vaccine uptake will undermine its strength.
Ditto that for many militaries of the Western world, including the US. Add to that the influx of woke into our military and it doesn’t look good for any of these countries. Meanwhile, who’s NOT getting those death shots……
Hamas. Hezbollah, etc.
I wonder about the CCP military as well. They seem in mighty good shape, makes me wonder if they didn’t placebo their military age men, but did “vaccinate” their useless eaters (elderly, infirm, etc).
This was on my mind today as well. I prayed, that the Lord will be merciful and not allow a deathly variant hit His people now. Not to imagine the added and unspeakable suffering in this terrible time of war.
Indeed. Israel may have a self-inflicted depopulation problem - vaxx infertility, VAIDS, plus low pre-covid birthrate demographics. Uh-oh.
Thanks for Sharing this timely information Dr Bossche much appreciated 🙏
This new war in Israel is definitely a cover for the pharmaceutical genocide that is unfolding.
When the virus evolves into a more virulent virus, the stakeholders will blame it on low booster uptake which stands at around 2%. They world has no clue what is happening with the pandemic…The course is great! It’s helping to crystallize many themes for me…keep it up!
Anthony V