Dr. Geert, my deepest gratitude and unwavering support for your tireless efforts and groundbreaking work in predicting the potential severe impacts of hyperacute COVID-19.

Your dedication to scientific rigor and your commitment to public health have not gone unnoticed. In a time when accurate information and timely warnings are crucial, your predictions have provided valuable insights that have undoubtedly saved countless lives. Your courage to speak out, even in the face of skepticism and criticism, demonstrates a profound commitment to the well-being of humanity.

It is understandable that making such stark predictions can bring about significant challenges and criticism. However, please know that there are many here who deeply appreciate and respect your contributions. Your work highlights the importance of preparedness and proactive measures in the face of emerging threats.

We here in your Substack page owe you a debt of gratitude for your perseverance and your dedication to uncovering the truth, no matter how difficult it may be to hear.

In these challenging times, it is essential to acknowledge and support those who are on the frontlines of research and discovery. Your efforts are a testament to the power of science and the vital role it plays in protecting humanity. Please continue to push forward, knowing that you have the backing of many who believe in the importance of your work.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to public health and for your contributions to our understanding of COVID-19. Your efforts are truly appreciated and have made a significant impact to all of us.

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As a rejoinder, I invite anyone to check this website to see that Geert was not a 'flash in the pan'. He made a PREDICITON of the rise of COVID-19 cases in Israel last June 2021 after a massive mass vaccination program.

This SEALS SHUT my understanding that he IS the REAL DEAL, and ANY denier of this data is either a pathetic joke of a troll or massively delusional.


Although the 'tsunami' he has been predicting has yet to happen, as a former microbiologist, nature dislikes being pinned down, although like a coy lady, she reveals her workings from time to time.

I am currently researching on how nature sometimes 'blows off steam' in contrast to her sometimes dramatic display of 'creative destruction' in the field of epidemiology.

With that, Dr. Geert, I am willing to join you in your new website.

I just came out of retirement and have already rejoined my old 'rebel' research colleagues in the academe.

I hope you could take this old man in, Geert.

I'd love a great research. I love a great debate. and I love a great cold beer, too.

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He made a PREDICITON of the rise of COVID-19 cases in Israel last June 2021 after a massive mass vaccination program.----well that is not a prediction but an INFECTION! jabs are viruses injected into your body! whatever you think about vaccines is FALSE! this is why Geert was dooming and glooming all this time cause up until 2021 he was the PROBLEM CREATOR, read in my blog!

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Sorry. Reading your blog ain't free.

I refuse TO PAY you money if only to read your refutation.

Thanks, but NO thanks.

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I don’t think it’s in english…

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English is 10x simpler to write in than in my native language

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btw let me know what are you applying to your everyday life that you have learnt here, there must be at least one big thing? Oh , i see you have been entertained here, looking at the world suffering while enjoying your beer! This is 100% of the audiance here, cause other normal people could not read this doom and gloom!

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🤦‍♂️ (facepalm)

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? i guessed so, nothing!

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Insufferable malcontent... I've personally learned a LOT about the complexities of nature and 'immune ecology.' To each his own...

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the article problem creator is for free! ofcourse, but Geerts are of such a value 75 eur a year for fear mongering 0 solution. there are free articles that are much better 20 of them. I know he must feel awful, he wants to be a good man but trapped in evil business, now wants to somehow "help" the world, while he first has to help himself , and admit virology is EVIL business! and all of his predictions will fall apart, becasue what he did not predict is that after 2.5 years of immune system battle, many are feeling better than ever! meaning they have beaten the virus! some are getting nasty issues, that can be resolved with some time......but in general the timing was correct! i see healing plus many issues coming to the surface now! And he never even mentioned that as possibility, nor offered any way out , when i asked him about solution, he wrote another article on how to vaccinate yourself out of this, hahaha how to lie yourself out of a lie, i plan to write another article why medical comunity can not be part of the solution, becasue they live a lie 24/7.......and love predicting doom and gloom, and to call something uncurable is part fo their fear enslavering. Slave to the Geert's rythm.

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GVB didsn't say '0 solution....' in fact he has offered solutions i.e., what I'd do if vaccinated with coming hivicron...etc. prophylactics etc. You are not up on reading comprehension...many courses are available free online.

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the good news is what does not kill you makes you stronger, those who created the virus wanted us all dead and crippled, but they will be getting more healthy individuals with much clearer vision of the world. this is my hope. God turns every evil into good.

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Incorrect. Israel used the mRNA jabs if I recall correctly...that is not a 'jab with a virus.'

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lol :) you must be kidding me?? i have no time to explain to you that getting your mRNA jab is the same as getting yourself a virus. YOu should do a lot of catch up dr. Rober Malone explains this nicely there is no difference between mRNA and AZN adenovirus jab! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHny5-c_Heo&t=2354s

btw i just realized another nonsesne from this guy! he thinks that jabs somehow chnage immune respons of a person! HE IS DELUSIONAL! we all have different immune responses, probably geneticly, and some jab can not chnage that! YOu know what jabs are for?? TO GET YOU INFECTED!!! jeeezus christ you are all delusional about vaccines! i knew it! so so shappy i figured this out and in 3 sentences all of his theory has fallen apart as well 30 years of VIRUS SHEDDING of his

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Unfortunately, Dr. Malone has been compromised from the get go and has spoken and lied out of both sides of his mouth. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is far more important to him than the truth.

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Dina i doubt you have enough knowledge to discerne among these topics and we should do that at all times with all people. Its a fact of life, being a follower is good if you follow Jesus only. this thread here never had any good news.

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Unfortunately, you are making the biggest mistake in your life by not following this hero of a man. There has been doom and gloom from the beginning ~ Geert has been on all of the truth from the get go. I hope you stay healthy and one day you are able to see the truth!

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Gratitude for what? All the failed predictions and still counting???

This must be some kind of a joke…

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You are not entirely correct. All his predictions have actually been correct - non-sterilizing vaccines would allow the virus to continually mutate and evade vaccinal anti-bodies while at the same time, the dys-regulation of the immune system and bypassing of innate immunity would create an inescapable, population wide immune system escape 'pandemic'?...that is, the virus will keep getting past the immune system of those who took 1 to 2 or more vaccines while the virus was circulating and did NOT have prior infection with Corona...if I understand and repeat the terminology correctly. Ask yourself: When H1N1 went through in 09' 2010, many people were sick with it ... then ask again, how many times did you hear that those same people who got sick with H1N1 were then sick with it again? No times. Those who got H1N1 were sick with it only one time. How many jabbed do you know that have been sick now multiple times with Covid-19? The number of people even in private co-horts is truly astounding...to be sure...unjabbed are getting re-infected too with new mutations but it is always 'cleared in a day or two,' as I know of many who claim so that are not jabbed. The only prediction GVB is off on, so far, is the massive so-called all at once Tsunami of extreme sickness and death among the jabbed. Actually I don't see it coming as he explains it...at least not yet...I do see his prediction of a Tsunami of sickness and fatality due to failed immune systems and a hivicron mutation coming true...but likely not yet. Likely in years down the line...that is my educated guess. But I still see that GVB so far, has been right on the money in all his predictions save one, the last one.

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Are you familiar with population genetics? I assume not, because neither is Geert.

What Geert and people like you assume, or speculate about, is that mutations somehow improve the organism, and because of that they make the organism more lethal, more transmissible, more whatever…and therefore non-sterilizing vaccines would somehow put the organism under selective pressure to mutate to evade the immune system. This is false. Write it down!

The great majority of fitness-impacting mutations are deleterious or neutral meaning they degrade the organism or not improve it at all. Get it? What Geert and others like him are selling people like you is speculative BS. It has no experimental or even theoretical evidence whatsoever. It is based on the fundamental fraud of evolutionary theory that natural selection acting on mutations can create better things. It is nonsense!

Here is a link to a mainly ignored paper that was published at the beginning of the scamdemic Geert probably neve read or ignored.


Fitness-impacting mutation is not the only problem Geert got wrong. He also believes in the resurrection miracle of dead particles called ‘viruses’. Now that he ‘retires’ maybe he can find time to figure it out. I challenged him and his buddy Dr. Malone to explain how the resurrection of viruses happens, but they only came up with contradicting sci-fi stories… lol

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You are forgetting one thing about these 'adaptations of the fittest' surviving! It is in RELATION TO and in CONCURRENT EVOLUTION WITH a mass cohort of people who CAN NOT STERILIZE THE VIRUS... however your so-called 'neutral, degraded organism' mutation presents itself! Why are people still getting sick from it? Show me just ONE TIME when a virus went through a population, and continued to infect that same population, the very same people, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, now going on 4 and a half years?! Just one time this has happened in history...please. BTW, NATURE is not unbiased...it is controlled science.

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What are you taking about? Have you lost your mind? I don’t know what you are taking about and neither do you…

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What part about this point that you do not understand: "It is in RELATION TO and in CONCURRENT EVOLUTION WITH a mass cohort of people who CAN NOT STERILIZE THE VIRUS..." ??? If you can not understand that phrase, you are either gas-lighting or need to go back and take grade 10 biology.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Imho, multi-jabbed people whose immune systems have just about given up will be swept away like a tidal wave by the next thing to come along. Seasonal flu or a lab enhanced bird flu. There must be some reason Redfield said the bird flu could kill 50%.

The multi-jabbed I know personally are constantly sick at this point.

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Thanks for sharing. Do you happen to have a link on Redfield saying about bird flu killing 50%? Thanks again.

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this is one of the greatest evidence how analysing the EVIL wont bring any good, one has to know about the good , the solutions first. and Analysing the evil side is very good, but not obsessing about it and missing the big picture: human body miracle. all he did was FEAR shedding, his own Soul is full of fears. he should save himself first. and predict his own future to be able to predict the world destiny! his prediction was spot on! many started to clear the virus! he should write a book on viruses and make the law of it, science. there is no such thing as predicitng the future, read in my blog

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He did write such a book.

Did YOU read it?

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well he should write another one with all of his sorrow that he did not save the world! i mean how prideful a heart should be to make himself money from spreading fears , zero solutions!!! every article of his is doom and gloom! i tend not to read books on exorcism, nor viruses. Listen to this: https://youtu.be/tcw8tQhQLd4?si=_ryjoX_oIlLWabJm ...parasite problem is as old as Adam and Eve!

read titles of my article, and compare to his! and btw i am not PhD , its a complete shame he could not come up with solutions! and you know why?? Becasue he was all along part of the PROBLEM! he made his career money everything on a problem and problem creating! Vaccines = viruses

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You DIDN"T answer my question.

And your blog ain't worth spending money on.

Please go.

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my blog is not important, i have adressed at least 10 issues with this blog, so i argumented my position, and you are typical follower of the blind.

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Really you think blasting using rather degrading remarks elevates your ideology to a higher plane and effectiveness. I read you as advertising yourself on Geerts site. Beyond your wailing, I don’t find Geerts information as solely fear mongering. That truly sits at the feet of all media and in US the CDC, NIH and WHO. Presently they are ramping up another pandemic of Bird Flu proposing the same failed program of saving humanity as COVID IMMUNIZATIONS and terrible treatment plans not part of any Do No Harm protocols.

A bit over a month or so ago he did advise on how to protect yourself from his prediction of increased COVID illness severity and what to monitor in that regard. Guess you missed that one. He has been pretty spot on with his predictions despite not reaching the numbers he thought would be result of the viral pressure in vaccinated communities that now have populations with differing degrees of compromised immune systems.

I guess since you think Geert is sounding an idiot alarm where COVID is concerned you are equally as condescending regarding the large numbers of hysteria promoting person of the now changed named from Global Warming to Climate Change or CO2 alarms? They, the believers and charlatans are certainly predicting and to date, missed the mark overall. Thats just an example.

Bottom line for me is; present your specific scientific info rebuttal rather than dissing the man. I can read and evaluate if I agree with you. You really did not do that effectively here (my opinion), you advertised your blog. Good for you that you’re willing to be out there as another voice attempting to educate. What is your plan for healing beside @read my blog?@

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what is one big takeaway from reading Geert blog that you apply daily in your life, i did not come here to advertise my blog, since majority of my content is FREE and very useful for anyone trying to heal him/herself from either lyign or eating lies every day

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Wrong again on 'zero solutions.' Reading comprehension issues here...

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modern medicine is all about predictions, and every human should be humble enough not to try to predict anything, especially the end of the human race, which all of you enjoyed thinking of here, only sick mind can read such blogs

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GVB is NOT predicting the end of the human race, just the end of the logical outcome of a mass vaccination campaign while a virus is circulating...pretty simple stuff actually when focus on the basics. He has said the logical outcome, nature bats last, will occur at some point resulting in mass fatalities and sickness. So what? What is your point? Did not Hiroshima and Nagasaki result in mass fatalities, sickness and death? Some poor soul knew it was going to happen and predicted the outcome...are we to punish that soul for predicting the mass death of the atomic bomb being dropped on civilians???

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You are just as confused are Geert, if not more…

Let’s test your convictions: Give me one prediction Geert was right spot on. This is your only chance….

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Man, you are ridiculous...totally ridiculous. The MSM doctor expert supported narrative was 'take the vaccine and stop the virus dead in it's tracks.' GVB said it wouldn't happen...the vaccines are non-sterilizing and WILL NOT stop transmission and will likely keep mutating if their is no population wide herd immunity achieved. HE is correct on that prediction. Last chance...explain to me why H1N1 NEVER KEPT MUTATING AND CIRCULATING FOR OVER FOUR YEARS AFTER IT FIRST APPEARED!

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You don’t have an answer. You know what it’s means, right?

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You don’t have an answer. You know what it’s means, right? ...

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You don’t have an answer. You know what it’s means, right?

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Did you know that the so-called mRNA/DNA “vaccines” can’t do what they werw supposed to do? Or, you and Geert still believe that Shizer actually bothered to do molecular testing???

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BTW, the 'jab didn't change the immune response of a person, [!]' it was the fact that the jab BYPASSED the normal, evolutionary, ancient process and SEQUENCE of responses to a pathogen that a human being normally goes through! This bypassing process WHILE a pathogen was still circulating allowed the subsequent mutations to get 'through the first iron door' of the castle easily and KEEP infecting on a population wide level! And that is what has happened! All those jabbed, [and those unjabbed] are STILL getting infected, [but the unjabbed keep sterilizing the newest mutation without any issue] and the jabbed are NOT sterilizing the new mutations and to boot are getting 'long covid...' i.e., are STILL getting sick with what they were supposed to be protected from! I'm done with you!

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I couldn't agree with you more. Geert is a true blessing.

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Very well said, I think you speak for many of us.

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God bless you Geert, thank you for everything, you are a rare and wonderful human being!

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Thank you Geert for all you have done and continue to do. Above all, take care of yourself and this sounds like a wise move. I am thankful for you and your knowledge every single day. Good luck with your relocation!

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There is a lot of Covid out there atm. Far more than most people realize. I just picked it up on a cruise ship and plane ride home. It's the first time for my wife and I. It is becoming so common that people don't even test and isolate anymore. We are unvaccinated and have found infection to be mild. I have followed a regime of Ivermectin, 48 MG per day, plus doxicycline 200 MG and it immediately cured the tiredness and light headedness. I could literally feel them purging the symptoms from my body within an hour. The virus still has plenty of kick though for most people. I see friends and family, all vaccinated, getting reinfected. It's possible that this endemic spiral would have occurred earlier and more efficiently if vaccines and lockdowns had not been implemented. I'm so grateful to Geert VB.

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There is indeed all i hear is ambulance sirens my Mum's Care Home is getting devastating infections 😢

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Geert Vanden Bosch is right about the effect on the vaccinated and it won't just be their succumbing to Covid.

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What was your first symptom? I have a vaxxed family member who just got sick for the first time since 2020 and I’m wondering if it’s a covid breakthrough infection. Bad sore throat, strong headache and very tired. Fairly mild though.

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We just went rounds with it in our family after a small reunion and yes, those were the symptoms. COVID testing was lacking. Only one poked person tested positive after 5 days of being very ill. Tests on day 1 and 3 were negative and were for the rest of us, all unpoked.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Neither my wife, or I could be described as very ill. Neither of us are jabbed. I had trouble sleeping last night because energy levels are high and underutilized. Neither of us got a sore throat prior to any other symptoms.The throat got a little sore from coughing, but no issues with swallowing. We both had a little fever, with chills, but it was brief. She had a few headaches, but they were not sharp. I don't get headaches and haven't now either.

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No more boosters :-)

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Don't forget Zinc acetate on a similar protocol

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Yes, I take Zinc

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Sad to hear that you took doxycycline. That circumvents and damages your immune system. C-19 is a very mild virus.

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I took Doxy before I took Ivermectin. I've used it other occasions when an annoying chest infection has arisen. It is in the McCullough protocol, but he also recommends AZM and now Paxlovid. My Covid symptoms have been mild and recovery has been quick. I had it for possibly 4 days without realizing it. The tiredness made me suspicious. That disappeared within an our of taking IVM and has not returned. Doxycycline treats bacteria pneumonia, which is what kills people, not Covid.

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lol mild but devastating!

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The C-19 virus did not devastate. "Modern medicine's" reaction to the mild virus did with their ventilation machines and drugs.

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Geert, you deserve a break! But please don't disappear. We need to see you on programs like Vejon for updates & discussion, as do a few others who are finally awakening.

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We need to see him on Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson!

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Interesting idea to have a forum, at least free speech can be guaranteed. I will join this forum as support of your work and to have a discussion on the science and implications at hand.

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Thank you, Geert, for connecting the dots, bringing light to uncertainty, and having the courage to speak up when society and many powerful forces have been (and are) actively working to suppress the truth.

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Thank you GVB for your time and efforts 👍🏼💥☮️🙏⚔️

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Geert’s latest in-depth talk on the coming tsunami.


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thanks a lot, its hard to keep track on latest videos of Geert because they are scattered on various platforms. Appreciate it much.

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No1, Thanks for this link!

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What’s the message?

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GOD bless you GVB for your OUTstanding courage, integrity , dedication & tenacity in bringing awareness to humanity. Deepest gratitude ...

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Dr. Vanden Bossche is the object of "kill the messenger" mentality: it is a well-known phenomenon, and has claimed many victims. But those of us who understand what he is saying, even in a general way, and why, are grateful.

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Dr. Geert thank you always along the time for sharing your knowledge. We all appreciate you! God bless you!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The German part of Belgium is IMO the prettiest. You will love it there ! I hope to join your platform later on, when one of my Substacks expires - on a small income, being careful with money - I hope you will also keep posting on here!

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Enjoy your break dear Dr. Vanden Bossche. I have followed you since the beginning four years ago. I live in Brussels. May your break be filled with laughter and delicious food and good friends.

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Bon appetit Dr Bossche enjoy one or two 🍷🍷

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I can agree with that 🍷

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Laughter . . . ?

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In honour of Melanie's great 60s enlightenment song, "Look What They've Done To My Song" - to honour you and all of your excellent contribution Dr. Vanden Bossche I would like to suggest the title "Look What They've Done To My Cold Virus"!

🎶"But maybe it'll all be all right, Ma

Maybе it'll all be OK

Well, if the pеople are buying tears

I'll be rich some day, Ma

Look what they've done to my song (cold virus)" 🎶

Love and blessings from High River, Alberta!

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Greetings. I'm also living in the High River area!

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Nice! In the town? What do you do in High River?

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No, we have a farm about 15 min SW of High River. Our shop is in HR though. How about you?

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About 15 minutes west up the river.

What is your shop in town, I will have to stop in and say hi sometime?

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We manufacture products for O&G plus we make a booster/cleaner for gas and diesel equipment. I'm not in there very often. We have a shop guy who does most of tye work. I'm busy at the farm most days.

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“But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down…”

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Jesus taps him on the shoulder and says, "Look again My child, it's Morning!"

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Why don’t you move to Canada, Geert?

There was not pandemic here only panic-demic… but our dictator and clown in charge Justin Clouseau ordered 10 so-called vaccines per head, dead or alive…


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Let's hope Skippy and Freeland take their share.

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Nuh. Unless they are stupid… Wait a minute? Are they that stupid???

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