Thank you Dr Vanden Bossche for laying out the reasoning for those who are intent on perpetuating the vaccine craze. You have been spot on since your original statement outlining the dangers of vaccinating with a leaky vaccine during a pandemic.

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As we see with the deportation of Novak from Australia the narrative has still got a hold of many many people and the continuing amounts of money being pushed into false science, If I have learnt anything in this pandemic is to check and re check data and the data shows what Dr Geert writes is true in the data more hospitalisations from vaccinated, how they expect the third and forth shot of the same adjuvant to help the bodies defences is absolutely ludicrous.

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Alpha is gone. It’s like taking the flu vaccine from 2018 in 2022.

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If T cell epitopes can contribute to vaccine efficacy against SARS-CoV-2, why haven't they used them to develop HIV vaccines since the 1980s (The KGB - USSR secret service at the time accused the CIA of creating the HIV virus). SARS-CoV-2 virus has HIV inserts as shown in the Rockfeller Foundation LockStep 2010 report (this was the plan and I can assume that in 2010 the virus architecture was already ready):


If they failed to develop a vaccine for HIV in almost 40 years, when do they think their vaccine against a hybrid lab made virus will be ready for use? Maybe in 75 years if I go by the FDA information release standard!!

I always call bought researchers "scientific illusionists" - they have to justify their research funding to their handlers.

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Some folks believe that AIDS was lab created too. :\

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Look up Jimmy Dore and Dr Campbell on Rumble and why Ivermectin is the therapeutic to use with early onset of symptoms. Don’t forget your Zinc, C, D and Quercetin . 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰thanks Fauci follow the money.

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You don’t need a medical background to understand mechanism of action.

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I'm sorry , but don't make me laugh -- Jimmy Dore -- In March/April after he took his C19 jabs was shockingly silent on the whole debacle - his show only began to tackle the issue in a significant meaningful way in late August . He was VERY late to the party. I don't put any stock in that guy or other YouTube 'stroke-hunting' Mfckrs.

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So he was late? Who cares!? The guy is killing it now and is telling the truth.

SMH, pushing away truth tellers.

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Live and learn… some people that aren’t in the medical field or not , can relate to him ☮️

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So, the fact that I've had covid-19-etc. at least three times is a good thing. My immune system is NINJA now. Take that, c0vidcrittters!

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Same with me Angel. I am usually very very healthy and rarely get colds + never had flu

I was sick in November and December 2019 with this crud. I do not get chest illness but I had it for the first time. Stubborn thing. It took a month of constant repetitive treatment of decongestants and expectorants I finally got over it, Then in January 2021 I got the same stupid thing. Anyway, both bouts I recovered from that.

Just two weeks ago, I was exposed to someone very sick with covid. They did not know they had it yet, but they were sickkk. They tested that evening with positive covid.

I have not been sick since last January

I hope you had a smooth recovery from all of your covid adventures

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I'm just now seeing these posts of your [apologies for my delayed replies].

Glad you got through the ickers and are stronger for it! Yes, I'm doing good too! YAY us!

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Were you double vaccinated ,with which , did you have the mono clonial antigen? Cheers

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holy smokes! was it milder each time?

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Well, the first time was all intestinal [I won't go into the gritty details] and I had the most extreme exhaustion. Second time I had the upper respiratory coupled with same exhaustion and was able to care for myself and my two girl kitties [my husband worked out of town all 2020]. Third time was a cake-walk last November but husband was knocked out for almost three whole weeks even with monoclonal antibodies and I was just having SOME tiredness and a few sniffles but lost my sense of smell which is almost 90% back now in my right nostril but my left nostril is at 40%. Third time I did start right away with Ivermectin/zinc/d/c/asparagus/black seed oil.

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yes the intestinal bout. That was my second. I did not know if that was covid.... but mine was very, inconvenient and lasted two weeks. I agree about the gritty details. Horrible. let's just say, I was doing a lot of laundry for myself

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Yep! When that version hit me [like a Mack truck to the gut], that's when the whole 'toilet paper' insanity was happening. Very inconvenient timing [lol ugh].

Glad you got through it!!!!

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be interesting to see your blood results after 3 infections

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Yes! I'm very curious myself.

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God bless!

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Thank you and you too!🙌

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If I were in your shoes I would be suspicious of your surroundings; it could be useful to check for EMF radiation.

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We have a 'smart meter'....hmmmm

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Could be enough if you are sensitive; there is this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/

And also this one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33064832/

If you have wi-fi at home, definitely switch it off for the night. Some people use orgone contraptions but I am not convinced. Keep your phone at a distance from your body, too, as much as you can.

Jeromy Johnson is good. https://www.emfanalysis.com/

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Thank you so much. Yes, I have home wifi too!

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At this rate, they should add the AIDS+COVID precautionary multivalent vaccine and encourage self administration for 100% uptake in Elected offcials, Government officials, Civil Servants, Judiciary, Pharmaceutical Executives, Tech Executives and Academics with "health" titles. It would ensure the safe and effective and uninterrupted dispensation of scientific "knowledge"and empirically informed policy for centuries.

Then when they have 100% uptake of all the T-Cell epitopes and updates, they can read this and decide if the rest of population needs to play with fire.


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yes let them have the program of T cells, when you know all congress were given hydroxychloroquine and its not spoken about you know complicit actions are happening

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The Wuhan virus makes all of us paying more attention to still foggy science of immunology.

Imagine that dr. Edward Jenner made first vaccine in 1757 without any clue about it !

BTW: why dr. Bossche uses word 'vaccine' with reference to Covid19 is a bit unnerving.

Theses mRNA injections are not vaccines. At best call it 'mitigating, sometimes very harmful medications'.

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No- call them 'substandard pain killers' --- The makers never claimed they were anything more than painkillers, but got away with using the word Vaccine because they changed the definition of vaccine in most mainstream dictionaries.

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TRANSFECTIONS- even better ☠️

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Sincerely thank you. I so deeply appreciate you sharing your knowledge with all of us. So again, Thank you so much, Dr Vanden Bossche.

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Thanks Dr Vanden Bossche.

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One thing I know about Chinese Sars flues is that the World ,so called specialist ,knows very little about it !

An associate has a patent on T cells and things he isn't telling me indicate there is much more to the ability of T cells to deliver ,he says there will always be another Virus ,it is just the evolution of mankind . So I say Be Safe ,enjoy Life

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“Isn’t it surprising that several of these research groups are obtaining direct funding from vaccine companies that are heavily engaged in the ongoing mass vaccination campaigns?”


I want to sell you the iPhone 13, so I will tell you how much better it is than the iPhone 11 and 12.

I want to sell you the new BMW so I will tell you how much better it is than the old model.


Currently, the propaganda is aimed at the ‘educated’ classes. It is trying to legitimise phase 2 vaccines so that when they are rolled out in a few weeks the uptake is as massive as possible.


So, if you bought the “iPhone 11” of vaccines, how do you feel now ?


If they are not explicitly saying it yet, then they will soon :-

“These ! Are the ones ! We finally did it , come on , take phase 2 vaccines and never worry about C19 again”



The billions that WERE FORCED to take phase 1 vaccines …. were wasting their blood, lives and time being guinea pigs for phase 2 vaccines ?


After the next variant comes, and phase 2 vaccines don’t work with that……

“Take our phase 3 vaccines, they are the answer to all our C19 problems”


A year ago it was “1 jab is enough” , then “2 jabs are needed” then “3 are needed” , now the W.H.O. is not supporting 3 jabs as a reasonable strategy.


How can anyone look at the last year and NOT think :-

“They are making this shit up as they go - they don’t really know what they are doing, but they are trying to make us believe that they do”


Despite all that -

the biggest crime, the vilest most pernicious and toxic crime of the last year has been the evolution of a new prejudice :- Vaccinism.

Countries have stripped away the most primal and basic of human rights:-

‘the right to decide what to do with the health of one’s own body’.


People have been forced to take a drug against their will.

THAT is the obscenity.

How can anyone be comfortable with that!! ??


The fact the drug exacerbated the problem by encouraging the evolution of variants is merely grist to the mill of the overall toxicity of the current global medical dictatorship.


Homophobia, racism, mysoginy and other irrational prejudices are abhorrent. They are the detritus of human behaviour.

They have legitimised mass execution and mass murder and continue to do so.

Adding ‘vaccinism’ to this list of madness makes me nauseous with anger.


I have never needed Geert’s words to convince me that the vaccines are useless for humanity.

I know that myself from an understanding of thousands of years of human social (and economic) history, zen buddhism and common sense, along with some elementary critical thinking skills.

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Those who planned this assault on the human race only know how to kill.

Living processes don't behave linearly and there is no way they can know for sure what's going on with these kill shots. You're dealing with firefighters of the worst kind - they're not trying to stop fire but to activate it. They wear firefighters costumes just to fool their victims. They're abject killers, monsters and human predators.

The proof is right here:


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Plandemic weekly good news (2 cracks in the wall):

1. Geert's prediction for Israel's scamdemic is so OBVIOUS this week that I can't believe how the Israeli health official he was referring to a couple of weeks ago can still look at herself in the mirror.

Geert showed a chart of infections in Israel when the curve was going down and the Israeli health official was suggesting that it was related to her sound expertise in handling infectious diseases. He pointed out that it was going to go UP and could not say down forever.

A chart is worth more than 1000 words - you can verify what happened after that debate on your own by going to https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus.

a) Select Israel on the left panel

b) Uncheck all other countries

c) Israel should show 4 peaks since 2020 and the latest one is not even a peak but a vertical take off of a hypersonic missile!!

Notice that the highest peak in 2020 (when there were no transgenic injections) was on 09/27/2020 at 675 infections per million.

On January 15, 2022 the infection rate was 4,428. i.e 6.5X the max infection rate of 20202!!!!

What has happened in Israel since December 2020 has been the worst nightmare of any sane scientist: More than 90% of the population has been double vaxxed, Boosted and BOOSTED. They're expecting their 3rd booster kill shot in the coming months - for what REASON? If injecting 40 x 4 trillion mRNA nano-particles into the bloodstream of each citizen in less than 13 months hasn't stopped OMicron why do they think they should continue?

Is this country run by mad men? Are they practicing human sacrifice in Israel?

Do they know that Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is real? (negative vaccine efficacy!)

When I was scratching my hair I tumbled onto a scathing open letter to the Israeli Minister of Health that you can read here:

‘Time to Admit Failure,’ Leading Immunologist Tells Israel’s Ministry of Health


So, in Israel there is already a crack in the Covid-19 madness wall from academia.

2) In Canada, the Prime of Saskatchewan "Scott Moe announced Thursday that he would not follow other provinces in further violations of our rights and freedoms, and furthermore stated clearly that the draconian measures are not working"


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I have family in Israel - I have spent a few years there - from my experience, the political and social culture/ethos of Israelis is grotesquely arrogant. It's connected to the fact their country was born from the tragedy of the Holocaust and has had several wars with neighbours since, so their culture is deeply riddled with mistrust and fear of anyone who isn't a zionist. Therefore, when it comes to C19 , they just do what they think is right , they don't give a fuck about anything else. Also, their whole political history is deeply intertwined with American imperialist agendas - so , following Moderna and Pfizer's lead was reasonably predictable.

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I can say that they screwed up big time this C-19 fight.

They're fighting a WRONG fight this time.

If the MOSSAD never took the below Rockfeller Foundation 2010 plan seriously I bet what they're doing is going to destroy their country unless the kill shots they're receiving are not the same as those sold throughout the world (especially in the US where toxic lots are distributed in a planned manner - see Dr Mike Yeadon's report on VAERS data analysis online):


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So Dr. Bosshe, I know you have recommended some continued exposure to the virus as a way of building immunity, but.... since there is no way of guarantying that a person will not get severely sick.. so, to do what you've suggested, is tantamount to a person taking a risk with their life, right?

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Omicron's extremely high infectiousness (comparable to the measles) means that there is no avoiding getting exposed to it. So, there is no risk-free scenario. I've seen Dr. Vanden Bossche recommend limiting your contacts, to avoid too much re-exposure, while not totally eliminating them. This way, your immune system can stay at least somewhat trained, and you can find the risk level that feels OK for you.

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He never encouraged *acute* exposure, on the contrary, he's tried to fight global health authorities for an entire year to warn them about this specific problem becoming worse because of policies that relate to infection prevention paradoxically leading to worse outcomes.

He's repeatedly made the nuanced point that before most people had been properly exposed and repeatedly exposed to the virus due to restrictions on movement- deprived vast majority of the world the opportunity to train their innate immune system to deal with variants, we simultaneously opened up and mass vaccinated people eroding everyone's immunity, aquired or innate. The higher infectiousness and immune evasion puts the innate immune system and adaptive immune system out of play for a large chunk of people. This is the sin.

Of course, now the risk is higher because the difference between acute and mild exposure is very narrow compared to pre-infection prevention measures and vaccination because we forced the less infectious variants to die and now are living with the variants we can't easily eliminate.

His point was that without proper training (repeat exposure) there is no hope of sterilizing immunity that can block transmission. We need this for a large segment of the population so that the small segment of population who may have severe outcomes upon infection have the protection from the herd to prevent the virus going on free rampage.

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If you understand that (using a worldwide average) 2.5% of people that get C19 die from it and that the vast majority of them are over 80 years old, then , NO, it is not taking a risk with ones life anymore than crossing the street, taking a flight , or switching on the Christmas tree lights is risking one's life --- yes, you can get hit by a car, the plane can crash and you could get electrocuted to death.

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Furthermore, as you have never met me, nor know anything about my life, it was unkind and thoughtless to shout at me in capitals. Your grief for your brother’s death is natural and normal, but you should not let it justify impoliteness and disrespect of strangers online - sadly, such is another illness of contemporary life.


Everyone is suffering in this world - that was true before C19 and is more pertinently true now. So, while I feel for you, I wish your grief had made you more sensitive to the pain that others feel, rather than give you a baton to hit people with.

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I am not ‘playing’ anything. Now who is projecting themselves ?

Take responsibility for your behaviour.

Given your replies, I am more sure you are just another troll, and that the whole ‘my brother died’ thing was a trolling ploy.

Furthermore, two other people also replied to your question to GVB - were they also breaking some ‘rule’ of ‘no reply’ from anyone but GVB ? Why not throw down some capital letters in their face too, for having the audacity to reply to your question that was only for GVB.

I have never seen GVB reply to anyone in the comments section, so shouting at me for having the audacity to comment on your post is like saying only GVB had the right of reply to your question, which is patently absurd.

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People die - that is an inevitable truth - it shatters our lives and breaks our hearts , but the natural truth is still there. Some teenagers are killed by C19, some like your brother in their mid life, but that doesn't change the fact that (on average) 2.5% of people have died from C19 and that most of them were over 80. All life is a gamble with probability - sometimes shit hits the fan and we are the unlucky ones - that it is cripplingly painful doesn't change the truth that it happens - all we can do is have compassion for each other's pain, but outside our mental anguish - people still die, the sun still rises every morning whether we are happy or sad about it

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Jan 17, 2022
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I don't blame Dr Bossche for anything. I personally have reached out to him with my appreciation for his concern and contribution for the health and welfare of others, along with encouraging him to continue using his voice to spread the message to the average people, regardless of what the scientific community thinks about him. I am glad that he has this newsletter so that I no longer have to find him on Linkin. As a follower, I've read all his posts and seen most every video he's done, and the question above is what "I" wanted to ask.

Everyone has their opinion on just about every aspect about this virus and pandemic. If anyone is alive at this point, it is due to THEM, their immune system, nothing else. As I continue my efforts to stay alive and healthy, both physically and mentally through this trying time, if questions that arise in my mind from information offered by an expert, I will ask them directly, as I did.

All the things you have pointed out above, are already factored into my personal equation. I have all the early treatment protocols right here in my house and have been on a preventive protocol since early 2021. At this point, with all that has been told to the public about this virus which then turned out to be untrue, I believe its ok... no, not only OK, but necessary for every individual to begin to think and question all advise and recommendations... and make their own decisions. Which I believe is why Dr. Bossche is speaking out... so that people think for themselves.

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Jan 17, 2022
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I realized that and...that's what I thought.. I respect Dr. Geert's opinion.. and furthermore, I do not "blame" anyone for the virus, the illnesses nor the deaths. It's all f##ked up...period

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Does this study fit with your argument, Dr. Vanden Bossche? Namely that omicron transmission rates are higher in vaccinated households than unvaccinated because of immune escape?


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Dear Prof. Vanden Bossche,

This is troubling. They are unable to see that the same vaccine tricks that never worked for chronic infectious diseases are far more insidious and costly when applied to acute infectious diseases.

The only reason why the HIV vaccines fail is because they are unable to try the sleight of hand of misclassifying exposure (calling vaccinated "unvaccinated" if they get infected and "vaccinated" when they recover). If you get HIV after vaccine, you won't clear the infection and that can't be blamed on something else, or being under boosted etc.

The reason why they can get away with this right now is because people have mentally accepted an extremely lethal baseline level of exposure misclassification (false labelling of dose) and outcome misclassification (mislabelling Covid as "Covid Like Illness"). This cheating affects those who die shortly after vaccine associated enhanced infection/disease and is difficult to ascertain due to confounding if it happened before or after vaccine for those who get ill and recover after severe disease. This is specially impossible if it's universally accepted protocol to hide data about vaccine effectiveness or to miscalculate it by miscategorization.

But playing with yet another level of the immune system to further enhance morbidity and mortality in an undetectable way will be costlier. People who don't have highly reactive and secreting innate immune defense (basically everyone older than 10) will have nothing to rely on as the vaccine pressures virus to enhance infectivity and virulence (since we've accepted a high baseline miscategorization and dishonesty to ensure maintenance and propagation of pandemic variants).

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GVB: “the immune suppressive impact of high infection rates on relevant innate immune Abs in unvaccinated individuals who’ve been re exposed shortly after previous infection”.

This troubles me. I do not get it but seems worrisome. I am currently with covid, but stupid symptoms. According to this, if I get te exposed shortly after this infection, will I be at more risk?

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The low affinity Omicon-specific antibodies that develop as a result of a brief first infection do not mature because the infection is quickly abrogated by your innate immune defenses. However, upon re-exposure within the next 4 to 6 weeks, those "immature" Omicron-specific antibodies can—to some extent—outcompete your innate antibodies while not neutralizing the virus, thus hobbling (but not totally eliminating) the ability of your innate immune system to abrogate the infection once again.

I understood this situation to be about an initial exposure to the virus where the infection was cleared so easily you didn't or barely even noticed it. Dr. Vanden Bossche uses the 1918 flu pandemic as an example, where progressively younger people were getting infected in each subsequent wave, due to increasing viral circulation "corroding" younger people's innate immune defenses via this frequent re-exposure scenario.

In your case, I wouldn't worry too much, because if you're feeling sick enough to have tested for COVID, you will likely come out on the other side with decent acquired immunity.

Regardless, I definitely would recommend the core supplements we know support our immune system (D3, Zinc, Quercetin)—Dr. Vanden Bossche has an author here that talks about these and many more—and also Dr. McCullough's iodine or hydrogen peroxide nasal washes.

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Thanks for the explanation!

Now I understand.

I follow McCullough’s protocol and feeling fine. Symptoms for one-two days. Like a mild cold.

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Wow great explanation that us mostly non-scientists can make sense of! Thanks 😊

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Jan 16, 2022
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Thanks! Yes, sort of. But not completely.

An unvaxxed person + omicron infected, when re-exposed is at more risk? He says that you have low affinity omicron specific antibodies by I cannot see why that could be a problem.

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Jan 17, 2022Edited
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Yes, but those antibodies were enough in the first infection to protect me.

And if they have low affinity, does that mean that they can be easily outcompeted by other antibodies or killer cells or whatever?

As you can see I have no formation in medicine :)

Anyway, I will be extremely careful 4-6 weeks.

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Jan 17, 2022Edited
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I see. Thanks and more thanks! ;)

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