Why? Because they knew turning every cell in the body into a SP factory cripples any effectiveness.

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Thanks for sharing this important information and update Dr Bossche much appreciated 🙏

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A mRNA vaccinated neighbor of mine is experiencing a serious case of gastroenteritis. Doctor has told him it's H. Pylori infection. After reading up on this condition and bacteria I discovered that an indication used to signal a H. Pylori infection is immune thrombocytopenic purpura symptoms. I then discover that ITP is primarily caused by a T-Cell autoimmune disorder of the T-helper kind that induce IgG antibodies from the B-cells and opsonization of the platelets to target them for these abs. Could the doctor be fooled into thinking a bleed in the stomach is an indication of H. Pylori infection when in fact it is exactly the dysregulation of the cell based white blood immune response? If JN.1 is running rampant (I just ran into a nephew who was masked-up because a young friend was Covid positive) are vaccinated people's LRT and organs like their stomach chock full of neutrophils and IgG abs attacking their blood plasma? Is this situation related to the GVB case above about induced T-cell shifts? We might want to think about population level gastroenteritis as one of the first (or final) signals to massive immune escape.

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I sure hope the cdc reads your summary of the Japanese findings.the CDC are now recommending a 9th and later in the year, a 10th covid💉for the over 60’s. When will this CDC horrific behaviour stop? It is beyond frightening.

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So basically they discovered more shots = more antibodies, but they didn't evaluate whether those antibodies were effective against covid, (and as we now know, they're not.)

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Thanks for the update and explanation. You are a hero to us.

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Japan is one of the most jabbed countries in the world. Every citizen by order was required to take Vaccine.

To me the pressure on scientists in Japan, may be, under extreme pressure to not go further.

Why, the work would lead to the conclusion that Geerd has forwarded.

That would expose the failures of the countries to protect their citizens. You can imagine the uprisings.

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Cognitive Dissidence…

Interpretation and concussion here looks like narrative psychosis. We shall, see soon enough, how these injections alter our immune system. Dr. Geert you did an excellent job explaining the study!

The true number of adverse effects certainly are being misdiagnosed , keeping injection uptakes out of the equation adds to the evil plot!

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I recently heard that those keeping up with the recommended boosters for C19 have now taken their ninth shot in the U.S. Why hasn't the damage from nine injections become obvious? How can so many appear to be fine after taking nine injections?

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In Japan, students' qualifications are screened through university entrance exams. Unfortunately, this university is not top class. Therefore, apart from simple research, I think that complex research is impossible.

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Thank you for this wonderfully clear and concise analysis.

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Can some one drop their immunity stack? Don't put rare, estoreic medicines/herbs which aren't easily available

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