I wrote the same thing on Quora when the vaccines first came out, and I was told I was mixing up immune pressure on viruses by vaccines, with antibiotic resistance on bacteria and that natural selection was not a thing with viruses. And when I suggested ADE could be a problem because of the fact corona viruses mutate so much, I was rapidly ridiculed. When I mentioned Original Antigenic Sin they were sure I was daft. I was basing this on first year veterinary immunology I took 40 years earlier. I never got past being "just a veterinarian" as everyone pointed out to me. I found Dr VDB sometime around then, about the time of the first call to WHO, and was relieved that he was going the same direction with a PhD, vaccine research experience, so I felt maybe I might not be the dumb one. Been trying to understand all the complicated stuff he says ever since.
Hardly. I don't like his style, but I think he is the best thing that has happened to US politics in 5 decades. Sometimes it takes a bull in a china shop to make a big enough mess to give things a deep clean. He has the right people around him this time. He has the popularity; they have the brains.
😊You’re not alone Ann! It beggers belief that common sense appears to have vanished particularly amongst the elites. And the rest of us are either looking on in horror or pretending nothing of note is happening. I despair!!!!
It's worse than that. Even those with misgivings chose the shots, knowing that if things went sideways, there'd be someone else to blame. Meanwhile, there were virtues to signal.
Don't think he has any virtues to signal........but many words rhyme with Fauci, like Dule Tree......... We could also perhaps gallow Gates with the same threat.
Bless you Geert ! I was the commonsense half of my Dr partner and it's astonishing how much can be missed by a lofty intellect. This is why we have to work as groups of diverse people I guess. Rein in our excesses.
Yes, and we depend on each other especially when so many people deny, ridicule, and confuse matters primarily doing so because it will allow them to stick with the herd.
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” Carl Sagan
This is sad but so true. Common sense went out the window on a lot of things…. Like giving pregnant women a jab with no reproductive or genotoxicity studies. It’s just absurd…. Or could it be simply evil? Common sense says a person should atleast ask the question. Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche for standing up and stating the obvious…. In addition to sharing your expertise on the very complex pieces to the puzzle. Grateful for you. “Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but principalities and rulers of darkness in the heavenly places.” We do have a defeated foe that brings wrong ideas, but we are still asked to stand and speak the truth.
Going by the number of people dying unexpectedly and getting serious illnesses and being found messed up by horrors such as clots etc., I'd say the Immune System is seriously struggling - and failing dramatically - in many people. That doesn't bode well for it being put under more pressure by bugs etc.. Not a scientist but that seems to me to be just plain common sense. I'm still awaiting Hivicron or some other horror.
It takes some time for scientist(s) to understand that it was the cold virus that was caused to create variants that have turned around to become a big problem for only those having received these lethal injections. And that is aside from the severe auto immune diseases of the 'vaccinated' that result from having been injected with an mRNA program to produce non-stop foreign antigenic spike proteins in the body. No mention of this by Dr. Vanden Bossche as it is evidently outside of his discipline, but studied and written about and published by his professional peers.
"Once again, Jesus spoke to the people and said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
This is misguided.. What we call Covid has 3 major indices: Wuhan-Hu-1, BA.1 (Omicron), and BA.2.86. Each one is a brand new entity as far as the humoral online system is concerned.
Trump's vaccine--mRNA 1273--placed tremendous pressure on the Wuhan Lineage, forcing it to adopt a higher affinity RBD at a tremendous cost to swarm survival rates and therefore genetic diversity. Delta's progeny lacked the evolutionary plasticity necessary to continue. Variants select out all the time in nature, however it is noteworthy this time as Delta was unable to produce a suitable heir.
If they'd left it alone, that would have been the end of it right there. Omicron did not displace Delta. Delta died out on its own.
GEERT your GUT FEELING WAS RIGHT!!! but you will not believe me! this is the end of the world as we know it, go please and read my last post and all before, it is written in the most simple way everyone can understand. I appologize for saying you do not know things, you have a great GUT FEELING! now be logical and step away from ego and listen to me, come to my blog! everyone who can not hear THE VOICE OF LOGIC!!! not science....will be LOST!!
I wrote the same thing on Quora when the vaccines first came out, and I was told I was mixing up immune pressure on viruses by vaccines, with antibiotic resistance on bacteria and that natural selection was not a thing with viruses. And when I suggested ADE could be a problem because of the fact corona viruses mutate so much, I was rapidly ridiculed. When I mentioned Original Antigenic Sin they were sure I was daft. I was basing this on first year veterinary immunology I took 40 years earlier. I never got past being "just a veterinarian" as everyone pointed out to me. I found Dr VDB sometime around then, about the time of the first call to WHO, and was relieved that he was going the same direction with a PhD, vaccine research experience, so I felt maybe I might not be the dumb one. Been trying to understand all the complicated stuff he says ever since.
The good news is that Trump has already implied the U.S. will be pulling out from the WHO.
But not because he has any deep understanding of the issues.
Uh huh...just some random thought... you've got the mental illness called TDS
Hardly. I don't like his style, but I think he is the best thing that has happened to US politics in 5 decades. Sometimes it takes a bull in a china shop to make a big enough mess to give things a deep clean. He has the right people around him this time. He has the popularity; they have the brains.
Hopefully his advisors do
😊You’re not alone Ann! It beggers belief that common sense appears to have vanished particularly amongst the elites. And the rest of us are either looking on in horror or pretending nothing of note is happening. I despair!!!!
unfortunately, many people outsourced their common sense to the infallible "The Experts" :/
It's worse than that. Even those with misgivings chose the shots, knowing that if things went sideways, there'd be someone else to blame. Meanwhile, there were virtues to signal.
so many virtues, so many signals, so little time :/
Love this little exchange and this reply Perhaps you could write a song ...?
I might have to come up with a little jingle, maybe one for Fauci too? ;)
Don't think he has any virtues to signal........but many words rhyme with Fauci, like Dule Tree......... We could also perhaps gallow Gates with the same threat.
Just day-dreaming!
"gallow Gates" - I like that alliteration!
Bless you Geert ! I was the commonsense half of my Dr partner and it's astonishing how much can be missed by a lofty intellect. This is why we have to work as groups of diverse people I guess. Rein in our excesses.
Yes, and we depend on each other especially when so many people deny, ridicule, and confuse matters primarily doing so because it will allow them to stick with the herd.
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” Carl Sagan
This is sad but so true. Common sense went out the window on a lot of things…. Like giving pregnant women a jab with no reproductive or genotoxicity studies. It’s just absurd…. Or could it be simply evil? Common sense says a person should atleast ask the question. Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche for standing up and stating the obvious…. In addition to sharing your expertise on the very complex pieces to the puzzle. Grateful for you. “Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but principalities and rulers of darkness in the heavenly places.” We do have a defeated foe that brings wrong ideas, but we are still asked to stand and speak the truth.
Dr Bradley Campbell always stressed that
“Logic is fast, science is slow”..and Covid shots cause ADE 🤷🏻♀️
Luckily Hivicron has not happened and may not happen
But this is the unresolved situation right now.
Has the Immune system outsmarted all expectation or are we still awaiting a Hivicron?
Geert what is your latest and reasoned observations as of the present time?!
Going by the number of people dying unexpectedly and getting serious illnesses and being found messed up by horrors such as clots etc., I'd say the Immune System is seriously struggling - and failing dramatically - in many people. That doesn't bode well for it being put under more pressure by bugs etc.. Not a scientist but that seems to me to be just plain common sense. I'm still awaiting Hivicron or some other horror.
If Geert's theory is correct, I wonder if a reduced uptake of the jabs has led to less pressure on the virus and hence a delay or halt to Hivicron.
It takes some time for scientist(s) to understand that it was the cold virus that was caused to create variants that have turned around to become a big problem for only those having received these lethal injections. And that is aside from the severe auto immune diseases of the 'vaccinated' that result from having been injected with an mRNA program to produce non-stop foreign antigenic spike proteins in the body. No mention of this by Dr. Vanden Bossche as it is evidently outside of his discipline, but studied and written about and published by his professional peers.
"Once again, Jesus spoke to the people and said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Thanks for sharing this Dr Bossche 🙏
This is misguided.. What we call Covid has 3 major indices: Wuhan-Hu-1, BA.1 (Omicron), and BA.2.86. Each one is a brand new entity as far as the humoral online system is concerned.
Trump's vaccine--mRNA 1273--placed tremendous pressure on the Wuhan Lineage, forcing it to adopt a higher affinity RBD at a tremendous cost to swarm survival rates and therefore genetic diversity. Delta's progeny lacked the evolutionary plasticity necessary to continue. Variants select out all the time in nature, however it is noteworthy this time as Delta was unable to produce a suitable heir.
If they'd left it alone, that would have been the end of it right there. Omicron did not displace Delta. Delta died out on its own.
Follow the money and realize that evil is afoot in the world
Is Geert v/d Bossche now also pressing for safety testing for ALL vaccines and the safety of vaccines mixed in one injection?
How frustrating that what was obvious to serious reseachers wasn't taken seriously
GEERT your GUT FEELING WAS RIGHT!!! but you will not believe me! this is the end of the world as we know it, go please and read my last post and all before, it is written in the most simple way everyone can understand. I appologize for saying you do not know things, you have a great GUT FEELING! now be logical and step away from ego and listen to me, come to my blog! everyone who can not hear THE VOICE OF LOGIC!!! not science....will be LOST!!
Anytime a HIT PIECE is written - it generally means the attack is attempting to nullify the truth.
But even in the case impacting anyone or anything FREE OPEN SPEECH and debate is EXACTLY how humans learn and evolve over time.
Sadly evolution and learning are slow and greed and money making rule the world.
Even if we are shooting at both sides. David and Goliath comes to mind.
I'm still secretly building my pressurized bomb at night because the thought police intensely monitor my daily activities.