To illustrate how the new fake science has tricked people brought to us by Gates, Fauci, and Pharma, here is a conversation I had with a group of unenlightened individuals.

I was explaining to them my mother's method of making sure, at a young age, our bodies had acquired herd immunity with various childhood illnesses. She would take us to a home of a sick child that had, say, chickenpox; we were told to play with them. And, of course, sometime later, we, too, were ill with the same condition.

I remember her saying after recovering, "That one is done; only a couple more."

The people I addressed were younger and had young families, and everyone thought my mother was a child abuser. They were appalled. I could not convince them otherwise.

I was amazed at the lack of their knowledge on herd immunity. It was barbaric to them, not in modern society today would this be allowed, social services would be called and the children would be taken away. Children should be inoculated with dozens of concoctions to prevent disease, was their answer.

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Amazing, isn't it? I remember when the chicken pox vax was first introduced; I was about 14, and my siblings and I had just "recovered" from the wonderful week we had off from school due to having the itchy rash. (I had all of about three spots, and yes they did itch as much as a bad skeeter bite). The new vaxxine was being promoted as a way for parents to avoid having to take time off from their jobs in order to stay home with a quarantined child with chicken pox; remember back in the day, many jobs did not provide sick time for family care! It was all about CONVENIENCE for parents. As the years passed, the cult of the medics gradually made the message more and more dire......and now, subsequent generations are being told that their kids will die if they get chicken pox. Such despicable lies, and they have swallowed it all, hook, line and sinker. How did this lie enter mainstream belief? It's got a lot to do with our generation not calling it out for what it was when it was being taken further and further down the control path to where we now find ourselves. This is the frog in the pot situation. There are so many examples of this same deliberately crafted narrative being carefully inched along a trajectory toward an end goal. We should have seen it for what it really was thirty years ago....but we didn't. Now that it's gone too far, we look back in retrospect and can see many, many different lies that are now completely believed by the mainstream population.

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My mom took me to play with my cousin when he had measles. I caught them and now have lifetime immunity.

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Sadly, Geert still subscribes to the childhood vaccination ideology.

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Its hard to leave a religion you dedicated your working life acquiring a status. Children NOT vaxed are healthier. Plenty of evidence to support that statement.

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The thing that's going on with Geert and many others is in the spirit of Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned intellectual, who once said:

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encouraging the more critical and dissident views." This gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."

For views outside of this spectrum, I recommend


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Ironically Noam is fulfilling his own words. His recent opinions and writings reflex a Noam I am not familiar with after reading his books from decades ago.

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So you still feel the need that people get vaccinated even though many studies shows the risks outweights the benefits?

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GVB is not saying that at all. He has been against these injections from day 1. He is only explaining that the protection they may give is short lived at best, and is driving the virus toward becoming stronger/more deadly because the vaccines do not actually neutralize it.

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Not sure what you're referring to. I don't remember Geert ever recommending covid vaxx. Please watch his latest interview: https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com/p/covid-19-is-still-spreadingwhat-now

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Read his above summary.

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There is no 'virus', there never was.

Even Mike Yeadon now admits that.

People started dying in large numbers ONLY AFTER the 'pandemic' was declared, and the murderous protocols and countermeasures (lockdowns, etc) were instated.

That means any 'vaccine' is useless at best, and harmful at most.

As we all know, these new gene therapy injections are very harmful.

This seems like premeditated mass murder to me ..

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Please stop this. There is definitely a virus or bioweapon. I am a NP and have never seen an illness display like this. Also had it twice unvaccinated and it is different than any other illness I have ever had.

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A bioweapon, not a virus. The virus is in the jabs. There’s overwhelming evidence of nanotechnology.

There is not one single reason to take these injections

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Stop.. what exactly? Asking questions?

Your anecdotal story doesn't mean anything. A virus was never isolated from a sick person (see Christine Massey's work), and viruses have never been proven to be pathogenic and transmissible (see Rosenau experiments, for example).

There was no excess deaths until the 'protocols' were implemented. That's a fact.

I cannot know what made you sick, but I am certain it was not a virus. You have no idea what made you sick either, but you suppose it was a virus, because what you were told.

Read up about terrain theory as well, and the fraud called germ theory. You can start with the work done by the Baileys, Cowan, Jon Rappoport, the Viroliegy website and Substack.

After you got yourself up to speed with these topics, you can have an informed opinion on the topic of virus existence.

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I question the validity of all the vaccines. My husband has worsening arthritis. In an attempt to find suitable treatment he had blood tests to check liver function and possible viral infections. As a result of his results his hepatitis B results were alarming. Hence he had to have further blood work done and as a precaution so did I.

My results were fascinating. Though I have had the series of 3 Hep B vaccines in 2014, my body shows no recognition of Hep B immunity, Hep B exposure, etc with the underlying conclusion that I need to have the Hep B vaccines again.

My husband’s results were the same. But his vaccination record is far more important. He is an army war veteran with a long history of vaccines including Hep B. He is also someone who travels to third world countries on mission trips with a history of current up to date vaccines including the Hep B vaccines.

According to his blood work he has zero protection to Hep B. It’s as if he has never received the vaccines.

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I don't believe they are protected from severe illness getting the death-jabs or boosters... ever.

The Delta strain was a killer... the subsequent strains are not, unless on has serious co-morbidities. THAT is what is protecting the fools from serious illness.

GVB... have you looked into Methylene Blue??? Please do and then comment in a substack!

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I highly suspect that any seeming benefit against severe illness and death is an artifact of counting illness and death for 2, 3, and even 4 weeks after vaccination against the previous cohort.

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Benefitting?! I have yet to see that reality and most people I know who have taken them are sick/have worsening health issues on a regular basis and it’s the opposite for those who didn’t.

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Many thanks for sharing this Important information Dr Bossche much appreciated thank you for your outstanding insights and guidance during this Pandemic the voice of Reason 🙏

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The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative for the past 200 years is actually based on an assumption that all the vaccines are safe.

There is actually no credible large-scale post-marketing study for any vaccine used in the US today that actually backs up this claim.

It’s all based on faith in seriously flawed studies.

There isn’t a credible post-marketing objective epidemiological study for any vaccine in the US. That’s right. Not a single one.

The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative is built on belief and seriously flawed studies, and not on proper objective epidemiological studies which could have been easily done but were not.

If we cannot prove safety at the level of <1 death per 10M doses in children, we should not be vaccinating more kids (or adults) until we have done the proper post-marketing safety study on the kids we’ve already vaccinated.

The fact that no state is willing to do the study but is at the same time still recommending that kids (and adults) get vaccinated should be deeply troubling to everyone.

It is a symptom of a seriously out-of-control medical community that cares more about following directives from the CDC than patient safety.

The rationale for vaccinating kids (and adults) is nonsensical.

The narrative that vaccines are safe is built on belief and/or flawed studies, not on data.

Steve Kirsch

Me: Death or Injuries and later death by vaccines are self proven, where is the medical proof that vaccines work, or they are just genocide on a major scale?

Do not condone vaccines, or condone Genocide, until proven otherwise.

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That’s an unsubscribe for me

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It depends on your definition of "severe illness". If you mean a nasty bout of acute COVID19, that can see you very ill and maybe hospitalised, then you might be right.

However, the spike protein is the toxic part of the virus, and so injecting either trillions of spike or indeed mRNA to induce the body to make trillions of spike, would appear to be an utterly absurd measure.

Once that spike is broken down amyloidogenic proteins flood the body. The long term effects whilst not know because they may take years, they surely cannot be good.

When scientists combine with business that is corrupted by monetary greed, and government corrupted by power lust, we get outcomes that result in genocide.

It looks like proto-fascism to me.

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Actually the lipid nanoparticles and adjuvants are poisonous also.

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And True Science

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Hi, you state "People who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 are still benefiting from protection against severe illness" yet all the data I have seen shows the exact opposite. The more vaccinations you have, the more likely you are to die of Covid and you are also much more likely to die of anything else. Please therefore could you provide the data proving this statement. Many thanks, Robert Smith.

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Nebulize with H2O2 and never get another virus of any kind!!!! Gets good at page 33. https://archive.org/details/1-rapid-virus-recovery-by-dr.-thomas-levy/page/11/mode/2up

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Now I know your controlled

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Who? geert?

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Yes. They are not vaccines and offer no protection at all

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It’s not that black and white. While you are right in the sense that calling these injections “vaccines” is a stretch by the classical definition of a vaccine, they do elicit antibodies...beyond all the terrible side effects (which GVB is not going into in these short videos so far) he is explaining the minute details of how they work for a very specific reason - because “the devil is in the details”. He is pointing out that BEYOND the catastrophic side effects and deaths caused by the rushed rollout - AT BEST they elicit poor protection, but more importantly, they put pressure on the virus to mutate in a very particular way, one that he predicts will be massively harmful to those who’ve had several shots. His message is that one should never mass vaccinate in the first place during a pandemic because herd immunity can then not be reached, and precisely because of the vaccines, we have prolonged the pandemic and the scientific blunder of the whole program not only has costs so many lives to this point, but now we are headed into uncharted territory because we have pushed the virus to mutate in ways that are unnatural, and the vaccinated are now very vulnerable to future mutations of the virus, which he predicts will mutate to outrun their poorly primed immune response. He can’t explain/support his prediction without diving into the details of what the shot does. As a scientist with a deep understanding of the topics, he is not going to skip over talking about the specific mechanisms at play, but that is not an endorsement of the vaccine or the decision to mass vaccinate during a pandemic. If you read/listen to him, that is the opposite of what he’s saying. He has helped many people understand the whole issue and therefore reject the shot on the grounds of a full understanding that it is harmful and a bad decision overall, not only because of the side effect risks (which are substantial unto themselves) but also because it fails to neutralize the virus on an individual level, and on a population level, the vaccine program is driving the virus to become stronger and the vaccines are keeping the pandemic going versus ending it.

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Thank you Geert for all that you've done & are doing to expose the evil & wrongdoing of those involved in this wicked scamdemic. Truly appreciate all of your time, effort & dedication Sir!

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