I’m not holding my breathe anymore on Geert being right, but I still regularly overdose on vitamin d just in case—at least he’s not just chicken little, he’s a very technical and thought provoking chicken little

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I understand it took a number of years for the deadly variant of Marek's to emerge... and keep in mind ... nobody was trying to make that happen...

With this ... they are endlessly mass deploying the vaccines .. with the virus constantly circulating ...


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Yes could be for all I know, I really have not the foggiest at this point

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Dr. VB has said that he made those "99% certain by _________" predictions to induce people, especially the C-19 vaxxed, to procure antivirals and have them on hand to immediately take prophylactically when the "tsunami" starts being reported in the press. I think he knew those predictions weren't likely to come to pass but sacrificed his reputation, among many people, to hopefully save lives. I can't judge the complex science but from having watched many of his interviews he remains a hero in my book and I do think people should prepare (especially with repurposed drugs being relatively inexpensive) even if you think there's only a small likelihood his expectation will come to pass.

And one other thing we can do is to beseech the "experts" who have criticized him to engage with him in online public discussion, which I think is most certainly warranted by his professional background, his obvious brilliance (at least to me) and his popularity with so many people. Long written discussion of these complex scientific matters is too burdensome for most of us, imo, we don't have the time or background to judge who is right. But I think the wisdom of our eyes and ears - which are extensions of our incredibly intelligent brain that regulates innumerable processes at once - can give us a very good sense of who is more knowledgeable and honest (h/t Alan Watts). I won't trust anyone who refuses.

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I don’t necessarily disagree, but probably cautious agnosticism should be the prevailing sentiment

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Don't take too much D, 5k units per day more than enough, unless you have blood test proving otherwise

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Oh that’s way too little, it’s dangerous to take so little

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The important point is to actually test your blood to see how it's going. When you're over 50 ng/ml you're good. And there's no need to go above 80ish.

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No theres many benefits to being well over 100

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Do you have any data? Reference?

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Vitamindwiki, Jeff t bowles, personal experience, etc

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Am curious if someone might be able to help me with something?

In the fall of 2020 Peter Hotez was speaking to a committee. Sorry I do not have the video but was hoping maybe someone else had seen it. Peter was warning the committee about the dangers of rushing through a covid vaccine. I believe Hotez cited “Immune Priming” as his chief concern.

At the time (Fall 2020) Hotez did not believe that riddle (Immune Priming) had been solved. I would love to ask him how he became so confident in a short amount of time? He went from concerned (fall 2020) to vaccine salesman by Spring of 2021.

Am curious if anyone had any more detail on this matter?

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Here it is….scroll down to the video. 1min mark shows Hotez. There’s also a segment with Offit in here too. Oh and Fauci all making the same case. Fauci calls it “Enhancement”


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Thank you! I really like that Doc too!

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That change of mind was very common. Stolen election is what happened.

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Here it is….scroll down to the video. 1min mark shows Hotez. There’s also a segment with Offit in here too. Oh and Fauci all making the same case. Fauci calls it “Enhancement”


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That's interesting. He now seems to be the arch-enemy of those of us who question the widespread use of vaccines. Having followed Geert since 2021 and realised the dangers of the COVID vaccines, I wasn't aware that Peter Hotez had also originally had reservations along similar lines.

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Yes he absolutely did. I promise. Damn I am trying to remember where I saw it. He had a definite “Oh shit that could be bad” attitude towards it.

Now I am wondering why more of you haven’t seen it lol. Questioning my own sanity lol…joking I know I saw it.

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Lol! I think we've all seen and read so much over the last few years that it's hard to recall it all!

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Here it is….scroll down to the video. 1min mark shows Hotez. There’s also a segment with Offit in here too. Oh and Fauci all making the same case. Fauci calls it “Enhancement”


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please explain the "dangers of the vaccines". in terms f the mechanism of harm.

cos geert still hasn't told you that bit yet.

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Hi Luke,

I read about that opinion he expressed because it was noted in several places. I did not see him saying it. It was probably last year that I read about it while doing some research. He has, very vehemently, taken the opposing view now, as you are aware. It’s quite astounding how “rabid” he became. I read the week before last I believe that he has been censured and barred I think from availing of grants from the CDC or FDA but report of the investigation and it’s language was so convoluted and seemingly deliberately obtuse that I for one could not make out much about the detail of the censure. But it was a very recent report and I probably read it on Substack so you could probably find it easily enough. And apologies if you have seen come across this info already. As to the gap between when he knew what the truth was and spoke it out loud and when he sold out becoming a raging supporter. I’ll leave that to your good self to investigate. The point is, he spoke against his better judgment and we can all see the consequences and that’s all I need to know. All the best.

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It was a while ago when I saw the video of Fall 2020. I only saw it that one time but I watched it a couple times. In fact, he almost had a “we’re in big trouble attitude” if the immune priming situation had NOT been figured out. I can’t remember who he was speaking to tho. I don’t think it was too Congress but perhaps a smaller congressional body?

If we had any real journalists out there they would play that clip for him and ask him what did pharma do to assure you that wasn’t a problem?

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Don't forget Hotez et al didn't want Trump to get the "credit" for the "vaccines" expected to roll out after the November 2020 election.

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Ah…If only. But would he answer them at this stage? After this censure I’d say he’ll be keeping his head down.

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Here it is….scroll down to the video. 1min mark shows Hotez. There’s also a segment with Offit in here too. Oh and Fauci all making the same case. Fauci calls it “Enhancement”


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Got to read this about 8 times. Very thorough synopsis. I like it. Thank you for the update.

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Most experts are only good at “predicting the past”, and even at that they suck. Why? Because linear assumptions in science always fail when scrutinized; complexity and emergent effects mess up things for us.

Geert is in my opinion one of the few experts who is able to predict the future somewhat accurately; he tries to account for non-linearity, synergy, and emergent behavior. Him being “wrong” on the timing doesn’t say anything about the validity of the underlying mechanisms Geert is describing.

Newton wasn’t wrong when he warned that guy snoozing under the apple tree that when the apple would eventually fall, he’d better make sure it wouldn’t fall on his head.

Given the surge in RSV, pneumonia, and flu accompanied by high fevers, mainly under the vaxxed, I think we are witnessing the combined effect of mass vaccination with a non-sterilizing vaccine, IgG4 shift because of the vaccine. In my opinion it is plain stupidity to not use or stock up on (cheap) things like vitamin D3 (with K2), zinc, etc etc.

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Thank you so much for all your work and courage these past four years.

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Folks it doesn’t matter what this man said 4 yrs ago anyway. The truth is, the bad guys are going to keep pushing their agenda, which is based on population reduction and complete control over every single aspect of the lives of those who survive all the bullshit they throw at us. You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy (to keep your mouth shut about or they will take that too ! Just read the Official website of the UN, under Agenda 2030 thru 2050 and look at what their plans are for us. Then look around the country, and see if they aren’t clearing properties exactly where they plan to do different things, like 15 minute housing in Pacific Palisades, Malibu, and down where they flooded San Diego a couple years ago.

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geert, I've wrote you an advice letter on why to stop the fear mongering.

it's scientific.


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Gaert, why do you keep repeating the word 'PANDEMIC,' when many prominent voices, especially Sacha LATYPOVA, say that it NEVER existed and can't exist today when hygiene, living conditions and medical treatments are far better🤔!?

People need to be reassured, not STILL filled with FEAR and dread😱!!

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Good to hear from Geert as I was just wondering what his current thinking on Covid vaccinees and the rolling pandemic was. At the very least be prepared! I’m so grateful that I had my eyes opened enough at the start to keep me and my precious family from taking these jabs from Hell. Praying for a miracle for our society! 🙏🏻

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All I can say to this is ... BRING IT ON.

And when do we get a mass apology from the Moronic Vaxxers?

The Ministry of Truth Taunts the Vaxxers

The MSM informs the Vaxxers that the Death Shots were not safe


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If there is a sudden health crisis, the first thing the authorities will do is force everyone to get vaccinated. Again and again until it is over or no authorities are left alive to push the issue.

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I stopped holding my breath and my surfboard.

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Wow. GVB finally admitting I really don't know what I am talking about.

Talk about connecting unknown "dots" hoping for a predictable outcome !

And then, the final CYA position that when all of this "maybe" tsunami of natures death equalization occurs.....remember I warned you.

The man hasn't a clue what has been going on and what will/could be.

The end.

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" GVB finally admitting I really don't know what I am talking about". Your statement is incorrect because of your personal interpretation that has nothing to do with facts. I believe Dr. Geert is among the few ones who knows exactly what he's talking about! Others, one the other hand, don't have a clue what they are talking about. However, they want everyone to believe they are the experts. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche on the other hand, not only does he knows exactly what he's talking about, but he seems to be the only one in the world that can put all the pieces of a pandemic puzzle together. That's because he has expertise in every area related to this matter. The only mistake, which he admitted to while nobody else ever would admit of making it, was the prediction of the time when the tsunami will hit. How many doctors, Prime Ministers, Presidents of a country, doctors, journalists and so on, ever came forward telling the truth: that they either lied to you, or they were shockingly wrong? Name one single person, and we will send them a big "thank you" letter.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


“Cancer Vaccine“

Is a metastasizing Oxymoron.


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How are we to tell the difference between a vaccine death & more virulent covid 19 virus death?

You've been saying this for some time however the people dying around me are healthy one minute and dead the next. They are in their late 40's, 50's & 60's.

I'm thinking the Covid 19 virus is NOT evolving and the vaccines hace & will do all of the killing.

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Typically, life doesn’t present with binary options; these options only exist in the mind of politicians, MSM, and those we don’t dare to contemplate on other options—why can’t it be both, vaccines and covid?

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Succinct. Hope the folks in India , a highly vaccinated country, will be fine, as it has a very young population.

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https://www.youtube.com/@CampbellteachingDr. John Campbelglobalexesdeathsstillup to seego see

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