Victor, there is one answer I’m aware of: “They’ve” included that portion the “Yellow Fever Vaccine” (developed for constructors of the Panama Canal after it was discovered that those vaccinated against the ‘mostly fatal’ disease were transmitting Yellow Fever to the un-vaccinated. The ‘modified’ Yellow Fever Vaccine stopped the ‘transmissibility’.
The purpose of ‘incorporating’ that portion of the Yellow Fever Vaccine into the New Covid ‘Inoculation’ has the same purpose - now that Covid has been proven to be transmissible from the ‘inoculated’ to “some”, perhaps with weakened immunity(?), who chose not to be. Hope this helps - good luck.
It would be very beneficial to know which portions were changed/updated and why.
Victor, there is one answer I’m aware of: “They’ve” included that portion the “Yellow Fever Vaccine” (developed for constructors of the Panama Canal after it was discovered that those vaccinated against the ‘mostly fatal’ disease were transmitting Yellow Fever to the un-vaccinated. The ‘modified’ Yellow Fever Vaccine stopped the ‘transmissibility’.
The purpose of ‘incorporating’ that portion of the Yellow Fever Vaccine into the New Covid ‘Inoculation’ has the same purpose - now that Covid has been proven to be transmissible from the ‘inoculated’ to “some”, perhaps with weakened immunity(?), who chose not to be. Hope this helps - good luck.
Thank you I appreciate you taking the time to educate me. Have a great day
You ‘betcha’ Victor hope it helps. Pass “the help” along, somehow we’ll make it through. 👍