Wow thank you for all these articles today! ❤️

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"However, this situation is anything but stable and will only last for as long as the dominant Omicron (sub)variants are not fully resistant to the vaccine-induced infection-enhancing antibodies (Abs). In the meantime, though, continuous boosting of highly vaccinated populations by the circulating Omicron (sub)variants is highly likely to soon enable the virus to break through this adaptive immune defense. When this happens, no single immune defense mechanism will be left to fight off the virus, which will take advantage of the infection-enhancing effect of the vaccinal Abs to cause ADEI-facilitated enhanced disease (so-called Ab-dependent enhancement of disease; ADED) in vaccinees."

Aren't we seeing this happen now with more jabs correlated with more hospitalizations? If this current measure is the early indicator and trending will be worse how much worse will it be in terms of deaths in the vaccine groups? How are we watching genocide while officials repeat "safe and effective" like the new welcome sign over the doorway to the Zyclon B showers?

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You are correct.

I think they know. they just do not care.

I think they are embarrassed and ashamed and will not admit to this crime

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The spokespeople may be embarrassed & ashamed.

Their employers are not.

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Jul 7, 2022Edited
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Like pregnancy, one option might be to abort those in charge. Unlike pregnancy, there should be very little hesitancy over the ethics or morality in doing so.

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Absolutely! In New Zealand we are seeing g this played out. 91 % of hospitalisations are now fully jabbed and close to 91 % of deaths are fully jabbed, if you add those that began infection within seven days of their second jab, which the NZ government still class as undervaccinated.

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We Are In A World Of Hurt!! Economic Crash,Government's will Collaspe. Seems as though NOBODY will escape, whether it's you or someone you love. Medical Institutions will likely collaspe. God Help Us!! Pray Hard, Love Hard! Thank you Dr. For this warning for Humanity.

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Dr. Vanden Bossche.. you can tell you are very upset and concerned about the state of affairs and humanity. Thank you. “Stay thirsty my friends”, per Sagehana substack, Notorious GVB. Come visit please… humor is excellent medicine!!!

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yes, hers and Gato and GvdB are my favorites to read

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I need to go to Gato!!!

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Gato is beyond amazing!

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Jul 8, 2022
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well then, do not go there. Free will is a wonderful thing.


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Jul 8, 2022
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On the one hand, it seems you are saying that once a new highly virulent variant appears, it will be the unvaccinated who will fare better than the vaccinated (does that include unvaccinated with no prior exposure to Covid?)

On the other hand,v if I am understanding you correctly, you are saying that the vaccinated -- especially those vaccinated and boosted -- are fast becoming spreaders of the virus to more vulnerable groups, but getting less severe disease themselves. Are you also saying that the Omicron specific boosters the U.S. eta al. are planning, will create more serious disease in the vaccinated, but at the same time, their cytotoxic T cells will be activated and will protect them from other fast arising diseases such as monkeypox and RSV?

So, my question is: what should an unvaxxed person do, if they have never been exposed to Covid (according to intermittent antibody tests), but not wanting to be susceptible to other "pandemics" arising.?

Thank you, as always, for your impassioned, science based assessment of the Covid 19 pandemic, and how governments need to invest in developing safe and effective antivirals and alter their fixation on a vaccine only approach to controlling the pandemic.

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Unless you've been living under a rock, there's a good chance you've been exposed to Sars cov2. Not enough to overwhelm your innate immune system and get you symptoms but certainly enough to train your body. Nonetheless keep some stuff on hand/take to lower viral loads (vitd, zinc, quercetin, nasal iodine rinse..). That's about all you can do.

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I've had the similar questions. I am unvaccinated (me, my husband, and a few other relatives). We've never got Covid in the past, and since we live in a rural area, we don't always mix with a huge group of people. Just an occasional trips to stores. So we might have not even been exposed. I think this "little authoritarian" is probably correct though. We just need to keep some meds on hand (I have Ivermectin), and there is an article about how to detoxify spike proteins which tells you things you can take (for vaccinated, infected, and/or unvaccinated people). https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/heres-how-to-detox-from-the-covid-spike-protein-from-the-jab-or-the-virus/ I also have a hydrogen peroxide nebulizer and iodine on hand, and use it if I go somewhere that I think I might have gotten exposed. Besides that, I take dandelion leaf tea or extract, neem extract, pine needle tea on hand as well (you can look at the link and decide which supplements resonate with you.) There has been studies done on dandelion leaf that is very interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAVnFIp4X7I

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Geert is a huge proponent of prophylactic antivirals and early illness antivirals. Plus, keep your immune system strong.

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Would an ole fashioned chicken pox like party make sense?

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If you are in good health, boost your daily vit D (5,000 - 10,000IU), C (3,000mg), Zinc (100mg) + quercetin (to enhance zinc absorption to cell). Prepare a povidone Iodine gargle, and hydrogen peroxide nasal spray (3%) AND go out and get Omicron. Once recovered, use nasal spray and gargle regularly to limit risk of re-infection whilst your immune system is established. Then count yourself among those with robust naturally acquired immunity. Cheers.

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Sure hope someone answers this for us. Thanks for posing this question.

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Wow! I didn’t understand the technical parts but I do get the gist of what you’re saying. Thank you so much for all of the time and hard work that you’ve put into alerting the public. It is all so very much appreciated.

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This is all so complicated but what I'm wondering is should I be getting antiviral such as hzq or ivermectin for myself (unvaxed) and vaxed family members to protect against and/or treat infections?

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Yes. There are several prevention & treatment protocols available. Best to have on hand in advance.

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If you have taken only one shot over a year ago does this scenario still play out? Worse in highly boosted people? What can we do to protect ourselves going forward?

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From all the charts I’ve read having taken one shot, assuming you didn’t have a major effect from it, is not very different from no shot. Those two groups do the best. I wouldn’t worry too much at this point.

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Immune imprinting means you are part of the "vaccinated" group forever, and the viruses floating around in the population have been providing your boosters. The papers i have seen don't mention major changes in immune response based on getting boosted by original shots vs boosted by newest variant. I am skeptical however, as human systems also can adapt a bit over time so you should be doing better eventually (and certainly better in terms of not risking adverse effects from spikes in your blood) .

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That’s not good! I haven’t been sick in 5 years so hopefully I still have a functioning innate immune system. Most of the people I know who got C-19 were boosted….I would think continually assaulting our immune system with boosters has to be more detrimental over the long term.

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Yes your innate immune system is probably mature and functional since you didnt get injected with the spike shots as a kid. The spike shots cause the adaptive immune system to react quickly and possibly outcompete the innate immune system - this is the effect i suspect might wane over time since you only got 1 shot. I will be on the lookout for papers about this sort of thing since people i know also got less than full number of jabs.

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Go to this link. Really good information on how to detox spike protein from the vaccine. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/heres-how-to-detox-from-the-covid-spike-protein-from-the-jab-or-the-virus/

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Thanks again Doc. Looking forward to you and Del's conversation on thehighwire.com today : ).

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Complete bunk. There is no Covid. It’s been the VAXX Bio Weapons the whole time.

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Jul 7, 2022
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High priests? WTF is wrong with you? The Govt and Big Pharma are murdering the world.

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I saw what you did there. You added a crown agent, Icke, to three terrain theorists.

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Sorry for that inconvenience but that’s far from the essence of what I’m saying, the terrain theorists give as a consequence of their theory an excuse to go free for GAF research, and that’s the real reason behind genocide, corruption and organised crime

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There's no such thing as gain of function. They tried that in 1919 and it didn't work. I suspect that it's just pure fraud, no results. A complete waste of taxpayers money.

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Hey look there, no virus it’s pure paranoia, no no no, don’t look there never look there cuz there’s GOF, the CIA & DARPA they are the real source to deny their existence🚮

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Stop getting jabbed and there will be no spread of anything.

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I don’t believe the gain of function worked. They might be working on it, but there was no uptick in mortality in almost all places in the world in 2020. Of the GOF happened or was effective we would have seen a mortality uptick. They killed people with ventilators and ‘RunDeathIsNear’, but other than that nada.

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Jul 8, 2022
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Lots of research/grifting going on. COVID being a bioweapon might be true but at this point it is more reasonable to believe either it was, and petered out almost instantly, or nothing was happening all along. Nowhere showed any increase in cold/flu deaths, if you take out the murdered old people in some Dem states. They did reclassify ‘natural causes’, the big killer, into COVID. But there was no mortality signal in nearly every place in the world in 2020. Where there was an uptick it could be fully explained by ventilators and Remdesivir. Are they researching GOF? Yeah, because monsters do exist and many go into science. But other than headlines do we see any evidence of it? I don’t think so.

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Good reasoning, putting ventilators and Remdesivir aside, I personally, (my opinion)I see a lot of harm most people don’t see: lives being destroyed by only the FEAR of getting infected, people getting really sick, cancers - chronic and autoimmune diseases intensified, hospitalisations and human tragedies never seen in history, suicide rates also among youngsters going through the roof, people destined to a life of starvation and the streets as their home…. All this NOT depending on a true or false virus, it really doesn’t matter if S-C-2 has come out of nature or made in a lab.

You can not limit the impact only to the deaths counting, there is more harm being done to the living! Answering GOF, you’re wiping it off the table, it is a real danger for the survival of the population of the whole world, please do the STUDY and it is funded by the CIA and DARPA, the whole model of surveillance and engineering has been developed in Operation Phoenix in Vietnam against the whole population, not directly to the VC. It has been made perfect as the most effective weapon against the individual, the individual is now the greatest threat and danger to himself, no need for armies or enemies any longer, doubt and schizophrenia has slipped into his heart and soul also the MSM are doing their job

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Jul 8, 2022
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I’m not a scientist, whatever they say should be able to get measured in a way a tree should be measured by their fruits, with “outcomes” results, effects. Now whether they are synthetic, zoonotic or an imprint by means of propaganda, information or mass formation they all can have sequences, sequels yes even a conviction, a word or a placebo can kill. Modern societies have evolved and where people used to die from real pathogens in the past, now a majority doesn’t need something real to die from. My personal view, I cannot see a supposed virus not getting “weaponised” by a billion dollar industry in the 200 or more Biolabs and than looking the opposite direction, we are all good and safe, lucky us. Please don’t be that naïve

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It's the Achilles heal of the 'West'. The poison that has poisoned, not just literally but also it's permeated our brains. As I said elsewhere it's time to burn it down.

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Absolutely brilliant explanation. Most of the popilation, especially half smart immunologissts wont get this , but as Geert has been right on every occasion, we all need to take heed.

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Jul 8, 2022
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I think I came across you on another thread many moons ago. Perhaps you need to change your medication.

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A well known troll. 🤷

Needs to change his name to Libelmen.

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Talking to him would be like punching an armless man. I'm too compassionate for that. I think he told me once that David Icke was an operative for the BBC.

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So grateful for all the data to review today. Thank you for all your hard work! You are appreciated so very much!

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A friend works at a pediatric clinic. She said it was unusual that lots of kids were getting the flu out of season. I think she said that was in April.

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it seems that the vaxxed are more vulnerable to getting a full blown covid, if they get it, kind of like the flu. Then shortly after they recover, they immediately pick up another virus that is not C19.

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Agreed. In my experience, two of my family members who are vaxxed suffered terribly from COVID, and one has had infection after infection for more then 8 months now, all of his infections are antibiotic resistant, and steroids and all the supplements and vitamins in the world do little to nothing. He is now deaf in one ear and suffering breathing issues.

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He is suffering terribly from the vax poison. It isn’t COVID. I have a very expensive employee. Healthy as a horse. Double jabbed and started getting sick. In January he was boosted and has been sick since. He got a runny nose at Christmas. His doctor said ‘well that explains it. You’ve got long COVID, omicron.’ Which he now believes. Fabulous employee before this. Now...I’d never hire him. He’s been at 25% at best for nearly a year. Senior position. $225,000 a year. It’s killing me.

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Funny. Here I am healthy as ever, unshotted and unemployed because I wouldn't and still won't take the poison shots. Yet, the shotted, unhealthy can keep their jobs or get new ones because they complied even though they are not working because they are sick all the time from the compliance. You couldn't make up the stupidity if you tried.

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I forced no one to get the vax. I asked them not to. And I asked everyone NOT to wear masks. If they were frightened and wanted to mask up they could. About half did, half didn’t.

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Just out of curiosity, is there a way to terminate such employees for lack of performance? My friend is suffering the same situation with her business - one employee always sick now, so essentially unable to complete the tasks and duties of the job. This person has become

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I’m hoping his body adapts. He’s been good in the past. I rarely ever fire anyone. I work with them until we solve the problem. But in this case I can’t even address it as he has been hornswoggled by his MD.

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It's just reactions to the jab. Or a combination of that and a lack of something.

No such thing as C19. It's pure fraud. As is ADE, Gain of function and anything Geert says.

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My daughter got the flu in late May. She is 13 and not vaccinated. A friend of hers also got the flu and pediatrician said flu was running rampant off-season.

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I know a number of not vaxed getting sick. But they’re around a lot of vaxed who go from one version of something to another every month.

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Wondering if those children have been exposed to other jabbed and shedding is occurring onto them?

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No they're lacking in something. Vitamin D maybe. It's nutrition or environment anyway. I wouldn't rule out 5g either. But shedding, that's bullshit.

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Rich...how do you know? The most likely time for a vaxed person to get COVID is immediately after being vaxed. I know a number of unvaxed who get sick being around recently vaxed. Not so much vaxed after about a week. Although we have an employment crisis as vaxed are either sick at home or just low energy feeling lousy, ie not working well, most of the time. I have vaxed employees whom I would not hire again who used to be my best employees.

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Immediately after the poisons have entered their system they get 'COVID' right?

Nobody's ever been able to prove transmission by virus (even prove a virus) yet now we're supposed to believe that the vaccinated 'shed'?

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They can shed poisons. Poisons exist. A cobra bite kills you. We can inhale poison or absorb it through the skin.

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I had grandkids get RSV last summer.

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If someone received monoclonal antibodies back in January, what does this mean for their immune system. Would they be considered vaccinated?

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My husband had them too would love to know thoughts on the monoclonal antibody treatment-long term?

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He was exposed & infected, so innate & likely adaptive systems are trained.

The monoclonal antibodies are just additional antibodies -- a mercenary group added to regular army.

As long as he didn't get vaxxed, he's in the recovered group, though maybe not as fully trained (Iirc, training becomes more specific over time).

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I don't believe monoclonal antibodies contain the virus or spike protein, so I would say no. However, it was not your own immune system soley that fought the virus, so it would be good to check your antibody level (including T-cell) to make sure your immune system had learned to fight in the future.

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The injected antibodies are gone by 90 days, if not sooner. You are only vaccinated if you took one of the vaccines...if you didn't get vax, just antibodies, you are somewhere between exposed & recovered.

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I was worried they would be recalled during re-exposure/infection. But ur certain they have no effect going forward?

Thanks. I hope that’s true.

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Jul 8, 2022
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When the protocols came out I put forward the MW Protocol. A double espresso and a chocolate donut every morning for a week. I claimed a 99.7% success rate overall and essentially 100% under 60, if a person was even a bit healthy.

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Jul 8, 2022
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My husband had no side effects and he was feeling 100% better within 24 hours of infusion?

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Jul 8, 2022
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He was really sick we didn’t know what else to do! So far no side effects.

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Jul 8, 2022
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Um no if I could have gotten Ivermectin we would have tried that first. He was taking everything else from FLCCC website. This is a guy who has only had the flu once in the 27 years we have been together. I’ve never seen him that sick. Since then I was able to get ivermectin to have on hand. Don’t judge we all make the best decisions we can in the moment. I wish you well.

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A more simple explanation is the vax wrecked the immune systems of those who took it. These aren’t variants. We live in a sea of bugs. We suck them in, eat them, absorb them in every way. But we have these wonderful immune systems that discards all but the odd one which it uses for cleansing. For the vaxed they have stopped pushing them off easily. BA 4/5 whatever, have nothing to do with Omicron Alpha Delta. All gobbledygook. Alpha isn’t ‘varying’. Into stronger variants. We just can’t fight them now. They are normal Bugs passing around. Most have lost their fight and they’re grabbing hold.

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A friend and his wife, she is now sick with covid. He said in disgust, “they lied to us about these vaccines”. Yet, back in March he made light of me and my concerns about the vaccines. I think he finally is getting it though!! Wishing ppl can hear before its too late!

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Jul 8, 2022
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Never was anything identifiable as that. Which is why they approved 59 different genetic sequences in PCR tests. All the common cold.

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Jul 8, 2022
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I think of it more as a government mandated assault.

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Jul 8, 2022
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Ive practiced ayurveda since 1995.

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The variants have been dna sequenced, enabling tracking their differences in detail. Omicron came out of left field, so different that it traces from a very different, long extinct, branch of the family tree. Therefore believed to be another intentionally bioengineered & released version.

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That’s what they say. It isn’t true. They cobble together broken protein fragments

Which they think might be part of a ‘variant’. China couldn’t isolate Wuhan bug. They were coming up with all sorts of various protein sequences. They then found one man in Tibet who had every symptom and he sneezed up a clear sequence. They said ‘oh this must be COVID’ and they gave that to the world. The CDC approved 59 different PCR tests each with its own genetic sequence it was testing for. In January this year they canceled them as they didn’t think ANY OF THE PCR TESTS WERE ACCURATE! What were we testing for? WhicH version of COVID did your area use? They cannot do what they claim they have done.

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You're confusing proteins with genes. Labs sequence genes, not proteins. And there are numerous *independent* labs worldwide that do the sequencing, not just governments.

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I’m not confusing genes with proteins. Genetic strings make proteins. I understand that. You’re a good student Mary. I bet you have a couple of degrees. But you aren’t thinking this through. When people talk about cases etc no one is actually doing the work required to really test the genetic sequence. Do you think they are? They certainly aren’t where I am and our PHO has admitted it.

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Our PHO at one point admitted they weren’t employing tests for Delta or Omicron but were using symptoms. Prior to that she would report with 100% assuredness ‘most of what we are seeing is delta but some Recent cases are Omicron which is very troubling to us. It means we might have to lockdown again’. All BS.

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The pcr tests are for just 3 "unique" sequences within the entire genome. The rapid tests are for external binding proteins (epitopes).

New variants are identified with full sequencing & then compared with the "original" & other known variants to identify specific changes, lineage, etc.

Another sign of their evil is the "boosters" are all designed for the original "alpha" variant so have no effectiveness against the newest "omicron" variants.

And they tried an "omicron" specific "vax" in monkeys, which stimulated only "alpha" antibodies.

So they gave up on an omicron "Vax", & instead keep pushing the original "vax" which does nothing but add more cumulative damage to the immune system. The alpha line is long extinct!

Their problem is the deaths & damaged showed up faster than expected, so those of us who wisely held back now refuse them.

Only the "early adopters" will keep taking their death jabs.

Just read that Canada is destroying their stock because nobody wants them.

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Rochelle Walensky said in January of this year they had approved 59 different genetic tests, PCR. Because in March of 2020 they didn’t know what COVID was! 59 different tests! She said they are taking away the EU for all of them but they believe they might be closer with some new ones. Think about that. THEY STILL DON’T KNOW! And all this time they were testing cases of what? 59 different cold versions. And basing public policy on this. When you say new variants are gene sequenced and compared to Alpha, I will dispute it because they have yet to clearly specifically identify what Alpha was or is. They are guessing. And pretending this is cold hard science.

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New Zealand now undergoing a BA5 surge with over 90% of those with covid in hospital double or triple jabbed and now the govt is pushing for people to get a 4th Jab of Pfizer! It is winter here and our hospitals are already full and now we have opened up to international travel and every day around 40% of arrivals that have Covid have the BA5 version. School holidays start today so its gonna be a mess over the next couple of weeks. Jabcinda Arden will probably lock NZ down again!

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There's no BA5 version. New Zealand does not let in unjabbed tourists. Hospitals are not full as they're empty of staff. And we're not going to take any notice whatsoever of any fucking lockdown. In fact it's time to lockdown her and the other 119 idiots in the beehive.

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They can’t and don’t identify which variant is going around. They assume based on assumed anecdotal symptoms. They cobble together protein fragments and then claim a variant. Why? Because the proteins they strung together don’t match one of the 59 different genetics strings they’ve considered might be COVID.

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All the variants should rightfully be named BS1, BS2, BA3, BS4, etc

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