Jun 8, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022

I have and always will stay away from the Covid 19 "vaccines"

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My worry is that given this thinking and the FDA/Health Canada wanting to fight 'vaccine hesitancy' it will get harder to stay away from it. I keep waiting for that 'pull back' moment from the authorities. Instead, they're dogmatically tripling down. Now it's getting scary.

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It is scary, but we have the truth on our side. We have to stand firm. Taking this dangerous experimental injection is never going to be an option for me no matter what they threaten. I’ve already lost work over this and have also strained a few friendships. I will never be forced to take a medical procedure that I do not want.

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I find it strange you recite the belief that covid spreads asymptomaticly. My understanding is that early claims were disproven abd the authorities still cannot point to actual documented cases of asymptomatic spread. If you have some actual evidence (and not just authorities making claims) I’d be curious to see the evidence.

I haven’t seen anything at all convincing to show asymptomatic spread, and only tenuous evidence in presymptomatic spread. Of course the debate on when one becomes contagious with an aerosolized respiratory virus has never been fully understood.

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I had this same question. Dr. Van den Bossche, can you explain the science behind your statement that covid can spread asymptomatically. Thanks much!

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OK thats 3 votes for a Dr GVB asymptotic spread evidence review post — or maybe 8 so far if you count likes ;) 🙏🏼

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Asymptomatic - cdc.gov No information is available for this page. Learn why = The page owner prohibited Google from reading the page, which prevents us from creating a page description. Unfortunately there's nothing that Google can do about this.

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I think this is a good point to question Geert with, but I have thought he mean't asymptomatic as a spread that innate immunity dealt with before symptoms showed. Maybe i misunderstood, but now we are seeing symptomatic spread in the vaccinated, showing that Geert was right about the disarming of innate antibodies? Let me know if what i am saying clicks at all, I am always trying to know more.

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Yep, C-19 indeed spreads asymptomatically. I'm the proof. Here is the story.

I visited my good friend on Tuesday, April 19. My friend has been vaxxed (3 times) while I'm not. No symptoms at that time. Next day he phones me with the news: he got C-19, with moderate symptoms. Tested positive, his voice badly affected, he could not sleep next night. No fever, though. I'm aware that incubation takes 4-5 days. And here it comes on Friday, April 22, my first symptoms appeared. Not much though, just tachicardia. Next night I couldn't fall asleep as well. Next day I had elevated body temp. 38.5. No sneezing, no congestion nothing respiratory. Tested on Saturday, negative (antigen). Next day I have woken up with major urticaria. Never seen such a red rash in my life, all over body. No other symptoms. As I know how to deal with skin rash, didn't bother me too much. Using my method on Sunday, rash gone, fever still the same. My partner tested positive - no symptoms whatsoever. I'm still negative. On Monday I went to doctors office - diagnosis C-19, despite negative test results. On Tuesday, seven days after infection or 3 days after symptoms I was okay (except some sinus/ear issues, no pain).

My partner works and he passed C-19 to just about everyone at his place of work - all duoble or triple vaxxed. He was asymptomatic all the time, maybe a small snifle. Nobody was affected, just one lady stayed home due to moderate symptoms.

I have recovered in 3 days. My friend with coarse voice recovered in 7 days (tripple vaxxed !). He diclosed to me that the only place he could have picked up C-19 was on Saturday April 16 on a stag party he had attended. Everyone there was tripple vaxxed (around 200 people) and everyone of his group of 6 people got the virus. Nobody has been symptomatic at that stag party, yet everyone tested positive with symptoms about 4 days afterwards. No hospitalizations, but symptoms persisted in some of these 6 people for more then 2 weeks.

I have been infected by a vaxxed person without any symptoms. I don't know how many persons got it in this transmission chain that started with a stag party. Using simple math if only one person was infected (without symptoms) at that stag party within 20 days (4-5 times incubation) the number of infected persons has gone over 1 thousand.

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To pass colds you have to have some symptoms. Somebody, somewhere at that party had symptoms, even if it was a "bleh feeling of tiredness." I'm not a doctor, but just from living on this planet way too long, I believe covid Marys don't exist. Nobody walks around this world feeling peachy keen spreading the dreaded couf willy nilly. Nope. They have symptoms, but they will tell you otherwise to be able to "socialize."

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First, “maybe a sniffle” is NOT asymptomatic. It is most certainly a symptom. Also many people with a mild case could easily mistake symptoms for seasonal allergies, or soreness from exercise, or too much to drink.

Second, even if he didn’t have symptoms at all, this anecdotal event is not a controlled trial, nor did you do the work to determine that the others at the place of work didn’t contract covid in some other way. You are filling in the gaps with what you want to believe. This does not prove anything.

The CDC and WHO cannot has had yet to prove asymptomatic spread in a single case. And even when they do talk about it they say that asymptomatic spread is rare to the point that it isn’t a real threat.

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1 - Sniffle is a symptom of many different respiratory infections. It's quite common.

Of course that was NOT a randomized, placebo controlled, clinical trial. So was the penicilin. 2 - For penicilin a ranomized, placebo controlled clinical trial was never performed. But it works. We know it works. It just -works.

3 - Of course it is possible that all these 6 men attending a stag party, comming down with a respiratory infection in the same time, tested positive for C-19, 4 days after the party could have picked up infection somewhere else. God knows. It may have been a coincidence.

4 - I have visited one of this people while he did not exhibit any simptoms, third day after stag party. Next day he is sick with a horse voice and tests positive. Another coincidence.

5 - Four days after I paid visit with an asymptomatic person (who later tests positive for C-19) I came down with some simptoms that are part of C-19 spectrum. I could have picked up this virus somwhere else, true. But how likely? Another coincidence.

6 - My partner tests positive after 4 days, has no simptoms (save some sniffle). He could have picked up virus somewhere else, true. Another unfortunate coincidence.

7 - His colleagues at work show symptoms shortly afterwards. Definitely a coincidence.

8 - I'm not "filling the gaps", and I'm not doing something "I want to believe".

It just happened like that. These are true and verifiable facts.

9 - If CDC or WHO state something, truth is always opposite. Not a coincidence

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Sniffles are symptoms.

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To cut the long story short: you were shed on (viz. the rash).

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#1 sniffle, sore throat, etc. are symptoms.

#2 unvaccinated asymptomatic spread does not occur in any measurable amt. (Stated in scientific literature pre-Covid)

#3 Vaccinated people 100% seem to be spreading virus asymptomatically. I don't claim to understand all the science behind it, (possibly spike protein shed via exosomes?) but many cases of that happening very soon after they received the vaccine.

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Australian news published an even more hilarious piece about how masks protect you from COVID while you are giving someone mouth to mouth resuscitation. Yes, that was a news story.

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It's too bad that masks don't stop stupid from spreading.

We can put that story right up there with that idiot Theresa Tam advocating for using "glory holes" to stop the spread of the virus.

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Masks don't stop stupid from spreading, but they do make it easier to spot stupid.

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Thank God I wore my mask, otherwise my symptoms would have been worse! 😆 lol

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Thanks for speaking out Geert. Mattias is correct! The formation goes beyond logic to the ludicrous. I pray humanity makes it through this in the end for my/our children. If and when things take a turn down the that darkest of roads, I hope your voice will guide us!

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Jun 8, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022

You grant this epidemiologist too much credit, assuming mere ignorance. I think you are guilty of benevolent projection, assuming that this individual has any integrity whatsoever and actually means well, because you do and can't imagine the evil required for such deliberate dishonesty in a medical professional.

Maybe he IS ignorant, but I am seeing a LOT more such "experts" willingly press themselves into service of The Narrative, the total and endless vaccination goal of the pharmaceutical industry, given force by the captive regulatory agencies. Just one more of these maybe-intelligent-but-functionally-idiotic advanced-degreed sycophants enforcing the official line.

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Money talks. They are getting paid.

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"Up-to-date" is the vernacular they want to codify. People need to listen to and believe what they are saying...and firmly reject it.

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It seems regardless of the data put out by the Ontario government and others. Nothing changes in terms of the safe and EFFECTIVE motto

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Effective at what? I've started to ask this question when speaking with people pushing that narrative. It ain't effective at prevention.. but IS at destroying your immune system with heavy metals and parasites - sure is good at that!

Safe.. Depending on others for safety is a fools errand.

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And these are "medical professionals", who don't understand what Mr. Bossche constantly tried to educate these uneducated "medical professionals" who are so wrong in their understanding on how increased vaxxes are doing more harm then good, is just horrifying! These educated "medical professionals" ought to have their licenses withdrawn for being do stupid!!!! They must be on the take! Canada is gone!!!

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Maybe these professionals (at least the top echelon) know EXACTLY what is going on.

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People say Fauci et al are doing a bad job. But maybe they doing exactly as they planned.

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You sir have my admiration for speaking the truth no matter how hard this is going to be for those who don't listen to you. This was a great interview thank you for doing it. Everyone on this substack should share it with their loved ones so they understand how to protect themselves before its too late https://youtu.be/F530dxcB6_s

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You have to read the cbs news article that came out today! By Arielle Mitropoulos. Americans keep getting reinfected with covid 19 as new variants emerge. No wonder so many people are confused!

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… and we thought the “Idiocracy” was pure fiction…

Besides the obvious corruption, we are dealing with a severe competence crisis- thank you for bringing sanity to this world, Geert!

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Thank you and Amen my friend. Peace and good health to all that come to this substack.

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I love this. I wish I had not vaccinated, my intuition TOLD me not to but my lifestyle dictated yes. I must rely on antivirals now, if we can actually get ahold of them. So many challenges we have faced these years. Thank you Geert !!!!!!!!!!!

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Geniuses who can’t analyze real-world information and data and spout off nonsense from their mouths are now truly a dime a dozen.

Science vs. scientism - the divide seems to be getting wider but I think more people are waking up to what’s really going on...uh oh when the masses truly start to get aggravated with how much & how often they’ve been lied to during this “experiment”.

Truth is lies and lies are truth - truly it is one of the mosy bizarre times in human history (and we are living through it)!

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We are witnessing an all out assault on all of the achievements of Western civilization for the last 500 years, i.e., rule of law vs law of the jungle-might makes right. Science-logic-rationalism-empiricism vs "intuition," unquestioning obedience to authority as the only source of truth. Medical science, vs a witch doctor dancing around a fire invoking the spirits. Rights of the individual vs the rightsof the"collective" i.e. the mob. The attack upon the energy sources upon which modernity-modern civilization is founded, which provide heat, light, and fuel for transportation, food production, industry and construction. The increasing possibility of nuclear war. The power elite and their institutions are fast leading us back to the stone age.

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So they can build back better for themselves.

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Could you elaborate the part of your comment regarding energy sources. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. Thanks.

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Petroleum products, misnamed "fossil fuels" are the basis of modernity-modern civilization. Fertilizer, essential for food production comes from petroleum. Fuel for transportation, heat and light, the production of plastic, which love it or hate it, has become indispensable for modern life, comes from Petroleum. There is no substitute for diesel, which is used to power trucks, trains, construction equipment, farm tractors, and all types of heavy equipment. Electrical generation is increasingly fueled by natural gas generation plants. Diesel is exactly the same as home heating oil, just dyed red instead of green, as home heating oil is not taxed, diesel is. This is the source of heat for millions of homes. The "Green" agenda proposes the elimination of "fossil fuels" and nuclear power plants. Without Petroleum and nuclear energy we go back to the stone age. We freeze and starve in the dark.

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Thanks for your reply. I think your description of how critical petroleum products are to modern civilization is spot on. In my view, the green agenda is primarily a talking point; a smoke screen designed to get certain people re-elected. I judge the elites' intentions more by what they do than what they say. For example, the agenda as originally proposed has been chopped down and gone absolutely nowhere. Biden has approved drilling on Federal lands. Trump withdrew from the Paris agreement. And so on.

The most telling activity, I think, is what the elites have done in response to the covid pandemic. I see policies and associated authoritarian moves designed to suppress life-saving early treatments and to promote profitable and ultimately toxic vaccines. As a result, I see hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. I also see warnings about future pandemics. A reasonable inference might be that if the ruling elites are indeed worried about climate change, their preferred solution involves population control using deadly viruses, not the elimination of fossil fuels.

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It's very clear that the elites do not want us plebs to have enough energy to maintain a civilization. The ongoing attack on "fossil" fuels will destroy it

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I wonder if it's possible the elites see climate change as simply an opportunity, as in the phrase "Never let a good crisis go to waste". An opportunity to keep the people pliant through constant fear messaging, and an opportunity to direct any proposed climate solutions toward maximum money-making potential for businesses. It's not required that they believe in climate change, or even care about it. We're dealing with greedy sociopaths who only care about the endless pursuit of their own wealth and power. In this view of the world, then, the elites would more likely want to continue to extract money from the masses by continuing to sell fossil fuels to them, using the fear to exert authoritarian control whenever it aligns with their two main drivers (more power and wealth).

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You nailed it!

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Denial will morph into anger as they awaken. I think we must be compassionate because we are in the fortunate position to do so. This will at least offer some hope.

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I haven’t listened to Australian news on C-19 since early 2020. The ABC is a taxpayer funded extremely low rating sheltered workshop of the woke, cancel culture, professional victim industry. They retard ego state their audience. From the start none of them could keep their story straight. I’m sure there are more endlessly repeated, ridiculous and conflicting stories out there out there I have missed. Thank God for Geert Vanden Bossche. Frances A Boyle was on YouTube before censorship (early 2020). He referred to the upcoming vaccine as “Franken shots” and these are a bioweapon. That’s why I studied the “vaccine”. We all knew it was and still is experimental. Time is telling.

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Geert “saved” my life when I ran across his video in March, 2021...I was moved NOT to get the “vaccine “....he’s since gotten more precise in his disgust with the propaganda machine ...

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Your utter frustration with the simplistic and ultimately dangerous “just vaccinate more” narrative is showing. The dust analogy is a particularly good one for us laypersons.

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