There is no need to apologise. Healing will also be painful. For everyone involved. But it must happen

As well as forgiveness, there must also be accountability for the key people behind this whole shameful episode, who were driven by greed, the lust for power etc etc

But neither healing nor accountability can take place without truth first.

Please keep writing truth, no matter what

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I wrote a long comment only to lose it because I wasn't signed in. Maybe that's for the best. I'm not for forgiveness for people who are just interested in saving their hide. People were very cruel, sometimes joyfully cruel, because of this covid situation. The unvxd lost jobs & friends. People were estranged from their families. Doctors lost licenses & were censored. People died alone in the hospital, mostly from the protocols. People who were experiencing vx injuries, & wrote about it on social media, were censored. People were thrown in covid camps with locked doors. Some of my own family members treated me coldly. One told me I should NEVER LEAVE MY HOUSE because I didn't get covid-vxd. There were horrible things that happened to people who didn't wear a mask. Getting ganged up on & shoved roughly out of doorways, beatings. I saw a phone video (later taken down) of cops setting a German shepherd on a man at a gocery store because he had no mask. The dog was tearing pieces out of the man's leg while he was screaming. No one objected. I got escorted out of a book store for not wearing a mask, and was prevented from entering others. People who saw were happy about it. People are at present having vx injuries & death. It's still being pushed--and ON BABIES!. And the government entities & WEF are conjuring up more viruses & vxes to force on us. We're being inundated with the mRNA vxes for all of our animals & ourselves & incorpoated into our food supplies. People opposing this are censored or, as in France, soon to be jailed. Why forgine this ongoing horror? I do not feel like I should forgive.

I'm going to point out that, if you want to find valuable information, you have to dig for it, and often, pay. The best covid doctors have lost licenses, certifications or ability to practice at hospitals. Many are censored. That's why Geert & others are on substack. Most people don't know what 'substack" is.

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I agree with you. Why forgive those who are not sorry? It's been THE GENOCIDAL KILLING OF THE WILLING. It has not stopped. We are all being harmed! What will it soon morph into? I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Death to the Vaxxers!

Death to the Vaxxers!

Death to the Vaxxers!

Death to the Vaxxers!

Death to the Vaxxers!

Death to the Vaxxers!

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What's sad is so many were lied to and fail to do their own research, and also to be a part of group think seems very important to many. Finally many cannot admit they are wrong

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I find it amazing that within his article he never mentioned the family members, politicians, dr’s, “friends” that wished death upon people.

You don’t forgive or forget that. Cowards during Covid will be cowards in every situation. Covid separated the strong, honest people from the lying cowards. It’s always nice to know who you can count on and it’s not a coward.

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Like Jimmy Kimmel

"That choice doesn't seem so tough to me," Kimmel said. "Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right in. We'll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy."

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Never forget or forgive Kimmel for his pompass attitudes. At least not until he apologizes to his national audience.

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Feb 27, 2024
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The difference is one of us lived in reality and the other didn’t.

Because someone believes lies doesn’t excuse their behavior.

The other difference is/was, not one unvaccinated person probably ever wished harm on their loved one’s. How could anyone forgive somebody that wished them harm? They didn’t/don’t really care about you.

If you allow someone like that back in your life, you better sleep with one eye open. They will kill you in your sleep when you don’t agree with “the next scare”.

Cowards don’t change.

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Feb 27, 2024Edited
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I realize all of this, but it doesn’t change the fact that weak people are a danger.

If you’re weak enough to turn on friend's and family, you’re not worth keeping around because you’ll do it again.

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We have to admit the truth first.

Covid was a bioweapon.

Covid shots are also a bioweapon.

We cannot make any progress going forward, without addressing, and admitting those facts.

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There are huge efforts going on to obsfuscate those facts. I agree with you. Once that is accepted, it changes everything about the current investigations and who was responsible. I suspect it may be the most censored topic on the internet.

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And once it is admitted that both are bioweapons, hopefully some real medical research can commence on how to treat people injured by covid and the shots.

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Will THIS page be deleted by tomorrow? Admissions simply will not happen, as speechless retreat is the new cowardice of inaction! What matters is continuity of inoculation.

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Reconciliation may come, after forgiveness. Forgiveness may come, after redemption. Redemption may come, after contrition and effort to make right the wrongs. Contrition and effort may come, after admission of guilt. We shall see…

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This was very good, Lost in the Blue!

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I thought the article actually was an example of great courage, of an ability to empathize and to learn from each other. It helped me a great deal understanding my own family dynamics which clearly resemble the issue Rob touched upon. Thank you, both!

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I think it's important to listen to others thoughts and feelings about what we have all been through. The people in my own life that have such fear and anxiety and followed the propoganda, are not bad people. I blame the ones who knowingly and determinedly deceived the people and want to see them brought to justice. For the ones now starting to perhaps see the truth, I give them space and time to work it out. I remember 3 years ago how devastating it was to acknowledge the outright evil in the world. It was and continues to be a lot to process. For myself, I am so glad that on top of that , I don't have to deal with the anger of having trusted the authority and wondering every day how much damage the injections have done to my body and my friends and family. Compassion, patience and love will get us through this. Everyone needs to acknowledge, take responsibility for their own actions and then hopefully heal.

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Beautifully said Kyra.

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Great article , don’t apologize and everyone is entitled to their opinions. We cannot be divided and distracted. Thank u GVB

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It’s a depopulation Bioweapon.

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I loved your article. My family has a massive devide. My father told me never to come near them again. I feel by trying help people with knowlage to consider now many people feel it causes panic....Why can some of us see to clearly what's going on. ?

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Because most are cowards and don’t want to deal with the cold hard truth. The real world is more difficult and they can’t handle it.

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Your family won't be happy with you unless your willing to suffer injury and death risk like they know what is coming for them.

They are mad because you did not drink the "Jim Jones" kool-aid and you will survive while they sense an inevitable early death.

Don't fool yourself. People that act like this know what they did to themselves.

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A little off topic, but covid was not my first great divide. In the 2000s I became aware of the challenge to the cholesterol/ heart disease hypothesis and the resulting low-fat diet ultimatum that went along with the deeply flawed, "science". It put me at odds with my Type2 siblings, and got me into trouble with my regulatory college of massage therapists too for my proclamations to my clients. Almost 20 years now being an unvaxxed, near-carnivore whistleblower has not exactly been a picnic. As the songwriter Bruce Cockburn sang: "I'm a loner, with a loner's point of view". And by the way, there's no climate emergency either. 😅

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This has been obvious from the 90’s yet doctors still wait until you require insulin when a dietary fix is possible earlier on. Now there’s this “it’s Ok to be overweight” mentality that needs changing.

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Feb 27, 2024
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I'm VERY introverted and very comfortable with being alone, including being the only one in a group espousing the "wrong opinion". lol. I don't care much what other people think about me, as I don't care for their approval, being as most people appear to me as being rather stupid. My guess is that most of the 20 or so percent who didn't fall for the Covid psyop are introverts, as we don't follow the crowds (especially the crowds heedlessly running toward the cliff because they were told to).

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Mar 1, 2024
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Yes, it would be an interesting study, but I suspect those who didn't fall for the psyop are more Ts than Fs -- THINKERS in Myers-Briggs, not feelers! Feelers often make decisions based upon their emotions. My guess is that feelers are more susceptible to the emotion of fear, and FEAR was a huge part of the Covid psyop. I myself am a very strong ISTJ.

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Mar 2, 2024
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Here's a laugh for ya ... read this gobsmackingly ridiculous article in the journal "World Psychiatry" entitled "Reasons why people may refuse COVID-19 vaccination (and what can be done about it)"


Essentially, it states that peeps like you and me, who refused the jabs, don't know how to rationally assess risk, and also that we may be mentally ill (which reminds me of Solzhenitsyn writing how those who didn't buy into the corrupt Stalin gubmint's lies and narrative were declared mentally ill). Poor us. Our brains don't work well. LOL.

Oh, yeah, and the "useful idiot" academic who wrote that article is also on board with the Climate Crisis psyop. But of course!

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You are both heroes in all of this, and there are very few. I am grateful for your authenticity and integrity, and I thank you.

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Dont be silly dr vanden bossche.....but without retribution and punishment..many people including myself are not prepared to forgive..this is probably the biggest crime against humanity....and our rulers will not even acknowledge their role in its perpetration.

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The problem is how entrenched the decision making now is and how the research is no longer driven by the truth.

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They went too far.

Until I hear some genuine regret on the part of the people that wronged all of us that saw through these crimes, I'll continue to take no prisoners and never forget.

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Worse, it is far from over. Plus all the rules are still in place, those who organised and carried out the attack are still at large and relatively unseen. We have to face the possibility that they will try again.

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That is the case with ALL the travesties of justice here in the US.

No accountability from the lowly homeless shitting in the streets all the way up to a president laundering money in Ukraine.

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The only ongoing crisis is the fallout from a "pandemic" that which was manufactured by the power structures of our world and the continuously increasing adverse events and damages caused by the bioweapon disguised as a "vaccine".

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Exactly right, the problems have only just begun. Justice must precede reconciliation.

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I agree with the comments that state do not apologize. No need. It's hard when my own sister wanted me to lose my job for not getting vaccinated, or being excluded from family gatherings, and all the whispers. It's ironic....but none of them have appoligized. My work didn't apologize for all they did to force people to get vaccinated. The culprits in all of this have not admitted all their numerous mistakes, so they will never consider appoligizing and righting this ship.

Thank you for all that you and Rob do. 💙

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It hurts when our sisters don't even want to try listen to why we didn't want that thing.

Fact is now I worry so much for them. I do feel duscusted in how our leaders family and other people turned on us.

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Geert, thanks for all your work and courage. Although an apology is not necessary, I’m sure it is appreciated by those still paralyzed by fear, horribly confused, and who may have perceived Rob’s article not as a peace offering but as an affront to their stalwart faith in a broken and corrupt system. Although everyone caught up in the “fog of war” for the first 3-6 months of the pandemic should be given the benefit of the doubt, continued willful ignorance on the part of any “educated person” is inexcusable. there is simply too much evidence exposing greed, incompetence, group think, corrupt science, and government capture. Steve Kirsch said he and his wife lost about 95% of there social connections after he began exposing the damage done by the v@x ez. However, he also said they gained a million new friends in his followers.

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In addition, sometimes we just have to be willing to let people go for a while and let them take their time in figuring things out. Take the high road and leave the door open for them. There’s a lot to learn from the parable of prodigal Son. All the people who have been damaged by this are starving for light, leadership and virtue. You can be that.

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It’s really hard to let them go/be when it’s cherished family who are still caught up in the fear that Covid is to be avoided at all costs and the best line of attack is the vaccines, masking, and distancing. I have adult children I haven’t been with in months, even though they live locally. My first grandchild is due this week, and it may be a year before I’m safe to be with this child. I’m heartbroken. They aren’t being cruel; they think they are being loving and responsible.

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I agree Lori, it’s almost unbearably difficult. I’ve experienced similar challenges (Watching a close relative take the jab while pregnant with her first child) and listening to my only Brother state “oh, you’re one of those” when he struts in proclaiming he just received his 3rd booster. Our only chance is to remain on the high road and allow the truth to gradually overcome the lies. We can still be strong and steadfast in our resolve while enduring the difficulties with Grace.

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Yeah, I had a relative give me that, "you're one of those people! You're an anti-vaxxer!" line as well. Irony is that 25 years ago this relative gave me a ride to a flu shot clinic so I could get my first flu shot at 13, against my pediatrician's recommendation. No one coerced me into that shot, they didn't have to, the rest of the household had gotten flu shots the year before and I was the only one who got the flu and no one else got sick, first time I had ever gotten sick and not spread it to the rest of the family.

So it was clear to me, and everyone else in my household, that flu shots worked. We all chose to get one and continued getting them for 24 years. 6 years into that my boyfriend and I started dating and no one freaked out that he didn't get flu shots, we never got sick when he did, no one said a word. But the covid shots came along and all of a sudden I'm endangering people I don't even live with anymore because I initally planned to wait 12 months? They KNEW better than that, they had plenty of real life experiences with vaccines and they knew I got plenty of vaccines too when I had evidence they worked, they chose to be a jerk to me because it was fashionable. I don't speak to this relative unless it's for the sake of my other relatives who are not jerks. Once my other relatives are dead I'm never speaking to the jerk again. At this point the jerk can no longer be trusted to not stab me in the back on a whim. Not the first time the jerk has been a jerk but I am grateful that the covid vaccines removed his mask so I can't ignore it anymore.

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Indeed, they think they did the right thing for their kids. And for themselves - the doubters, in their view- are the narcissists, the selfish. It’s unbearable for them to embrace another truth. Compassion, empathy and love may be the only antidotes to get us all back together.

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It is another layer on to many layers. We can see and they do not want to even consider our reasons.

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Very well said, Vincent Stanger! As hurt as I felt after my family and some friends treated me horribly after refusing the vax and trying to awaken them to the truth, I came to feel as you do.

At times it can be a challenge, but I’d like to have compassion considering I realize they were terrified by the brilliantly crafted narrative. This tragedy is insane, but finally it appears most people are waking up.

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Thanks for sharing and writing this Dr Bossche we are in very difficult times

Even more so now the UK ONS has altered Excessive Deaths Data

and this is very concerning and once again thank you for Sharing your thoughts too 🙏

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