Thank you for posting this document. It is simple and clear and easy to understand, in particular for those who have not been following you and indeed anyone who has very little knowledge of the science involved. For those of us who have been following you and are desperate to get the word out, this is a brilliant distillation of the science you have worked through and worked out. I feel this is a document I can circulate. I’m very grateful. Thank you Geert

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The WHO may say it's disease X (they have a vaxx already I hear) rename and claim Geert's monster variant was a conspiracy theory.

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With each new post, Geert is cementing himself into the history books as the "the only one" who knew exactly what was happening and why it was happening. He will be seen as a hero for his courage to say the truth. It is hard to estimate how many lives he will end of saving by his ringing of the alarm bells. He knows all of this of course. This is why he continues to write. The bell is tolling for the vaccinated and he knows it.

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Dr McMillan (see Youtube) & Dr Bossche engage in superb discussions on this matter.

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Have been following Dr. Vanden Bossche since the beginning. This also was a very good piece from another doctor that sealed the deal for myself and my family to not get the jabs. Very balanced but very sobering.


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Dr. Vanden Bossche, the title of your article should be: "What happens when, for the first time ever, you mass 'vaccinate' for the common cold".

The Spirit of the resurrected Jesus is the Healer. Please all, invite Him into your lives!

Also, don't fail to recognize the importance of the human bioflora for immune support in particular Bifidus bacterium. How diabolical these poison darts target Bifidus in the gut!

Dr. Sabine Hazen has knowledge all suffers of this deliberate genocidal assault; the 'poser vaccine', need to know.

"Ivermectin supports bifidus bacteria; key to a healthy immune system"

Dr. Sabine Hazen speaks at COVID Cartel roundtable


If you want a glorious future, invite Jesus into your life.

None of this ends, and we don't go home without Him. It is no accident that we are where we are as humanity.

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The jabbed story is very different than the unjabbed.

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“dissemination of the virus from the upper respiratory tract to all organs, leading to swift and extensive mortality in these populations.”

This sounds like the Jab too: dissemination of the NLP from the injection site to all organs, leading to swift and extensive mortality in these populations.

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I admire the willingness to stake one's reputation for something believed strongly. Especially because this conviction has such dire implications. Denial is what keeps me existing as if things are as usual. Disbelief, that something this terrible could occur. I hope it's wrong, but greatly fear it's not. It has always made sense to me that the intervention would drive escape variants and that the number of people who were herded into taking a product that created an extremely narrowly focused immune response could not possibly end up being a good thing in the long run. The clock is ticking.....we will find out eventually one way or another.

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That's Terrifying.

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Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele.... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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Learn about fenbendazole for cancer now, before you’re forced to under the diagnosis of a loved one https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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Dire view .While I appreciate your reporting, I can't help but think there must be remedies out there that can ameliorate this?

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The US Military, Airline Pilots Association, Actuarial info from Insurance companies show grave results for the vaccinated. But by in large, this info is suppressed. Which is to say that it's being made to go away. Not being revealed. So don't 'hold your breath' waiting for the 'big reveal'. This has been the greatest crime against humanity. And the criminals do not want the evidence of their crime to come to light.

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I hope everyone is following the DoD/Wuhan chronicles. Daszak testifies May 1st. More damning emails have been released. It’s a lab creation. Hopefully because it unnatural it has a defect that dooms it.

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Hope you guys are preparing for it, best case, this doesnt happen and we have stronger immune system.

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