If people start to succumb now to the consequences of their vaccination, the authorities will label it as Disease X or some other condition. They’ve lied long enough now to just keep going.
Not so fast. At the beginning maybe, but as the time goes by, everyone will notice who's dying and who's not. By now, we all know who took the shots and who didn't.
I had seen a clip, then went and watched the 2019 Eurovision singing contest. I had never heard of it and have seen some pretty wild stuff. But so far this one is a tell it to the world. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Madonna+2019+euovision+performance&atb=v318-1&t=chromentp&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVG3WkiL0d_U Madonna and Quova Singing a song called "future" Not everyone is coming to the future, not everyone is learning from the past, not everyone is coming to the future, not everyone here is going to last. In the end a couple walks up one with an Israel flag and the other Palestine flag, they are the only ones that separate half way up the steps walking in opposite directions, while the other couples fall backwards into what I assume is the pit. So does Madonna and Quova. She has an eye patch with an X and front of her costume and up course upside down cross. There were protest, because evidently she was not to do what she did.
See FLCCC immediately to DeSpike. My Dad died from the booster in 2022 USA with pneumonia-like disease though the hospital tests for all causes including SC2 were negative.
Everyone is catching this new illness sore throat and runny nose lasting for weeks wether jabbed or unjabbed luckily I haven't caught it I put it down to fasting.
I had covid 2 years ago -- unvaxxed -- have not had so much as a sniffle since... BTW - I started taking a range of supps after the covid thing... D Zinc Magnesium B12 C etc...
Our whole house is unjabbed 5 of us everyone got this throat and runny nose even the baby and she never gets anything, I'm the only one who didn't get nothing as the whole house had it over a 4 week period the only thing I can put it down to is fasting which I've been doing past few months one meal a day with supplements I've not had even a sniffle since.
You are the second person to mention fasting. I will have to try that more regularly. Thanks. Worth a try. This is the second cold and extended cough I've had this year and I used to be the picture of health.
I take my supplements plus fast 16:8 most days and do a 3 day water fast once a quarter. Haven't had a cold or sniffle since 2019 except for a mild covid in 9/22.
My experience similar. My only case was a mild one summer 2022 (age 60). Since then, no respiratory illness at all. I volunteer at animal shelter. In recent months, several of the staff (mostly in their 20s) have taken sick days, sometimes more than one at a time. I'm not privy to what they were sick with or their jab status. I do note that it's very unusual for the young and healthy to catch multiple cold or flu. Meanwhile, myself and another [health conscious] volunteer in her mid-70s remain healthy enough to walk dogs for a few hours daily in all weather, yet we rarely get even a sniffle. Organizations like us rely on volunteers and we skew to the aged. Granted, some disability with age is probably inevitable. I’m grateful that for now, at least, I seem fully fit and am not on ten different prescription medications. But I wonder about the younger generation.
The more I read about the medical-industrial complex, the less I trust it. Here we are discussing the gullible public swallowing the latest lies. Even worse are the various lies or at best half-truths that have been official dogma, sometimes for many decades (e.g. saturated fat causes heart disease) and repeated endlessly by very intelligent and powerful people who should know better. Well, a lot of them probably do know better, but they also don't want to be out of a job.
This is the result of taking vitamins regularly every day. The more vitamins you you take, and especially D and C, the better you feel. It's a fact, and there is plenty of research papers to support my claim.
me too! but not having a sniffle in my case is BAD,, because now I have pain in my back and shoulder, which I never had! I am doing sports regularly! I get infected without a sniffle!
Me too! Right side mostly. Neck and upper shoulder. Comes and goes though not around currently. I have been laying out to get lots of Vit D with the sun, so maybe that’s helping.
my father had neck and right side upper shoulder pain as of few days ago! he is vaxxed 3x. I do not know is it me, who is spreading the infection to them, or is it them........if this virus has R0 anywhere close to 12 , its simply no point in talking about it .... because 99% have it!
i was high on vit D because i started supplementing this in 2017!, but nothing helps for this left shoulder! it was pain so much that i thought its from the heart, and i had 0 idea this is from COVID! now i know....so this term long covid, I would apply to EVERYONE who is infected, and i can not see this to be any less than 80% of the population.......i used to have had severe sinus problems, since covid 19 0!!! just drives me nuts! i'd rather have my sinus issues
Yes! I am fighting the same thing right now. I'm unjabbed. I envy the posters in their 60's and 70's who are healthy. I had a sustained exposure to a vaxxed relative two years ago - he had been vaxxed the day before - shedding was involved. I had random bruising the next day. Maybe it's that. Or the shingles vax I foolishly got three years ago. My immune system has been wobbly the past year.
Lynn, You need to detox the spike protein in order to get any relief. The most simple, basic detox involves three supplements taken daily, twice a day: bromelaine, turmeric and natokinasse. Don't expect imediat results. Dr. Peter McCullough recommends to continue taking them even if you see no results. For some people it takes at least six months or more to feel better. There are many other supliments, vitamins, and herbs that one can take to detox the spike protein.
Woe to the governments, to the mainstream media and to the top health agencies who will call this DISEASE X or a new strain of Bird Flu or any other disease, EXCEPT what it actually is.
The sad part is that people die for believing their BS.
When you say "the only possibility for the virus to break..." means that it eventually could not find the way to survive and then to get the endemicity phase???? On the other hand, what is really making that pressure on the virus? The Pnnabs??
It could not in the way it it would have in a natural pandemic. It will eventually find the way to endemicity but through this will eradicate itself in the highly vaccinated population through killing that host. This is possible through large scale Vaccine- Break- Through- Infections caused by HIVICRON and LOSS of NNAb which up to now still inhibit transinfection in the vaccinated people.
Still it seems likely that the hivicron would lose transmission fitness person to person, in being virulent inside the body. Because the JN.1 is so optimally evolved to transmit person to person, it would outcompete the hivicron in transmission.
It was said that the JN.1 is close to the maximum of what is physically possible in transmission fitness person to person. A variant that is both virulent in the body, and the most fit for transmission, seems to be physically impossible, no matter that there would be a selective pressure towards it.
So it still seems to me that there would just be a relatively few cases where the hivicron pops up, affecting a few people. Much as like the bacteria in the hospital that are resistant to all antibiotics.
The next varient's virulence will be relative to the individual who is infected. It only needs to be virulent enough to be deadly to a vaxxed individual with a burned out / poorly focused immune system. To someone with a trained immune system the varient will not be virulent.
Why do you think it would lose transmission? Is it too difficult to imagine a couple days incubation period before the symptoms? So it will have time to infect the population
It was also said that the hivicron requires a big mutation. So I figure it is like putting rangerover weels on a porsche. It can infect inside the body, but then it is not so much suitable for transmission anymore. It is just common sense figuring, and no more than that.
Don't you think speed of transmission is a factor? Dense populations and it can pop up everywhere independent of transmission according to Dr Bossche if I understand him correctly
My understanding is that given the high degree of suboptimal population immune selection pressure, the virus’ is under enormous pressure to find more efficient ways to ensure its survival. This graph is merely a small piece of the puzzle to illustrate that JN-1 clan is dominating the scene and these newer variants don’t have the characateristics to overtake and become dominant players in this evolution….at this point!
I haven’t heard Geert change his view that glycosylation will happen which would relieve (lift) the pNNAbs’ inhibition of severe disease thereby permitting spread of the virus intra(within the susceptible) hosts. This will alleviate the population level immune pressure on the viral lifecycle and in the process restore equilibrium via herd immunity (between human population and virus) and eradication of covid virus (until animal reservoirs begin to come into play)
I am reading Geert's words as perhaps a ray of hope that things may not go as predicted? (which is a good thing) Could JN.1 be strong enough that the other variants will peter out before they have a chance to mutate into a killer strain? It's how I read it~~why is everyone reading it as bad news? That is what I am hoping he has said...wish he had written more.
Yes, I have been following everything from the very beginning including Dr. Philip McMillan~~every day things can change and I am reading Geert's news from today as perhaps something has changed (for the better). Can't seem to find anyone in the comments who knows what he is saying here for sure, haha.
I've been understanding him to mean that it's only a matter of time before the glycosylation of a variant happens, which will mean that the vaccinated have no protection at all left, because this will hide the virus from the immune system. The virus (now virulent) then spreads between people and also within the body to the organs.
In one of those Dr McMillan videos, someone said that, if the immune system can't kill the virus, it'll kill the host in order to protect the species (presumably mankind in general). Not sure, but I think these two ideas are interlinked, but still trying to work out how. Either way it's seriously not looking good!
So interesting how people can read things differently~~I am reading his tone and certain word choice and to me this sentence "The only possibility I see for the virus to break through this pressure is a sudden and drastic change in the glycosylation profile of the spike protein" makes it sound like there is now only one way for it to happen and he doesn't really say whether the odds for that happening are great or not. I read his use of the word "only" to mean that his original prediction may not happen. I hope I am correct. (I am unvaccinated and have never had C-19 to my knowledge, but I don't want to live in a world without other people in it including those I love!)
Sheree he's always said the glycosylation profile needs to change he's always talked about the sugars now I know your being optimistic but by the sounds of what he's saying its what he has previously forecast.
MY experience (i am NOt vaxxed) is that all the non-vaxxed people are sick, and vaxxed people feel nothing, they do not even notice they are constantly infected! and if they get sick, they resolve to a normal status much much quicker! I am not sure if I ever got well after my 2022 infection, I have had pain in my left shoulder for months now. So I do not believe this is the right division between vaxxed and non vaxxed, since those groups are both SO HETEROGENOUS! it's unbelievable to discern patterns: some are 1x vaxxed, majority 2x, minority 3x, with all the combinations of Adenovax+mRNA etc....i am baffled as to why this doc makes this distinct division when in reality things do not happen like that AT ALL! What happens is the majority are vaxxed, and they are NOT SICK! while those unvaxxed, esp women are often sick, some nonvaxxed have ALREADY DIED! from heart attacks!
This may also be a function of the IgG4 transition in post 2+ jabbed - where there is a tolerance of pathogens, little/no immune reaction.... Infections may be there in the jabbed, wreaking havoc, "silently" because their immune system has been trained to ignore.
how scary is that!? the vaxxines tricked the immune systems, moved in stealth, sickened the ppl and now they have NO immune systems or they're all jacked up attacking the vaxx'd from within (like our illegal border jumpers are setting up to do). I believe in shedding and am staying clear of contact with vaxx'd
it would be helpful if this DOC could confirm what you say or NOT, this way this is all nonsense! i can not understand devotion to his predictions while not knowing the BASIC STUFF, how many people are infected? who transmits it more....etc etc, where are these new varriants developing within the same person? becasue i got this JN1 in july 2023!! its the same sh.it that is around me for months! and NO I AM NOT SICK! not one sniff! no temp....
i am in a constant surrounding of vaxxed! and i am the only one developing ilness! i was thinking is this from them??? this DOC could have AT LEAST tRY to explain some basic stuff instead of his stupid nonsense predictions
Read his book or watch all of his videos. There is much more information than just here in these few posts lately. But, it is very complex and difficult to understand. your situation, getting ill frequently, may have nothing to do with COVID and more to do with some immuno-compromised situation. not everything is about COVID>
If you go back and read all of his posts, you will see that Geert is saying that the unvaxxed are getting well-primed by circulating variants. Just because you have gotten sick doesn't mean your body isn't operating correctly. It is! It's the vaxxed whose immune systems have been broken. They may be avoiding severe illness today but soon they will be unable to.
No he is a scientist. Most doctors don't have the time to do the research or go in depth regarding Covid. They just depend on what information they are being given by health authorities. If anyone understands this - and there are just a handful - certainly Geert is one of the brightest minds on it.
He was originally trained as an equine doctor. And, yes, that is medical, even though he treated horses instead of people. but, then he went back and got another degree and another PhD. He is trained and has worked in the fields of immunology, virology, vaccinology. He may be the one single person most qualified in this world for governments to have listened to regarding how to handle the pandemic. They ignored him instead.
thank you....this is why to my old father who is 1 adenovaxx+2 mRNA shots i cannot explain he is sick with the virus.....but whats even worse i am more sick than he is! twice younger! not vaxxed drives me crazy, and DOC with this knowledge cant help AT ALL! i think i know more than he at least in how to help a little bit
Ive read most of your comments. My experience is the complete opposite. 6 of my dear friends since grade school (we’re 65 now) got 3x’s jabbed. All of them are constantly sick. One developed tinnitus (24hrs a day). 1 had cancer develop on her skin. 1 is in and out of the hospital with pneumonia and other upper resp illness. And 1 had a heart attack the night after her 2nd jab. The same with my immediate siblings. 5 in total age range 57-66. The 2 that got the jabs (and continue to get the jabs) have long covid, eye infections, 1 had her BP explode and now on 3 meds to keep it down. Both have had covid 3x’s and were more sick than any of us. It’s been so disheartening to not get thru to them about these mRNA’s. My friends however ALL get it now and are really pissed they bought into the narrative. Fear will do that to most as we saw….if I were you I’d get a complete checkup and see why youre “more” sick than your father and friends. Something is not right and I hope you can get to the bottom of it. Im so sorry you're suffering.
my father 3x jabbed had high blood pressure last summer, i brought it down to normal in 3 days with my supplements..... he is doing now better than i do, YEs covid eyes have 60% of the population but this goes unnoticed.....my mother 1x vaxxed got stroke after 6 months from the vaccine. And even she is doing better than i am......i was thinking maybe i do feel things much better than the rest, but, i have this spinal chord pain, i never had in my life! i read this comes from virus infection.....what is the new virus? maybe that thing is CAUSING all the other illnesses people have like: schizophrenia etc....covid spike destroys your weak spots! in everyone it is different but to talk like this vaxxed vs unvaxxed to me is NONSENSE! esp...casue i do not even know what to do with that?? which are more infectious?? which are less ETC......everyone will be sick eventually! i know why i am more sick! because of this VIRUS! makes 0 sense to go and talk to barbers who never heard that illnesses DO COME only from viruses, and deficiencies..which i did not have before COVID! this is why this doc is to me in the same blind league with the rest....you CANT TAKE ANY ACTION ...not even to stay away from who? if only he can say simple stuff like that
Sounds like stress is playing a huge role in your illness. There are many ways to improve overall wellness - diet, exercise, sunlight and fresh air. Giving yourself a break from caretaking others will help you immensely.
This doc does not have the knowledge you are looking for. His expertise is in a different field. This doc is a vaccinologist, immunologist and a vet. He is extremely dedicated and very smart but he is not seeing the big picture though as he is laser-focused. I highly recommend the substack of "author Moriarty". You will find your answers there not here. If you are around vaxxed people they are shedding especially if they are getting boosters all the time. For me it causes headaches and then I a day later I start getting a sore throat. Knowing that, I eat one clove of fermented garlic the night before if I know I'm going to be around Vaxxed in the morning. I eat fermented garlic every night if I'm around the vaxxed. On the weekends I eat 3 times a day. I also drink hot herbal teas. It works - I yet to get sick from them. Most people will not do it though - whose going to eat that much garlic? Some people take spirulina as that also works with shedding as well. You need to try different things to see what works for you.
Geert has in fact been saying for a while now that the 'vaxxed' have been protected against severe disease by some immune mechanism, but that this is short lived and weak. He predicts this will change, their secondary mechanism, if you will, will ño longer be able to offer protection, sadly. But this hasn't materialized yet. In this scenario, the unvaxxed may get sick but their naturally trained immune system will mean they will be okay, generally, especially healthy unvaxed people. So, to date, I don't believe your observations contradict Geert's theory.
thank you, i just see very little or no value from anyone predicting the future....much more would be done if could help people educate on where they are now and what this virus does o the body. long term we will all be dead. he never explained in simple terms whats that difference etc it simply can not be that all vaxced are 1 category...severe diseases??? what??? in which sense they are more proteceted than unvaxed this is all BS. i am having almost age related disease in my mid 40s!!! how severe should this be....i just think he could be much more helpful if quits that future telling. but i guess he is driven by what he likes the most, vaccines, and not health...he was there until the end of 2021!!!! in 2020 i knew what was going on and he came to his senses 2 years later
Geert has been saying there will be differences between those who to more or less shots, those who took mnra or otherwise, and varied immune responses. I see value. Geert warned from the very beginning against mass vaccinating during a pandemic. Had the WHO and world leaders listened, there would have been great value. We could have mitigated against the risks of this scientific possibility. Now, it's valuable so that we as individuals can mitigate or prepare to the extent possible in case of the event. Also, may humanity learn lessons in listening to experts of varying opinions and considering a diversity of immune responses. Without the heroes of our time, there are no lessons to be learned. Whether Geert's predictions materialize, it seems he has demonstrated them as possibilities, scientifically speaking. I think we should listen and be grateful for the value.
Catherine, I agree with you. I agree 💯%, with everything you said. I hope those who easily criticize Dr. Geert, will read your post and seriously think about it. There is so much to learn from it for all of them.
I literally felt like crying when this popped up on my phone Gabriella. I feel like it's been so so long (pandemic) since someone has said they agree with me, lol! It feels so good to be in agreement with someone. There just seems to be so much animosity out there. Thanks for letting me know.
I agree. The vaxxed immune systems will not be prepared for the breakthrough mutation. So if/when the breakthrough happens the unvaxxed immune system will have more training to fight the infection, while the vaxxed immune system will lack that training. Only time will tell I guess.
There is no more severe covid, which as experienced in 2020-2021 was immunothrombogenesis caused by complement hyperactivation leading to hypercytokinemia, coagulopathy cascade, and respiratory failure, because nucleocapsid remains highly conserved amongst all SC2 variants.
This fact doesn't dismiss the possibility of experiencing prolonged viral infection/persistence or long covid. Consequently, the best course of action for EVERYONE is to kill the infection in the nose and throat ASAP.
little too late of advice, NOBODY KNOWS that virus is this virulent!! all masks are down! etc.....you know what...I am just annoyed by this LATE WISDOM.....maybe this guy is nice for your tastes but to me, this guy DID NOTHING! I can not even understand what he is jabbing about......let alone take ANY SENSIBLE ACTION on his advice: take more vaccines.....and such nonsense, oh yeah take ivermectin.......a lot of people ARE DEVELOPING ILLNESSES of chronic flavor, and NOBODY is telling them what to do about it....nor I understand how is this being transmitted...where.....nothing from all the GREAT EXPERTISE is this virus developing in me..LONG COVID??? do you understand what long covid is at aLL??? no you dont lets answer this simple question, how many people ARE INFECTED!??? you can be infected and have 0 symptoms ALL THE TIME! or start developing some pesky illness that starts benign...and then you suddenly cant move like you used to etc... WHAT is this virus doing to the population...not vaxxed ONLY ? are they ALL INFECTED? nah...i will give up on this chanell its full of nonsense. and this is no fun at all, to read here about something you cant do a thing...from a guy who cant spit out 3 simple statements
He is not a medical doctor - he's a virologist and he is doing exactly what you want someone to do - investigating, studying and researching this virus and warning those who SHOULD be doing something about it all, but are not. It's the medical profession you should be shouting at because they are still jabbing people and telling them it's safe. Then shout at the politicians and world 'health' organizations etc. Why are you being so rude to Mr Bossche for trying to help us all?
I love your message!!! It should be an " eye opening" one to all those who have nothing better to do in life and criticize one of the greatest doctor humanity ever had.
Hi, I don’t think you understand this Substack. What specifically are you wanting help with? There are lots of good people on here that can help with any questions. GVB isn’t easy to understand, but, it is possible to grasp what he’s saying as well as understand his advice. There are also other substacks that can really help if you are having a hard time with Covid, long Covid, or any range of health issues.
For all who are interested in a “compendium” of the studies done on adverse effects, to date, of this “Vaccine”, get a copy of Karina A. Acevedo - Whitehouse, “A Critical review of Covid Vaxgenes”. Factual and responsible I find it elucidating and very informative since I would rather know, than stay in the dark. One could also gift it to one’s family GP because it provides references for all the studies collated.
hrabmw...look into the medical medium. Read his first book "Medical Medium Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal" and thank me later. This will explain long covid before there was long covid.
What I see is the complete opposite of what you see: the unvaccinated are doing remarkably well, why the vaccinated one are having all sorts of problems from minor to severe. Like my sister in law, paralyzed and dying from cancer after 3 mRNA shots.
Brah, what are you smoking. Everyone I know who is unvaxxed have been fine for the last 4 years. My immediate family is not vaxxed, caught Covid a couple times, each time was mild enough we still went to work, school and the gym and it was gone like the darkness at dawn within a couple of days.. It was a quick cold for us. I’ve lost a couple of friends to cancer that became aggressive after they got boosted. Another has vaccine confirmed cardiomyopathy and a few have died suddenly. They were all vaccinated.
These is exactly what I see around me: the unvaccinated are doing great, while those who took the mRNA shots are in trouble, and especially those who took the booster. My sister in law is paralyzed and dying from three types of cancers: breast, lymphoma and bone. This happened after she took the booster. Then, another person ( I know his family) developed stage 4 prostate cancer, out of the blue. Barely 60 years old , healthy and fit. And these are just 2 cases. There are many that I know about. I barely knew any sick people before 2020, and none with cancer. That should tell you everything.
I highly recommend to you Dr. William Makis Substack. There, you will find out the truth: how well the vaccinated ones are doing. Dr. Makis is an oncologist and a remarkable doctor who shares his extensive knowledge about cancer treatment with everyone. If you know anyone with cancer and would like to help them, this is the best Substack for them.
Let us check how “serious” is the “science” presented by this chart.
It was freshly published in a pre-print on April 22. Just two days ago. Why was it posted on X? Push marketing.
Geert’s comment takes this chart as a basis for extremely generalized forecast for the whole humanity. Geert assumes the inevitability of the course of the development of the virus based on this chart. How reliable is this forecast?
Yunlong is the last name in a string of 23 (!) authors. “Nature” has called Yunlong the “covid predictor”. So far, the status of covid in the world is such that being called its “predictor” is weird, to say the least. Nobody knows anything, authorities go forth and back, it’s all PR and fake news. Anyway...
The group of 23 authors have produced this cute chart based on a group of 159 persons in SEVEN different cohorts. The smallest cohort was 4 persons (sic!). Translation: the chart (and the whole “study”) is a random mosaic, not a linear and consistent evolution.
WHEN were the samples collected? To produce a reliable “prediction”, you need to have a rigid timeframe. The authors write openly: “Infection strains were inferred based on the sampling time when the corresponding strain was the majority of detected sequences in the region of sample collection”.
Translation: We made our conclusions based on the time when our selected strain was dominant in the particular area. Not in the same time. Randomly. Not defined in time sequence. Randomly.
HOW were the strains identified? According to authors: “SARS-CoV-2 Infection was confirmed by either antigen or PCR tests.” Both these methods have been officially cancelled long ago. Yet... they are useful to create publication-worth papers. The authors do not say a single reliable, verifiable word about methods or materials. Not a word about from where their subjects came. In other word, their paper is completely unreliable.
This does not hold them from drawing a bold conclusion: “...our results... provide compelling evidence to shift the focus of vaccine booster strategies from XBB to the JN.1 lineage. Despite the notable cross-lineage reactivity elicited by XBB as a booster, boosters based on JN.1 may offer superior protection against current and forthcoming JN.1 subvariants...”
Remember, they say it based on random “observation” of 159 persons at a single point in time - all based on their lab-produced results.
They want you to believe that snapshots of 159 random persons (of whom we know nothing) are sufficient to make up long-term, mandatory worldwide healthcare policy for 8 billion people.
Geert, please... at least read such fantasies before making references to them. What the 23 authors produced should have never been allowed to come up even in preprints. Their “study” has zero value in terms of observation. Prediction? Forget.
If people start to succumb now to the consequences of their vaccination, the authorities will label it as Disease X or some other condition. They’ve lied long enough now to just keep going.
And they'll believe it
Not so fast. At the beginning maybe, but as the time goes by, everyone will notice who's dying and who's not. By now, we all know who took the shots and who didn't.
I had seen a clip, then went and watched the 2019 Eurovision singing contest. I had never heard of it and have seen some pretty wild stuff. But so far this one is a tell it to the world. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Madonna+2019+euovision+performance&atb=v318-1&t=chromentp&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVG3WkiL0d_U Madonna and Quova Singing a song called "future" Not everyone is coming to the future, not everyone is learning from the past, not everyone is coming to the future, not everyone here is going to last. In the end a couple walks up one with an Israel flag and the other Palestine flag, they are the only ones that separate half way up the steps walking in opposite directions, while the other couples fall backwards into what I assume is the pit. So does Madonna and Quova. She has an eye patch with an X and front of her costume and up course upside down cross. There were protest, because evidently she was not to do what she did.
Many thanks for this update Dr Bossche
Just had 18 hour's in NHS hospital with aged parent with pneumonia unknown to me she had been given UK spring booster on Friday
Whilst there lots of people on trolleys waiting for Bed's with similar respiratory problems 😓
I'm so sorry. Was she in a care home and they gave her the booster without her (or your) knowledge? Devastating.
It was she has Dementia also 😓
So very sorry. It is criminal what they have done.
😱 That’s horrifying Paul.
See FLCCC immediately to DeSpike. My Dad died from the booster in 2022 USA with pneumonia-like disease though the hospital tests for all causes including SC2 were negative.
Everyone is catching this new illness sore throat and runny nose lasting for weeks wether jabbed or unjabbed luckily I haven't caught it I put it down to fasting.
I had covid 2 years ago -- unvaxxed -- have not had so much as a sniffle since... BTW - I started taking a range of supps after the covid thing... D Zinc Magnesium B12 C etc...
Our whole house is unjabbed 5 of us everyone got this throat and runny nose even the baby and she never gets anything, I'm the only one who didn't get nothing as the whole house had it over a 4 week period the only thing I can put it down to is fasting which I've been doing past few months one meal a day with supplements I've not had even a sniffle since.
You are the second person to mention fasting. I will have to try that more regularly. Thanks. Worth a try. This is the second cold and extended cough I've had this year and I used to be the picture of health.
I was really sick around Christmas time. Thought I was getting pneumonia. Started taking colloidal silver. Improvements by third day.
Oh I’ll try that! I have some on hand. Thank you so much!
Guidebook with treatment by ailment
I take my supplements plus fast 16:8 most days and do a 3 day water fast once a quarter. Haven't had a cold or sniffle since 2019 except for a mild covid in 9/22.
My experience similar. My only case was a mild one summer 2022 (age 60). Since then, no respiratory illness at all. I volunteer at animal shelter. In recent months, several of the staff (mostly in their 20s) have taken sick days, sometimes more than one at a time. I'm not privy to what they were sick with or their jab status. I do note that it's very unusual for the young and healthy to catch multiple cold or flu. Meanwhile, myself and another [health conscious] volunteer in her mid-70s remain healthy enough to walk dogs for a few hours daily in all weather, yet we rarely get even a sniffle. Organizations like us rely on volunteers and we skew to the aged. Granted, some disability with age is probably inevitable. I’m grateful that for now, at least, I seem fully fit and am not on ten different prescription medications. But I wonder about the younger generation.
The more I read about the medical-industrial complex, the less I trust it. Here we are discussing the gullible public swallowing the latest lies. Even worse are the various lies or at best half-truths that have been official dogma, sometimes for many decades (e.g. saturated fat causes heart disease) and repeated endlessly by very intelligent and powerful people who should know better. Well, a lot of them probably do know better, but they also don't want to be out of a job.
I'm starting to think I might have evolved into some kinda super human - I have never felt better!!!!
This is the result of taking vitamins regularly every day. The more vitamins you you take, and especially D and C, the better you feel. It's a fact, and there is plenty of research papers to support my claim.
Makes perfect sense.
me too! but not having a sniffle in my case is BAD,, because now I have pain in my back and shoulder, which I never had! I am doing sports regularly! I get infected without a sniffle!
Me too! Right side mostly. Neck and upper shoulder. Comes and goes though not around currently. I have been laying out to get lots of Vit D with the sun, so maybe that’s helping.
I had that for 3 days a few months ago. Sniffles. Phlegm, sore shoulder and headache. Maybe grade 1, but noticeable since I’m rarely sick.
I took the horse paste as I do after Dr appointments since I react to people who’ve been jabbed. Shedding.
Now when my doctor hassles me to get jabbed I can say I have natural immunity. Besides why get jabbed for a virus that isn’t around anymore?
Sniffles, phlegm, sore shoulder and headache. Damn, the sky is really falling now. I'd better take my life.
my father had neck and right side upper shoulder pain as of few days ago! he is vaxxed 3x. I do not know is it me, who is spreading the infection to them, or is it them........if this virus has R0 anywhere close to 12 , its simply no point in talking about it .... because 99% have it!
i was high on vit D because i started supplementing this in 2017!, but nothing helps for this left shoulder! it was pain so much that i thought its from the heart, and i had 0 idea this is from COVID! now i know....so this term long covid, I would apply to EVERYONE who is infected, and i can not see this to be any less than 80% of the population.......i used to have had severe sinus problems, since covid 19 0!!! just drives me nuts! i'd rather have my sinus issues
I keep telling people about the key bits and supply and they sound so eager to take them but then they don't! Why?
Well it might just be a cold or flu....they are always circulating
Yes! I am fighting the same thing right now. I'm unjabbed. I envy the posters in their 60's and 70's who are healthy. I had a sustained exposure to a vaxxed relative two years ago - he had been vaxxed the day before - shedding was involved. I had random bruising the next day. Maybe it's that. Or the shingles vax I foolishly got three years ago. My immune system has been wobbly the past year.
Lynn, You need to detox the spike protein in order to get any relief. The most simple, basic detox involves three supplements taken daily, twice a day: bromelaine, turmeric and natokinasse. Don't expect imediat results. Dr. Peter McCullough recommends to continue taking them even if you see no results. For some people it takes at least six months or more to feel better. There are many other supliments, vitamins, and herbs that one can take to detox the spike protein.
Thank you so much Gabriella. I will do that starting tonight. God bless!
A sore throat and runny nose is a new illness? What the hell?
Woe to the governments, to the mainstream media and to the top health agencies who will call this DISEASE X or a new strain of Bird Flu or any other disease, EXCEPT what it actually is.
The sad part is that people die for believing their BS.
This is ought to happen rather soon. Seems like we are in the final stages of the pandemic now.
This is precisely my greatest worry.
There are ways for the vaccinated to prepare. Need to be in the best of health.
Why do you say this?
Because of the clues the pathogen is alluding to. I wish there was another way, but I don't see it.
When you say "the only possibility for the virus to break..." means that it eventually could not find the way to survive and then to get the endemicity phase???? On the other hand, what is really making that pressure on the virus? The Pnnabs??
It could not in the way it it would have in a natural pandemic. It will eventually find the way to endemicity but through this will eradicate itself in the highly vaccinated population through killing that host. This is possible through large scale Vaccine- Break- Through- Infections caused by HIVICRON and LOSS of NNAb which up to now still inhibit transinfection in the vaccinated people.
Reading Geerd’s Post https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/the-inescapable-immune-escape-pandemic-2 again and study the very informative graph helped me a lot to understand how it will end.
Thank you for this Paul. Great to have this for explanation and reference. The more information the better. 😊
Still it seems likely that the hivicron would lose transmission fitness person to person, in being virulent inside the body. Because the JN.1 is so optimally evolved to transmit person to person, it would outcompete the hivicron in transmission.
It was said that the JN.1 is close to the maximum of what is physically possible in transmission fitness person to person. A variant that is both virulent in the body, and the most fit for transmission, seems to be physically impossible, no matter that there would be a selective pressure towards it.
So it still seems to me that there would just be a relatively few cases where the hivicron pops up, affecting a few people. Much as like the bacteria in the hospital that are resistant to all antibiotics.
The next varient's virulence will be relative to the individual who is infected. It only needs to be virulent enough to be deadly to a vaxxed individual with a burned out / poorly focused immune system. To someone with a trained immune system the varient will not be virulent.
Why do you think it would lose transmission? Is it too difficult to imagine a couple days incubation period before the symptoms? So it will have time to infect the population
It was also said that the hivicron requires a big mutation. So I figure it is like putting rangerover weels on a porsche. It can infect inside the body, but then it is not so much suitable for transmission anymore. It is just common sense figuring, and no more than that.
Don't you think speed of transmission is a factor? Dense populations and it can pop up everywhere independent of transmission according to Dr Bossche if I understand him correctly
My understanding is that given the high degree of suboptimal population immune selection pressure, the virus’ is under enormous pressure to find more efficient ways to ensure its survival. This graph is merely a small piece of the puzzle to illustrate that JN-1 clan is dominating the scene and these newer variants don’t have the characateristics to overtake and become dominant players in this evolution….at this point!
I haven’t heard Geert change his view that glycosylation will happen which would relieve (lift) the pNNAbs’ inhibition of severe disease thereby permitting spread of the virus intra(within the susceptible) hosts. This will alleviate the population level immune pressure on the viral lifecycle and in the process restore equilibrium via herd immunity (between human population and virus) and eradication of covid virus (until animal reservoirs begin to come into play)
What is the likelihood of this happening? Are you now leaning towards a more virulent strain not happening?
I read it as, not only is a more virulent variant possible within the host but also a transmissible one from host to host.
I am reading Geert's words as perhaps a ray of hope that things may not go as predicted? (which is a good thing) Could JN.1 be strong enough that the other variants will peter out before they have a chance to mutate into a killer strain? It's how I read it~~why is everyone reading it as bad news? That is what I am hoping he has said...wish he had written more.
Are you following this issue on the following?: https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/potential-clinical-implications-of?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true
I'm no scientist but can follow the general discussion - with some playback time for the harder bits!
Yes, I have been following everything from the very beginning including Dr. Philip McMillan~~every day things can change and I am reading Geert's news from today as perhaps something has changed (for the better). Can't seem to find anyone in the comments who knows what he is saying here for sure, haha.
I've been understanding him to mean that it's only a matter of time before the glycosylation of a variant happens, which will mean that the vaccinated have no protection at all left, because this will hide the virus from the immune system. The virus (now virulent) then spreads between people and also within the body to the organs.
In one of those Dr McMillan videos, someone said that, if the immune system can't kill the virus, it'll kill the host in order to protect the species (presumably mankind in general). Not sure, but I think these two ideas are interlinked, but still trying to work out how. Either way it's seriously not looking good!
So interesting how people can read things differently~~I am reading his tone and certain word choice and to me this sentence "The only possibility I see for the virus to break through this pressure is a sudden and drastic change in the glycosylation profile of the spike protein" makes it sound like there is now only one way for it to happen and he doesn't really say whether the odds for that happening are great or not. I read his use of the word "only" to mean that his original prediction may not happen. I hope I am correct. (I am unvaccinated and have never had C-19 to my knowledge, but I don't want to live in a world without other people in it including those I love!)
Sheree he's always said the glycosylation profile needs to change he's always talked about the sugars now I know your being optimistic but by the sounds of what he's saying its what he has previously forecast.
Thank you. I hope he writes again soon to clarify a bit more.
What he's saying is if there is no other way for virus to escape it is what is going to happen. Guaranteed
Thank you~~
MY experience (i am NOt vaxxed) is that all the non-vaxxed people are sick, and vaxxed people feel nothing, they do not even notice they are constantly infected! and if they get sick, they resolve to a normal status much much quicker! I am not sure if I ever got well after my 2022 infection, I have had pain in my left shoulder for months now. So I do not believe this is the right division between vaxxed and non vaxxed, since those groups are both SO HETEROGENOUS! it's unbelievable to discern patterns: some are 1x vaxxed, majority 2x, minority 3x, with all the combinations of Adenovax+mRNA etc....i am baffled as to why this doc makes this distinct division when in reality things do not happen like that AT ALL! What happens is the majority are vaxxed, and they are NOT SICK! while those unvaxxed, esp women are often sick, some nonvaxxed have ALREADY DIED! from heart attacks!
This may also be a function of the IgG4 transition in post 2+ jabbed - where there is a tolerance of pathogens, little/no immune reaction.... Infections may be there in the jabbed, wreaking havoc, "silently" because their immune system has been trained to ignore.
how scary is that!? the vaxxines tricked the immune systems, moved in stealth, sickened the ppl and now they have NO immune systems or they're all jacked up attacking the vaxx'd from within (like our illegal border jumpers are setting up to do). I believe in shedding and am staying clear of contact with vaxx'd
it would be helpful if this DOC could confirm what you say or NOT, this way this is all nonsense! i can not understand devotion to his predictions while not knowing the BASIC STUFF, how many people are infected? who transmits it more....etc etc, where are these new varriants developing within the same person? becasue i got this JN1 in july 2023!! its the same sh.it that is around me for months! and NO I AM NOT SICK! not one sniff! no temp....
i am in a constant surrounding of vaxxed! and i am the only one developing ilness! i was thinking is this from them??? this DOC could have AT LEAST tRY to explain some basic stuff instead of his stupid nonsense predictions
Just because you disagree with someone, doesn't make them stupid. Are you following Dr McMillan's videos on this? https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/potential-clinical-implications-of?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true If you don't agree with them, try debating the issues.
Read his book or watch all of his videos. There is much more information than just here in these few posts lately. But, it is very complex and difficult to understand. your situation, getting ill frequently, may have nothing to do with COVID and more to do with some immuno-compromised situation. not everything is about COVID>
If you go back and read all of his posts, you will see that Geert is saying that the unvaxxed are getting well-primed by circulating variants. Just because you have gotten sick doesn't mean your body isn't operating correctly. It is! It's the vaxxed whose immune systems have been broken. They may be avoiding severe illness today but soon they will be unable to.
He is not a medical doctor
No he is a scientist. Most doctors don't have the time to do the research or go in depth regarding Covid. They just depend on what information they are being given by health authorities. If anyone understands this - and there are just a handful - certainly Geert is one of the brightest minds on it.
He was originally trained as an equine doctor. And, yes, that is medical, even though he treated horses instead of people. but, then he went back and got another degree and another PhD. He is trained and has worked in the fields of immunology, virology, vaccinology. He may be the one single person most qualified in this world for governments to have listened to regarding how to handle the pandemic. They ignored him instead.
Here is his CVA:
thank you....this is why to my old father who is 1 adenovaxx+2 mRNA shots i cannot explain he is sick with the virus.....but whats even worse i am more sick than he is! twice younger! not vaxxed drives me crazy, and DOC with this knowledge cant help AT ALL! i think i know more than he at least in how to help a little bit
Ive read most of your comments. My experience is the complete opposite. 6 of my dear friends since grade school (we’re 65 now) got 3x’s jabbed. All of them are constantly sick. One developed tinnitus (24hrs a day). 1 had cancer develop on her skin. 1 is in and out of the hospital with pneumonia and other upper resp illness. And 1 had a heart attack the night after her 2nd jab. The same with my immediate siblings. 5 in total age range 57-66. The 2 that got the jabs (and continue to get the jabs) have long covid, eye infections, 1 had her BP explode and now on 3 meds to keep it down. Both have had covid 3x’s and were more sick than any of us. It’s been so disheartening to not get thru to them about these mRNA’s. My friends however ALL get it now and are really pissed they bought into the narrative. Fear will do that to most as we saw….if I were you I’d get a complete checkup and see why youre “more” sick than your father and friends. Something is not right and I hope you can get to the bottom of it. Im so sorry you're suffering.
my father 3x jabbed had high blood pressure last summer, i brought it down to normal in 3 days with my supplements..... he is doing now better than i do, YEs covid eyes have 60% of the population but this goes unnoticed.....my mother 1x vaxxed got stroke after 6 months from the vaccine. And even she is doing better than i am......i was thinking maybe i do feel things much better than the rest, but, i have this spinal chord pain, i never had in my life! i read this comes from virus infection.....what is the new virus? maybe that thing is CAUSING all the other illnesses people have like: schizophrenia etc....covid spike destroys your weak spots! in everyone it is different but to talk like this vaxxed vs unvaxxed to me is NONSENSE! esp...casue i do not even know what to do with that?? which are more infectious?? which are less ETC......everyone will be sick eventually! i know why i am more sick! because of this VIRUS! makes 0 sense to go and talk to barbers who never heard that illnesses DO COME only from viruses, and deficiencies..which i did not have before COVID! this is why this doc is to me in the same blind league with the rest....you CANT TAKE ANY ACTION ...not even to stay away from who? if only he can say simple stuff like that
Sounds like stress is playing a huge role in your illness. There are many ways to improve overall wellness - diet, exercise, sunlight and fresh air. Giving yourself a break from caretaking others will help you immensely.
What supplements did you give your Dad for his blood pressure?
This doc does not have the knowledge you are looking for. His expertise is in a different field. This doc is a vaccinologist, immunologist and a vet. He is extremely dedicated and very smart but he is not seeing the big picture though as he is laser-focused. I highly recommend the substack of "author Moriarty". You will find your answers there not here. If you are around vaxxed people they are shedding especially if they are getting boosters all the time. For me it causes headaches and then I a day later I start getting a sore throat. Knowing that, I eat one clove of fermented garlic the night before if I know I'm going to be around Vaxxed in the morning. I eat fermented garlic every night if I'm around the vaxxed. On the weekends I eat 3 times a day. I also drink hot herbal teas. It works - I yet to get sick from them. Most people will not do it though - whose going to eat that much garlic? Some people take spirulina as that also works with shedding as well. You need to try different things to see what works for you.
Geert has in fact been saying for a while now that the 'vaxxed' have been protected against severe disease by some immune mechanism, but that this is short lived and weak. He predicts this will change, their secondary mechanism, if you will, will ño longer be able to offer protection, sadly. But this hasn't materialized yet. In this scenario, the unvaxxed may get sick but their naturally trained immune system will mean they will be okay, generally, especially healthy unvaxed people. So, to date, I don't believe your observations contradict Geert's theory.
thank you, i just see very little or no value from anyone predicting the future....much more would be done if could help people educate on where they are now and what this virus does o the body. long term we will all be dead. he never explained in simple terms whats that difference etc it simply can not be that all vaxced are 1 category...severe diseases??? what??? in which sense they are more proteceted than unvaxed this is all BS. i am having almost age related disease in my mid 40s!!! how severe should this be....i just think he could be much more helpful if quits that future telling. but i guess he is driven by what he likes the most, vaccines, and not health...he was there until the end of 2021!!!! in 2020 i knew what was going on and he came to his senses 2 years later
Geert has been saying there will be differences between those who to more or less shots, those who took mnra or otherwise, and varied immune responses. I see value. Geert warned from the very beginning against mass vaccinating during a pandemic. Had the WHO and world leaders listened, there would have been great value. We could have mitigated against the risks of this scientific possibility. Now, it's valuable so that we as individuals can mitigate or prepare to the extent possible in case of the event. Also, may humanity learn lessons in listening to experts of varying opinions and considering a diversity of immune responses. Without the heroes of our time, there are no lessons to be learned. Whether Geert's predictions materialize, it seems he has demonstrated them as possibilities, scientifically speaking. I think we should listen and be grateful for the value.
Catherine, I agree with you. I agree 💯%, with everything you said. I hope those who easily criticize Dr. Geert, will read your post and seriously think about it. There is so much to learn from it for all of them.
I literally felt like crying when this popped up on my phone Gabriella. I feel like it's been so so long (pandemic) since someone has said they agree with me, lol! It feels so good to be in agreement with someone. There just seems to be so much animosity out there. Thanks for letting me know.
I agree. The vaxxed immune systems will not be prepared for the breakthrough mutation. So if/when the breakthrough happens the unvaxxed immune system will have more training to fight the infection, while the vaxxed immune system will lack that training. Only time will tell I guess.
There is no more severe covid, which as experienced in 2020-2021 was immunothrombogenesis caused by complement hyperactivation leading to hypercytokinemia, coagulopathy cascade, and respiratory failure, because nucleocapsid remains highly conserved amongst all SC2 variants.
This fact doesn't dismiss the possibility of experiencing prolonged viral infection/persistence or long covid. Consequently, the best course of action for EVERYONE is to kill the infection in the nose and throat ASAP.
Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray (https://www.amazon.com/s?k=povidone-iodine+nasal+spray&hvadid=645817332614&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1020991&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=8607544739897890251&hvtargid=kwd-1439755586857&hydadcr=25972_13487655&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_8xi5yex25s_e)
little too late of advice, NOBODY KNOWS that virus is this virulent!! all masks are down! etc.....you know what...I am just annoyed by this LATE WISDOM.....maybe this guy is nice for your tastes but to me, this guy DID NOTHING! I can not even understand what he is jabbing about......let alone take ANY SENSIBLE ACTION on his advice: take more vaccines.....and such nonsense, oh yeah take ivermectin.......a lot of people ARE DEVELOPING ILLNESSES of chronic flavor, and NOBODY is telling them what to do about it....nor I understand how is this being transmitted...where.....nothing from all the GREAT EXPERTISE is this virus developing in me..LONG COVID??? do you understand what long covid is at aLL??? no you dont lets answer this simple question, how many people ARE INFECTED!??? you can be infected and have 0 symptoms ALL THE TIME! or start developing some pesky illness that starts benign...and then you suddenly cant move like you used to etc... WHAT is this virus doing to the population...not vaxxed ONLY ? are they ALL INFECTED? nah...i will give up on this chanell its full of nonsense. and this is no fun at all, to read here about something you cant do a thing...from a guy who cant spit out 3 simple statements
He is not a medical doctor - he's a virologist and he is doing exactly what you want someone to do - investigating, studying and researching this virus and warning those who SHOULD be doing something about it all, but are not. It's the medical profession you should be shouting at because they are still jabbing people and telling them it's safe. Then shout at the politicians and world 'health' organizations etc. Why are you being so rude to Mr Bossche for trying to help us all?
I love your message!!! It should be an " eye opening" one to all those who have nothing better to do in life and criticize one of the greatest doctor humanity ever had.
Hi, I don’t think you understand this Substack. What specifically are you wanting help with? There are lots of good people on here that can help with any questions. GVB isn’t easy to understand, but, it is possible to grasp what he’s saying as well as understand his advice. There are also other substacks that can really help if you are having a hard time with Covid, long Covid, or any range of health issues.
How many shots have you had?
For all who are interested in a “compendium” of the studies done on adverse effects, to date, of this “Vaccine”, get a copy of Karina A. Acevedo - Whitehouse, “A Critical review of Covid Vaxgenes”. Factual and responsible I find it elucidating and very informative since I would rather know, than stay in the dark. One could also gift it to one’s family GP because it provides references for all the studies collated.
hrabmw...look into the medical medium. Read his first book "Medical Medium Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal" and thank me later. This will explain long covid before there was long covid.
What I see is the complete opposite of what you see: the unvaccinated are doing remarkably well, why the vaccinated one are having all sorts of problems from minor to severe. Like my sister in law, paralyzed and dying from cancer after 3 mRNA shots.
Brah, what are you smoking. Everyone I know who is unvaxxed have been fine for the last 4 years. My immediate family is not vaxxed, caught Covid a couple times, each time was mild enough we still went to work, school and the gym and it was gone like the darkness at dawn within a couple of days.. It was a quick cold for us. I’ve lost a couple of friends to cancer that became aggressive after they got boosted. Another has vaccine confirmed cardiomyopathy and a few have died suddenly. They were all vaccinated.
These is exactly what I see around me: the unvaccinated are doing great, while those who took the mRNA shots are in trouble, and especially those who took the booster. My sister in law is paralyzed and dying from three types of cancers: breast, lymphoma and bone. This happened after she took the booster. Then, another person ( I know his family) developed stage 4 prostate cancer, out of the blue. Barely 60 years old , healthy and fit. And these are just 2 cases. There are many that I know about. I barely knew any sick people before 2020, and none with cancer. That should tell you everything.
I highly recommend to you Dr. William Makis Substack. There, you will find out the truth: how well the vaccinated ones are doing. Dr. Makis is an oncologist and a remarkable doctor who shares his extensive knowledge about cancer treatment with everyone. If you know anyone with cancer and would like to help them, this is the best Substack for them.
Another excellent paper. I’m collecting as many as you have put links to. Thank you Paul.
About the origin of Covid-19: see the whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan:
Let us check how “serious” is the “science” presented by this chart.
It was freshly published in a pre-print on April 22. Just two days ago. Why was it posted on X? Push marketing.
Geert’s comment takes this chart as a basis for extremely generalized forecast for the whole humanity. Geert assumes the inevitability of the course of the development of the virus based on this chart. How reliable is this forecast?
Yunlong is the last name in a string of 23 (!) authors. “Nature” has called Yunlong the “covid predictor”. So far, the status of covid in the world is such that being called its “predictor” is weird, to say the least. Nobody knows anything, authorities go forth and back, it’s all PR and fake news. Anyway...
The group of 23 authors have produced this cute chart based on a group of 159 persons in SEVEN different cohorts. The smallest cohort was 4 persons (sic!). Translation: the chart (and the whole “study”) is a random mosaic, not a linear and consistent evolution.
WHEN were the samples collected? To produce a reliable “prediction”, you need to have a rigid timeframe. The authors write openly: “Infection strains were inferred based on the sampling time when the corresponding strain was the majority of detected sequences in the region of sample collection”.
Translation: We made our conclusions based on the time when our selected strain was dominant in the particular area. Not in the same time. Randomly. Not defined in time sequence. Randomly.
HOW were the strains identified? According to authors: “SARS-CoV-2 Infection was confirmed by either antigen or PCR tests.” Both these methods have been officially cancelled long ago. Yet... they are useful to create publication-worth papers. The authors do not say a single reliable, verifiable word about methods or materials. Not a word about from where their subjects came. In other word, their paper is completely unreliable.
This does not hold them from drawing a bold conclusion: “...our results... provide compelling evidence to shift the focus of vaccine booster strategies from XBB to the JN.1 lineage. Despite the notable cross-lineage reactivity elicited by XBB as a booster, boosters based on JN.1 may offer superior protection against current and forthcoming JN.1 subvariants...”
Remember, they say it based on random “observation” of 159 persons at a single point in time - all based on their lab-produced results.
They want you to believe that snapshots of 159 random persons (of whom we know nothing) are sufficient to make up long-term, mandatory worldwide healthcare policy for 8 billion people.
Geert, please... at least read such fantasies before making references to them. What the 23 authors produced should have never been allowed to come up even in preprints. Their “study” has zero value in terms of observation. Prediction? Forget.
The immunosuppression and ability mount an immune response , is terrible in the jabbed .