"I predict that it will take Nature's intervention for society to understand that it has been backing the wrong horse." I could not agree any more than I agree 1,000%. Time has a way of bringing out the truth------
It's like being in the Middle Ages and watching alchemists debate their theories
And this includes this author too
Even the very restricted and basic phase1 immunological trials in 2020 showed some failing Th1 polarization and the effect on consequent CD8+ T-cell activation, "protection" with high Abs load, "protection" without high Abs load, ...
Bad science starts with belief and unproven assumptions that are maintained without real (objective) proof.
For example ex-vivo assays with proxy measurements are not clinical reality. The immune model is oversimplified. Even parts are completely ignored.
And no single high quality EBM proves that vaccinated are (better) protected against severe disease and death. Not just the scientists criticized in this article confuse correlation with causation.
If you drop all unproven or weakly proven assumptions the explanations can be very different and hypotheses fall to pieces.
If most severe disease is actually the result of coinfections or opportunistic resident pathogens becoming dominant, it's also totally different.
None of these "experts" have managed to create a proven predictive model. This says a lot about their understanding and expertise. Everyone can then think of excuses and fantasize why their predictions have failed, just to cling to their flawed simplistic models.
That being said, for sure the complexity is huge. Even just looking at the molecular biology (e.g. epigenetics) of the many involved immune actors and the hyper complex signalling pathways behind those that play a role in immune cell and thus also other immune agent behavior, it's highly unlikely that even the biggest genius can figure it out and translate it into a simple model.
Apologise for everything I said, yes I was wrong and you were right. You talked about illiterate and comprehension , well I’m just one of those magicians in the Middle Ages turning lead into gold, failure guaranteed! I do not understand why in Japan children not vaccinated under 3 years, no Autism no SIDS, I also do not understand why some category of children develop Autism and others don’t, I do not understand why some vaccines and others don’t, cause Autism? I do not understand why the fully scheduled vaccinated have synchronised Autoimmune diseases, and the non vaccinated have less if not none, as far as there’s no epigenetic toxic load? There’s a lot I do not understand, especially when the scientist tell me to not listen to the science and not to the victims who suffer and the death who can no longer tell their story. Sorry man my fault, you were right🙏🪷
Kick ass , Geert!!! Show me anyone who can come close to nailing this complicated analogy! Why do we as a scientific community not see and hear this??? Don't rip your hair out in desperation, it is too beautiful.
Marc Veldhoen is a loose cannon on Twitter in The Netherlands. Anyone who questions vaccine efficacy or suggests the possibility of undesired consequences of mrna-vaccination is called a Nazi and subsequently blocked. Happened to me. The man has lost his mind.
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Did I get it right the vaccine works but time is against it? Secondly what I get out of this, the more vaccines the more our immunity is declining and becoming non functional down to total collapse. Third countries with high vaxx rates the storm is upon them. Thank you Geert, learned these lessons well.
It's like being in the Middle Ages and watching alchemists debate their theories
And this includes this author too
Even the very restricted and basic phase1 immunological trials in 2020 showed some failing Th1 polarization and the effect on consequent CD8+ T-cell activation, "protection" with high Abs load, "protection" without high Abs load, ...
Bad science starts with belief and unproven assumptions that are maintained without real (objective) proof.
For example ex-vivo assays with proxy measurements are not clinical reality. The immune model is oversimplified. Even parts are completely ignored.
And no single high quality EBM proves that vaccinated are (better) protected against severe disease and death. Not just the scientists criticized in this article confuse correlation with causation.
If you drop all unproven or weakly proven assumptions the explanations can be very different and hypotheses fall to pieces.
If most severe disease is actually the result of coinfections or opportunistic resident pathogens becoming dominant, it's also totally different.
None of these "experts" have managed to create a proven predictive model. This says a lot about their understanding and expertise. Everyone can then think of excuses and fantasize why their predictions have failed, just to cling to their flawed simplistic models.
That being said, for sure the complexity is huge. Even just looking at the molecular biology (e.g. epigenetics) of the many involved immune actors and the hyper complex signalling pathways behind those that play a role in immune cell and thus also other immune agent behavior, it's highly unlikely that even the biggest genius can figure it out and translate it into a simple model.
That being said, for sure the complexity is huge may be for you but, as a Mammoth of 72 who survived these vaccine wars, and who trusted his old but still natural functional immunity, the complexity was not huge but self-evident namely don’t take this so called vaccine, this man made bio weapon, finished.
I didn't. And where am I promoting that? To the contrary. Geert was at first saying "this is a great vaccine but don't vaccinate during a pandemic". And I wrote from the start that this injection was unproven to have useful benefits. I was right.
It's like being in the Middle Ages and watching alchemists debate their theories
And this includes this author too
Even the very restricted and basic phase1 immunological trials in 2020 showed some failing Th1 polarization and the effect on consequent CD8+ T-cell activation, "protection" with high Abs load, "protection" without high Abs load, ...
Bad science starts with belief and unproven assumptions that are maintained without real (objective) proof.
For example ex-vivo assays with proxy measurements are not clinical reality. The immune model is oversimplified. Even parts are completely ignored.
And no single high quality EBM proves that vaccinated are (better) protected against severe disease and death. Not just the scientists criticized in this article confuse correlation with causation.
If you drop all unproven or weakly proven assumptions the explanations can be very different and hypotheses fall to pieces.
If most severe disease is actually the result of coinfections or opportunistic resident pathogens becoming dominant, it's also totally different.
None of these "experts" have managed to create a proven predictive model. This says a lot about their understanding and expertise. Everyone can then think of excuses and fantasize why their predictions have failed, just to cling to their flawed simplistic models.
That being said, for sure the complexity is huge. Even just looking at the molecular biology (e.g. epigenetics) of the many involved immune actors and the hyper complex signalling pathways behind those that play a role in immune cell and thus also other immune agent behavior, it's highly unlikely that even the biggest genius can figure it out and translate it into a simple model.
"I predict that it will take Nature's intervention for society to understand that it has been backing the wrong horse." I could not agree any more than I agree 1,000%. Time has a way of bringing out the truth------
u win
It seems the experts are more about opinions than provable facts.
It's like being in the Middle Ages and watching alchemists debate their theories
And this includes this author too
Even the very restricted and basic phase1 immunological trials in 2020 showed some failing Th1 polarization and the effect on consequent CD8+ T-cell activation, "protection" with high Abs load, "protection" without high Abs load, ...
Bad science starts with belief and unproven assumptions that are maintained without real (objective) proof.
For example ex-vivo assays with proxy measurements are not clinical reality. The immune model is oversimplified. Even parts are completely ignored.
And no single high quality EBM proves that vaccinated are (better) protected against severe disease and death. Not just the scientists criticized in this article confuse correlation with causation.
If you drop all unproven or weakly proven assumptions the explanations can be very different and hypotheses fall to pieces.
If most severe disease is actually the result of coinfections or opportunistic resident pathogens becoming dominant, it's also totally different.
None of these "experts" have managed to create a proven predictive model. This says a lot about their understanding and expertise. Everyone can then think of excuses and fantasize why their predictions have failed, just to cling to their flawed simplistic models.
That being said, for sure the complexity is huge. Even just looking at the molecular biology (e.g. epigenetics) of the many involved immune actors and the hyper complex signalling pathways behind those that play a role in immune cell and thus also other immune agent behavior, it's highly unlikely that even the biggest genius can figure it out and translate it into a simple model.
Build back better with disinformation, you’re exposed rat!
You are a fool who doesn't even read
Apologise for everything I said, yes I was wrong and you were right. You talked about illiterate and comprehension , well I’m just one of those magicians in the Middle Ages turning lead into gold, failure guaranteed! I do not understand why in Japan children not vaccinated under 3 years, no Autism no SIDS, I also do not understand why some category of children develop Autism and others don’t, I do not understand why some vaccines and others don’t, cause Autism? I do not understand why the fully scheduled vaccinated have synchronised Autoimmune diseases, and the non vaccinated have less if not none, as far as there’s no epigenetic toxic load? There’s a lot I do not understand, especially when the scientist tell me to not listen to the science and not to the victims who suffer and the death who can no longer tell their story. Sorry man my fault, you were right🙏🪷
Error when the scientist tell me to listen only to what they say and not to the victims
Monotonous repetition, working for censor industry, you’re a rat
Idiot. You jump to false conclusions due to your illiteracy
What about those 4 days….when everyone has been gone home to sleep hero?
How do these papers get through peer review, is it because they just fit/support the narrative?
I am pretty sure you are right on that guess
Possibly the peers doing the reviews are just as daft as the paper's authors?
Doctors Are Obedient By Nature
Therein Lies The Problem.
A fitting analog is that even in their "resistence"
they are addressing symptoms - not curing the disease:
Namely the medical lies they were taught,
the medical lies they believed,
and the medical lies they told others.
Without a confession of their sins
not a single one of these doctors will recover.
Never forget, nature bats last.
Kick ass , Geert!!! Show me anyone who can come close to nailing this complicated analogy! Why do we as a scientific community not see and hear this??? Don't rip your hair out in desperation, it is too beautiful.
Mass awakening is occuring, the nightmare has become to intense.
Marc Veldhoen is a loose cannon on Twitter in The Netherlands. Anyone who questions vaccine efficacy or suggests the possibility of undesired consequences of mrna-vaccination is called a Nazi and subsequently blocked. Happened to me. The man has lost his mind.
Assumptions are borne in our schooled daze, described as scientific facts so they can sit unchecked by adult scrutiny and protected by gate keepers
Hence science has been intentionally retarded for generations with regard to the nature of water and air
And science won’t change this as the gate keepers are vigilant
Instead it’s we the people who will do the knowledge-change peer to peer.
We breathe air not oxygen
To see this, one needs to know
water is an insulator, inert and the medium that contains all
Water cycles because it is an element
The chemical formula taught in the schooled daze is a non-science/non-sense if scrutinised
100 reasons water is not H2O by Peter Peterson
We breathe air the gaseous form of water. Air is measured by its humidity or moisture
[nothing to do with the manmade gases of oxygen and nitrogen which are contained under pressure and calibrated by their dryness]
Air is bubbles
We see water give up bubbles when energy is added
A kettle boils, bubbles form and rise, lift off as steam and disappear as air
Bubbles carry substances
Eg bubbles carrying soot is called smoke
Water is liquid
Water is full bubbles or drops
Rain falls as bubbles become drops
Ice contains both drops and bubbles
Lung physiology has a direct relationship to bubbles
Air reaching the alveoli must reach 100% humidity, the dew point or the drop point
Yes: Red Blood Cells are rehydrated as they pass through the alveoli capillaries!
The red light monitors are reading hydration
Dehydrated RBCs are dark
Hydrated RBCs are light
please read and review
It's another great explanation of why COVID injections were a catastrophe which didn't even prevent hospitalization!
Certain official statistics even prove that the double injected had worse outcomes than the non-injected, even worse than those uninjected recovered.
Beware of this:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: reducing infant mortality, can’t reduce population growth!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Did I get it right the vaccine works but time is against it? Secondly what I get out of this, the more vaccines the more our immunity is declining and becoming non functional down to total collapse. Third countries with high vaxx rates the storm is upon them. Thank you Geert, learned these lessons well.
It's like being in the Middle Ages and watching alchemists debate their theories
And this includes this author too
Even the very restricted and basic phase1 immunological trials in 2020 showed some failing Th1 polarization and the effect on consequent CD8+ T-cell activation, "protection" with high Abs load, "protection" without high Abs load, ...
Bad science starts with belief and unproven assumptions that are maintained without real (objective) proof.
For example ex-vivo assays with proxy measurements are not clinical reality. The immune model is oversimplified. Even parts are completely ignored.
And no single high quality EBM proves that vaccinated are (better) protected against severe disease and death. Not just the scientists criticized in this article confuse correlation with causation.
If you drop all unproven or weakly proven assumptions the explanations can be very different and hypotheses fall to pieces.
If most severe disease is actually the result of coinfections or opportunistic resident pathogens becoming dominant, it's also totally different.
None of these "experts" have managed to create a proven predictive model. This says a lot about their understanding and expertise. Everyone can then think of excuses and fantasize why their predictions have failed, just to cling to their flawed simplistic models.
That being said, for sure the complexity is huge. Even just looking at the molecular biology (e.g. epigenetics) of the many involved immune actors and the hyper complex signalling pathways behind those that play a role in immune cell and thus also other immune agent behavior, it's highly unlikely that even the biggest genius can figure it out and translate it into a simple model.
Monotonous repetition, you work for the censor industry, you’re a rat.
Can you read comprehensively?
I'm even more critical, you idiot.
What’s the purpose of reacting on all comments 4 days later?
That being said, for sure the complexity is huge may be for you but, as a Mammoth of 72 who survived these vaccine wars, and who trusted his old but still natural functional immunity, the complexity was not huge but self-evident namely don’t take this so called vaccine, this man made bio weapon, finished.
I didn't. And where am I promoting that? To the contrary. Geert was at first saying "this is a great vaccine but don't vaccinate during a pandemic". And I wrote from the start that this injection was unproven to have useful benefits. I was right.
Ohhh is that the end goal to be right? For my part go ahead as far as you can go and fly away….I’m right all the rest is wrong.
Glen’s a hero he’s always right.
It's like being in the Middle Ages and watching alchemists debate their theories
And this includes this author too
Even the very restricted and basic phase1 immunological trials in 2020 showed some failing Th1 polarization and the effect on consequent CD8+ T-cell activation, "protection" with high Abs load, "protection" without high Abs load, ...
Bad science starts with belief and unproven assumptions that are maintained without real (objective) proof.
For example ex-vivo assays with proxy measurements are not clinical reality. The immune model is oversimplified. Even parts are completely ignored.
And no single high quality EBM proves that vaccinated are (better) protected against severe disease and death. Not just the scientists criticized in this article confuse correlation with causation.
If you drop all unproven or weakly proven assumptions the explanations can be very different and hypotheses fall to pieces.
If most severe disease is actually the result of coinfections or opportunistic resident pathogens becoming dominant, it's also totally different.
None of these "experts" have managed to create a proven predictive model. This says a lot about their understanding and expertise. Everyone can then think of excuses and fantasize why their predictions have failed, just to cling to their flawed simplistic models.
That being said, for sure the complexity is huge. Even just looking at the molecular biology (e.g. epigenetics) of the many involved immune actors and the hyper complex signalling pathways behind those that play a role in immune cell and thus also other immune agent behavior, it's highly unlikely that even the biggest genius can figure it out and translate it into a simple model.
Still the same rat, sorry you come too late dinner has been eaten to the last crumb
Thank you Sir. Interesting & fascinating post.