We are left with the uncomfortable truth that rigorous scientists like Dr Vanden Bossche and many others, were systematically and ruthlessly silenced. And where governments and MSM were once screaming about cases, they are now absolutely silent about elevated excess mortality. To me, these two incontrovertible facts alone means that Western governments, media and big tech conspired to mislead people. The only question is why.
That essay fails because it depends on bad projections of fossil fuel extraction quantities and costs. The world isnt there yet for several decades.
I'm not saying peak oil wont happen, nor that population growth isnt a problem. You can see what is happening to population growth in every country that adopts a modern western lifestyle - it slows down to less than replacement level for social/psychological reasons. I think disease will also cull a lot of population via humanity's continued reckless pollution and destruction of habitat, which leads to a catastrophic loss of species diversity (all species bigger than an insect). These vaccination campaigns also contribute. (Climate change is a coincidence or irrelevant - nature can adapt.)
Overall i think we will get to extinction with or without WEF schemes. The path to survival is for humanity to stop fighting each other and stealing from its own future.
Please have go & have a good look at this & all of his other well informed & researched posts. This link will answer your steaming oil question directly. Thanks.
Judy, do you think that the more lethal variants circulating in the vaxxed will be what they claim is the next pandemic...or if they are planning something else, and with our luck, both will come at the same time, making treatment difficult?
I am seriously disturbed by the reports now of people getting Covid again...except this time is is not tameable easily with IVM or HCQ , zinc, etc...
I’m sure there will be a “new virus”. They clearly are expecting (planning) that, as it was openly discussed at their last little meet-up in Davos. (The fear factor for Covid is now too low to suit their needs). The Covid virus will continue to mutate because that’s what viruses do and be an issue for some, but from research I’ve read, the same protocols are effective. It’s important to keep in mind, in my opinion, that if we concentrate on strengthening our immune systems and reduce our co-morbidities, Covid will not be something we need to worry about. I also have faith in the same doctors, like Geert, who researched Covid. We few listened to their research and their advice before and as long as we remain vigilant I believe they will steer us in the right direction if and when needed.
There was another tabletop exercise, attended by Gates, held last year, with features identical to previous exercises. This one was called Catastrophic Contagion, about a respiratory enterovirus that would hit small children the hardest, and have a very high case fatality rate. It is to break out in Brazil in 2025. They also predicted monkeypox *to the day*. The prevention protocol for covid should be helpful for other viral diseases.
E. coli O157
Common sources: Cattle farms, where E. coli O157 can live in the intestines of healthy cattle; less commonly, poop from an infected person or animal that gets into the water through sewage overflows, sewage systems that are not working properly, polluted storm water runoff, or agricultural runoff
Removing it from drinking water: Boil your water for 1 minute (at elevations above 6,500 feet, boil for 3 minutes) or disinfect it using chemicals. Specially designed filters and other water treatment technologies might also be effective.
Illness: Common symptoms include severe stomach cramps, diarrhea (often bloody), and vomiting. Learn more.
Common sources: Poop from infected people that gets into the water from sewage overflows, sewage systems that are not working properly, or polluted storm water runoff
Removing it from drinking water: Boil your water for 1 minute (at elevations above 6,500 feet, boil for 3 minutes). Disinfectants don’t work well to kill enteroviruses and enteroviruses are too small to be removed by home or camping water filters.
Illness: Symptoms are often mild and commonly include fever, runny nose, sneezing, cough, skin rash, mouth blisters, or body and muscle aches. Learn more.
I am a little afraid that what comes out after covid passing the world over with 5 billion vaxxed might not be easily treated with IVM etc. Yes, staying healthy is the best thing to do...but I also worry about all the e-coli DNA that were found in the jabs...that will integrate with your DNA and continue to reproduce....I think we are standing at a precipice of something we cannot quite grasp yet....and if they do release a new pathogen, God Help Us All...I have a spidey sense about the e-coli DNA....because Gates said next pandemic would be an e-coli kind of pandemic that would primarily effect children...and we know you can pass the e-coli/human now DNA down to your kids....so I wonder...and worry.
Oh, I agree that the the covid protocols (IVM, etc.) will not cure the adverse effects caused by the so-called Covid vaccine. After all, IVM does not cure prion diseases, or stroke, or infertility, etc. I do believe it helps against viruses. As far as all the garbage they placed in those shots, I totally agree. Those of us who are unvaccinated still should be concerned about shedding, etc. and I agree we are about to see some horrific outcomes in the next 3 years. We were warned that by the 5 year mark, the overall mortality rate would shoot up, as it is already doing. So yes, I agree we have plenty to worry about, especially for our kids and grandkids.
A heavily vaccinated baseball team the Blue Jays report many of their players have mystery illnesses. Portions of the team are in a constant state of sickness. I wonder what could have caused this? Team representatives said they are baffled. The reason for the confusion would be they are morons plain and simple.
They CANNOT acknowledge what the cause is, they have no legal immunity for mandating a poisonous shot. If they admit vaccine injury, they become culpable! It’s still all about the $$$$!
I have appreciated your warning all these years. Thank you. My vaccinated friends and family are constantly sick with something. I'm nervous about what next flu season will bring here in the US.
Oh and "we are so grateful" to all of the big drug companies that developed new fun drugs to treat auto immune diseases All thanks to spike shots. Every other, or perhaps every commercial on tv is a new mab, nib, ... are they called DMARDS? More victims to test more chemicals
So the evolution of a "killer virus" for the vaccinated is happening right now. Once it completely evolves and starts to spread, the vaccinated are going to be screwed. Nothing will be able to help them.
GEERT VANDEN BOSSCHE is this video (and I have seen him talk about this a few months back) essentially says that "vaccine" is driving the virus to become lethal for the vaccinated. He doesn't come right not and say this but it is what his hypothesis results in. A super bug is evolving as I write this that will kill vaccinated folks and we will not be able to help them. It could conceivably kill unvaccinated folks too. But we have intact immune systems that will most likely defeat this virus. In other words the "real" pandemic is about to begin. https://www.youtube.com/live/UKDhjASd7ZE?feature=share
Yes, I recall VB saying this over a year ago and for two years warning us, but it never got as bad as he said (at least not yet). Then he announced months ago he wouldn’t be reporting anymore for some reason which I wasn’t clear about why. So I guess he is saying now it is still brewing to lead to a bad super bug??? I got so concerned I had to take a break from all this bc it was just too stressing to process all the worry, negativity and massive evil and wickedness of the perpetrators p!!!
Hi Sharon. I have been openly admitting that I didn't get the timeline right. I initially predicted that immune pressure on viral infectiousness would immediately evolve into selection pressure on viral virulence. However, Omicron gave the immune system a break...to then produce Omicron descendants that are even more infectious than all of the previous variants.
The vaccine-induced Abs can no longer neutralize these variants (everybody agrees on that one). In my book, I am trying to explain how NON-neutralizing Abs are nevertheless preventing these highly infectious variants from causing (severe) disease in C-19 vaccinees. I am also explaining why this protection is fragile and cannot be long-lived. New variants selected on the basis of their capacity to break through this last hurdle of host immune defense will inevitably lead to enhanced prevalence of severe C-19 disease and death in cohorts supposed to exclusively rely on previously triggered adaptive immunity because of insufficiently trained innate immunity (i.e., C-19 vaccinees). The question is only 'when' (but not 'whether') this will happen.....I've become cautious with predicting an exact timeline...however, there shall be no doubt that we're currently experiencing a kind of 'calm before the storm'...
Yes the evolutionary pressures produced by the “vaccine” in some ways make this super bug inevitable. Not sure if you are subscriber but here is my latest on my experiences with what is happening.
Bobby Kennedy and Luc Monyagnier were warning us about this in the summer of 2020, months before the jabs rolled out. Glad I listened to Geert, Luc, Sucharit, Mercola, Adams, and Bobby.
At CHEO (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) there has been an strange occurrence with At least 5 kids at this Ottawa hospital reporting with a rare cellulitis type infection, In the neck/head area. It was not understood initially by doctors during presentation (confused it perhaps being an abscess in the brain, or potentially a blood clot) and I’m not sure where things are at this moment or if any child has died. Worth checking up on this.
You predicted this. It is unconscionable that scientists were silenced and ignored.
Thank you for your vigorous warnings and sharing with many to help humanity.
We are left with the uncomfortable truth that rigorous scientists like Dr Vanden Bossche and many others, were systematically and ruthlessly silenced. And where governments and MSM were once screaming about cases, they are now absolutely silent about elevated excess mortality. To me, these two incontrovertible facts alone means that Western governments, media and big tech conspired to mislead people. The only question is why.
Your answer is here - you won't like it https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220
That essay fails because it depends on bad projections of fossil fuel extraction quantities and costs. The world isnt there yet for several decades.
I'm not saying peak oil wont happen, nor that population growth isnt a problem. You can see what is happening to population growth in every country that adopts a modern western lifestyle - it slows down to less than replacement level for social/psychological reasons. I think disease will also cull a lot of population via humanity's continued reckless pollution and destruction of habitat, which leads to a catastrophic loss of species diversity (all species bigger than an insect). These vaccination campaigns also contribute. (Climate change is a coincidence or irrelevant - nature can adapt.)
Overall i think we will get to extinction with or without WEF schemes. The path to survival is for humanity to stop fighting each other and stealing from its own future.
Any idea why we are steaming oil out of sand in Canada - if there is so much easy stuff left?
No need to respond to this -- nobody ever does
Please have go & have a good look at this & all of his other well informed & researched posts. This link will answer your steaming oil question directly. Thanks.
There is nothing on that link.
I ask again - if there is so much easy oil left -- why would we steam oil out of sand -- creating this complete hellscape
Why? GENOCIDE is the why.
Reminds me of that old commercial "You can't fool Mother Nature".
Maybe the pause we are experiencing and the dread we all fear is because it is
only a question of time before a more lethal variant breaks out.
Oh, they’ve already “warned” us about the next one. Gates, and Soros, and all the WEF. We’ve been warned, just like for Covid.
Judy, do you think that the more lethal variants circulating in the vaxxed will be what they claim is the next pandemic...or if they are planning something else, and with our luck, both will come at the same time, making treatment difficult?
I am seriously disturbed by the reports now of people getting Covid again...except this time is is not tameable easily with IVM or HCQ , zinc, etc...
I’m sure there will be a “new virus”. They clearly are expecting (planning) that, as it was openly discussed at their last little meet-up in Davos. (The fear factor for Covid is now too low to suit their needs). The Covid virus will continue to mutate because that’s what viruses do and be an issue for some, but from research I’ve read, the same protocols are effective. It’s important to keep in mind, in my opinion, that if we concentrate on strengthening our immune systems and reduce our co-morbidities, Covid will not be something we need to worry about. I also have faith in the same doctors, like Geert, who researched Covid. We few listened to their research and their advice before and as long as we remain vigilant I believe they will steer us in the right direction if and when needed.
There was another tabletop exercise, attended by Gates, held last year, with features identical to previous exercises. This one was called Catastrophic Contagion, about a respiratory enterovirus that would hit small children the hardest, and have a very high case fatality rate. It is to break out in Brazil in 2025. They also predicted monkeypox *to the day*. The prevention protocol for covid should be helpful for other viral diseases.
THAT's the ONE!!! Catastrophic Contagion...enterovirus...do you know if they found DNA from enteroviruses in the jabs? I know they found e-coli?
E. coli O157
Common sources: Cattle farms, where E. coli O157 can live in the intestines of healthy cattle; less commonly, poop from an infected person or animal that gets into the water through sewage overflows, sewage systems that are not working properly, polluted storm water runoff, or agricultural runoff
Removing it from drinking water: Boil your water for 1 minute (at elevations above 6,500 feet, boil for 3 minutes) or disinfect it using chemicals. Specially designed filters and other water treatment technologies might also be effective.
Illness: Common symptoms include severe stomach cramps, diarrhea (often bloody), and vomiting. Learn more.
Common sources: Poop from infected people that gets into the water from sewage overflows, sewage systems that are not working properly, or polluted storm water runoff
Removing it from drinking water: Boil your water for 1 minute (at elevations above 6,500 feet, boil for 3 minutes). Disinfectants don’t work well to kill enteroviruses and enteroviruses are too small to be removed by home or camping water filters.
Illness: Symptoms are often mild and commonly include fever, runny nose, sneezing, cough, skin rash, mouth blisters, or body and muscle aches. Learn more.
I am a little afraid that what comes out after covid passing the world over with 5 billion vaxxed might not be easily treated with IVM etc. Yes, staying healthy is the best thing to do...but I also worry about all the e-coli DNA that were found in the jabs...that will integrate with your DNA and continue to reproduce....I think we are standing at a precipice of something we cannot quite grasp yet....and if they do release a new pathogen, God Help Us All...I have a spidey sense about the e-coli DNA....because Gates said next pandemic would be an e-coli kind of pandemic that would primarily effect children...and we know you can pass the e-coli/human now DNA down to your kids....so I wonder...and worry.
Oh, I agree that the the covid protocols (IVM, etc.) will not cure the adverse effects caused by the so-called Covid vaccine. After all, IVM does not cure prion diseases, or stroke, or infertility, etc. I do believe it helps against viruses. As far as all the garbage they placed in those shots, I totally agree. Those of us who are unvaccinated still should be concerned about shedding, etc. and I agree we are about to see some horrific outcomes in the next 3 years. We were warned that by the 5 year mark, the overall mortality rate would shoot up, as it is already doing. So yes, I agree we have plenty to worry about, especially for our kids and grandkids.
A heavily vaccinated baseball team the Blue Jays report many of their players have mystery illnesses. Portions of the team are in a constant state of sickness. I wonder what could have caused this? Team representatives said they are baffled. The reason for the confusion would be they are morons plain and simple.
They CANNOT acknowledge what the cause is, they have no legal immunity for mandating a poisonous shot. If they admit vaccine injury, they become culpable! It’s still all about the $$$$!
I have appreciated your warning all these years. Thank you. My vaccinated friends and family are constantly sick with something. I'm nervous about what next flu season will bring here in the US.
GRATEFUL for your work and perseverance especially - BLESSINGS !!!!!!
yes. I am truly grateful.
Oh and "we are so grateful" to all of the big drug companies that developed new fun drugs to treat auto immune diseases All thanks to spike shots. Every other, or perhaps every commercial on tv is a new mab, nib, ... are they called DMARDS? More victims to test more chemicals
So the evolution of a "killer virus" for the vaccinated is happening right now. Once it completely evolves and starts to spread, the vaccinated are going to be screwed. Nothing will be able to help them.
I haven’t lately been keeping up as much and this “killer virus” you mention, what, who said is this? Ty
GEERT VANDEN BOSSCHE is this video (and I have seen him talk about this a few months back) essentially says that "vaccine" is driving the virus to become lethal for the vaccinated. He doesn't come right not and say this but it is what his hypothesis results in. A super bug is evolving as I write this that will kill vaccinated folks and we will not be able to help them. It could conceivably kill unvaccinated folks too. But we have intact immune systems that will most likely defeat this virus. In other words the "real" pandemic is about to begin. https://www.youtube.com/live/UKDhjASd7ZE?feature=share
Yes, I recall VB saying this over a year ago and for two years warning us, but it never got as bad as he said (at least not yet). Then he announced months ago he wouldn’t be reporting anymore for some reason which I wasn’t clear about why. So I guess he is saying now it is still brewing to lead to a bad super bug??? I got so concerned I had to take a break from all this bc it was just too stressing to process all the worry, negativity and massive evil and wickedness of the perpetrators p!!!
Hi Sharon. I have been openly admitting that I didn't get the timeline right. I initially predicted that immune pressure on viral infectiousness would immediately evolve into selection pressure on viral virulence. However, Omicron gave the immune system a break...to then produce Omicron descendants that are even more infectious than all of the previous variants.
The vaccine-induced Abs can no longer neutralize these variants (everybody agrees on that one). In my book, I am trying to explain how NON-neutralizing Abs are nevertheless preventing these highly infectious variants from causing (severe) disease in C-19 vaccinees. I am also explaining why this protection is fragile and cannot be long-lived. New variants selected on the basis of their capacity to break through this last hurdle of host immune defense will inevitably lead to enhanced prevalence of severe C-19 disease and death in cohorts supposed to exclusively rely on previously triggered adaptive immunity because of insufficiently trained innate immunity (i.e., C-19 vaccinees). The question is only 'when' (but not 'whether') this will happen.....I've become cautious with predicting an exact timeline...however, there shall be no doubt that we're currently experiencing a kind of 'calm before the storm'...
Yes the evolutionary pressures produced by the “vaccine” in some ways make this super bug inevitable. Not sure if you are subscriber but here is my latest on my experiences with what is happening.
Hoping the world will go away https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/hoping-the-world-will-go-away?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
He took a break to write his book and for much needed mental health.
I Am Vaccine Injured.
And I Waffle Between:
1. "I Just Can't Imagine That The Vaccine Caused My Injuries." And
2. "It's Fucking Obvious."
I Am Leaning Heavilly On #1. ( 90% )
But Why ?
-Because I Was Afraid Of Being Shamed By Others For Not Taking It. So I Shamed Myself Into Taking It.
And Now, I Am Afraid Of Being Shamed For Blaming The Vaccine.
I Am A Fucking Idiot. I Really Hate The Unvaccinated.
I'm sorry you chose to give in to the pressure. Redirecting your anger towards the rightful target will help you in moving forward.
Truly, it sucks to be right sometimes!
Bobby Kennedy and Luc Monyagnier were warning us about this in the summer of 2020, months before the jabs rolled out. Glad I listened to Geert, Luc, Sucharit, Mercola, Adams, and Bobby.
Thanks Geert. Incoming atomic bomb of the injected death rate screaming up.
Just as you predicted from the get go Sir.
At CHEO (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) there has been an strange occurrence with At least 5 kids at this Ottawa hospital reporting with a rare cellulitis type infection, In the neck/head area. It was not understood initially by doctors during presentation (confused it perhaps being an abscess in the brain, or potentially a blood clot) and I’m not sure where things are at this moment or if any child has died. Worth checking up on this.
Huge thanks.
Consider the "confession" through a different "lense"