This is quite frightening for both vaccinated and unvaccinated. The problem is the message is very hard to understand and appreciate when written using such technical language. I realise the topic is highly complex but is there anyway you can write a simple layman's version that everybody can understand? Thank you so much for your work and perseverance.

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We know this is hard for you to watch. Hang in there, Geert.

We love you and will work with you in the after-times.

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The evidence is all around us. And yet, a PhD Epidemiologist with 30 years of experience -- whose vaxxed and boosted mother died of COVID anyway -- scolded me to get vaccinated today.

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Geert... Thanks for your voice and this latest. Terribly depressing. Sad.

We are going to lose a lot of people in coming months and there is just little one can do to change the outcome, I fear.

Stay safe. We need you!

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My Lord, what evil has been cast upon humanity. The enormity of this is very difficult to grasp, as is the silence of the politburos & media.

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"I therefore urge all healthy unvaccinated individuals to be prepared to assist in such scenarios, whenever and wherever they may arise."

Assist in what manner? Care for the sick, bury the dead type stuff? Because I'm not certain there will be another way we can be of assistance, nor will they likely come to us asking for it.

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If Hi-Vi-Cron does indeed surprise society, then I suspect society will once again lash out against the uninjected with a vengeance. The only caveat I can imagine is if it moves so fast and with such high virulence that it is patently obvious only the injected are getting severe illness. Unfortunately, I suspect that is not likely, so we can expect a backlash against the uninjected. Tell me how my prediction is wrong.

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Geert, you opened my eyes first, very early on which then helped me open the eyes of my immediate family and some of our friends. That being said, many refused to listen, instead choosing to march to the “safe and effective” drums. I am an engineer by trade and took the time to educate myself a bit to obtain a better understanding of the foundation of the messages and warnings you have transmitted.

That being said, it would be very powerful if you did produce a video with some diagrammatic visualization and dialog where any lay person could really understand your warnings. Given your current standing in the world, that would have the highest impact of just about anyone towards opening people’s eyes up, and saving many many more lives.

Thank you again for all you have done and continue to do.

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I’ve been anticipating/dreading it for so long, I’m almost hoping now that we get it over with sooner than later....

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As an unvaccinated senior who couldn’t help but question an untested thoroughly new vaccine, I feel sorry for those who were mandated against their will to accept this criminal action upon their bodies. However to all of you who severely ostracized me and those like me, I say you deserve what you get!

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Why would anyone go into hospital for covid, when early treatment with ivermectin works like a charm and antibiotics address secondary bacterial infections. Surely every doctor knows this. So if a person gets covid, they take otc ivermectin, if they do not take ivermectin and covid becomes a bacterial lung condition, they need an antibiotic especially for an elderly person or anyone with a depressed immune system.

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Geert was saying this day one - and they ignored him.

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Regarding "emerging variants now succeeding each other at a rapid pace", I would like to call your attention to this article at the 'psmi' substack:


'psmi', following a pre-print by Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, found that the omicron subvariants comprise "comprehensive panels of mutations typical of those used in 'reverse genetics' experiments", with "implausibly low numbers of 'silent' mutations".

The conclusion is that the variants were "synthesized in a laboratory from which they were somehow released, as part of a deliberate program."

Combined with Dr. Vanden Bossche's projection of a "rise in hopitalization and mortality rates", this seems sinister indeed. But is the analysis correct beyond a reasonable doubt?

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I will try to be kind to all but the one who said never speak to me again.

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Thank you Geert really appreciate you!!

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The people who were vaccinated did so out of fear and on the advice of their doctors. I’d like to remind all that the American medical system is responsible for the situation that Geert describes. The doctors are licensed by state boards. There has been no outcry from these boards or from the hospitals that participated in murder by poison (called drugs) and ventilators with patients imprisoned away from their families. We have a lot of villains in this story. Pharma, the government , the media, many large corporations, most hospitals, doctors and nurses.....so please....use your head and be very careful who you choose to trust going forward. There are good alternatives but it will take an investment of your time to understand who they are and what they offer. It will be difficult to fire your doctor.....but I recommend that you consider it.

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