Best post to date! #realmedicine #plantsarethepeoplesmedicine

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Best post?! Hardly! I can see you love your herbs, spread the word Ali

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Carina, please look into Olive Leaf Extract as an immune restorative. It has anti-viral properties, but much more. In the book linked below, there is a chapter on how it was used by HIV/AIDS patients in the 90's to restore CD4/CD8 balance. Very curious. I'm hoping someone will reach out to the people who were doing HIV/AIDS work to learn from them. They published manuals and books detailing their approach, but we need to learn as much directly from practitioners while they are still around.


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A wonderful article!! Thank you so much for this!!

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Bettina you are very welcome. I'm so glad you like it. Thanks for your comment

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You are very welcome Carina! Nature holds everything we need to stay or get healthy!! A lot of this wisdom got forgotten over the last generations and - the herbal specialists always were fought, remember the witch hunts etc. Carina have you or Geert by any chance any idea about vaccine shedding, shedding of the spike, shedding of the nanoparticles etc. Does it shed, if so, how long does it shed and how does it shed? Does it shed only through nasal and oral fluids or other bodily liquids? Who could shed? Can someone who is not vaccinated but was shedded by a vaccinated now shed too? I saw this paper by Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh https://dpbh.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dpbhnvgov/content/Boards/BOH/Meetings/2021/SENEFF~1.PDF and am not sure whether or not I understand correctly that also shedding per skin is possible?? Your input would be so very much appreciated!! I am unvaccinated btw. Thank you so much to you and Geert! Looks like he is happy after meeting Robert yesterday again! All the best from Austria, Bettina

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Hi Mel a few people have asked about this. As a naturopath I advocate natural ACE inhibitors. I match the pharmacological actions of drugs using natural alternatives. My article is promoting natural ACE inhibitors. From my understanding however, pharmacological ACE Inhibitors are linked to a lower risk of severe COVID-19 in patients. However, once again as a naturopath, I address the causes of disease. As obesity is the major risk factor for severe C-19 disease and obesity and insulin resistance account for up to 78 % of cases of primary hypertension I prescribe weight loss and/or other associated treatment strategies to reduce hypertension

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The topic of weight loss is OT, per se, but of great interest. Are there publications we can look at to learn more about this very difficult problem?

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I have a biowater that has quercetin, luteolin, apigenin and other enhanced flavonoids present. It can increase blood oxygen levels within minutes of consuming. Working to bring it to market.

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Thank you for writing this article. Please consider submitting it to https://PDMJ.org, a physician peer review, all volunteer medical journal without commercial affiliations.

I am also involved with a project for a new immunology textbook, which would benefit from an article like this.

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Colleen glad you like it. It is an exciting field. Can you fly me an email via my website www.carahealth.com.

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HI Carina! I have long taken an ACE inhibitor for hypertension (Lisinopril). As a layman I just could not understand from Geert's article whether an ACE Inhibitor is curative, or that it is a risk to a Covid-infected individual... Can you translate and let me know in a quick simple response? It would be so much appreciated! Mel V.

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Thank you so much for this incredibly researched, sourced, and referenced article. Articles and scientific papers such as this, are the reason Homo sapiens has progressed past divination as diagnosis, and magic as cure, of disease in Western medicine. It is a sterling example of evidence-logic-based conclusions, vs. premodern unquestioned acceptance of authority, i.e. the church or the CDC.

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Hi there I'm in Japan. Yes I can confirm the effects you referred to. A few oriental medicine formulas are used to prevent and treat the cvd symptoms, like Ephedra plant based cold medicine and Juzentaohoto you mention and Hochu-Ekkito (interferon related) as prophylactic means. All available over the counter.

I'm a vegetarian and rely heavily on plant based ingredients like Natto. And I'm jab free and so far infection symptom free (I'm pretty sure I have been exposed to the virus on a numerous occasions.)

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Keep it coming. The People need all the help they can get

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Thank you. This article and its level of detail are a extraordinary gift of functionality and hope. ♥️🌹

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Will print and read this very interesting post Carina during the week. Hope you are OK . All the very best Mark

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Great post, i looked into how the chinese were able to get out of the surge and we didn't, if you go back to the beginning of the outbreak the Chinese were distributing a tcm response that was published.



Western media heavily criticized for not having any evidence. However i think the biggest evidence would be the fact they celebrated Chinese new year and we were told no Christmas and new year celebrations.

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They also didn’t destroy their immune systems with the mRNA vaccines, is what I’m hearing.

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They did not use mRNA, and now they are using an HIV drug in severe cases. They know exactly what the spike protein is and what it can do. Spike is bad news

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Same with Russia. Putin didn’t use it either, I heard.

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Johnson & Johnson's Janssen , AstraZenica, China's Sinovac, and Russia's Sputnik COVID-19 vaccines are viral vector vaccines, also known as, or previously known as DNA vaccines. Everyone talks about mRNA vaccines...as I suspect is because even Joe Blow knows a DNA vaccine works in the cell's nucleus which is by definition genetically modifying

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I remember hearing that Chinese residents were buying a lot of ginger... good for ACE2 protection. They also used IV vitamin C with some success early on. (would have had more success at higher dosage) TCM is still hard for me to grok, but I recall another country using Artemesia (Sweet Annie), so I did get that. I also used most of the herbs mentioned in the article.

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Excellent, thank you

looking forward to your next post

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I started looking into natural immune modulators after reading an article that stated that Big Pharma was still working on immune system modulators to fight Cytokine Storms - that is producing more toxins for you.

I am the old school guy who still believes in Hippocrates - "Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.".

My personal concoctions seem to have a solid scientific basis if I read this article correctly.

BTW - They work like miracles!

Had I published them, they would have been attacked as some woodoo horse dewormer concoctions (remember C-19 Ivermectin attacks in the US?)

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I use Black Seed Oil

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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7095480/Glycyrrhizin, an active component of liquorice roots, and replication of SARS-associated coronavirus

J Cinatl et al. Lancet. 2003.

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glycyrrhizin was the most active in inhibiting replication of the SARS-associated virus. Our findings suggest that glycyrrhizin should be assessed for treatment of SARS.

the compounds, glycyrrhizin was the most active in inhibiting replication of the SARS-associated virus. Our findings suggest that glycyrrhizin should be assessed for treatment of SARS.


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BS…virology is pure junk science.

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Glycyrrhizin is a constituent of licorice, whose history of use goes back thousands of years into traditional Chinese medicine. There has probably been more phytopharmacology done on the constituents of licorice than on any other natural product. An active component of licorice root, glycyrrhizin, has pleotrophic effects. One effect, described in the Lancet report, is its ability to suppress replication of the SARS-associated coronavirus.

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I take licorice root. It’s a gut health wonder medicine from nature. But it does nothing to stop a fake virus like Covid.

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Ugh, repetitive much?

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I might say I use Black Seed Oil a few more times.

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OK Richard, how much?

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