So who initiated the mass population, the global, Covid vaccination campaign Geert?

Why was a global vaccination campaign initiated against a disease it was admitted from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people, particularly people of working age and children?

And yet for many working age people, Covid vaccination was compulsory for them to keep their jobs.

Mandated vaccination was implemented for millions and millions, possibly billions, of people around the world.

The freedom to make a voluntary informed decision to have or not have the vaccine was destroyed.

Now countless people have been vaccinated without valid consent.

The medical 'profession' went along with this. In Australia, the medical professional organisations wholeheartedly supported mandated vaccination, I don't know of an establishment organisation that spoke out against mandated vaccination...and I wrote to the main ones.

Only the newer organisations, such as the Australian Medical Network (AMN) and the Australian Medical Professionals' Society (AMPS), went against the narrative, while the traditional organisations such as the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Australian Medical Association and others stood by while voluntary informed consent was destroyed.

It's been the most shocking event of my lifetime, the trashing of personal autonomy and bodily integrity in a supposed free country via mandated medical interventions.

It was done at the behest of politicians, the then Prime Minister Scott Morrison and members of National Cabinet. They overruled the advice of the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and the AHPPC, who had recommended against compulsory vaccination for aged care workers.

And Paul Kelly and the AHPPC went along with being overruled, and imposed subsequent vaccination mandates for medical workers, disability support workers, and aged care workers in the home, denying these groups the freedom to consider vaccination in regard to their own risk and health status.

A cascade of vaccination mandates followed around the country, resulting in No Jab, No Job, and No Jab, No Life for many.

It shouldn't have happened... There should not have been a 'vaccine response' to this disease that wasn't a serious threat to most people.

Again, who initiated this grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted vaccine campaign, which has had devastating consequences around the world?

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For further background, please see my notification/complaint to the regulator of health practitioners in Australia, AHPRA, re CMO Paul Kelly violating voluntary informed consent via vaccination mandates: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/notification-to-ahpra-re-medical-practitioner-paul-kelly.pdf

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I discussed the matter recently with Graham Hood and John Larter - they are providing alternative media since the wretched corporate/mainstream media refuses to provide critical analysis, see:

- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=276427741633968&ref=sharing

- Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2xyvle-graham-and-john-speak-with-elizabeth-hart....html

And now they're trying to shut down alternative media in Australia via the recent censorship bill, one of many that seem to be popping up around the world...


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Purchase firearms and long-term storable food.

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Guns aren't the answer. When The WHO/UN implement a Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency they can freeze you out of all commerce, like your bank account (and your ability to pay your bills, including your utility bills), drivers license, car insurance, healthcare, etc just like they did to the Canadian Freedom Truckers. You can lock yourself in, but that won't stop them if The WHO declares gun ownership a "health" emergency. Since the Biden Administration is making an illegal gun ownership registry from credit card transactions and Federally licensed dealer gun records, don't expect to be secret. FYI you just told the AI gun bots your position on guns. You can run but you can't hide. Organize. As Bob Marley says Get Up! Stand Up! Don't give up the Fight!

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I'd like to hear your opinion after you call 911 when it is non-existent and you've got illegal alien intruder kicking your door down or your daughters window kicked in for worse than nefarious intentions. Can you possibly think ahead a little further than your liberal brothers? Think ahead a bit to your vulnerablility.

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I didn't say a thing about whether guns were good or not for self defense. I just said they wouldn't protect you against the WHO power grab. Perhaps before you go full rage, you should read what I actually said. Also, remember we are both supporters of freedom. We have enough real enemies, particularly now. We don't need to reflectively slam our friends.

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you're right....I just focused on 'guns aren't the answer'...although I did read your full post. I agree with all the rest you said, but lack of guns caused the canadian BS and the australian BS and it's why chicago handgun ban was such a mess. Yes I'm ranting b/c guns do play a part in the mental game of self protection.

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You are assuming civilization will continue after the Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic. Digital Currency will not be very viable when the electricity stops. When 60% of the jabbed are dead and another 30% are hopeless invalids who is going to keep thing running?

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just using your numbers, if 10% survive, that's about 800 million, more than enough to start over. But that's not the way to look at it. ChiComs didn't allow the Frankenshots in China. They will survive pretty much intact and the remain survivors will elect them God.

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and another thing goofus.... australia has no guns! They bought into the fairytale BullSh#t that you buy into, lockdowns did not go well for them....WAY WORSE THAN WE EXPERIENCED.

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please see prior comment, but before you start name calling, I am trying to protect the Constitution. All of it. What are you doing, other than ranting?

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my comments are not directly at you, simply the idiots who are quick to say guns aren't viable....they're gonna be sooner than we think. My liberal vaxx/biden worshipping neighbor has a baseball bat by his front door...he exasperates me along with my nurse sister the same mentality. I want all the neighbors with guns I can possibly have when in need....same at church and malls...open carry.

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Go with a whimper or with a BANG?

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Send more drones or Biden would say send the clusters to Davos

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Boo hoo. Tyrants get shot.

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Captured authorities who kneel before big pharma.

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On the subject of questioning why was there a global vaccination campaign, I included this in my submission for the UK Covid Inquiry currently under way, sharing here for information...

Do you think they pay any attention to submissions from members of the public?

Q. Please explain why you think the draft Terms of Reference do not cover all the areas that the Inquiry should address.

The major focus of the Covid-19 response in early 2020 was a 'vaccine solution'.

This must be examined now - why was a 'vaccine solution' embarked upon in response to a virus it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?

This is crucial to consider now given a plan to vaccinate the entire global population has unfolded - how did this happen?

What was the evaluation process to proceed with the global 'vaccine solution'?

Q. Which issues or topics do you think the Inquiry should look at first?

- Development of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine was already underway in January 2020, according to this report in Nature: 'I've never worked harder': the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03139-x

What was the evaluation process undertaken to justify a vaccine response to a virus it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people.

Is this evaluation process publicly accessible?

- The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine trials were undertaken in healthy people aged 18-55 years, and subsequent trial in children. How did an ethics committee approve these trials in people who weren't at serious risk of the virus? I raised this matter in an email to Andrew Pollard, the Chief Investigator of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine trials, see: Who initiated the plan to vaccinate the entire global population against SARS-CoV-2? 30 June 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/who-initiated-the-plan-to-vaccinate-the-entire-global-population-against-sars-cov-2.pdf

- It's now clear the Covid-19 'vaccines' are actually 'leaky vaccines' that don't prevent infection nor transmission. In the case of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, this was known from the beginning, when the monkey trial demonstrated that the vaccine did not prevent the animals from catching or spreading the virus. What consideration was given to this matter before progressing to human trials? I've raised this matter with UK prime minister Boris Johnson, see my email: Were 'leaky vaccines' deliberately spread round the world? Considering the monkey trial... 22 March 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/04/were-leaky-vaccines-deliberately-spread-round-the-world_-considering-the-monkey-trial.pdf

- In regard to 'leaky vaccines', the Marek's disease in chickens study raises alarming prospects about the use of 'leaky vaccines' - was this considered in regards to the apparently 'leaky' Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine? In this regard, please see my email to Andrew Read: If Covid-19 vaccines don't prevent transmission, can they facilitate the evolution of more virulent strains, 27 January 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/covid-19-vaccines-can-they-facilitate-the-evolution-of-more-virulent-variants.pdf

- In an article published in The Telegraph on 23 May 2020, Adrian Hill, a member of the team working on the Oxford vaccine trial, revealed that his team faced a major problem - that their adversary, the virus, was disappearing so rapidly in the UK that next phase of trials had a reduced chance of success.

If the virus was 'disappearing' - should the vaccine trials have gone ahead? See: Exclusive: Oxford University Covid-19 trial has 50 percent chance of 'no result'.

- As reported on The Independent on 13 March 2020, it was expected to build 'herd immunity' i.e. natural immunity, see: Coronavirus: 60% of UK population need to become infected so country can build 'herd immunity', government's chief scientist says.

But it appears this plan was over-ridden by Neil Ferguson et al's Imperial College Report 9, published on 16 March 2020, which suggested the global impact of Covid-19 was the most serious seen since the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic, and recommended 'suppression' of the virus (aka lockdown) "until a vaccine becomes available". Again, what was the process for evaluating the 'vaccine solution'?

While the Ferguson report suggested Covid-19 was on a par with the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic, as at 19 March 2020, COVID-19 was no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK, see for example: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid

Was it appropriate to pursue a vaccine solution?

- Neil Ferguson et al's Report 9 noted: "Results in this paper have informed policymaking in the UK and other countries in the last weeks. However, we emphasise that is not at all certain that suppression will succeed long term; no public health intervention with such disruptive effects on society has been previously attempted for such a long duration of time. How populations and societies will respond remains unclear."

Given the now obviously devastating impact on society and the economy of the 'suppression' strategy recommended by Ferguson et al, it's astonishing that it seems the Boris Johnson government didn't consider and evaluate the potentially catastrophic impact of the 'suppression'/restriction/lockdown strategy. How could this incredible oversight occur?

- Why was there an eagerness to beat up the number of 'cases' and deaths attributed to Covid-19? Was it to justify the over-the-top 'suppression' strategy? The mainstream media pumped out fear mongering propaganda constantly about 'case' numbers and deaths. But a recent report shines a light on the classification of 'covid' deaths - were they actually 'covid' deaths? See: CG REPORT 8: Understanding Definitions and Reporting of Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 in the UK - Evidence from FOI requests: https://collateralglobal.org/article/understanding-covid-19-deaths-in-the-uk/

- Neil Ferguson et al's report was very much focussed on a vaccine solution at all costs. But a very serious conflict of interest was not disclosed in Report 9, i.e. that Neil Ferguson (a member of SAGE) is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which is very influential on international vaccination policy, including being a major funder of the World Health Organization, founder of the Gavi Alliance, a founder of CEPI, etc.

I raised the question of conflicts of interest of members of SAGE in a BMJ rapid response, see: Who are the members of SAGE? There must be transparency and accountability for coronavirus policy, 6 November 2020: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4235/rr-1

This was subsequently discussed in a BMJ article, see: Covid-19: SAGE members' interests published by government 10 months into pandemic, 17 December 2020: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4911

Disclosure finally appeared, including Neil Ferguson's, in this document: SAGE COVID-19 Register of Participants' Interests: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/971151/Covid-19_SAGE_register_of_participants__interests.pdf

- Bill Gates was the leader of the 'race for a coronavirus vaccine' - how could this happen, why was a software billionaire given free rein to dominate this area? See for example: GatesNotes: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine, 30 April 2020: https://www.gatesnotes.com/health/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-covid-19-vaccine Also see: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets Bill Gates to discuss Covid-19 vaccine, 12 November 2020: https://www.wionews.com/world/uk-prime-minister-boris-johnson-meets-bill-gates-to-discuss-covid-19-vaccine-342652

- It was known from the beginning that Covid-19 wasn't a serious threat to most people. Why are people of all ages and health status, including children, now being pressured to have Covid-19 'leaky vaccines'?

In Australia millions of people are being mandated to have the Covid-19 jabs to maintain their livelihoods, i.e. No Jab, No Job. How can these obviously failing medical interventions be mandated, trashing the principle of 'valid voluntary consent'?

The points raised above all question the 'vaccine solution' pursued in the UK and pressed all around the world - but was this appropriate?

Q. How should the Inquiry be designed and run to ensure that bereaved people or those who have suffered serious harm or hardship as a result of the pandemic have their voices heard?

The inquiry must be open to all for submissions, including people around the world who have been impacted by the UK's response to Covid-19, i.e. by leading with the highly questionable 'vaccine' solution, and Neil Ferguson et al's 'suppression' "until a vaccine becomes available" strategy. The 'suppression'/restrictions/lockdown strategy has had a devastating impact, e.g. in Australia for the past two years, with Melbourne/Victoria in particular being an extremely severe 'lockdown' example.

Elizabeth Hart

Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy


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I'm in Victoria and there's no doubt in my mind that the perpetrators of the 'lockdowns'. mask mandates, and jabs, had nothing to do with public health, but all to do with implementation a global plan to destroy the middle class so the powers behind all this can re-feudalize the planet- back to where 'things' were 200 + years ago!

A little bit of money ( billions spent really, to buy adherence) is nothing but an investment considering the billions of billions that were 'enjoyed' by those responsible.

Every pollie in Straya said 'yes' to the corruption as that how things 'get done here'.

It's how Straya rolls--game of mates!

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My sympathies to you SoMplsboy, living in Victoria…

At one time Melbourne was claimed as one of the world’s most liveable cities…and then came Covid, Daniel Andrews and ScoMo to wreak havoc and destruction.

I’m in South Australia, it wasn’t as bad here, although we do have Chief Public ‘Health’ Officer Nicola Spurrier, otherwise known as Cruella de Vil…

So here we are, with likely millions of people in Australia injected with unnecessary medical products under coercion, under mandates - valid voluntary informed consent has been trashed.

Billions and billions of dollars stolen to pay for testing, and jabs, and more jabs, and surveillance, and jobkeeper. Australia has deliberately been thrust into debt with the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid response

When are the perpetrators going to be brought to account for this biggest crime of all time?

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I'm in Melbourne at the moment. The police are not doing anything other than violent crime & domestics. Reported a robbery the other day and they did take the details but I doubt that they'll follow up. Reported an incident a day later concerned that a guy who had grafitti'd somewhere might be at risk (to himself). I doubt they even wrote that one down.

You're on your own is what Vic Police (on orders from Dan no doubt who is ultimately under orders from the rich arseholes of Vic/World) are saying, unless it's a domestic/(other)violent crime.

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When are the perpetrators going to be brought to account for this biggest crime of all time? They’re not going to be held accountable because it takes a sea of voices to stand together at one point, for one cause, with one voice for one result. Hold the leaders personally accountable and be willing to die in doing it.

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We are in the shadow of an immense energy crisis, as the glut of fossil fuels which made the prosperity of the late 20thc ends, so the middle class - which mostly takes profits from the discretionary sector - has its days numbered anyway.

See Dr Tim Morgan's 'Surplus Energy Economics' blog, which explains how economic growth is over for good.

People do need to understand this.

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The reason for Astra Zeneca is because one of the blackstone guys (Schwarzman) has given the largest ever donation to Oxford University, I can't remember how much it is but it's very large.

If you want to know who did this you really can't go past the Blackrockj/Blackstone/State Street guys. And Geert is undoubtedly one of the (rather untalented) employees.

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I read quite awhile back that the name Astra Zenica is taken from Hinduism and that word means

Poisoned Arrow!!!!

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Well it can mean that in Latin as well.

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Wow didn't know that. Scary.

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It is isn't it? Almost as scary as being Robert Malone right?

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AZ is an asset of the Swedish Wallenbergs

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And Oxford Uni has a very large part to play in it. But it's a company that is split between Sweden & England as well.

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Why are you asking Geert this question? The tone of the question is as though he is somehow responsible.

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Why are there not mobs outside Pfizer HQs around the world?

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Because the public still isn't awake about this. There's so much 'authoritative narrative' keeping them in check.

But they're waking up now, with many rejecting ongoing shots.

What happens when they find out they were injected without valid voluntary informed consent? That they were betrayed by people 'in authority'?

It's an unfolding story, we don't know yet.

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I know very few who are waking up ... close to none.

The reason they don't take more boosters is because cnnbbc is not urging them to ... cnnbbc is not running clips of ICUs filled with dying people... (the ICUs are more full than ever though)...

They also don't take them cuz one can travel without the latest booster... attend concerts etc etc etc...

The MORE-ONS believe covid is over...

Could it be that the folks who are running this show want them to believe it's over?

Could it be that the hook is set so there is no point in pushing more shots... now they just waiting for this to happen?



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James O'Keefe did just that (with his live-screen van), beaming to the world, back in Feb? BEFORE he was taken down by his board.

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Everyone in the medical and scientific establishment should be asking how we ended up with this INSANE global vaccination campaign...this is the most disastrous 'public health' response in history.

I raised the matter in March 2020, where were people in the scientific and medical establishment then?

See below my rapid response published on The BMJ on 25 March 2020: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2

Dear Editor

If children, young adults and others can mount their own effective immune response to SARS-CoV2, is it ethical to impede their ability to access natural immunity by interfering with the natural progression of the virus?

According to the WHO, "Illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild, especially for children and young adults."[1]

Is the focus on future fast-tracked vaccine products blocking full consideration of the opportunity for natural herd immunity? Who is Neil Ferguson to say "The only exit strategy [in the] long term for this is really vaccination or other forms of innovative technology that allows us to control transmission".[2]

In regards to young people's and others' right to natural immunity, it's also vital to consider the startling admission by Heidi Larson, Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project, during the recent WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit, i.e. "...We've shifted the human population...to dependency on vaccine-induced immunity...We're in a very fragile state now. We have developed a world that is dependent on vaccinations".[3]

This is a very alarming statement by Professor Larson, particularly with the prospect of other epidemics emerging in the future. We have to learn to deal with epidemics and illnesses as they emerge, it's not feasible to vaccinate the global population against every threat.

In a recent article raising concern about making decisions about this pandemic without reliable data, John Ioannidis notes that "School closures may also diminish the chances of developing herd immunity in an age group that is spared serious disease".[4] The UK's chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, raised the prospect of developing natural herd immunity[5], but this idea was subsequently howled down by Matt Hancock, the UK secretary of state for health and social care[6], and others such as Willem van Schaik, a professor of microbiology and infection, as reported by the Science Media Centre.[7]

Again, is it ethical to deny children, young people and others their opportunity for natural immunity, and to plan to make them dependent on vaccine-induce immunity, to in effect make them dependent on the vaccine industry?

This is even more serious to consider in light of emerging vaccine product failures, e.g. pertussis and mumps.

The international community must be assured that independent and objective thinkers are carefully considering the way ahead on this matter.


1. WHO Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19) - Should I worry about COVID-19. 9 March 2020.

2. Elisabeth Mahase. Covid-19: UK starts social distancing after new model points to 260 000 potential deaths. BMJ2020;368:m1089

3. Heidi Larson. Vaccine safety in the next decade. Why we need new modes of trust building? WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit, 2-3 December 2019.

4. John P.A. Ioannidis. A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data. STAT, 17 March 2020.

5. Coronavirus: 60% of UK population need to become infected so country can build 'herd immunity', government's chief scientist says. Independent, 13 March 2020.

6. The UK backs away from "herd immunity" coronavirus proposal amid blowback. Vox, 15 March 2020.

7. Expert comments about herd immunity. Science Media Centre, 13 March 2020.

25 March 2020

Elizabeth M Hart

Independent citizen investigating the over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy

Adelaide, Australia

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How? As you see about you, through covert and devious means. Through lies and scare tactics. The purpose? To reduce the population, of course. We are being killed outright. Let that sink in.

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Depopulation goes like this: Biological disease, Starvation and last Nuclear War. Yes they plan on killing most of us. One of those will get each of us in the end....

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I think there are many people who will accept evidence for medical and political 'mishandling' of the plandemic, but cannot accept the genocide angle. People have no idea how to protect themselves against a global institutional juggernaut that wants them dead. We have few choices.

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Perhaps complicit? But if you add up thousands of individuals who were not responsible but we're complicit,do we not arrive at group responsibility?

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Are you aware of Dr. Peter Breggin's book "COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey" ? Therein you will find many answers (but not all). It's a VERY deep and dark rabbit hole, if you really want to know the answer(s) to your question.


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A brilliant expose` of the Covid atrocity. Geert, if you can, read this book.

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The DOD?

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Yes, well there's all this 'countermeasures' bizzo...

But back in 2020, who was out front and centre calling the shots, literally?

Bill Gates, software billionaire, who's been running international vaccination policy for years via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Gavi Alliance, CEPI, etc...

See for example his GatesNotes published on 30 April 2020: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.gatesnotes.com/What-you-need-to-know-about-the-COVID-19-vaccine

Bill Gates: "One of the questions I get asked the most these days is when the world will be able to go back to the way things were in December before the coronavirus pandemic. My answer is always the same: when we have an almost perfect drug to treat COVID-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus..."

And here we are...with billions of people on the planet injected...in my opinion without valid voluntary informed consent...

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Sasha Latypova has published the documents with proof of DOD involvement. This is a foreign conspiracy being implemented by Americans in America, which makes it treason.

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Notice how most of the most A Vaxxers don't want to touch this topic ... even though there is evidence of contracts that pre date covid.

I suspect this is because to acknowledge the DOD is behind this then essentially it is not about money or corruption or whatever... the DOD's involvement means the Men Who Run the World are behind this ...

And those Men own the Fed -- they own the farm -- which raises the question - why would they want to exterminate the barnyard animals if you own the farm?

It also means that resistance is futile... for those who do not understand what the DOD is -- it is the military might of the United States... and as we are seeing every military on the planet is supporting the vaccination program.

How does one even begin to oppose this unstoppable force?

This is why there are no mass protests at Pfizzzer HQs around the world... everyone understands that taking any action that threatens the plan ... would result in the fangs unsheathing...

We are permitted to say whatever we want on SS -- they set SS up for this purpose... this does not concern them cuz the Vaxxers will not read SS - they only trust bbccnn...

SS allows A Vaxxers to blow off steam... to believe they are winning ... to be entertained.

It's quite brilliant what they have done here.

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I think King Charles inherited an intergenerational agenda to stick it to the rebellious colonies, and get them back as crown property. But there are many more agendas by different factions of the co-conspirators; climate seems to be a unifying theme, not because it is true, but because it is yet another realm to be divided by scientific truth (denied) and public/private profit. The old organizations are clearly represented in the membership at WEF. It is clear that depopulation has been accepted as a means of control, and it is not necessarily to be global. Most of it seems aimed at the western, European descended countries with large middle classes. How they hate us for our earned 'entitlement' programs that necessitate taxes be spent on the people, instead of their exclusive agendas. Some of them do believe the entire output of every person on the planet belongs to them, thus the antipathy for the useless eaters.

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I saw a video that interviewed a whistle blower nurse. She said her hospital checked on the mothers who had a dead baby and 45% of the vaccinated mothers had a stillbirth. It was a video from CHD...Children's Health Defense.

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Nope the intelligence agency and science bought and infiltrated by the cabal, meaning CIA and DARPA

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As I understand it, in the United States Constitution, it is written it is the duty of the people to hold their representative accountable and if not then it is the duty of the people to rise up.

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They are too strong and big. They have all the weapons. They would crush us. That's what Communism does.

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All the professional Colleges and the medical charities in the UK are pro-vaxx too, and involved in the cover-up of injuries.

It comes from very high up: no doubt all involved have been told this is about 'national security' (probably something abut a threat from China/Russia, etc) and they will be responsible for a future disaster if they depart from the narrative.

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all involved have been handsomely paid off by the pharma companies.

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Xabier, I don’t think the professional colleges in the UK supported compulsory vaccination, they drew the line at that.

Meanwhile, in Australia, Covid vaccine mandates have been widespread, for people to keep their jobs, and participate in civil society - to travel, participate in entertainment, hospitality and sport, when Covid madness was at its height.

Most of the mandates have gone now, but the damage has been done to people’s personal autonomy and bodily integrity, there’s no getting that back. And there are still people subject to mandates, eg in the medical area.

Mandated medical intervention are a disgrace in a so-called free country, and those responsible for this travesty must be held to account.

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You are still thinking this is actually a "vaccine program"?

It's not.

First, there was Event 201, where representatives from around the world practiced what they were going to do when the pandemic that they had planned actually hit. Masking, lockdowns, vaccines, et cetera were all discussed, no doubt. They needed to create a pandemic so they could roll out these dangerous, experimental pseudo-vaccines.


According to Dr. Lee Merritt, the mRNA platform has a 20-year history of killing all the vaccinated animals of "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" (i.e., Immune Erosion), so they clearly knew using this platform was the way to go if they wanted to eliminate the majority of us!.


Maria Zeee interviewed Dr. Rima Laibow and she said she had a patient several years ago who told her that it was "almost time for the culling of the useless eaters!" Clearly, Dr. Laibow's patient knew what she was talking about many years ago, as is happening now.


The Georgia Guidestones, which have since been destroyed, predicted this mass global depopulation program, and they actually have the number of people they want to get the world down to. Someone was giving us a heads up, clearly.


The World Economic Forum (WEF) has made it clear that they do not want most of us around for much longer.


Additionally, the WEF wants to implement "The Great Reset", and obviously they need fewer of us for this grand event, so the vaccines are the method they are using to depopulate the Earth.


But bear in mind, there has been collusion on a grand scale. According to Sasha Latypova, the US government and others are behind creating the COVID virus and moving it to that Wuhan, China lab where they colluded with the CCP to release it. Here is a good summary:


The US Government Department of Defense is ALSO behind the (mis)use of these mRNA vaccines as well using pharmaceutical companies as the "front" for them under something called "countermeasures". There were no real "vaccine trials" and obviously they don't care if they are injuring or killing people (that is what they are for, after all):


They appear to have included lipid nanoparticles in the vaccines as well, so they can target people to kill with 5g. This allows them the ability to "pinpoint" who to take out and when!


One VAERS reporting nurse mentioned on Telegram recently that she has been doing her own research, and she is finding people who took a shot from the same COVID-19 batch (or lot) number either being admitted to a hospital or dying for the same neurological symptoms on the same day months after the injection - even though they are from different states, are different ages, et cetera. The ONLY correlation is the Pfizer COVID batch number! This reinforces what Todd Callender said in the above video. (Sorry, but I cannot attach a photo of the post she made here. Perhaps a limitation on what they allow us to post.)

Regardless, this should frighten us all!

It is obvious to some of us that these are NOT vaccines, these are bioweapons, "the COVID pandemic of vast proportion" was necessary to implement the "mass vaccination program" through a worldwide scare campaign, with the help of mainstream media, social media, famous athletes and talk show hosts, and they are being used by most countries to roll out a Mass Depopulation Program.


Oh, and don't worry about writing a will, because if you actually DO survive this Mass Depopulation Program, they plan on taking all your assets soon - I believe the saying is, "You will own nothing and be happy."


I hope this answers your question on who initiated this whole ill-targeted "vaccine program" and why.

But then again, I have been accused of being a "Tinfoil-Hat Wearing COVID Conspiracy Theorist" when I answer questions on Quora about all this! LOL!

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end the WHO NOW or this corrupt narcissistic created behemoth will continue this BS until it is stabbed through the heart! It is satan himself masquerading as 'help to humanity' in order to enrich the elite....though it is set up to destroy! Kill, steal, destroy....this is SATAN.

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This whole “pandemic” was built on a great propaganda campaign that was very very well orchestrated and followed through. They must have had some of the best (Chinese?) tutors.

I am just sorry that Trump didn’t manage to get the US out of the WHO in 2020.

And in 2023 here comes the new deadly virus that we will have a vaccine for in no time “thanks to the mRNA technology”


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These people should form The Vaccination Party, no need for extra funding to run as TVP candidate, all the work has already been done, all the propaganda is still in place, geopolitics in place.. and their logo should be in blue and yellow syringe. Yes, you are right, covid was just a geopolitical excuse

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Geert, please please stop trying to be a diplomate. The WHO and all the Governments and involved pharma companies knew from the beginning or shortly after that the Covid inoculation did not work and created massive side affects. There were no mistakes or errors its all intensional otherwise the would stop vaccination program

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I want to thank you for your important information about the antibody dependent enhancement that I saw shortly after the “vaccines” came out because you were the deciding factor for me that I would never get these shots. I sent the article (it was in Natural News, on March 15, 2021 and titled:

“Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations immediately, or “uncontrollable monster” will be unleashed”)

to many many friends, and I know it helped them too.

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Good for you Judi.

Unfortunately, I was called stupid and have been pushed out of family because

we insulted others. I am so happy that your friends listened to you

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"For whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." Matthew 22:50 KJV. Welcome to your new family.

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I get it

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you have a lot of company Rosemary.

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I cannot remember precisely when or how I became aware of you but I read your paper dealing with the consequences of mass vaccinating populations with a none neutralising vaccine, March 2022. Managed to understand the gist of the none really technical bits!

Also read papers by Stephanie Seneff/Anthony M Kyriakopoulos.

I thank you for your bravery and insight. Please keep going.

Interesting times ahead....

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Thank you for this explanation. My vaxxed sister and vaxxed brother-in-law keep getting sick, i.e., colds, flu, etc. Now my brother-in-law has been diagnosed with Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome, which I assume is a fancy name for “your immune system is ruined.” I’m so worried for everyone that got that damn shot😢

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This sounds like my 26 year old son ;( Constant colds. I warned him. I tried hard to warn him. He stood as strong for these bio-weapons as I stood against them. However he did do better than his 21 year old girl friend that lost the ability to walk independently and has episodes similar to seizures like with hand tremors. I try noT to think of it too much as it just gets me upset. I warned her too and her words back was I just got a shot and I am fine. SHE IS NOT FINE NOW.

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I’m so sorry to hear this. It is terribly depressing and frustrating.

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So sorry to hear My old mechanic told me he wouldn't get the covid shot cuz he got very sick with the flu shot. I lectured him every time I saw him. Well, his doctor convinced him to get the shots. The 2nd shot gave him a mild stroke. He said his arthritic knee now is hurting bad and said no more shots. I used to visit him and clean his house. When he told me over the phone that he got the first shot I told him I couldn't see him anymore cuz of shedding the spike protein. I stay away from vaxxed people.

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Yep I wonder just how smart I was to be around any vax people. My son got it who lived in my house at the time though. Probably good that the rest of my vax family shunned me.

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I hope the unvaccinated won't be blamed again but don't see much reason for hope. Whatever the facts may be, some will surely twist things to blame us. Ideology is stronger than science.

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Peter Toadez will be blaming the unjabbed till the stars fall from the sky.

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maybe he gets a bonus every time he says it.

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It’s a three-way race with Geert’s thesis, Dr. Charles Hoffe’s theory on heart-straining micro-clots in the lungs, and the turbo-cancers.

At some point we’ll see mass waves of death that are simply impossible to ignore, that fulfill the Deagel predictions on time (2024).

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Already happening in my clinic that I work at. Usual death rate of our chronically ill patients is 4 per year over the past decade. In the past 9 months 18 have died. Hospitalization rates of our once stable chronically ill patients is also going bananas - usually 1 would need to be admitted to hospital approximately each month. Today 5 of them were in hospital. Our clinic is getting very quiet. It has taken this amount of death and sickness for a few staff to start asking questions. Also, never in my 30 year career have I had 4 colleagues lose a parent within the space of a few months.

The body count is slowly but surely increasing.

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Eventually the crime will be all too obvious. But by then, likely too late.

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It's already too late for those who took even one shot .

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I’m not sure that they will figure it out. It will be blamed on something else. Climate change maybe?

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450% of the annual death rate in 9 mos...I hope the staff is now asking the right questions, and getting the right answers. I am sure your experience is being repeated at many clinics in the western world.

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I believe in Deagle. It's 2025.

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Thank you as always Geert, really appreciate your strength, clarity, expertise & commitment!!

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A recently published study from Denmark analysing the quality/adverse effects of the Pfizer Biontec shots came to the conclusion that there could have been three categories of shots administered to the public over the time. The first category administered at the beginning of the vaccination with very high secondary effects. A Second category with medium secondary effects and a third category with very low/none secondary effects ( possibly a placebo?). What would be the implication on your prediction and on herd immunity, if we would assume that this study could apply for the global vaccination/vaccines and that about 60% of the vaccinated globally could have got a placebo shot? What do you think about such a scenario?

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Yeah, maybe the first shot, but they keep going back for more. It's like Russian Roulette.

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The N 163 strain produced beta glucan is an efficient anti-inflammatory immune modulator. In this pilot clinical study, we report the beneficial effects of these two beta glucans on the biomarkers for cytokine storm and coagulopathy.

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Thank you for this! My family has been taking beta glucan (“Beta Glucan 500” from Better away Health) for years - well before Covid - and we rarely ever get sick, any of us. I was especially impressed (and thankful) for the power of this supplement to keep our 3 college aged kids healthy while they lived in dorms and other campus facilities - germ soup! Roommates and friends passed around one thing after another, but our kids remained remarkable healthy throughout their college years🙏🏻. We sprinkle beta glucan on our (unvaccinated) Lab’s food each day too and she’s a powerhouse!

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I didn't know that. I'm going to buy it. Thanks for telling us

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You’re welcome!! It’s actually “Better WAY Health” by the way😁 (just noticed the typo). I think they have the best quality, they’re an exceptional company. Little pricey so our crew usually relies more on this supplement during cold and flu season or before traveling etc. and not necessarily every day. Be well!🙏🏻♥️

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HERO! Thank you.

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As far as the "unvaccinated" being blamed, of course they will. Since the uptake of the most recent boosters is in the low teens (14% I believe) in the US, definitional at least 86% are unvaxxed. The powers that be will just change the definition of unvaxxed, and then they will be blamed. I have asked lots of really smart people (including folks that required a vaccine card to attend their wedding) logically tell me how it can be an epidemic of the unvaxxed? If the vaccines worked, it didn't matter what the unvaxxed did? If the vaccine didn't work, how are they different from the unvaxxed? Not one person could answer that but they all still said it was an epidemic of the unvaxxed. Welcome to Wonderland. "Words mean what I choose them to mean." FYI for anyone who has suffered through 40 years of Fauxi, he is a master at changing definitions. Curing people, not so much.

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I said it long ago. the adults that are still pro shot will personally have to suffer, and they will need to see their children that they pushed the shots on, get very sick in such a way that they will not be able to explain the sickness as coming from any other source. Hopefully then they will admit that they were wrong and that they will then apologize for being wrong and treating others so badly. Someone needs to put together a list of the world leaders and politicians that received a placebo and a fake inoculation card. Starting with Bill Gates and Tedros.

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And umm... Trump.. you know Mr. Warp Speed.

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I'm a republican and because he is STILL pushing the covid shot I am voting for Kennedy!!!

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I will too vote for Kennedy over Trump. There is no way Trump doesn't know the damage he has caused by backing these shots.

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Dr. Geert, how do we know that the WHO doesn't know exactly what they are doing, and doing it on purpose? Now we know who's behind them and sponsoring them with billions of dollars. And why do they sound the alarm about something much worse to come? Well, that because they have read your book. That's how they know what's coming. Just because their are evil and controlling doesn't mean that are stupid. It may look like they are stupid and acting this way, but it's worth investigating what or who motivates them to act this way. In fact that is already know, but the vast majority of the population doesn't have a clue about the devastating tsunami that coming. Personally, I have a difficult time imagining how it's going to look like in Canada. As for blaming the unvaccinated ones for viral shedding, it will fail. That's because the vaccinated ones already know that they transmit the virus just as much as the rest of the unvaccinated people. Thank you for your courage and for your service to humanity. You are one of a kind, doctor.

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the vaxxed transmit much much more. The unvaxxed are cured by the immune system and do not transmit, unless they become infected again. Very few do. More than 90% carry antibodies, either via effects of infection or injection

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