please read Jessica Rose's substack to find that this is unlikely to be true!

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I will, I follow Jessica, she has been incredible.

If you have time what is your opinion on the argument that the vaccines will have performed in the population in the same manner as the clinical trial results? I asks doctors / people that say the covid shot saved millions how do they know this, even in the short term? I point the clinical trials and say historically we were to believe that what happens in the trial we are to expect in the population once rolled out - the trials showed more harm than good on the shot side than the placebo: 75% more all cause severe events, 10% more all cause hospitalizations, and more all cause mortality with the primary signal in cardiac issues.

Further to suggest that something different in the population was to be expected than in the trial would be a very big job to prove.

The trial was very short, so it wasn’t even a matter of short term they worked but in the long term did more harm. SoI don’t understand why a case is made that the covid shots helped initially. Do you have an explanation because you have agreed with the position that they helped initially?

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The initial apparent 'benefit' of the injections is an artifact caused by adding the result of a vast increase in susceptibility to disease and death within the two week window immediately following injection to the unvaccinated cohort. This effect was most visible during the Israel rollout.

Under the same statistical treatment injection with snake poison would look good.

Furthermore if the injections were in any way capable of preventing hospitalisation and death, then due to a leaky vaccine, random killer mutations of the virus would have been given an evolutionary path. Just like in the case of Marek's disease in chickens. Before the leaky Marek vaccine the CFR was 10%. The disease today has a 100% CFR in unvaccinated chicens due to killer variants spread by vaccinated chickens. Unvaccinated can be grateful the COVID vaccines were also completely useless in surpressing severe symptoms.

Please let me know what you think?

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Yes Dead man walking is convinced the shots did not help.

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Of course they didn't help ...

Consider Sweden did not lock down -- when the supposedly deadly Delta variant was on the loose.... and they had no excess deaths.

That's of course because Delta was basically another version of flu and Sweden did not murder people with Remdesivir and Midazolam.

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Evaluation of effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination: Set Theory, rigorous statistical methods and actual evidence-based medicine demonstrates that the paper published in The Lancet claiming that COVID-19 vaccines saved 14 million lives is incorrect, based on completely flawed methods and data.

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Jessica, as it turns out, is equally a weenie, learning as she goes....and trying to sound so sincere while doing it. Puke.

...the lost children.

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Fewer people trust Pharma and the regulators as time passes and people catch onto the trial manipulations that have been in practise for so many years. Pharma People like Kathryn Edwards acknowledging in discovery that none of the safety studies that would be required to rule out harms have actually occurred - this is the type of people you are dealing with in pharma, their favourite rebuttal is an attack on someone’s character rather than offer anything of any value to a dissuasion in search of solutions. The more drugs / vaccines that are administered the greater chronic health problems become. More vaxx’d verse un-Vaxx’d total health profile studies will start to emerge.

Pharma hasn’t had its back to the wall to this degree since it decided in the 80’s following the 1976 swine flu fraud and disaster with DTP that the only options were to exit the business or get the govt to take over the liability - we probably would have been better off if they had exited.

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There can be no question as to the truth of your closing statement. Bigharma—and this includes foks like Jessica and Geert whom so many are fond of pandering to—was actually made by them. . .they and others just like them brought it into existence. They went to school where they were taught to leave their moral compass at home and take the big financial reward and pseudo-prestige of being, get this, 'scientists,' just like Tesla, and Bose, and Schauberger, and Burbank etc. This is why I call them idiots, because in this gross misunderstanding they truly are.

Lastly, BigPharma slammed the door on holistic medicine, totally suppressed the knowledge of managing your own health by knowing how to do it, and sent entire cultures over the edge of insanity with the 'crazy person' drugs they make, inventing diseases to sell the 'cures.' The only solution here is for it to come to an abrupt and complete end.

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Thank you for your reply. Yes they came out of the pharma system. But people must surely be encouraged to have a change of heart, or an experience that leads to an awaking themselves, whether that is to the corruption or the safety and effectiveness or all of it. Dismantling the capture pharma has on healthcare will be difficult but less difficult if a ground swell can included people from within the industry itself.

Even people like Greet that I feel truly believed that herd immunity could only be maintained by vaccines may now be having a change of heart seeing how man made antibody responses are far from perfect and can in circumstances lead to break out infections and suppress the immune system causing susceptibility to other pathogens which would otherwise be a non issue - like DTP in Africa leading to higher all cause mortality.

I think the good news or silver lining of covid if there can be any is that it was perhaps the catalyst to change healthcare for the better.

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Optimism is nice, realism comes first.

It's one thing to birth a new industry, and yet something altogether different to suppress the working methodology in order to push your snake oil solution. This plant has evil roots.

And as we have clearly seen, Geert and Jessica are as green as the grass when it comes to handing out advice. If they were rocketeers the count would be 10,000 dead astronauts, five hundred failed rockets, and a whole lot of predictions and promises about 'finally getting it right.'

Except in this case they / BigPharma are holding our culture hostage. It's a big fat lie that has no end.

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Jul 8, 2023
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test only

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Dr. Vanden Bossche, I don't understand this comment. Could you say more i.e. what is unlikely to be true, and is there a specific post on Jessica Rose's substack we should look at?

Also, thank you for all you have done to inform people of the harms and dangers of this "vaccination" (pseudo-vaccination?) campaign in the past few years.

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My supposition is that GVB is responding to an inquiry about the theory that certain mRNA injection "lots" are placebos, as analyzed and rejected by Jessica Rose. Taken from other comments here: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/debunking-the-yellow-dot-lot-placebo?r=d7aep&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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What per centage of the jabbed would you guess will still abide with us 5 years after being injected?

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Can't see anything relevant on Jessica's Substacks. Can anyone else?

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I listen to you because you follow the scientific method, your views are based on logic, known science and a healthy dose of skepticism. I do not follow you because you are the Nostradamus of vaccines. Please continue basing your views on the science you know and trust and no be swayed by opinion or criticism unless scientifically valid.. Science is allowed to be wrong. Your views provide valuable insight regardless of how this turns out. Thank you for sticking to your convictions and providing your analysis. I truly hope you are wrong, the cost to all of us will be heartbreaking if you are right, but that is not a reason to deny your science. You need to stay the course so future science and people will benefit even if we don't.

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Great comment! It’s exactly the reason I trust GVB’s analysis- because he is not swayed by echo chambers, despite the possibility of being wrong. He himself has said he hopes he’s wrong...but from what we’re already seeing (excess deaths, SAD) it appears his predictions are already unfolding.

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Thank you GVB for mentioning the immunosuppression and the turbo cancers. This fall , as the jab / boosters continue to suppress the immune system .... even the common cold , flu bronchitis and pneumonias may kill people .... it doesn’t matter if viral or bacterial...many a peoples’ immune systems will fail them , unfortunately . Self care with diet, exercise supplements ect.....are imperative.

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So many deaths being reported presently after a “short illness”. The pressure on the healthcare system by the baby boomers over the next few years (and the current failings) really means one must prioritize self care.

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One needs to avoid emergency care -- lots of sickies + many of the med staff have quit in places where booster mandates have been kept in place -- some are awake to the dangers having seen young people come through with severe heart etc injuries... and they are not keen on taking any more themselves

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100% Sharon

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Protect 'your' nerves The Best Nerve Defense - The Nerve Doctors


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Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche.

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Good question

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History will favor this man.

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Thank you, Dr. Vanden Bossche--for taking the time to offer this to the public.

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With no disrespect, I hope the predictions are wrong. Many of my loved ones took the jab, the eldery were moved to the front of the line before we knew better.

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How would you expect this coming increased virulence to affect the unvaccinated population, in particular those who have recovered from previous infections?

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so far, I have only heard of one previously infected and recovered unvaxxed person, who got the covid again later. I am hoping that means the rest of us have a resilient immune system, and probably won't get a symptomatic case again.

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There probably is nothing wrong or odd about getting covid again. As it mutates your system will probably have to adapt to it as well. Take colds they constantly evolve and we constantly catch a minor cold and recover. Anything that mutates we need to be exposed and continue to develop our immunity to it. Pharma’s preference is that they take the place of what our immune system does and was meant to do.

One day we might look back on vaccines and say they never provided true herd immunity, some suboptimal form that allowed break through infections. Hopefully doing 50 + years of this we have not destroyed our ability to generate true herd immunity. Perhaps all this messing with nature has left us with immune systems that don’t function as they should which is expressing itself in incredible declines in overall health as seen in the large rise in chronic health problems in the population. For chronic health to go to the levels it has in such a short time is likely a problem. You know those studies that look at these issues compounding with successive generations as they are passed along, maybe we really messed up believing we can fiddle with nature.

We’ve never done vaccination on the scale of covid, so some of these things were not as apparent. But all the issues Geert has identified with the covid vaccines, perhaps they are true with all vaccines, certainly the measles shot is proving to allow break through infections in the vaccinated. And chickenpox vaccines driving shingles so many years later.

Maybe vaccines will turn out to be human’s dinosaur mistake.

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I am unvaxed, 62 and am on my potentially 3rd bout in 15months. 1st round was April 2022 (took ivm and fluvoxin) and confirmed it was covid. 2nd time was February 2023 and not 100% confirmed(didn't take any meds). Was less intense and slightly different symptoms/some similar, but my intuition is telling me it was covid. Today, I've got a bug AGAIN. 5days in, feels more like common cold so not sure its covid. Hitting really hard with supplements, mouth wash, nasel spray and so far it's been mild. My husband is the same we both caught all 3 times. The bugger of this is that prior to last year, I had not had cold flu for maybe 5 years. I take a high quality vit c, d, zinc etc every day.

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I also take zinc, vit b's, good calmag, nit even selenium and something for tgenliver as well as occasionally ivermectin. Here in rsa we cannot get ivermectin made for humans, although it sits there as schedule 3 at our own saphra, no effort to make it available due to acomplicing reasons not to, so we have to use the animal kind, and it works wonderful. So instead of sneezing i am neighing my way into recovering profilactically.. instead of sqeeching like a rat in a trap

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Make sure to add Black Seed Oil, it containes Thymoquinolones and these are protective for Malaria and for Covid... lots of other good reasons to use as well

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I tried it, and it gave me really bad heartburn

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The vet ivm is the same stuff just in liquid form.

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Yes i know, but we have been bullied publicly by msm because we yse horse medicine

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So sorry to hear it. have someone run to the drugstore and get a covid fast antigen test. They are probably still free. Better not to assume it was covid.

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How much VitD are you taking daily?

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Have your levels checked and try for 50-80.

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I only have omnicron for 4 days, nothing else. I am unvaxxed. In three years.

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I am unvaxxed, take all the supplement protocols and I am fit and healthy. Got Covid February 2022 - it was reasonably mild, the worst part was an unrelenting sore throat from hell for 48hrs.

I was exposed to Covid on numerous occasions after that infection and was fine, however, just 2 weeks ago I got Covid again. This time I was much sicker and for slightly longer - took IVM on both occasions.

I have heard of many unvaxxed getting multiple infections.

Meanwhile, many of my triple vaxxed family members have not had Covid at all, however, I put that down to the fact that those particular people do not go out and about much. Other family members who are vaxxed and do go out and about have had Covid.

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Interesting that most of those I know who were double jabbed and boosted are the ones who got the covid flu not once but twice.

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how was the covid diagnosed? Do you know which one you had? I actually trust the fast antigen test they put out, and the RT-PCRs are probably accurate, unlike the first ones.

I find it disturbing to hear the unvaxxed are getting it more than once. But the phylogenetic tree showed Omicron is not even descended from the earlier strains, and I thought the Delta had quite a few mutations from the first. I have two vaxxed family members that get sick frequently, but they also go out a lot, one of them daily.

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We are finding that the unvaxxed have just as contaminated blood as the vaccinated.


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I'm on a long haul and vax injured fb group and there are MANY people who are unvaxed in that group getting their blood tested positive for micro clotting. I know one person in that group is convinced it was from shedding, but who knows.

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The whole thing is man made whether infected naturally, or vaccinated. Both have the spike.

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this. spike protein is spike protein is spike protein, whether from infection or transfection with an mRNA vaccination.

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I tell you if everyone was like the people on here we wouldn’t have been dragged through the last 3-1/2 years. Somehow we have to spread out and win others over one person at a time.

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What tests are they doing to figure it out? Thank you.

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Yup wasn't it Dr. Coleman who said we'd all be wanting to be far way from vaxxed due to the shedding? I am not vaxed, probably had Covid mid to moderate 5 to 7 day cold. Got over it, haven't had since that I know of. Take periodic every 3 wks or so Ivm, plus constantly taking NAC, VitD3, K1/2 Black seed oil, siberian pine oil, some melatonin, a small sliver of a nicotine patch I can change out every 2 days (about 1 to 2 millimeter sized sliver of patch. Just started on that. Borax Water daily 1 week on, 2 weeks off. EDTA pills Cardioflow... Magnesium and Iodine and when I remember CoQ10. Adding methylene blue as well for protection of brain neurons.

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PS. Also started trying to reduce EMF at night. Phone goes into sleep, and faraday bag, the TV is unplugge and I'm waiting for my Lambs PJ Sleep Wear and thyroid gator. Wearing the beanie to bed. We will see how I feed with all of that. Looking to pick up Collodial Gold as well...

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Perhaps your finding relates to unvaxxed who had contracted covid, (some contracted it several times and unvaxxed). Spike protein can do this regardless of vax status?

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I can tell you what I see happening. Here is my mother in law triple vaccinated, had covid last summer and it was like nothing to her. Now she got covid again almost three months ago and still not recovering and she's quite sick. She has pneumonia and bronchitis and every antibiotic she took so far they failed. She was a big believer in vaccines. Now she's convinced that the vaccines did this to her because she has never been so sick before. And in the past she always recovered without exception. But not this time. I don't see yet this kind of cases happening on a larger scale. But this is what Dr. Geert V.B. has been predicting. And my mother in law lives in a country with low vaccination rate.

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so sorry to hear it, most of my family is vaxxed too. It does sound like she has an enhanced infection for this one. Has she had any of the Ivm or Hcq?

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Unvaxxed have functioning immune systems so will not experience severe illness -- at least that is what I am seeing (I had a slight cold last month ... it never progressed much beyond a loose cough and sniffles)... meanwhile the Vaxxed I know are bedridden with what I assume is a similar infection

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omg. My older sister has taken 5 injections. Every time she gets sick, it is a little worse than the previous time. This last one really wiped her out for more than a week.

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I have experience that the unvaxxed get the kraken variant much worse (and it lasts for 3 weeks and even longer) than the vaxxed and then the vaxxed get the schweinflue much worse than the unvaxxed. Wonder why...

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How do you know that?

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Dr Vanden Bossche,

First, thanks for the video. Great approach. But secondly, I wouldn't phrase your prediction as "Why I was wrong". Rather, you have nailed everything but this final point since your first comments in the fall of 2020. You vehemently argued that mass vaccination into a pandemic would drive mutation after mutation and that herd immunity would be prevented through ineffective, non-sterilizing vaccines. that this was a shell game that MAY have very dire consequences ultimately. So, this is all still playing out. Although you do "make your way" towards explaining that you were wrong because of timing as a result of unknowns such as waning antibodies, and the science behind that process, that should be your lead argument. Not that you have been wrong, as you have been more right from the start than anyone out there, but rather as a scientist dealing with a novel virus and a novel approach, both in terms of technology used and contemporaneous mass worldwide vaccination, you couldn't conceive of this particular effect of the vaccines last year when you first predicted it. We will know in due time how right you were on this one issue, but so far you have nailed it and nobody with an appreciation for this complex "experiment" could have known every future twist and turn. So far, you have been far more correct than anyone, even if your "final" prediction proves to be wrong. We all hope you are wrong, but still look forward to your updates for the latest "science". Primarily because this is still playing out and your track record so far has been way ahead of the crowd.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated by tens of millions and probably more by now.

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https://odysee.com/@Punkt.PRERADOVIC:f/Dyker_Matysik_eng_final:6 Danish Study of millions of jabs shows that they had different excipients in them over all.

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How can anyone be argumentative or unhappy that there aren't higher rates of death?!....yet.....enjoy the 'honeymoon' period before a lethal variant arises. Utilize the time to remind the vaxxed to get wills done, get affairs in order.

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The Bossche Mutation Cometh!

Get the popcorn ready

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The booster uptake rate dropping to very low levels could be a factor

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I tell everyone that will listen to avoid the booster shot, flu shot, any and all shots for the rest of their lives.

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But as gvb said it helps only for one thing and only for a short while when the non neutralizers stop working and in the mean time the othwr oathigens, bacteria, viruses have a party

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Geert, you've probably talked about this before, but where does this leave us who are unvaxxed? Our family had Omicron in early 2022 and haven't been sick since, are we out of the woods? Thank you for what you do!

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In other videos he has postulated that unvaccinated people will do much better than vaccinated people.

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Thank you! I figured so, but just wondered if this coming Super Strain is going to be hard on us as well?

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As long as you keep your immune system strong and healthy you are out of the woods indeed. You must do your best to stay healthy and fit. Here is the recipe: eat healthy, mainly plant based foods, do your workout every day, and take a generous amount of vitamins, supliments, herbal medicine and mushrooms. This is the best way to bullet proof yourself. I wish you all the best.

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The problem is... that billions will die or be dreadfully ill with The Bossche Mutation .. that will collapse supply chains... everyone else will starve

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My predictions are unfolding EXACTLY as planned by the masons:

The full PLAN exposed:


Please read! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the mason Georgia guidestones:

- Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.)

- 9-11: 2 "planes", yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up siblings failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)...

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines were weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard's confessions:


Now, are you really ready for this?:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Pllllleeeeease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter), gigablast.com, duckduckgo.com, and maybe yandex.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



PS I'm sorry I'm linking to my own substack. It’s not self-promotion: I couldn’t find better links but if you find anything better, I'd be glad to replace.

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Not all shots were the same and many were placebos.

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Thank you for your thorough explanation.

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