Can you provide a simple translation confirmation?

We would have been best off not vaccinating anyone and letting the virus (particularly omicron) move through the population to enhance the natural defenses of our innate immune systems through exposure that triggers natural Abs which are effective and superior?

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That is exactly what he has been saying is that you cannot vaccinate during a pandemic with vaccines that still allow for spread. You can vaccinate if you’re providing a vaccine that has 99% prevention capabilities but this is a therapeutic and the disease finds workarounds in the body and the vaccines reduce the immune system.

I hope he’s wrong but he’s been right so far

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perfectly stated Joe!

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Thank you

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I am no scientist but have been following Geert since the BEGINNING ( b4 Youtube censored him ) and so far things are going precisely as he predicted and I HAVE been concern about this kind of thing b/c three of my loved ones are triple vaxxed and now I have a new word to reference towards them ( vaccinee ) Certainly worth considering and I am going to direct this to Robert Malone for his opinion.

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Yes - he's been dead on since he suggested we keep an eye on Israel last year....

He will be right. This is vaccinology 101 -- you do NOT deploy a leaky vaccine during a pandemic.

And this latest version of Covid is highly infectious - which means loads of vaccinated people are getting infected -- and each of them is a mutant factory

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Yes, and isn't it funny that leaked Pfizer officer comments have said that Israel is their field experiment. And further, that the FDA has used the facts of Israeli vaccination programs as justifications to approve EUA-basis 4th shots in the USA for healthy people (2nd booster); 5th shot for the immunocompromised.

Buuuuut, the shots /make/ you immunocompromised!?

This is so frustrating. What if a genocidal maniac had a tool to hide his murderous plans as an effort to help people? Ooh, we live in a dystopia!

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I think a few genocidal Maniacs are ALREADY at work.

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Is this correct, “and each of them is a mutant factory”.?

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My understanding is that mutations occur when a leaky vaccine encounters the virus ... so if someone is vaxxed and they get covid this battle is initiated..

The virus defeats the vaccine and what does not kill it makes it stronger..

This does not guarantee that a horrifying mutation will emerge... but it's a numbers game ... the more people you vax and the more of them that encounter a version of the covid virus... the higher the chances of hitting The Jackpot from Hell.

We've got billions injected... and this highly contagious omicron roiling through them ...

Like Geert says -- you can't pin a date on this --- but if they keep the boosters ripping at some point you get a very nasty outcome.

We get lulled into a false sense of security then BAM - one day you wake up and the death count is exploding ... and exploding ... and exploding...

Then the supply chains break.

Uh Oh.

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Everything evolves - evolution is speeded up when the organism's existence is threatened - C19 vaccines threaten covid (a little) - thus - Covid evolves faster - this effect happens in every vaccinated individual - billions of people have been vaccinated - we have seen Delta and Omicron and now Deltacron - so we have evidence of the accelerated evolution - THUS if mandatory vaccination continues ..(hopefully anyone reading this can do the math on this last part)

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Yes, his letter of December 2020 helped me save a few family members from the needle.

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Lucky you. I have been not been able to save a single one.

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Same here. I sent numerous emails with links to credible immunologists and virologists' warnings not to take a leaky "vaccine", and both of my siblings STILL fell for the propaganda, with one of them (predictably) pejoratively referring to me as a "conspiracy theorist".

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What is most distressing is the number of military service members who have been forced to take these nasty vaccines. They are given absolutely no choice. We must find a way to stop this insanity!

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Open up the paper, scroll through and read the italicized portions The elevator pitch is there is high probability of more harmful, even lethal variants to come. The people best prepared are the healthy unvaccinated who take supplements, exercise, and decrease stress to maximize the power of their God-given natural immunity. It is even more important for the vaccinated to do the same. Each jab weakens your immunity and makes you more susceptible to an acute adverse reaction and also AIDS-like immune deficiency that impairs your body's ability to prevent existing, opportunist pathogens lurking in your body waiting for an opportunity to attack. From cold sores to cancer.

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A lot of young women who got the booster got fever blisters ( herpes) all over their lips and chin. My daughter got it b/c she was going to Florida for a vacation and she could not go in the sun. Malone said the jab can awaken latent viruses

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"If type 1 IFN signaling is impaired, as happens following vaccination but not following natural infection with SARS-Cov-2, CD8+T cells ability to keep herpes in check would also be impaired...There are multiple additional case reports of herpes zoster reactivation following COVID-19 vaccination in the literature." (Seneff, S., Nigh,, G. et al. January 21, 2022 pp. 12-13).

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I heard SHINGLES is common

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My neighbor got her first booster. Next day her doctor gave her flu shot & shingles vax. Just in case :(

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I see people who do that and they are fine and others drop dead in a day or two if not on the spot. I now personally know 11 seniors who died within days of the shot

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Lots of pharma ads out suddenly advertising a shingles vax.

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Not sure if we would have been better off not vaccinating anyone but perhaps only using the vaccines on those that were truly vulnerable rather than on all and sundry. The analogy might be akin to insisting everyone take antibiotics in the hope of eradicating some novel bacteria rather than focusing on those who have been infected with the bacteria.

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

Yep, this is precisely what the creators of the Great Barrington Declaration advocated. An opportunity sadly ignored (correction > censored) by those who must be listened to…

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I don't think they ever supported these injections. They did support Focused Protection though

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Wrench in the Gears - Allison McDowell (Oct. 13, 2020)

"If you were to sign, these items are among the things you’d be agreeing to:

We did in fact experience a legitimate global health emergency.

Using PCR as a diagnostic test for Covid is valid.

We should seek to constrain targeted groups of healthy people – focused protection.

It is acceptable to socially isolate elders, including from family members.

Advancing the current childhood vaccination program is a priority.

These are crucial topics I think should have been discussed, but were left out.

Tech-based contract tracing undermines civil liberties.

Biometric health passports used to control population mobility and access to work and education are repressive.

Vaccine mandates should be opposed.

Population level bioengineering using mRNA vaccine platforms and biosensors should be opposed.

Investigations should be made into corrupt public health contracts.

Mask wearing by healthy individuals damages health and mental health.

Asymptomatic transmission is rare.

The Covid Reset shift to telemedicine has been harmful."


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McDowell early in the pandemic established that the GBD is an end-around by the globalist technocracy.

"None of them resigned their positions seeking to disrupt the status quo of the medical profession. Rather, their actions seek to blunt the harm that has been done while keeping the power, influence, and legitimacy of the public health establishment intact. If the Great Barrington Declaration actually undermined the long term Davos program, these three would have been summarily dismissed or harshly reprimanded as Mark Crispin Miller has been over his critique of masking policies at NYU."


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They may have some short term impact on severe illness -- that is what you would want a leaky vaccine to do if the end goal was to create Devil Covid.

Why? Because you need to have the vaccine throw a few punches at the virus - so it wakes up and works out how to defeat the vaccine.

And once it works out how to defeat the vaccine i.e. mutates... then the vaccinated become even more susceptible to serious illness and death because not only does the vaccine - and boosters - have no effect --- it has been purposed to override innate immunity (VAIDS) -- so you are more likely to get seriously when you encounter the mutations -- or other opportunistic infections.

So you vax and get a few months of maybe protection -- but long term you are f789ed.

And there ain't no unf789ing yourself - this is permanent

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Why should you give vulnerable people a shot that doesn't work and can disable or kill you. That's beyond me.

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Depends on what is meant by "doesn't work". Seems that even now the booster appears to reduce severe illness at least currently. Had the experts suggested the vaccine for vulnerable around the world while the young and healthy get exposed to the virus, we'd likely have been out of this mess.

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The jab doesn't stop you from getting Covid19, nor does it stop you from spreading the virus. The jab only destroys your immune system. The more jabs the worse your immune system gets. What they should have done to reduce severe illness is treat the people with Ivermectine or HCQ. They don't give side effects (Ivermectine is one of the safest medicines you can take according to the WHO) and it is proven to be effective in many projects.

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I would concur that safe and effective treatments should have been pursued vs a vaccine. At this point, data suggests that while the vaccine does not stop infection and transmission there is a net positive for the vulnerable with regards to hospitalizations and deaths. This may very well change as Dr. Vanden Bossche has said but this is not because of vaccinating the vulnerable. Rather it is because of the mass vaccination campaigns whereby everybody is told to get vaccinated and boosted.

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Whether it prevents/reduces severe illness is an open question. There are more Americans hospitalized right now than ever before. Forget about "capacity" and look up your state's stats, hospital by hospital, and compare them with prior years. The folks in the hospital (many of whom will die) are not labeled "vaccine-injured" or "COVID," but somehow they are many more of them than there ever were, including during the bad flu winters of 2013 and 2018.

I know Offit, for example, is (or appears to be) convinced that the existing injections are preventing severe illness and death, but any data to support that is observational and based on poor-quality data tags.

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It seemed to at the time but new data suggests the efficacy against severe disease also wanes over time. I don't know about hospital numbers currently but I am referring to data out of UK, Israel etc. which back in the spring and summer of 2021 showed that elderly were less likely to be hospitalized or die from covid if they were vaccinated. However, even then this did not hold for the younger, healthier population so a possible path forward would have been to protect those most at risk while the rest of society continues on. Once the vaccine arrived, there would have already had many exposed to the virus and more would continue to be so the vulnerable might be offered vaccines (around the world) while the rest of society would have been exposed from which a herd immunity might have emerged. It wouldn't have been the best strategy as personally, I think focusing on a vaccine as the only answer from the very start was problematic but I think it would have been better than the one the western world adopted ie. mass vaccination.

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Oh I agree but I don't recall vulnerable wearing N95's. We should never have closed down. Governments should have used the money to offer free delivery to those that are vulnerable and free N95's. Offer iPads and training if needed so they could keep in touch with loved ones. Nursing home residents could have been kept far more safe. There would then be community immunity driven largely by the young. Everything done kept people exposed to the virus as little as possible.

I subscribe to Jessica Rose but has she looked specifically at the vulnerable and seen if it would be worth the risk? For instance, this man calculates a 20x under-reporting factor and determined that the risk of the shot is equal to the risk of covid at around 50 years old. Since Rose's calculation is 31x under-reporting, she might consider the shot worth taking for those 65 or 70 etc.


Personally, I agree with you because the one issue this man does not take into account are long term effects. The more we learn, the more we might realize that the shots are overall more harmful than beneficial for all.

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Yes, that is what has bothered me from the beginning. I knew based on these scientists and doctors I followed that the people getting vaccinated were making covid worse for everyone. It has been so frustrating to watch them virtue signaling about an act that we knew was increasing death and harm while being so arrogant about it. To know that everything being said is the exact opposite of what is true and that people have been celebrating the very choices that unleash more destruction!

But the fact that most did not care about the vaccine injured clued me in that this never was about empathy toward others because if it were, they would care about those at risk from covid AND the vaccine injured. But most vaccinated people sadly didn't want to so much as acknowledge the injuries. Whereas I noticed that most people choosing to be unvaccinated cared all along about everyone: vaxxed who got seriously ill, non vaxxed who got seriously ill, vax injured, etc.

The difference in attitude was so striking that it carried me through any doubts. I knew which was the side of clear thinking and for humanity.

But knowing that if my neighbor discovered I was unvaccinated, she would hate me and suddenly believe me uncaring when it was quite the opposite, that felt miserable.

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That is very true. From the start, there were some who painted anyone who questioned whether lockdowns were doing more harm than good as selfish people wanting a hair cut or only caring for keeping businesses open. Yet, the big businesses were mostly allowed to stay open while mom and pop shops were decimated as many were non-essential. Elderly in nursing homes were not allowed to see their families who could no longer advocate on their behalf and some of these homes became houses of horror. Schools were closed which would obviously hurt low income students or those who struggle with learning disabilities. These were just the tip of the iceberg and should have been obvious to all but if you even tried to point any of it out, you were labeled an anti-lockdowner, wanting to kill granny. Deaths by suicide, drug overdoses, missed diagnoses or treatments or even increased stress exacerbating or creating new health issues? None of it mattered. Only covid.

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I never saw the N95's but then I have rarely been to a hospital or a nursing home.

I did see this article though which should tell people everything they need to know about the reason for mask mandates:


Here are the key parts:


The novel coronavirus pandemic brought society a new definition of normal which now includes wearing face masks. While the benefits of masks are clear, widespread use unearthed a host of drawbacks: face irritation, difficulty breathing, moisture buildup and the dreaded foggy glasses.


Valve masks are a type of N95 mask that have a one-way valve allowing exhaled air to pass through a small round or square filter disc attached to the front. Some commercially available cloth masks also feature a valve

Valve masks have several benefits. In addition to protecting the wearer if fitted correctly, they allow easier exhalation than traditional masks, prevent humidity and and reduce uncomfortable heat and carbon dioxide buildup inside the mask.


The purpose of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's universal masking guidelines is to prevent viral transmission from infected individuals to people around them. Exhaled air passes unfiltered into the environment, taking potential coronavirus droplets with it and defeating the mask's one important purpose -- protecting those around you.


"Cloth and surgical masks would clearly rank superior ... the N95 valve mask doesn't protect everyone around me. Of course, the major reason the CDC began to recommend the universal use of masks in the community was because of asymptomatic infection and wishing to reduce the transmission from the person who is infected to others," Schaffner said,

And what about those who insist standard masks are just too uncomfortable?

Schaffner advised they 'get with the program.'

"Sorry about that… if you're wearing masks just to protect yourself that's different than the program that we're thinking of -- the goal that we're trying to implement."


Note that their "program" was to instruct everyone to wear a mask to protect those around them other than one self. They could have just recommended these N95 masks to those who were vulnerable and even offered them for free. That would then also inform people who they should try to avoid. When making mask wearing ubiquitous, one can't know who is vulnerable and who is not.

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Really good points!

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Or no “vaccines” but mass use of prophylactics like ivermectin so virus couldn’t find hosts?

Don’t forget, they don’t prevent infection or spread. They are treatments that were supposed to reduce symptoms, hospitalizations and deaths (only).

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That's not how they were SOLD. Incompetence is forgivable but to do this to population on PURPOSE is a crime

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Funny, I knew they were treatments early on, since I followed the dissident voices and read the EUA applications. But you are right that the public was misled on purpose. I told people what I knew and they thought I was a nut!

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Same here😢

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Correct https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/1463932846570192901

And they don't stop you from dying or getting very ill either - as we are now seeing from the data

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Funny how they said that they would stop the spread:


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Great video! And where was Pfizer, Moderna et al? If folks all over the world were claiming that Tylenol cured cancer, you’d expect the Tylenol company to correct the misinformation, no?

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Yes, exactly that, and he was saying it from the very beginning. I have no expertise at all in the area but could understand the logic of what he was saying. And it's terrifying.

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I thought the intro above was relatively simple?

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Thank you Geert. This is a rather extensive affirmation of your earlier work on the probable evolutionary trajectory of this virus and pandemic. The emerging data has, regrettably, proved you correct - again.

Beyond the health implications we will have to deal with a likely resurgence in the idiocy of our governments in 'dealing' with the impending crisis.

This is of particular concern given there has been near zero acknowledgement of the errors to date.

My guess is there are going to be a lot of angry vaccinees that will want somewhere to direct that anger. I also suspect the culpable parties - government, health authorities, media etc - will be doing their best to deflect as much of that anger away. Hopefully, this ends up in a cat fight amongst these nefarious players.

The last thing we want to see is the blame being directed at the unvaccinated. Sounds impractical given the emerging data. But, the twisted, convoluted manner in which this whole sorry affair has been played out to date, leaves anything on the table. Thank you again.

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Spot on. I worry that the current relaxation on masks and mandates will not last long. The powers-that-be will most likely try to force-vaccinate everyone even though that is the most anti-scientific course of action possible. What a nightmare scenario.

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It's the embarrassment of having the "unvaxxed" control group. So we have to be scapegoats. I know that we have been saying this forever but it is still the case.

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Life Insurance is not happy and getting restless. The vaccine stocks (check portfolio) have recently, generally suffered a steep decline. The large life insurance companies are increasingly most aware of if these so called vaccines and don’t like them.

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Same thing Dr. Paul Alexander has been preaching. Don't vaxx into a pandemic with a leaky vaxx. --- So many Doctors, MDs and PhDs, all saying the exact same thing for 2 years, but following their advice would mean loss of money for Big Pharma, the alphabet agencies, and a$$hat$ in government. Plus, it would save the lives of us peons, which is the exact opposite of what is wanted. --- Please, stop the world, I want to get off. Thanks.

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Getting off is not an option. Going a little deeper is the only option.

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Cool. You start digging, I'll meet up with ya and help dig.

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We'll all be getting off soon.

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That was rather sobering to say the least. I makes me appreciate that my young grandchildren have so far escaped being vaccinated though most of my close friends and family seemed to willingly trust the jab. Geert has warned us from the very beginning.

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Get the goods on all the power elite, then you can control em.

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Yup, no authority would listen to you. I use Viraldine nasal spray and mouthwash with Cetylpyridinium Chloride and am on preventive IVM and HCQ at the ready (Thanks FLCCC and Dr Haider). It’s going to be a blood bath with too many infected to take proper care of. I hope this doesn’t happen but dummies run the world and everything Dr Bossche has predicted has come true.

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Exactly what I do, except diluted hydrogen peroxide in the nose, and IVM and HCQ at the ready. 👍🏽🪖

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Ok I need to get some Ivermectin

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Amazing paper! 👍🏽 You do the world a great service Notorious GVB. ❤️

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Thanks for a little comic relief 😎🤩🥰

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chilling conclusion to the paper... ‘If man fails to do so, there is no doubt that the virus will take care of lowering the immune pressure in these (highly vaccinated) populations.’

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No "highly vaccinated population, presto, no immune pressure, pure genius!

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Thank you for all your warnings and truth.

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Dr. Vanden Bossche.

Thank you so much for this unbelievably comprehensive, logical, referenced work. I have only skimmed through it. You speak of deductive logic, and learning from nature. You buttress your hypothesis with logic, evidence, and data. You possess a true "Western mind." No "intuition" for you. My first impression is of the degree to which the entire campaign against this virus is out of harmony with nature. Also the tremendous superiority of our innate immune system compared to vaccine induced efforts at such. The entire vaccination strategy, the lockdowns, the RNA vaccines, are at odds with nature. How can herd immunity be achieved when there is no herd, with everyone isolated from one another in their homes, and while "social distancing?" Anything out of harmony with nature is destined for failure. Following your work is difficult due to its technicality and detail, however detail is a mark of truth. It reminds me of the choice of roads spoken of by Jesus. "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it." Matthew 7:13,14. NJJV

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Would you be willing to quantify the scale of the problem you anticipate?

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My interpretation is that the new variants will have near 100% fatality rate in vaccinated. So they will need to spend the rest of their lives in complete isolation. Basically the collapse of western civilization.

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I’m thinking Spanish Flu.

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But not from one cause. If you look at the deathly serious possibilities over the medium term you have ADE, mad cow, Alzheimer's, right side heart failure (microclots), telomerase synthesis disruption (cancer+), VAIDS/OAS (immune system messed up).

So no one cause will dominate and they are hoping to let it slide under people's radar. Lots of "causes" to hide the deaths under. The number to watch is ACM (All Cause Mortality). It has been substantially above the 5 year average since late July 2021.

If life expectancy drops by a decade or two over the next 5-10 years that would also be telling.

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And if the young women can't bear children

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Thanks. I forgot that one. Death by involuntary infanticide.

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Everything evolves - evolution is speeded up when the organism's existence is threatened - C19 vaccines threaten covid (a little) - thus - Covid evolves faster - this effect happens in every vaccinated individual - billions of people have been vaccinated - we have seen Delta and Omicron and now Deltacron - so we have evidence of the accelerated evolution - THUS if mandatory vaccination continues ..(hopefully anyone reading this can do the math on this last part)

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It would have to everyone’s benefit if you ceased referring to these as vaccines and call them exactly what they are, “gene therapy.”

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"gene destruction"

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Or call them inoculations.

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Toxins - would be a better word -- maybe even 'poisons'

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Can somebody please be a pal and translate what this means for the unvaxxed: "Omicron’s high infectiousness would enable the non-vaccinated to train their innate immune defense against SC-2 while the infectious and pathogenic capacity of the new SC-2 variants would be debilitated in the non-vaccinated for lack of infection-enhancing Abs in their blood."

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Unvaxxed will fare better as our innate immune systems are trained for omicron, and our adaptive immune systems have not been trained to outcompete the innate.

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Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022

In the 2nd part, is he also saying that we'll be protected from SC-2 variants for lack of "infection-enhancing Abs" in the blood? I assume that's what is getting the vaxxed into so much trouble.

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Yes. We don't have circulating ABs trained for Delta to promote ADE.

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Yes, the adaptive immune system calls up the useless vaccine antibodies instead of the innate system responding appropriately and effectively. I think. LOL

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Typically, if the virus can be dealt with by the less specific mechanisms of the innate immune system there is no need for adaptive immunity. However, even in the case of a natural infection which goes all the way to the adaptive immune system there is still a coordinated learning of both systems. Not to mention that this particular viral infection occurs at a natural barrier (the mucosa). It isn't so much that antigen specific antibodies are bad as much as these transfections are only spike specific, are in great quantity for long periods, are in the blood not the mucosa and interfere with the natural progression of an infection whereby the immune system as a whole deals with this virus.

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One quibble. This?

"It isn't so much that antigen specific antibodies are bad.."

Perhaps not in the specific context of being "bad" on immune response in this context, but, you could have tacked on to "are in great quantity for long periods" (up to 60days, not what was advertised)

...and create blood clots via their own novel mechanism...

The dose is the poison and the more jab(s) the more spike Proteins are being generated...the longer they are being generated...

The antigen specific antibodies are a problem.

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Yeah, well what I meant was that my understanding was that in a natural infection requiring an adaptive response you get antibody response to multiple epitopes not just the spike. However, the antibody response is only as big as necessary to do the clean up job. But yes this vaccine induced antibody response is not the same for a variety of reasons.

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I believe it is OAS (Original Antigenic Sin). It's a suboptimal immune response, as opposed to ADE which is an overreaction of the immune system.

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Was trying to decide between Antibody Dependent Enhancement and Original Antigenic Sin - went back and forth and guessed incorrectly - hate to have to worry about either one . Need to learn more about innate and adaptive immunities.


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Not sure we will be protected so much as have a better chance

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True, but we will be better protected because our immune systems will function normally.

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Our natural, healthy immune system plus prophylactics plus early treatment give us a much, much better chance.

Vit D3, quercetin + zinc, vit B & C, glutathione, nad, sunshine, fresh air, exercise etc all support our immune system.

Nasal sprays & oral washes reduce exposure by destroying on contact.

Ivermectin binds with both the spike & ACE2 receptors, preventing infection/replication by blocking entry into cells.

The biggest danger to unjabbed is overexposure over time, which could eventually exhaust the immune system or inure it to the virus.

People in families with mixed jabbed & unjabbed will have tough decisions to make. Does a jabbed parent want to continuously expose unjabbed children & spouse?

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I don't live with my kids but have noticed extreme tiredness if I spend time with someone recently vaxxed. I never get flu shots but my daughter does at work. I told her not to but . .

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Look into FLCCC Drs prophylaxis protocol. Have saline with povidine iodine rinse handy and use regularly with mouthwash. Read up on the vitamins you should pump up D, C, Zinc, Calcium, Folate. I'm using Quercetin instead of IVM due to the hassle.

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Barney I was doing it daily (quercetin et al ) but it was getting expensive the Vitamin E is important and NAceytl Cystien

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As good ionophore, wash the zinc pill down with green tea. It is cheap, safe and effective (insert smiley here). To be taken either 1 hour before meal or 2 hours after.

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Quercetin is important to let zinc in

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Interesting. Betty, the Bam Bams and I drink a lot of tea already.

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Where do you get Quercitin? I can't find it.

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Any health food store.

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

Thank you

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Most welcome! =0)

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Thank you

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No prob! We all need to look out for each other ❤️

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NEVER BUY VITAMINS FROM AMAZON! So much counterfeit products. Life Extension is a reliable brand

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In short: the unvaxxed will save the genetic pool of humanity.

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You know even the best of the doctors and scientists are still making educated guesses. The virus is NOT a natural virus. Gates patented a long string of code in 2014. The vax company used that CODE to make the mNRA vaccine and that patented piece of code fits exactly into the code used to make the vaccine. Who knows if Gates gave Pfizer the exact same chunk of code!!?? So we have a disease we need over a year to even determine what symptoms and treatments were viable and we still don't know what the disease will do to survivors down the road AND we are TREATING PEOPLE WITH A SYNTHETIC VACCINE THE WE DON'T know what it will do either. 😵‍💫

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Worth noting the only thing from the alleged virus the manufacturers are capable of producing is a tiny part of it, never the whole.

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The unvaxxed are in a better position than those that ARE vaxxed. Wait until all the new bugs and fungi that are frozen in the ice that is melting on Greenland open their eye and rear their toxic little heads. THAT is a legitimate reason to have biolabs that study bacteria and viruses.

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So DARPA can perfect bioweapons based on these newly discovered critters?

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Well I was hoping for cures but certainly DARPA, CIA , groups we have no letters for

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Most pathogens tend to come from space. There is no other reason for biolabs but military, and they need not wait for the imagined ice melt - they drill for it.

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I’m pretty sure this is a typo and he meant to say “vaxxed.”

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No. He meant unvaxxed. Our *innate* immune systems are or will be trained for omicron & its mutations. Our *adaptive* immune systems have not been misdirected to 1. produce ADE-enabling antibodies and 2. Override/outcompete the innate system.

The vaxxed adaptive immune systems 1. have been trained to produce nonsterilizing antibodies that enable & drive ADE mutations, and 2. override /outcompete their innate systems.

Add to that the vaxxes are in a perpetual state of "emergency" from the continuous production of spikes. Our bodies evolved to destroy mRNA & turn off immune response immediately that an infection is cleared. This is because the immune response -- fevers, inflammation, etc -- is damaging to healthy cells.

As a result, on top of everything else, the repeatedly jabbed are causing a non stop assault on their bodies.

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Read the above comments. It's confusing.

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Dear Geert/ Beste Geert, I (try) to read trough your most recent elaborate document. I feel it would be helpful and much more impactful if there would be a short version of this that is understandable for people with less knowledge of the matter. ie all politicians, journalists and other lay people out there. I imagine a near future where your vision becomes reality, and any politician could say: "I didn't know, nobody told me!". Could we then refer to this document and say: there it was? To play devil's advocate: nothing what Marc Van Ranst in Belgium ever tells to politicians, journalists or the general public is very difficult to understand, and so it gets printed and repeated. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for what you and a few other people are doing, but I believe it's crucial that warnings are in a language that the target audience understands. Thank you and bless you. Luc Van den Broeck

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He is by no means failing. His targed group is big pharma, WHO, FDA, CDC, virologists, vaccinologists, immunologists ect. THEY understand exactly what he is speaking of and with this paper he is adressing those in positions who are able to change the course.

For the rest of us he has tons of understandable interwievs, blogs and explanations.

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Thanks for clarifying that for the public in general. You are absolutely right when it comes to Vanden Bossche's public. He is not aiming at the general public, he wants to catch the attention of the health community and also of organizations in charge of public health everywhere. His language is right on target. Problem is, is anybody listening?...

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Thank you for your appreciation! I think they are eagerly waiting for his posts to see what he thinks and secretly agree but will not change the road they are on.

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It’s just terrifying. I doubt the people in charge of politics will allow cheap drugs to be widely used worldwide. Let’s pray the predictions are wrong.

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As always, thank you.

What are you thinking of by, “large scale antiviral prophylaxis campaigns?” What are your ideas or recommendations for what that entails?

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I guess Ivermectin and Hydroxichloroquine.

Look up FLCCC Protocols, they show everything from prophylaxis to treatment. Great site.

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Those are every quack's favorite recommendations, after all.

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Seems reasonable.

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