Pretty much everybody believes that the new state of affairs is the new normal. It may be there is no difference between thinking that it’s over or this is just the way it’s going to be. Most people can’t be bothered to try to understand the details of an evolving virus and deteriorating immunity.

Although most people would probably agree that the response to the Covid pandemic was a disaster most want to let it go.

But nature is not inspired nor governed by human preference.

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At the start of covid I spotted a potentially evil genius plan. In Scotland I nearly died once when my good intentioned neighbours all insisted on giving me whisky to help me get well.

Give people a 'cure' that they just keep on taking as they get worser and worser. Buy more and more the sicker they get... Is this human stupidity or an evil plot ? Or an evil plot which relies on human stupidity ??

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That’s hilarious! Whiskey as a preventative. You know, I swear by my hot toddies when I get a virus: lemon, honey, and tea with brandy.

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These dear old folks all meant well .. but I hadn’t seen sunshine or vitamin C for months lol. They very nearly did me in !! :)

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Didnt they tell you to "drink" it by the nose? For desinfection purposes...

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fortunately not .

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See, i stem from Cologne Germany. In case of a common cold they recommend their local brew a bit warmed up. I guess to accommodate the cold. At least they advertise it - sell as sell can. And no, not by the nose. Cheers!

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The promoters of this new product will have no words to answer the list of real issues and concerns you put forth

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Words they utter will simply be marketing, nothing else.

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can we just hang these ppl already?

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Ah - I see you beat me to it in reality!!

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In the meantime the following is happening with bird flu, H5N1.

CDC in the USA did serological testing of a cohort of dairy farm workers and found 7% seropositivity. Not always clear that they had symptoms.

CDC now advises that all farm workers should be (PCR) tested, so antivirals can be used.

No mention of the ineffectiveness of these drugs, the rapidly appearing antiviral resistance mutations.

And by the way… there was an association between seropositivity and speaking Spanish..

You cannot make it up.

From another vet from Gent!

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I wish GVB would give another assessment/update on bird flu concerns arising, if thereMs anything new to add since his piece on the topic (ie after Covid herd immunity is reached, other viruses will subside)

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Looking at the paper, there is a large conflict of interest (COI): the funding came from the manufacturing company, and all the researchers were from the manufacturing company.

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Interesting. I wonder if this is off from Geert’s prediction? Says it’ll emerge by early 2025 and could dominate by end of 2026. I thought Geert said it’ll happen quickly?

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I think Geert is expecting these infectious variants coming to an end and hivicron is up next.

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The title from his latest (paid) article may be suggesting that flu vaccination will bring about Hivicron. At this point, I think he's trying very hard to keep Hivicron alive.

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Not so sure, because developments go in the direction Geert has predicted. Much so, I'd say. For the timeline ask Nostradamus. But i am with Frederik, there is something in the woods. (Yeah, Will too, besides that XD). But we will only know when it blows into our (their...) faces.

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Hi Geert. I always appreciate reading your 'expert' analyses as it's interesting to contrast and compare different views about vaccines and their apparent effectiveness🤔.

I'm both intrigued and confused by the research, opinions, comments and conclusions of the truly remarkable and courageous Sasha Latypova who states that vaccines, be they against coronaviruses or not, are the REAL source of a whole host of problematic health problems which affect oh so many, and that in our modern times 'pandemics' simply can't exist!!

She explained all this and much more to a certain Robert Francis Kennedy (RFK) about WHO, no pun intended, was behind this Global 'Catalysing C-19 Event' and how it's possible for those who inflicted this colossal and cruel HOODWINKING to be protected by laws and therefore can't be JAILED🤬.



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IgA is mucosal antibodies so why generate IgG there?

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Especially the wrong iGg, iGg4

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Another excellent post.

For those interested, Scott Marsland is hosting an online seminar tonight (Nov 14) to review the book Turtles All the Way Down which should be interesting. Point 9 of comments (https://lightningbug.substack.com/p/live-book-discussion-turtles-all/) reads

"Herd immunity is the cited justification for vaccine mandates. The book analyzes the capacity for all the vaccines recommended for infants and toddlers to generate herd immunity, and it turns out that only five vaccines have a relevant capacity to generate herd immunity. In other words of all the vaccines ever developed, only 5 impart sterilizing immunity and protect you from the disease!

5 vaccines known to impart herd immunity (sterilizing vaccines)

1) HIB (Haemophilus influenzae bacterium) - There is epidemiological and biological evidence of vaccine-induced herd immunity.

2) Varicella (Chickenpox) The vaccine appears to provide herd protection, but it is not routinely given in some industrialized countries.

3) Rubella - The vaccine appears to have nearly extinguished the spread of the virus in the population.

4) Mumps - The vaccine almost completely eliminated morbidity (despite sporadic outbreaks in adults reported from time to time).

5) Measles - The vaccine almost completely eliminated the disease.sea

Source - Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (p. 360). The Turtles Team. Kindle Edition.

I also found a rather silly article in Atlantic from 2021 that was published no doubt because it supported the flawed narrative and challenged the solidly established principle that natural immunity is superior to vaccine induced immunity which as we have again learned the hard way is, almost non existent.


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2 items - seeking your input...adjacent to Geert's topic here, but the 1st I thought I learned first about from Geert.


anyone else see this paper:

Impact of vaccination on SARS-CoV-2 evolution and immune escape variants


"Here, we have analyzed 2295 whole-genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 collected from vaccinated and unvaccinated cases to evaluate the impact of vaccines on virus diversity within hosts. Our comparative analysis revealed a significant higher incidence of intra-host single nucleotides variants (iSNVs) in vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated ones (p value<0.0001). Furthermore, we have found that specific mutational processes, including APOBEC (C > T) mediated and ADAR1 (A > G) mediated mutations, were found more prevalent in vaccinated cases. Vaccinated cases exhibited higher accumulation of nonsynonymous mutation than unvaccinated cases. "

i am a layman, but by my reading: this validates Geert's hypothesis that a mass vaccination program w/ a non sterilizing vaccine/therapeutic in the face of a pandemic will put evolutionary pressure on the virus creating MORE immune escaping variants.

mix in molnupiravir - Merck's antiviral - which works by pressuring more mutations (idea is too many mutations and the virus ceases to be able to replicate itself + dont mind the animal studies showing deformed offspring of pregnant rats dosed with this product)

+ paxlovid which prolongs the viral infection suppressing it but not clearing it - thus creating more time = more potential for mutations while propagating in the host.

and we are left with what looks more like a biowarfare campaign than a public health initiative.

corrections, other interpretations?


credit to Taylor Hudak (@_taylorhudak) - https://x.com/_taylorhudak/status/1855915580173238420 + john king (@johnkingshares) + Chris Martensen (Peak Prosperity)

'A whistleblower obtained 10GB from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the German CDC. This RKI-Leak reveals that Covid was a scam from start to finish.'


within the 31 minute presentation are a few gems showing gross political influence on health policies notably that the risk to the healthy was low - yet there was a push to "test, test, test" to create the data to justify the lockdown policies.

though, the coup de grace is this:

from a german - english translation - document dates Sept 28, 2020:

"approval of the mrna covid vaccine before the USA 's presidential election is not desirable"

again, layman here - but this demonstrates the explicit political nature of the vaccination campaign. it was never about saving people.

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Especially liked your concluding paragraph: "Conclusion: The mucosal vaccine approach lauded by the authors would, at best, provide only short-lived protection outside a pandemic. It is not going to provide durable protection against SC-2 immune escape variants. On the contrary, it may actually promote the emergence of such variants if administered during this COVID-19 pandemic, which – by the way – hasn’t come to an end." Thank you once again for making sure the truth gets out there.

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Ha ha

- "more is better" is rarely applicable in immunology.

Yes even I can figure that out!

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Dear Geert,

Did you ever stop to think that maybe there is another way that pathogens get into the blood besides the respiratory tract? And something “floating in the air”.

Like “Gee Sepsis could manifest the same symptoms, and that it would present the same manifestation of mucosal symptoms “on their way out” not their way in?

It’s a serious question.

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But how? I'm by no means questioning your integrity but more so, either mRna isn't as fragile as we once thought or they've found a way to create a super mRna...

I'm now thoroughly confused about "live" I get attenuated & Louis all day long but ????? We are breaching the walls of confinement when we are ever expanding definitions...

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Yes, the mRNA used in the Pfizer and Moderna products is protected from breakdown through two different mechanisms: firstly it is encapsulated in a lipid envelope so that it cannot be attacked by the body's natural defences and can slip into cells easily by merging with their walls; and secondly it is built with N1-methylated-pseudouridine rather than normal uridine, which as far as we know has not been encountered in nature so there is no known method it breaks down.

(update: corrected glycolsylated to methylated)

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Frameshifting is conclusive.... 100% a bioweapon... we are in a undeclared war...

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Obviously that's what gives it the integration without transcriptase enzyme... the lipids are only to get it to the nucleus... a key..

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'Live attenuated' means they use the actual virus but irradiate it, or chemically treat it so it can't reproduce, or otherwise render it non-virulent. It is not mRNA.

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While often used interchangeably, "replication" primarily refers to the exact copying of genetic material (like DNA) to create an identical duplicate, while "reproduction" refers to the broader biological process of an organism creating a new, similar organism, which may involve genetic variation and development stages beyond just copying DNA

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Yes, replicate. My understanding is that when they are attenuated, they cannot replicate within the cell.

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Live attenuated btw means they are injecting people with a functional virus... to attenuate it must live.... virus have no heart, golgi body, endo reticulum.. they have no brain... THEY ARE NOT ALIVE.. they cannot weaken them... they can break the protiens they consist of into pieces but that is not attenuation.. attenuation is me keeping water from you for 3 days... you will be weekend... btw my new friend, I'd never do that lol

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Well I do believe that viruses are intelligent. They are able to do workarounds of vaccines. They are also able to put up a battle against our own immune defensive systems which are themselves also intelligent. All of our bodily functions are also intelligent for that matter. Even a plant has intelligence.

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That's another debate... AI is intelligent but again we are confusing terminology...AI is not alive..

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See, this is what I speak of... definitions becoming murky thus the ability to manipulate truth...please reread your comment and see what the difficulty is. These terms are more specific and bring more meaning when used accurately... Pastuer was dealing with reproduction... The father of vaccines Jenner was clueless... in 1795, he developed vaccines against viruses at a wooden table by candlelight..... 1934 rolls around and boom electron microscope is invented and we can finally see what Jenner was referring to... and thank goodness because the first destructive virus we went after was the deadly tobacco virus... think about it, where would the doctors of the 30's 40's 50's 60's & 70's been without big tobacco?? Oh simply devastating

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On the contrary, that is the very essence of viruses and viral behavior. If it doesnt reproduce, it isnt a virus. In internet and human communication terms, a meme would be equivalent.

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It's a technicality, replicate would be a better description.

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agreed, since reproduce connotes some sort of intention. however there are lots of examples of asexual reproduction in nature

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Er....who's Louis and why are you - ?and he - attenuated all day long? I think something got deleted?

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Pastuer ... principles of attenuation actually stumbled upon by a lab assistant and a mistake..

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Didn't think of Pasteur - I'll pass on the rest - I've got lost in the science on this one!!

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Great! Get your fenbendazole, ivermectin, vit c, d, e, k2, Curcumin, nattokinase ready for the onslaught of turbo brain cancers!

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Thanks for sharing Dr Bossche very interesting analysis

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