I'm so glad you addressed the vaccinated with this post! We watched part 1 of your interview with Del Bigtree (on The Highwire) last night and found it easy to understand and brilliant. Your response to some of your critics (e.g. Paul Offit) was clear and convincing. Thanks so much for what you are doing.

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"It is crystal clear, indeed, that none of the C-19 vaccines is capable of blocking transmission, not even by 1 % !"

Almost as if the scientists that said the "vaccines" had an absolute risk reduction of ~1% were onto something.

Dr. Vanden Bossche, I don't think I have ever had the opportunity to directly message you before personally (I think I @ you on twitter a few times) but I just want to thank you for all you have done and are doing, I have been following you since the beginning. I can only imagine your frustration when it is clear you are correct in your assertions.

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Should unvaccinated steer clear of the boosted people for a while? I'm thinking Christmas is coming and in the US people are getting boosters now. What's the best approach for the unvaccinated? I don't know if I have immunity or caught the virus in the past.

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Dr. Vanden Bossche, you will love this, SA scientist were not expecting this: "So we were very surprised to see a variant emerge in a place with the highest population immunity in the country. "


"Can you talk about the COVID situation in South Africa before this?

I would break it into two periods. The situation in the last month was of minimal infections, about two hundred infections per day with a test-positivity rate of less than one per cent, which means that we had more than enough testing. Some scientists thought we wouldn’t have a fourth wave because we had such a high level of population immunity. So during that moment in the last month, we thought that’s it. We won’t have any more problems with COVID. People were relaxed, thinking that we could go back to normal life. Even my lab was sequencing other pathogens and viruses because that is what we do.

So we were very surprised to see a variant emerge in a place with the highest population immunity in the country. I think that is one of the things that the world doesn’t realize. Some people tried to blame the variant on vaccine hesitancy. We have a problem with that, although potentially not as big a problem as the United States. But people really thought we got out of the woods. Unfortunately, the new variant emerged, and it seems clear that it can reinfect people, which is potentially the last nail in the coffin of herd immunity"

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Geert, can you comment on this: John Campbell (have you heard of him?) has amassed a huge following on Youtube and goes over the "data" daily (supposedly unbiased) - "just the facts please m'aam"

Today he suggested that the new variant Omicron, because it seems much milder, but much more virulent may just be a blessing in disguise! If a huge chunk of the world population gets infected this time (vaccinated or unvaccinated) but only has very mild symptoms - so no big deal,... herd immunity will soon follow, and voila... problem solved. It will soon be nothing more than the common flu, and people can get back to life as they once knew it.

What do you think of that theory?


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Does Carina Harkin have any information about acupuncture and immunity? Has there been research done on this?

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One other point, being vaccinated doesn't prevent you from being infectious but the mounted immune response that occurs due to vaccination means you won't be as infectious for as long and you viral load is likely to be lower, will it not?

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Isn't it viral replication in the infected cell where the mutations occur potentially creating new strains? That can happen in vaccinated or unvaccinated no? More likely in unvaccinated as more cells become infected. And if the vaccine triggered antibody doesn't bind to the new strain how is it preventing the naturally occurring antibody to bind? Having no vaccinations could lead to multiple strains simply due to random mutations occurring as virions being assembled?

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Is something wrong with this platform as it doesn't allow to reply to comments?

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