Here in Australia we have just learned we have a shortage I.V. saline packs. This will apply until at least the end of this year. Have you ever heard of anything so ludicrous, not to mention dangerous? We no longer have a manufacturing industry for anything other than bullsh*t, and that is run by our Politicians and Public Servants, all paid out of the public purse.
Yes, but sometimes we need to go. That is, if we don't find a solution through prayer and with natural healing which I have mostly done for over fifty years. I am very familiar with Dr. WEB!
I am a blood cancer patient who would be killed by covid so yes I am scared. Mother nature is far more intelligent than any human and this variant's ability to mutate is beyond anything man can do. You mess with mother nature in a lab and let it out (either deliberately or by accident) and this is what you get.
I think most of the people reading this stack are scared to death of C-19. They are stocking up on things like ivermectin and antibiotics. Very ignorant.
YES! We just KNOW it's already "in the works." We just don't know "when." 🙄 IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) the WHO is ultimately The Christian Vatican in Rome (that began the fake Bible religion of Christianity with its cross from pagan roots in The Third Century A.D.) It also brought Communism and the Nazis with their crooked cross in The Twentieth Century. 😥 The final reason is that it wants complete world control (almost there!) This will happen for a short time when this U.S. Government enforces "The Mark of the Beast": CHRISTIANITY, Revelation 13:18. 😲 I post publicly and freely on MeWe. 😁 ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨👩👧👦 HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!" 🙏
Well . . do YOU, too, want to take away my freedom here to express my beliefs? 🙁The original Americans like President John Adams (who was a Puritan, NOT Christian!) would NOT like that! I don't hate anyone. I DO love the truth and share it! Apparently, you do not understand that Catholicism and Christianity are ONE and the SAME. 😲 Why is this? As I mentioned here before. The Christian Vatican began the bogus Bible religion of Christianity from pagan roots in The Third Century A.D. , Islam from pagan roots in The Sixth Century, Communism and the Nazis with their crooked cross in The Twentieth Century. 😡 The TRUE Bible faith is Hebraic NOT Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman as is Christianity! This is WHY the Papacy is the beast in Revelation 13:1. The wise with understanding mentioned in Revelation 13;18 KNOW this.😊 They believe in Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING and His Son Yahshua The Messiah Who is returning VERY SOON! You can, too, if you STOP drinking The Christian Vatican's Kool-Aid! 🤮
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, before widespread vaccinations, the rapid spread of the virus caused a surge in severe cases and hospitalizations, especially among vulnerable people. Now, highly infectious variants are spreading among vaccinated individuals, leading to prolonged asymptomatic infections and chronic illnesses. Some mistakenly think we're in a post-pandemic endemic stage, but true endemicity happens when the virus returns seasonally as natural immunity wanes and indoor activities increase. To reach herd immunity, the virus would need to become highly virulent again, removing those with weakened immune systems from vaccine effects.
*** I took the article and pasted it into ChatGPT and said to simplify this for me :) ***
You’re welcome! I’ve been wondering the same. I posted in the other group when do we move on from this? And the consensus was that we aren’t and it will happen by end of summer. So guess we keep waiting?
AUKUS Covid-19 Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States Military Operation - Not A Civil One. AUKUS supplying Nuclear Submarines to Australia too.
Senator Roberts points to the International Medical Countermeasures Consortium and states that covid was a [US DOD-lead] military operation (probably linked to The World Health Organisation through some unseen back door):
: Senator Malcolm Roberts’s speech August 9, 2023
As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, tonight I speak to an aspect of COVID-19 I haven’t raised before. Information now in the public domain indicates the COVID response was not initiated through commercial interests but, rather, through an organisation called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium that Australia joined in 2012. According to Australia’s website, the Medical Countermeasures Consortium is a four-nation partnership involving the defence and health departments of Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States. ‘The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with … chemical and radiological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.’ It includes drugs and diagnostics. Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK, in place since the Gillard Labor government—an AUKUS for pandemics?
The consortium maintains a compensation scheme for people injured as a result of taking a countermeasure. Compensation claims were accepted for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, the anthrax vaccine and flu vaccines. The medical countermeasures unit within the United States Department of Defense has been in the vaccine business for many years and has been injuring people for many years through GOF —and getting away with it. So it should come as no surprise that the American Department of Defense signed the first contract between the United States government and Pfizer for the purchase of $11 billion worth of vaccines. President Trump gave the order to the Department of Defense to commence vaccine development and even gave it a cool name: Operation Warp Speed.
If you want to read the rest and it makes frightening reading, if you have been vaccinated, then unfortunately you hve to go to my free substack to read it - there you can also find what is in the vaccines and their probable purpose and my free letter refusing vaccines, if you are forced to provide one to avoid vaccinations too - like me.
Could you summarize what Geert is saying in the last article? Any change in timeline or his assessment? Does he still maintain that virulent variant is arriving before September?
I have not gone near nose-jab testings and Fauci's Ouchies and have not had any flu or Covids (Coronavirus') since 2009. I have taken Swanson (no other brand) Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules since then. Maybe had a cold or two. Back then it was rumored (from a leaked doctor's email) to prevent H1N1 flu. It greatly improves lung, liver, and digestion. It's now about $10.00 a bottle. Even those jabbed should take it! Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one during the day and one before sleep. IT WORKS! 😊
For the troglodytes: he is saying that herd immunity will be achieved when the virus runs out of hosts. How many billion hosts do currently have? Yes, when they are GONE the virus will burn itself out. For God’s sake, he is telling us all of the vaccinated are going to be killed. The altered immune systems among us ARE the roadblock that Mother Nature will soon overcome.
Actually, he doesn't say that all are going to die. His prediction is that around 30% of all vaccinated people are going to die when the tsunami arrives.
He said a third of the population (between 30%-40%), this is almost HALF of vaccinated people, in case of two thirds of the population were vaccinated (as in USA).
Yes I remember him speaking about different vaccine statuses and timing of when vaccinees had the jab. Some parts of that scenario are kind of unknown.
Question for you Lawrence-Does GVB think CV-19 will continue it's hot spread trend until it "boils over" into a deadly version or is it likely to taper off and return once again with higher virulence during this winter? I recall him stating that if any of the variants achieves a level over 25-30%, then it won't happen likely until later. Or did I misinterpret that point? Right now variant 3.1.1 is supposedly close to 40% of the infected.
no the guy is relentless, now he is on the mission to prove himself right, and if that happens nobody will remember him because the world would be in chaos
As long as there no herd immunity, and no other theory about how herd immunity will be achieved, then the reasonable prediction is mass death that results in herd immunity.
Italy--Covid cases and deaths are up 35% this past week compared to prior week. 95 deaths prior week and 135 this past week and climbing more this week. New Xec variant and the claim is many other possible new variants are circulating. Cases and deaths had gone down three weeks ago.
Uh, yep, me again, Mr Chatteralot. But I found something interesting, I think. In the sea of information there is few data pointing in a certain direction. To me it seems data is obfuscated, much to old (eg cancer data is globally to my limited research very much outdated, reaches mostly only to 2019/20 max) etc. But I did stumble upon these graphs from CDC.
This graph shows that the combined number of respiratory virus related hospitalizations (C19+Flu+RSV) at this point is completely driven by C19! In the middle of summer.
Is there a new stranger in town? With a working vaxx this should not happen, right? If the reason was vaxx related unspecific immune deficiency i would suspect a rise in flu and rsv too, shouldnt I? Does this wave only hit vaxxed?
Please take a look. I would appreciate your opinion on this.
Watched and listened. Still a great deal of uncertainty as to the course of the virus. Will the boiling pot of increased infections spill over into a more virulent acute phase as Geert predicts? Or will this be a storm of relentless infections wearing down the organs over time as McMillan proposes? And who will be infected the most affected if McMillan is correct?
Major surge is bound to put virus under immense pressure leading to more mutations, whether it leads to the kind of virus Geert predicts is a different matter. Variants with N-glycan changes are constantly popping up, so the change in the virus is happening in the dangerous area but the time will tell what happens.
It has to have the ability to 'super' spread and bypass the non neutralising antibodies. If the non neutralising antibodies in the vaccines would decline the protection would come down and any existing strain could be highly virulent to the vaccines. They would be immunocompromised.
(It could also be that several strains infect them something people are taking about right now.)
Dr Paul cotrell said that you are primed 10 years with two jabs. I dont know if that is correct. Think about that being a 'sittning duck' while covid evolves and mutated.. 🙄
Wow 10 years! Yeah I don't see how they wouldn't have the capacity to just create and release the right strain that could bypass the non-neutralising anti-bodies. I hope Geert is an honest man but I'm not convinced that he's not a plant either...I think it's possible that he could be.
No he is not i'm 99.9% sure I have followed him since start seen all videos, read much on his website, written to him on linkedin etc.
I dont think it was an intentional bioweapon and anyway nature will fix this for the elites regardless what their agenda is, nature is turning this virus into a bioweapon for the vaccinated and will spare those that have natural immunity.
Too late; I've felt burned out by the whole Convid debacle for four years already. I cannot wait until the perpetrators of the whole damned fiasco -- the virus, the insane "measures," the lies, the bioweapon shots ("vaccines") with all the death and misery they've caused -- are all held accountable. Then maybe we can finally all STFU about it.
Like many of your (poorer) admirers, I am a free subscriber. Please provide your most important updates to all subscribers. Thank you for all you are doing for humanity!
Maybe Geert we should consider the mutation vehicle of choice to be Interfamily. Just got a call from our contractor/friend who we use on jobs and the guy has been sick for last the two weeks with covid. His whole family is sick. Hospital says to stay home and isolate. As soon as he starts to get better, he gets it/reinfected from one of the other family members and it gets worse again in a big carousel of covid. It seems to be jumping from one to the other and then back again. The two children, 4 years old and 1 year old have congestion and coughing but otherwise seem to be feeling fine despite the congestion and running around the home as children always do. Do not know if the youngest is vaxxed but I would guess that she is the way they have been pushing it on everyone in local hospitals and she was recently born. . As I said the hospital told them to go back home and isolate. nothing else. This is happening in New Rochelle, NY, just north of NYC,(10 min), Westchester County.. Two weeks and this guy sounds like crap. Him and wife are from Pakistan and never been sick a day except covid once before for like 3 days.. If he's not working, you know he is sick. 2 weeks missing work is unheard of. Got vaxxed because NYC required it. Just wanted to bring this potential avenue of mutation to your attention as they all would share some genetic similarity thus making the mutations much more directed and more than random as they would be constrained by the family's genetics., ie their playing field, in such a situation. unlike random person to person. At least to my layman logic. The fact that he is turning to friends for advice and Medical establishment has basically abandoned him is another issue. Think he is going to take ivermectin and z-pack now as doctors told him to do nothing.. Still waiting to hear. thought it might be useful. take care all.
If Geert’s predictions are true and the virus is about to enter a much deadlier phase, then is this the time to hide all discussion behind a paywalled forum? I can’t help but think his predictions were incorrect so to save face he’s reducing his public presence and - it saddens me to add - milking the remaining diehard believers for a few quid in the process. £9.50 a month is outrageous, profiting from stoking people’s fears is reprehensible but in the unlikely event that his predictions are accurate and he’s choosing to only provide this information to those willing/able to pay his extortionate fee then it’s so far beyond morally bankrupt that a term hasn’t yet been coined that could summarise his loathsome character.
He's been providing free content to all of us for over THREE YEARS now! All his archived content is STILL available for free! Is that not good enough for you? This man has put his career and reputation on the line by very courageously trying to warn the world to prevent this catastrophe from unfolding, and this is what you have to say?
True, but GVB is now tied to a american/british bussiness model that provide courses and forum discussions. With this, as an european citizen as GVB is, I reject this completely, almost as much as getting a shot of mRNA vaccine.
Well that’s one way of thinking. The other is he has been completely blacklisted from employment for his views and needs some level of financial support.
Or else he is hoping people will support him in his full-time research and development efforts, in addition to his internet postings, which he thinks are important for the world, as opposed to his having to work at a job where his expertise is wasted.
There is another odd circunstance, that is, as well as with his courses,, same team seems to be managing the payments in US$ an british pounds. I do not understand why GVB is exclusively affiliated with american and british economies when being european citizen. This looks odd.
Who else is frightened at the prospect of ever needing a hospital? I for one wouldn’t trust our sick care system one bit.
Here in Australia we have just learned we have a shortage I.V. saline packs. This will apply until at least the end of this year. Have you ever heard of anything so ludicrous, not to mention dangerous? We no longer have a manufacturing industry for anything other than bullsh*t, and that is run by our Politicians and Public Servants, all paid out of the public purse.
Yes, but sometimes we need to go. That is, if we don't find a solution through prayer and with natural healing which I have mostly done for over fifty years. I am very familiar with Dr. WEB!
lo, thank you for being honest ! everyrone who is reading this should be frightened! hence this blog is so fruitless
GVB sir. Hardly anyone reading your stack ever had any concerns about covid.
What scares us are the reasons behind it and who instigated it and what they will try next.
I am a blood cancer patient who would be killed by covid so yes I am scared. Mother nature is far more intelligent than any human and this variant's ability to mutate is beyond anything man can do. You mess with mother nature in a lab and let it out (either deliberately or by accident) and this is what you get.
I think most of the people reading this stack are scared to death of C-19. They are stocking up on things like ivermectin and antibiotics. Very ignorant.
YES! We just KNOW it's already "in the works." We just don't know "when." 🙄 IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) the WHO is ultimately The Christian Vatican in Rome (that began the fake Bible religion of Christianity with its cross from pagan roots in The Third Century A.D.) It also brought Communism and the Nazis with their crooked cross in The Twentieth Century. 😥 The final reason is that it wants complete world control (almost there!) This will happen for a short time when this U.S. Government enforces "The Mark of the Beast": CHRISTIANITY, Revelation 13:18. 😲 I post publicly and freely on MeWe. 😁 ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨👩👧👦 HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!" 🙏
Gibberish. Nonsensical, foolish talk against Catholicism. Bigoted comments.
No. But yours are! 🙄
Absolute Catholic hate nonesense from someone who clearly has no actual understanding of Catholicism or Christianity. Take it elsewhere.
Well . . do YOU, too, want to take away my freedom here to express my beliefs? 🙁The original Americans like President John Adams (who was a Puritan, NOT Christian!) would NOT like that! I don't hate anyone. I DO love the truth and share it! Apparently, you do not understand that Catholicism and Christianity are ONE and the SAME. 😲 Why is this? As I mentioned here before. The Christian Vatican began the bogus Bible religion of Christianity from pagan roots in The Third Century A.D. , Islam from pagan roots in The Sixth Century, Communism and the Nazis with their crooked cross in The Twentieth Century. 😡 The TRUE Bible faith is Hebraic NOT Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman as is Christianity! This is WHY the Papacy is the beast in Revelation 13:1. The wise with understanding mentioned in Revelation 13;18 KNOW this.😊 They believe in Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING and His Son Yahshua The Messiah Who is returning VERY SOON! You can, too, if you STOP drinking The Christian Vatican's Kool-Aid! 🤮
True. But the trickle-down corruption leading to the building of mRNA manufacturing facilities is one area we cannot afford to let up on; here in Australia at least:
Could someone who is subscribed to the substack please summarize Geert's last article? I cannot afford it.
Here you go:
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, before widespread vaccinations, the rapid spread of the virus caused a surge in severe cases and hospitalizations, especially among vulnerable people. Now, highly infectious variants are spreading among vaccinated individuals, leading to prolonged asymptomatic infections and chronic illnesses. Some mistakenly think we're in a post-pandemic endemic stage, but true endemicity happens when the virus returns seasonally as natural immunity wanes and indoor activities increase. To reach herd immunity, the virus would need to become highly virulent again, removing those with weakened immune systems from vaccine effects.
*** I took the article and pasted it into ChatGPT and said to simplify this for me :) ***
That's amazing! Thank you.
Thanks alot! So Geert stands firm by his prognosis that virulent variant may hit us pretty soon, meaning this summer or by September, October?
You’re welcome! I’ve been wondering the same. I posted in the other group when do we move on from this? And the consensus was that we aren’t and it will happen by end of summer. So guess we keep waiting?
Waiting and waiting and waiting......
It's happening in slow motion right before our eyes, then it will hit everyone by surprise when you least expect it.
Hopefully it won’t screw up the US election and will allow the rightful victor to succeed this time.
AUKUS Covid-19 Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States Military Operation - Not A Civil One. AUKUS supplying Nuclear Submarines to Australia too.
Senator Roberts points to the International Medical Countermeasures Consortium and states that covid was a [US DOD-lead] military operation (probably linked to The World Health Organisation through some unseen back door):
: Senator Malcolm Roberts’s speech August 9, 2023
As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, tonight I speak to an aspect of COVID-19 I haven’t raised before. Information now in the public domain indicates the COVID response was not initiated through commercial interests but, rather, through an organisation called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium that Australia joined in 2012. According to Australia’s website, the Medical Countermeasures Consortium is a four-nation partnership involving the defence and health departments of Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States. ‘The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with … chemical and radiological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.’ It includes drugs and diagnostics. Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK, in place since the Gillard Labor government—an AUKUS for pandemics?
The consortium maintains a compensation scheme for people injured as a result of taking a countermeasure. Compensation claims were accepted for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, the anthrax vaccine and flu vaccines. The medical countermeasures unit within the United States Department of Defense has been in the vaccine business for many years and has been injuring people for many years through GOF —and getting away with it. So it should come as no surprise that the American Department of Defense signed the first contract between the United States government and Pfizer for the purchase of $11 billion worth of vaccines. President Trump gave the order to the Department of Defense to commence vaccine development and even gave it a cool name: Operation Warp Speed.
If you want to read the rest and it makes frightening reading, if you have been vaccinated, then unfortunately you hve to go to my free substack to read it - there you can also find what is in the vaccines and their probable purpose and my free letter refusing vaccines, if you are forced to provide one to avoid vaccinations too - like me.
All my neighbors who are multi-vaxed are still getting Covid! Will it end?
When they are dead.
Video -
I would love Dr. Raszek debate with Dr. Geert V.B.
Could you summarize what Geert is saying in the last article? Any change in timeline or his assessment? Does he still maintain that virulent variant is arriving before September?
It ain't gonna happen.
I have not gone near nose-jab testings and Fauci's Ouchies and have not had any flu or Covids (Coronavirus') since 2009. I have taken Swanson (no other brand) Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules since then. Maybe had a cold or two. Back then it was rumored (from a leaked doctor's email) to prevent H1N1 flu. It greatly improves lung, liver, and digestion. It's now about $10.00 a bottle. Even those jabbed should take it! Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one during the day and one before sleep. IT WORKS! 😊
For the troglodytes: he is saying that herd immunity will be achieved when the virus runs out of hosts. How many billion hosts do currently have? Yes, when they are GONE the virus will burn itself out. For God’s sake, he is telling us all of the vaccinated are going to be killed. The altered immune systems among us ARE the roadblock that Mother Nature will soon overcome.
Actually, he doesn't say that all are going to die. His prediction is that around 30% of all vaccinated people are going to die when the tsunami arrives.
He said a third of the population (between 30%-40%), this is almost HALF of vaccinated people, in case of two thirds of the population were vaccinated (as in USA).
Yes I remember him speaking about different vaccine statuses and timing of when vaccinees had the jab. Some parts of that scenario are kind of unknown.
Question for you Lawrence-Does GVB think CV-19 will continue it's hot spread trend until it "boils over" into a deadly version or is it likely to taper off and return once again with higher virulence during this winter? I recall him stating that if any of the variants achieves a level over 25-30%, then it won't happen likely until later. Or did I misinterpret that point? Right now variant 3.1.1 is supposedly close to 40% of the infected.
What happened to your predictions did they also burn themselves out?
no the guy is relentless, now he is on the mission to prove himself right, and if that happens nobody will remember him because the world would be in chaos
As long as there no herd immunity, and no other theory about how herd immunity will be achieved, then the reasonable prediction is mass death that results in herd immunity.
Italy--Covid cases and deaths are up 35% this past week compared to prior week. 95 deaths prior week and 135 this past week and climbing more this week. New Xec variant and the claim is many other possible new variants are circulating. Cases and deaths had gone down three weeks ago.
Uh, yep, me again, Mr Chatteralot. But I found something interesting, I think. In the sea of information there is few data pointing in a certain direction. To me it seems data is obfuscated, much to old (eg cancer data is globally to my limited research very much outdated, reaches mostly only to 2019/20 max) etc. But I did stumble upon these graphs from CDC.
This graph shows that the combined number of respiratory virus related hospitalizations (C19+Flu+RSV) at this point is completely driven by C19! In the middle of summer.
2. shows that the activity of C19 nationally is on 'very high' (switch to 'all results').
Is there a new stranger in town? With a working vaxx this should not happen, right? If the reason was vaxx related unspecific immune deficiency i would suspect a rise in flu and rsv too, shouldnt I? Does this wave only hit vaxxed?
Please take a look. I would appreciate your opinion on this.
(Geert is right - The covid storm is happening) Vejon Health.
Watched and listened. Still a great deal of uncertainty as to the course of the virus. Will the boiling pot of increased infections spill over into a more virulent acute phase as Geert predicts? Or will this be a storm of relentless infections wearing down the organs over time as McMillan proposes? And who will be infected the most affected if McMillan is correct?
Major surge is bound to put virus under immense pressure leading to more mutations, whether it leads to the kind of virus Geert predicts is a different matter. Variants with N-glycan changes are constantly popping up, so the change in the virus is happening in the dangerous area but the time will tell what happens.
Yes i agree.
Couldn't the same people who released the original Wuhan strain just release a highly virulent strain and then use Geert's theory as an explanation?
It has to have the ability to 'super' spread and bypass the non neutralising antibodies. If the non neutralising antibodies in the vaccines would decline the protection would come down and any existing strain could be highly virulent to the vaccines. They would be immunocompromised.
(It could also be that several strains infect them something people are taking about right now.)
This is my understanding.
Dr Paul cotrell said that you are primed 10 years with two jabs. I dont know if that is correct. Think about that being a 'sittning duck' while covid evolves and mutated.. 🙄
Wow 10 years! Yeah I don't see how they wouldn't have the capacity to just create and release the right strain that could bypass the non-neutralising anti-bodies. I hope Geert is an honest man but I'm not convinced that he's not a plant either...I think it's possible that he could be.
No he is not i'm 99.9% sure I have followed him since start seen all videos, read much on his website, written to him on linkedin etc.
I dont think it was an intentional bioweapon and anyway nature will fix this for the elites regardless what their agenda is, nature is turning this virus into a bioweapon for the vaccinated and will spare those that have natural immunity.
'not a plant' 😅
Too late; I've felt burned out by the whole Convid debacle for four years already. I cannot wait until the perpetrators of the whole damned fiasco -- the virus, the insane "measures," the lies, the bioweapon shots ("vaccines") with all the death and misery they've caused -- are all held accountable. Then maybe we can finally all STFU about it.
Dr Vanden Bossche,
Like many of your (poorer) admirers, I am a free subscriber. Please provide your most important updates to all subscribers. Thank you for all you are doing for humanity!
Maybe Geert we should consider the mutation vehicle of choice to be Interfamily. Just got a call from our contractor/friend who we use on jobs and the guy has been sick for last the two weeks with covid. His whole family is sick. Hospital says to stay home and isolate. As soon as he starts to get better, he gets it/reinfected from one of the other family members and it gets worse again in a big carousel of covid. It seems to be jumping from one to the other and then back again. The two children, 4 years old and 1 year old have congestion and coughing but otherwise seem to be feeling fine despite the congestion and running around the home as children always do. Do not know if the youngest is vaxxed but I would guess that she is the way they have been pushing it on everyone in local hospitals and she was recently born. . As I said the hospital told them to go back home and isolate. nothing else. This is happening in New Rochelle, NY, just north of NYC,(10 min), Westchester County.. Two weeks and this guy sounds like crap. Him and wife are from Pakistan and never been sick a day except covid once before for like 3 days.. If he's not working, you know he is sick. 2 weeks missing work is unheard of. Got vaxxed because NYC required it. Just wanted to bring this potential avenue of mutation to your attention as they all would share some genetic similarity thus making the mutations much more directed and more than random as they would be constrained by the family's genetics., ie their playing field, in such a situation. unlike random person to person. At least to my layman logic. The fact that he is turning to friends for advice and Medical establishment has basically abandoned him is another issue. Think he is going to take ivermectin and z-pack now as doctors told him to do nothing.. Still waiting to hear. thought it might be useful. take care all.
One other note, he lost his sense of smell three days ago. Anosmia.
If Geert’s predictions are true and the virus is about to enter a much deadlier phase, then is this the time to hide all discussion behind a paywalled forum? I can’t help but think his predictions were incorrect so to save face he’s reducing his public presence and - it saddens me to add - milking the remaining diehard believers for a few quid in the process. £9.50 a month is outrageous, profiting from stoking people’s fears is reprehensible but in the unlikely event that his predictions are accurate and he’s choosing to only provide this information to those willing/able to pay his extortionate fee then it’s so far beyond morally bankrupt that a term hasn’t yet been coined that could summarise his loathsome character.
He's been providing free content to all of us for over THREE YEARS now! All his archived content is STILL available for free! Is that not good enough for you? This man has put his career and reputation on the line by very courageously trying to warn the world to prevent this catastrophe from unfolding, and this is what you have to say?
True, but GVB is now tied to a american/british bussiness model that provide courses and forum discussions. With this, as an european citizen as GVB is, I reject this completely, almost as much as getting a shot of mRNA vaccine.
Well that’s one way of thinking. The other is he has been completely blacklisted from employment for his views and needs some level of financial support.
Or else he is hoping people will support him in his full-time research and development efforts, in addition to his internet postings, which he thinks are important for the world, as opposed to his having to work at a job where his expertise is wasted.
after 30 years he did not build some backup!?? come on! do not make me laugh!
There is another odd circunstance, that is, as well as with his courses,, same team seems to be managing the payments in US$ an british pounds. I do not understand why GVB is exclusively affiliated with american and british economies when being european citizen. This looks odd.
Why can't I read this? I'm being directed to another pay site.