Thank you Gert. For years now, I have been watching you explain and explain, shouting into the void. It’s heartbreaking, for you, for every single one of us. And it always feels surreal but I know it’s not. For what it’s worth, the world’s a better place with you in it. None of us is alone. ✨

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Thank you from Germany. Followed your talk yesterday. Unvaxxed. But to be honest ...neverending 🦠 shedding and mutations ...scary. Most of the regular folks have no clue ..(I am a retired biologist) ..and they want their freedom and some more 💉 shots

Immunology is really a difficult area and I still learn and learn ...Most German doctors and Karl Lauterbach still support the 💉. The DNA Plasmids contaminations in the vials > EMA limit ( McKernan )

with SV40 promoter, no comment from PEI. 🤯

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you're right. I am ridiculed as a pseudo-scientists because I am taking a deep dive in a field that - although of paramount importance in determining the outcome of host-pathogen interactions - has been fully ignored: Immunology. The knowledge and insight of our 'experts' barely exceeds some basic understanding of how neutralizing antibodies work....Anything beyond that (and there are a myriad of immunological phenomena involved) is above their head and is conveniently qualified as 'pseudo-science'....

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Scary, eh?

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I was being sarcastic about the virus being scary. What actually scares me is the gullability in most people

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What actually scares me is the gullibility in most people and the unmitigated EVIL in most people in power!

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Yes. This. I work with a chronically ill community and they're so beat down already. Their baselines slip with each c illness and they never quote get back to their former health. I wonder what a new onslaught of mutations will do to them. Personally, I've enjoyed this past winter's reprieve of not one single day of sickness and don't look forward to another onslaught of infections and shedding again.

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Immunocompromised/ immunodeficiency/ immunosuppression.... is the biggest problem now ... from the jabs and from shedding ...eat right, exercise and take your vitamins. FLCCC sums it up quite well, in addition to others .

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Thank you Geert. You have been a beacon light for me as nothing was making sense before. I see the heaviness of it all weighing on you and I'm sorry for your burden. I'm sure your soul aches is mine does for what has been happening and what's still to come.

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I Am Vaccine Injured.

And I Waffle Between:

1. "I Just Can't Imagine That The Vaccine Caused My Injuries." And

2. "It's Fucking Obvious."

I Am Leaning Heavilly On #1. ( 90% )

But Why ?

-Because I Was Afraid Of Being Shamed By Others For Not Taking It. So I Shamed Myself Into Taking It.

And Now, I Am Afraid Of Being Shamed For Blaming The Vaccine.

I Am A Fucking Idiot. I Really Hate The Unvaccinated.

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Hey Thomas!

Relax a bit. What's done is done. "They' got to me too- ( and my kiddos applied muchas pressure) to get the jab.

Daaaad! ( In that voice that is impossible to challenge)

My antenna was 'way up' when all this rolled in early 2020 and I relented in Oct 2021 so I could keep muh job. ( am in Straya-Melbourne)- and had to live through the most idiotic and illogical 'government' BS. ( at one point- could not travel more than 5000 meters from 'home' or else face massive fines.)Of course I did not comply but the 'locals' were quivering in their boots.

Tune into Kirsch, Berenson, Wolf Mc Culloch and read everything by Dr Mike Yeadon.

We (you) are in a very bad place atm and worrying about what others think / feel is not going to help at all.

Prepare! For battle!


Time to fire up and face the ugly situation we all are in

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The mirror reflects the deepest parts of you that need healing. Hatred of others is hatred of self. I am sorry for your pain and anger, and appreciate your authenticity. Everyone, vaxxed and unvaxxed, has gone through different facets (and experiences) of the same terrible lesson; giving away your power and sovereignty to an authority "out there"........ be it doctor god, daddy government service agencies calling themselves "the" government, media, industry-funded "experts" et al........will net you the same result; slavery. And here we are today.

Now, fellow slaves......the question is; what are we going to do about it? Remember the immortal words of Hopper, the tyrant grasshopper from Bug's Life " those puny ants outnumber us a hundred to one, and if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life!" - humanity to the parasite "elite" controllers behind the curtain does not outnumber them by a hundred to one.....we outnumber them by a hundred MILLION to one. What are we gonna do about it?

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I repeat this motto daily: #DoNotComply!

Those of us who resisted the shaming, pressure, etc and did not “vaccinate”, need to remain strong, vocal and vigilant.

Those of us who believed the lies, who trusted “The (false) Science”, need to learn from the last lesson, and become strong, become vocal, and become vigilant.

They are not done with this madness. RESIST.

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Preach it, sister.....right on! I walked away from very close to a six figure income career that I spent almost forty years building, rather than agree to mandated medicine, and am going to be in the rebuilding stage for years before I am back to a secure financial place, but I will NEVER let the cult membership forget that they are responsible.....and that they will eventually face an epic reckoning. The mill of the gods turns slowly, but it grinds exceedingly fine.

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You are one of few who understood the price that might be paid for succumbing to their mandates. I applaud your bravery, because it WAS brave! I, like you, will not forget and I will not forgive those who pushed this evil on their fellow man!

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Thank you, and I 100% agree. I have shut off former friends and family members who participated in dishing out tyranny in management jobs, told them they actively drove their fellow human beings in the cattle cars directly into the gas chambers, and that they deserve to go to prison for the rest of their lives for their participation. I want no association with anyone who was part of that no matter how closely related we have been in the past. Harsh, but entirely justified. And lo and behold....I've found an entirely new tribe who live in Sovereignty. Well worth all the loss of the chaff from the wheat.

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Why ? The governments used PSYOP operations. And forced people into lockdowns, restricted areas - no go zones - if not 💉. Most people trusted. Safe and no side effects : Karl Lauterbach. Big lie. My heart goes with the ones who trusted and got vaxxed and I hope ..that not all will come true ..like AUTOIMMUNE diseases, Prions, cancer ( p53 ).

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Why do you really hate the unvaccinated Thomas?

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It's more likely just a "poem" rather than a personal revelation.

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Beginning: I am vaccine injured

Middle: I am motivated entirely by what others think of me

End: I really hate the unvaccinated

If you dispense with hate and being motivated solely by what others might think of you, your prospects for healing and your future will be vastly improved.

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Thomas Lewis focus and channel that anger in the right direction, always look up for all the problems and misery caused.

It’s not a case of vaxxed versus unvaxxed, it’s us versus them, just remember that.

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Stop with guilt or excuses. Blame the damn Govt that forced decisions, taking away your independence - OR ELSE. No one wants to see their loved ones die so we try to be pleasers in the name of Govt "trusted" medical advice. All those fuckers want to do is kill people or run more experiments on the world petrie dish. My family is divided with good reason. The none thinking dedicated followers took the jab immediately, laughing at us the unvaxxed, telling us we are the spreaders. So who got sick?

We all know.

But, now we face shedding from vaxxed people who have ie: skin diseases and are happy to share your space now that they know there is no cure for their illness. They are happy to spread their illness.

Don't feel guilty, advise others to stay healthy and protest all the new shots on the horizon. The only road to freedom is to be a thinker prior to action.

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Sorry, I lost ALL trust in the anti-science frauds called "vaccines" and "vaccination", because of:

1. Pasteur's outrageous defamation of others, fraud, and man slaughter.

2. The fact that all "vaccines" contain toxins, including exotoxins, which are injected deep below the skin, where they are most dangerous. Injecting antigens as a preventative stimulant is BS, because most will be stopped/blocked before they can get deep into tissue!

3. "Infection" is most probably a symptom, rather than the cause, of illness, e.g. Bacteria are more likely to be scavengers than predators.

As for Covid, the test and the jabs, Karen Kingston has identified in patents, which she showed, and highlighted, that it's all military, nanotech, biological warfare agents. Others have identified that what is inside the nanotech is not for some "spike protein", but rather for snake venom, and that a raft load of identified prior predictive programming and occult symbolism strongly suggesting that King Cobra venom is one of the snake venoms used, and that the Vatican, aka Serpent, is involved!

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So the line is --- it's all just a big mistake -- if only they'd listen we could fix it.

Come on man. This is NOT a mistake. This is intentional.

We have contracts between Pfizer and the DOD that predate this by a decade.


We are in the Kill Box.

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Here we, are the virus a military project (not protect!), the vaccines a military bio weapon project, Ukraine also the same military, new world order military? are there still citizens left in this weaponized world, this military war grinding machine?

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Dear Sir,

I would like to ask you a few questions relating to evidence for the existence of alleged the covid virus (and by extension, pathogenic viruses in general).

Q1. Are you aware of any published report of covid virus isolation directly from the bodily fluids of someone claimed to have covid symptoms? In other words, have they found an alleged covid virus in the patient's sample without first contaminating the fluids (swab sample etc.) with monkey kidney cells, bovine fetal fluid, etc.?

Q2. Are you aware of any published report that uses the covid virus isolated as described in Q1 to cause disease when introduced into a healthy human?

Q3. Are you aware of any published report in which the properly isolated covid virus was re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host (Q2 above) and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent?

I assume that any publications cited in your answers will also have properly designed control groups. Please provide a link or copy of such publications if they exist.

I understand your time is value and that you have been under immense pressure during these past years, and I thank you in advance for taking the time to answer these questions.

Warm regards,


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If your are sceptical, then do your own research and actively search for publications that refute your statements rather than for rumours targeted at confirming them. Balancing a bunch of rhetorical questions to me is not going to convince you. You have to do your own research instead of practicing intellectual laziness. . Real science and quest for the truth starts with questioning your own ideas, opinions. That's particularly important if you're not an expert in the particular field. In other words, you have to search yourself for those publications rather than assuming they simply don't exist and that people are just wasting their precious time on studying stuff that doesn't even exist. 9

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What does Geert mean at the very end when he said - there will not be long COVID this time, only short COVID - very short?

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That the vaxxed will die quickly from the virulent variant, imo.

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Yes, that’s what I thought but hoped he meant something less catastrophic.

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It's unfortunately what I meant. IMO, 'long Covid' issues primarily occur in those who don't managed the get the virus under control within a matter of days (up to 10 days). That's where they start to pay an 'immunological' price. Of course, it could also happen in the unvaccinated in case of genetic innate deficiencies, underlying diseases, immune compromise etc.). However, many vaccinees are now struggling with keeping viral replication and systemic spread (to distant organs) under control. This will no longer be the case when the virus breaks through this last hurdle of their remaining, but weak immune defence.......

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Thank you for clarifying!

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Look into Methylene Blue... it is simply amazing stuff, in so many ways.

Mark Sloan wrote a good book on it, it's on Amazon.

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Thanks Geert. How correct you've been from the get go of this scamdemic indeed. Appreciated.

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