As has been pointed out multiple times recently, it's become common to make a claim in your paper that the data does not support, and then just hope that no one ever looks at the data.

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Time honored tradition captured in old Washington adage...

"An ounce of facade is worth a pound of substance."

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Feb 21, 2022
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Much nicer way to say deceptive phrasing for misleading conclusion.

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I don't think so. Multiple scientists, whistleblowers and data analysts have pointed out how common this subterfuge is becoming.

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I need both a "Geert Full" and a "Geert Lite" substack.

Can you knock out two version of every post, one like this and one for Crayon Coloring Laypeople like me?

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It’s a good idea because it is easier to get an overview then adventure further. Like old fashioned journalism. Heading, subheading, intro then into it.

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If only the truth were readily available, life would be easier. My first experience with vaccines occurred when I entered college. I developed neurological problems but didn’t realize why. The SARS Cov2 gene therapy shots and the study of the side effects of these shots has led to my realization that my body did not welcome the vaccine chemicals. Now it all makes sense.

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My husband received a double dose of about 17 vaccines when the army lost his Vax records. He has suffered from auto-immune diseases ever since.

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So sorry to hear. I feel for him. Hopefully the VA is taking care of him.

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Like the Peterson, he has found that a mostly carnivore diet provides the most relief.

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So sorry Linda and Herdimmunity I have found that a mostly meat works for my allergies for the last 20 years or so. I do a Dr Lutz diet

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Hi Geert, did you see NERVTAG in the UK considering antigenic sin - have you been consulting for them!?


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Thank you Dr.

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Wow. You did it again sir. This is what a real scientist does to win the day. No Government or corporate influence. As always thank you.

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As always , this kind of research should be having mass discussions on so many levels regarding the best public health policies . Now I am thinking anything about vaccines , their efficacy , their problems etc.. is perhaps a red herring and it is more about getting total control via mandates /passports in order to establish a programmable digital currency via CBDC based on the Chinese Social Credit System and through the agenda of people like Klaus Schwab (WEF) who has admitted he has infiltrated many governments - and seems to be enthralled with young trudeau - the person who is dismantling our Canada and creating havoc. He will continue with his agenda of mandated vaccines regardless of whatever data is coming out ... in my opinion.

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The BigPharma's marketing money rocks the medical science and common sense!

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Thank you for this clarification, Geert. These articles(the one you referred to from nature) are taken as is and then even translated into different languages by mass media propaganda news sites, which then continue to confuse the people making them believe and cite such misinformation as being true. I appreciate your clear explanation and in-depth analyzis of where they went wrong and why. Keep up the good work, we are going to win this battle, thanks to people like you who did not remain silent!

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Addicts only climb out of rock bottom if they have realised and accepted FOR THEMSELVES that they have a problem.

Everyone that believes the propaganda is like this. You can show people a million statistics and throw logic , common sense and rational at them until you are exhausted, but it is like trying to convince an addict that they have a problem.

I am a teacher and have tried hard these last 7 months to educate my children about the fallacies online surrounding the vaccines. However, their family’s fear and their saturation in social media means that I cannot ‘win’.

Sadly, I must wait for the world (my students and 99% of the rest) to realise what I (Geert, and the few who frequent this forum) know.

I believe strongly that when the world understands what we do , it will have been after a global health disaster that dwarfs the numbers needlessly killed in all the senseless wars of the past thousand years.

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Thank you dr. Bossche for debunking this garbage. I noticed that Nature has been compromised , like many medical prominent journals. This is not the first such paper there.

To make sure of it, look who funded this crap..guess? NIH (funded by BMGF).

The perfect description of the current state of affairs with the whole issue of vaccines can be found in this excellent book by professor Christopher A. Shaw: "Dispatches from the Vaccines Wars.."

What a dark times we are living now !

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I think this brief table summarises a lot - if you think its useful please forward it to people - I don't want money, credit or anything for this - just sharing as it may help someone somewhere -


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Thank you Dr Vd Bossche.

I am still waiting to learn about the mRNA vaccines and how they interfere with natural immunity, and if the new variants that are borne and built off of vaxxed people will eventually create a new variant that is resistant to medicines that we should have been able to use from the beginning. Another question, immunity deficiencies in vaxxed people. Can these vaccines create immunity breakdown?

Maybe silly questions. I am curious about the vaxxed having compromised immunity, or enhancement of diseases they develop much earlier now than if they had not been vaxxed and perhaps lesser progression, such as arthralgias, and immune diseases.

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smoke and mirrors a paper printed another piece of information that is incomplete by their own admission, one would think at this stage a full complete study would and should be done prior to the rush to be printed, to be dusted in the words "I have been published", sad indictment on where we are currently on TIME deficient studies continuing.

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The scientific literature is captured. Publishing articles on both sides of arguments gives the impression it is a valid information source.view the flccc weekly update discussion Feb 16,2022.

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It seems to me that every time I check out a study, the results are essentially meaningless/worthless. I feel comfortable knowing that natural immunity is the best.

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