Thank you GVB.

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Stupid is what stupid does (vaccines): Me: Over 30 years, never ill, never got a cold or the flu or a coronavirus: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt (I use shop bought, Iodine based, table salt) in a mug of clean cold or warm water, cup a hand and pour in some solution, sniff or snort the entire contents up your nose, in small doses, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If a burning sensation, then you have a virus in your nasal passages, behind your eyes, in the escutcheon tubes to your inner ears, brain bulb, brain stem (hence Long Covid) so wait until burning stops (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night, or more often if you want for a quicker result, until it feels like you are flushing with water - job done - or go to the sea and sniff or snort salt water up your nose and around your nasal passages - same thing. Probably good for Long Covid too.

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Yes, that"s the way of entrance! Stop it at the front door!!!

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I think not uncommon for Eustachian tube to become plugged and had read elsewhere it was symptom of 'Covid,' which IMO is via "vaccinations" or virulent, aerosolized, properties. 'Covid' aka common cold/seasonal flu doxxed off many --- especially elderly deprived of proper antibiotic treatment/care/malnourishment/vented/drugged. What horror!

Christine -- I admire you're tenacity re/the salt rinses. Has to be better than the betadine rinses I tried yet still became ill after schmoozing/hugs at special event of fully vaccinated humanoids. Oh my.

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I relied to someone else just now, the same post - I was thinking the whole post and not part of it might be appropriate - Geert's webpage and all: 11.04.2023: Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative Supported by Gates, Fauci and Republican Lawmakers: The Defender

The U.S. government will spend $5 billion on a program to accelerate the development of new coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics, White House officials announced this week. Project NextGen, a successor to Operation Warp Speed, has bipartisan support and will receive funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations.

Written into the secret contracts signed by Trump is the clause that vaccine makers will make and distribute mRNA vaccines at prices decided and set by them and until at least 2027, which the government then has to distribute, whether the vaccines work or don't, of course, re: Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative.

Also Pfizer DEMANDED Embassies and Military Airfields before they would sell their vaccines - what for - visions of humanoid robots being ferried somewhere for further modifications?

Google: Pfizer-DominicanRepublic-Vaccine-Term-Sheet-19Jan2021. A Dual language copy of Trump's Operation Warp Speed, secret contract, for vaccines for an explanation of the contract contents, which applies to your country.

Me: Over 30 years, never ill, never got a cold or the flu or a coronavirus: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt (I use shop bought, Iodine based, table salt) in a mug of clean cold or warm water, cup a hand and pour in some solution, sniff or snort the entire contents up your nose, in small doses, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If a burning sensation, then you have a virus in your nasal passages, behind your eyes, in the escutcheon tubes to your inner ears, brain bulb, brain stem (hence Long Covid) so wait until burning stops (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night, or more often if you want for a quicker result, until it feels like you are flushing with water - job done - or go to the sea and sniff or snort salt water up your nose and around your nasal passages - same thing. Probably good for Long Covid too.

The 5 day isolation, is when the Coronavirus transmutes to Covid in your head, passed down into your body in the one liter of snot we each produce daily, the engine oil of the body, in my opinion - a vaccine in your arm is not going to heal a Coronavirus in your head, nor the residue after a Covid type flu has passed, in your head, is it?

It can take up to 2-3 weeks after clearing a virus infection in the head, for Covid to occur in the body.

My free salt water cure does what no synthetic mRNA vaccine will ever be able to do - it kills the virus in the nasal passages of the head, before it gets to become anything else and it is the method which has kept me "never ill" for over 30 years and there is no reason why your health should not be the same as mine, if you do as I do. Cost zero - time taken less than 3 minutes, each complete snort or sniffle.

Needless to say, do whenever you think you might have caught an airborne nasal infection, from someone else.

Probably good for Long Covid, as it flushes your nasal passages out and leaves no place, not washed. So much for synthetic mRNA vaccines - you get a head cold and you inject a vaccine in your arm to clear it - like duh!! - much laughter, you have got to be kidding, right?

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Thanks, Christine -- sure appreciate your salt instructions! I'll make a copy or 2 and make sure I keep plenty of salt around.

Interesting info -- I scanned it but can't take too much of that horror -- I'll read again tomorrow. Oh my -- scary.

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Hi Nancy - Everyone has salt in their kitchen and because my treatment is free, anyone can do it, even in the poorest countries - if you get a sore throat, or nose or think you have caught a virus, do my free salt treatment immediately. The sooner you do it, the quicker the cure and you can get away with doing it once and that's it. I copy and paste all of the other articles I post on my free substack, just reverse highlight the text, then copy and paste into my Word Processor, chop out any text which is irrelevant, save with the post title and bingo, job done, then I get to paste the blurb on. It is a good idea to download the secret contract which Trump signed for the vaccines, so you know what he committed everyone to - I don't understand the relevance of Pfizer wanting Embassies and Military Airfields before they would agree to sign the supply contracts - this was a DOD incentive so with this post, it might make a bit more sense: If what Biden says about the vaccines is information and everything he does not say is disinformation, then what is actually in the vaccines and what is their ultimate intention: I cannot find the scientific sources to explain what they want to do with this

So, that transport of nucleic acids is done inside graphene nanotubes

This study was carried out by the University of Almeria when I was in Spain at the end of June

At least, it was published at that time by a scientist from the University of Almeria who found that there is 95% graphene in each vaccine

And that there's a very little amoint of nucleic acids because there is no need for it to be very much

With very few acids, messages, RNA-DNA nucleic acids, it can achieve this process called transgenesis

It is the same as that of the corn, the horse, or the cow

So the person who receives this transgenesis with these compounds will become a transhuman (no longer human)

But there is more, my dear friends, there is more

These graphene nanotubes

Here we have one of the studies: Vaccine + Graphene + 5G = Brain Control

One of the companies producing graphene nanotubes

For your listeners: a nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter

Were talking about ultra microscopic nanotechnology

NanoGrafi company, a leader in graphene production, developed an intranasal Covid vaccine and PCR tests with nanoparticles then they make graphene nanotubes

And, in addition to that, there are the micrographs of the microscopic study that the physicist Kalcker did where you can clearly see perfect small quadrangular particles, in addition to several small dots of heavy metals

That small perfect square particle is a nanoprocessor

Is the information hard to swallow? Are you more or less following me?

Do you understand?

Now I'm going to read to you what graphene means at 5G frequencies

I'll start by clarifying that there is no reference on the internet to any such study

I think this is something very important, which I'll summarize as follows:

At 5G frequences of 42.6 Hz per second, the 1.2mm nanotubes injected into the vaccines resonate and propagate a high-energy signal at the average speed of human thought

Something struck me when I saw a catalog selling graphene nanotubes from the company NanoGrafi I was surprised at the precise nanotube length of 1.2 nanometers of 1.2x10-9 m.

Since I already knew the 5G microwave frequency in the 10 to 300 Hz range, I was stuck by the curious coincidence of how it cancelled out at those precise powers of 10 in the well known wave mechanics formula.

It catches the attention of anyone with an engineering background who is not asleep.

Study results are showing that an everage neuron sends signals about 180 km/h

When combined, these factors would increase the speed to 432 km/h

There is a lot of variation, some humans think faster than others and the thought speed propogation changes throughout life

This is basic to what follows

We'll take the average thought speed of 180 km/h, that is, 180,000 meters over 3,600 seconds: 50 meters per second.

This wave speed of the human brain is achievable for ordinary nanotubes and frequencies radiated by 5G antennas

Ths is not speculation, but science and combined techniques

The materials exist and so do microwaves of the correct frequences.

The speed of human thought fits both in a precise physical formula that's incontestable.

This is the worst news I can give you, but it is the product of what I have studied throughout this month

These graphene nanotubules are injected with a vaccine, act on the microwaves emitted by a 5G antenna at the same frequency that human beings think.

So, through these nanoparticles, 5G antennas can modify our thoughts.

It's that simple. It is physics and, well, you can't summarize it any other way, but I think you understand me clearly.

Which will be the nervous system of that country and will manage the thinking of human beings

That is, on the one hand, you are going to modify a person'e genome so that the person is no longer human but transhuman

As such, that person can be patented by whoever made that genome modification

But, in addition, that nucleic acids wrapped in graphene nanotubes makes that person's thinking is going to be modified by the 5G remote controlled antennas

Sort of Zombies, you might say, or robots.

Dr. Chinda Brandolino

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TY, Christine -- saving to read after sleep-fest 🤪 - past 3 yrs. have been distressing for all. Not too familiar with this app re/personal messaging but perhaps there's a way.

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Hi Nancy. I am computer self taught and computer literate. If you have problems with the basics of computing, bounce your questions off me and I will see if I can answer them for you do you use an iPhone or a computer - Apple? I use Microsoft Windows but I also have Apple too

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Fascinating. I like neti pots.

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Each to their own. In my opinion Neti Pots are like trying to put out a house fire with a garden hose - my method using your hand, is like using a fire hose for the same job - I'd trust a fire hose more than a garden hose

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I see what you're saying. I'm just not sure I could stand snorting large amounts of water up my nose, if I'm understanding you correctly. I'm thinking back to water all up my nose and throat while learning to dive...

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Your beacon of light in these times is burning bright Geert Vanden Bossche! Keep up spreading the uncomfortable truth! Thank you for caring about humanity.

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Thanks once again Dr Bossche much appreciated this Timely and informative information much appreciated

Keep up the excellent work 👍👍

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How much would it take to persuade tiny Peter Toadez to debate Geert on Joe Rogan?

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Thanks Geert. You are one of my heros.

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Thank you Dr. Geert, you have been trying to wake our world up from the beginning of all of this 🙏

Did an overnight stop with my truck and camper at a campground in 'Medicine Hat', Alberta, Canada.

Perhaps it should be renamed 'Pharma Hat'.

Went to use the showers but discovered a padlock on the door of the public washroom/shower building.

I asked a neighbouring camper about this and he told me, "Covid". I replied, "I thought that was all over with". He said "me too".

It seems that people have come to the conclusion on their own that the shots didn't work and are believing, logically, that Covid has won. What they don't see however is that, although their conclusion is correct, it is only applying to the 'vaccinated', or to be more honest, to those tricked into receiving an immune compromising injection with a self-replicating foreign protein allergen that was designed to inflame bodily organs, most noticeably the heart.

So we now have people logically but naïvely convincing themselves that Covid has won and the 'vaccine' has lost. Naïvely because they believe that the intent of the vaccine was to help and not to harm.

More convincingly however, and with increasing evidence, the intent of the vaccine has to do with de-population, timed with the ageing baby boomer's health care expenses, the radical and rabid idea that humanity is a parasite on the planet to be expunged, and the necessity to grab control of humans before we wake up to the fact that we have been slaves to a ruling class of super wealthy elite for hundreds or thousands of years. No, the vaccine has certainly won, and so has the common cold for that matter and every other bug parasite and bacteria that our healthy immune systems have always been able to successfully combat just fine on its own without pharmaceutical intervention. Like the mRNA injections, propaganda is most successful when it becomes self-replicating with people chanting "Covid has won and the vaccine has lost".

'But God' is always victorious in the end, and Jesus the Saviour, the Rescuer of all who call on his name.

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, (feed and heal) and he with Me." Revelation 3:20

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Thanks GVB. Outstanding body of work the whole series. Your forecast of the imminent incoming maelstrom led me to thinking & writing this. Thank you massively for the inspiration Sir.


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Have you looked into Zinc + ionophores inhibits the replication of SARS? It works for influenza, Ebola, Marburg, viral pneumonia, RSV and polio. There’s loads of studies proving this info.

How awful this world is when thousands of people die from the above mentioned viruses every year and all they need is the proper treatments. Doc G you was the first person I saw come out and question the narrative. You made perfect sense. Your interview put me at ease with my choice not to take the jab. Thank you for having the compassion to speak out. Unfortunately your type are few and far between these days!

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Question: if the virus becomes more virulent as GVB predicts, and causes severe disease and death, overwhelming the hospitals, but doesn’t affect the unvaccinated - how will it continue to spread? Will it still be highly contagious? Isn’t it that super deadly strains can’t widely spread, because the are too deadly (Ebola) and therefore they tend to kill so many so quickly that they aren’t a pandemic threat? Isn’t it the case that a virus can’t be too deadly or it can’t spread well enough?

Terrible to think about in any case. I hope GVB is wrong, though I fear he’s right.

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As you will read in my book, it is reasonable to assume that sharply increased hospitalization and death rates in vaccinees combined with sterilizing immunity in the unvaccinated will cause eradication of SARS-CoV-2. 60

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Thank you for all you do. My daughter had MIS-C in Jan 2021...we almost lost her. 9 days in icu/hospital/heart complications - a year + to recover...it was brutal. Your work gave me the knowledge to not cave at the incessant pressure to vaccinate her that we received from 3 different departments at the hospital at follow up (36+) appointments for a year. I wish thank you felt adequate; it does not, but truly, I will be forever grateful to you.

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The Vaccinated Have Been PUNKED

For Believing

The Unbelievable.


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Thought this was interesting: #ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG

By The Exposé on April 30, 2023

Covid-19 is a manmade virus, and Moderna Inc., the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, is responsible for creating it.

Don’t believe us?

Then read the exhaustive evidence below and check for yourself.

By a concerned reader who is a qualified cell biologist

STEP 0: The genome, the complete genetic code of Covid19 is found here – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_045512.2/ The genome of Bat Coronavirus RaTG13 is found here – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MN996532

One can compare these two genomes, letter by letter using the BLAST Genome alignment comparison tool at https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&BLAST_SPEC=blast2seq&LINK_LOC=align2seq

Just put NC_045512.2 in the Query Sequence Box and MN996532 in the Subject Sequence Box. Then choose the radio button:: More dissimilar sequences (discontinguous megablast). Then hit BLAST. Then when the results appear (a few second later) choose the Alignments tab and you will see both genomes compared perfectly.

Perhaps you could get Geert to comment, him being a virologist and all?

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