It's purposely vague and obfuscating because it's all a fraud. (See my reply to Mr Butt's below). Virology is a total scam. More and more people are waking up. There's no such thing as contagious disease and viruses don't exist. Check out Dr Sam Bailey on Substack. You're gonna love her. There's no turning back once you discover this most powerful hidden truth.
Sam Bailey is/was a TV personality not a virologist or a scientist. She is/was a medical doctor but did not work with viruses. I looked her up. I personally would not take her seriously. Viruses do exist. How do I know? I worked with them. Just because they lied about certain aspects of virology does not mean that viruses do not exist. "Viruses do not exist" is a PSYOP. If you are serious about uncovering truth about viruses just try to volunteer in some academic labs that work with viruses.
The medical elites are scared of Sam Bailey. She's having a tremendous effect. "Virologists" who don't tow the line get kicked out. Same with Dr Sam Bailey...
Nobody has "worked with viruses" just as nobody has worked with "unicorns". There are no "academic labs" that work with "viruses" either. They make in-silico Frankenstein computer models and they never use controls in their experiments.
What lab did you work for? I'd love to check out their "work" on "viruses". Could you share please any scientific studies that your lab has done which prove the existence of "viruses"?
Do you really expect things to be that worse across the world (highly vaccinated countries) where by dead bodies are piling up like a stack of cards suddenly? It seems surreal knowing that it might happen in months to come.
Surreal.... yes it is.... like you are living a bad dream.... a nightmare.... a twilight zone episode. I hate it.
The short answer is yes and I will explain why I think this.
You will notice that Geert and everyone around him is always talking at the end of video presentations about the prophylactic use of cheap and available anti-virals for anyone who is vaccinated. The goal is to prevent them from being infected because the infections will be REALLY hard to cure (nearly impossible). Most who will be infected will most likely die quickly. This is a potentially one week from infection onset to the need for ICU treatment.
The cheap and effective anti-virals they think should be used are Ivermectine and Hydroxychloroquine. Yes the drugs that have been demonized by the media, the medical establishment, the FDA, the CDC, etc. These drugs need to be made available in mass quantities and taken by every vaccinated person RIGHT NOW. You and I know that the chances of this happening are pretty slim. So the vaccinated will have nothing to help prevent them from getting this infection. So they will get it and spread it. Once they start to get sick they will head for the doctors and hospitals.
In a recent conversation with a nurse who writes on SubStack and is very familiar with Geert's theories and the clinical problems that will result from this type of virus, I asked her point blank if she thought her hospital or any hospital would provide and mandate cheap anti-virals for the doctors, nurses and staff to protect them once this virus arrives on their doorsteps. She said NO they will not do this. So once this highly contagious virus enters facilities.... highly vaccinated staff will become infected. You can see where this is headed. Sick and dying staff will not be working.... hospitals will not function or close.... sick people will have NOWHERE to go and NO medication to help them.
So I imagine most of them will go home and try to get "over" this breakthrough infection. Except they wont get over this one. This one will kill them quickly. So we (unvaccinated) would be lucky if they were just stacked like firewood on the side of the road because they are going to be rotting inside their heated homes. Who wants the job of pulling bodies out of houses? They will need haz-mat gear at a certain point.
So I know the visual imagery that I have created here is pretty horrible. But I can't see it turning out any other way. If this killer emerges (I think it will) you and I will see things that we will not be able to forget. It is going to be hell on earth for quite some time.
The moment HCQ was mentioned and Fauci Frowned, I did a search and found it was an ionophore for zinc. It transports zinc through the cell wall so the zinc could interfere with viral replication. So, I searched for zinc ionophores and found that naturally occurring quercetin is also a zinc ionophore and is available in vitamin stores.
My results: after about 8 months of taking vitamins C&D3, quercetin and zinc I was exposed and caught covid19 version1. I awoke from an amazingly intense fever sweat, totally drenched. Went back to sleep and back to work in the morning. Later I tested negative for Covid antibodies.
Thanks to Dr. Bossche's book I now know that the zinc worked, it slowed viral replication and gave my cell based innate immune system time to kill the infected cells. The fever was part of the very active immune response. I did not develop antibodies because my adapted antibody based system was never triggered. I did not need it.
So there are antivirals available now but they need to be used as prophylactics. Besides quercetin and zinc, NAC and nanokinase would be very good supplements. Vet grade ivermectin is available at a low price and should be kept on hand.
I take exactly the same things Gary. I did not get Covid but I imagine I have been exposed to the variants so I most likely have built innate immune protection. We will be fine when this super virus hits.. We have stocked both ivermectine and antibiotics for when the medical system goes down. I would say you just need to have some guns and ammo now. My daughter and I are both licensed to carry and are trained shots. It will get crazy for awhile. Be prepared. Take care... Good Job... the world will need you when this is over.
That said ... the vaxxed are actually not protected because what they are shooting is targeting a version of covid that no longer exists... so everyone is unvaxxed...
And what is coming will be ultra hot - and ultra contagious....
Marek’s disease has plagued the chicken industry, it causes $2 billion in losses annually for fowl farmers across the globe. The virus attacks the brain, spawns tumors in the birds and comes in different varieties or “strains”, which are classified as “hot” or “cold” based on their brutality.
Andrew Read, who co-led the study, had heard about the severe effects of the hottest Marek’s strains before his lab started studying the disease about a decade ago, but even he was surprised when he finally saw the virus in action.
“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days,” said Read, who is an evolutionary biologist at Penn State University.
Fast Eddy: You mention Marek's disease. I remain astonished that the leftist Wikipedia editors who dominate the medium have not censored this clear explanation of the perils of vaccination with a non-sterilizing vaccine:
From the Wikipedia entry for "Marek's disease"
"The Marek's disease vaccine is a "leaky vaccine", which means that only the symptoms of the disease are prevented. Infection of the host and the transmission of the virus are not inhibited by the vaccine. This contrasts with most other vaccines, where infection of the host is prevented.
Under normal conditions, highly virulent strains of the virus are not selected for by evolution. This is because such a severe strain would kill the host before the virus would have an opportunity to transmit to other potential hosts and replicate. Thus, less virulent strains are selected. These strains are virulent enough to induce symptoms but not enough to kill the host, allowing further transmission. However, the leaky vaccine changes this evolutionary pressure and permits the evolution of highly virulent strains. The vaccine's inability to prevent infection and transmission allows the spread of highly virulent strains among vaccinated chickens. The fitness of the more virulent strains is increased by the vaccine. "
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.
The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.
Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident
However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.
The vaxxed are not effectively the same as the unvaxxed. The vaxxed have damaged their immune systems so that their immune systems cannot recognize or fight the virus effectively.
After one month is a heated house.... we are talking about liquefied bodies and blood borne pathogens... so we are talking mini-bio hazard zones. So unless they are removed quickly, we are going to have a difficult task. And then they all have to be buried somewhere.
I believe that when the tsunami will be at the highest level, all these crazy governments will make the ivermectin available for free! They will be too scared not to do it. Just wait and see.
If it weren't a real possibility, that would be great stuff for a horror movie. But I'm actually more concerned about the so-called "measures" that will undoubtedly be taken. Think March 2020, but on steroids. It will be lockdown reloaded, only much worse. Not to mention they will desperately roll out a booster based on that variant, and they will require everyone to take it. Like: No vaxx pass = no food. Some countries already came extremely close to that last time, so yes, hunting and fishing may be a good idea. Also a well or another source of clean water because no vaxx pass will mean no access to the public water supply.
"Our approach relies on detecting genetic fragments of the virus that are excreted in stool by qPCR analysis. Here, we show SARS-CoV-2 effective concentrations, which are derived by adjusting viral concentrations to account for dilution and other factors. For more details about how Biobot's effective concentration is derived, please read our whitepaper."
They detected "fragments", not the whole SARS-Cov-2. There were no controls used either. (Meaning, they didn't do all the same processing and "testing" with waste water that only had poo from healthy people.) This is a scam.
Furthermore, there are no links to any raw data. The "white paper" is not the same thing as the Materials and Methods section as is required in all scientific papers. By using these fraudulent tactics, they can essentially make up any result they want. Here's an expert from the "White Paper":
The raw concentration of SARS-CoV-2 as measured in wastewater is affected by
technical factors unrelated to the spread of the virus.
● Currently, Biobot uses normalization to adjust for dilution and population size. As
wastewater-based epidemiology advances, Biobot will adjust for more technical
factors beyond dilution and population size.
● Biobot is introducing the concept of effective concentration as a transparent and
future-proof approach for this gradual increase in the factors accounted for.
● Presenting the effective concentration, rather than an ever-shifting methods-specific
nomenclature, will allow us to continuously improve our methods without affecting
customer data interpretation.
No controls. No materials and Methods. No raw data. They "detected fragments" the did not detect any "virus."
You're very perceptive! Yes, I am a "virus denier". I'm happy to except this characterization despite that some would consider it's "a bit demeaning and mildly insulting."
All good. Let's find some common ground. I assume you are also a "unicorn denier" as well as a "Santa Clause denier", just like I am too, correct? Why is that? Is it because there is no evidence for either of those imaginary concepts? There is also no evidence that "viruses" exist. It's all a scam.
So what are you trying to tell me/us with this? And (please tell me) what does this have to do with my comment? FYI - to start your comment out with "Can you understand this?" is a bit demeaning and mildly insulting. So please... explain yourself to me and everyone else here. Oh... by the way... I hope you can understand this?
"Can you understand this?" has EVERYTHING to do with your comment, (which comes across a bit arrogant and flippant, in my humble opinion).
Here's your original comment one more time: "The real scary thing here is that I am really starting to understand what he is saying now."
I don't think you understand it regardless.
Can we both agree that the information I have presented is the same exact information that the article links to? The sentence that I copy/pasted clearly states that no "Sars CoV2" was found, only a "genetic fragment" which they are falsely attributing to an in-silico "virus" which was modeled on a computer and never isolated to begin with.
Left-over cookie crumbs do not confirm the existence of Santa, and a dollar bill under your pillow does not confirm the existence of the tooth fairy. Virology is an enormous fraud, including this ridiculous sewage study. It's more fear mongering to convince us that deadly "viruses" are everywhere!
At the very least, you should acknowledge that the scientific method was not followed, there are no controls, no raw data, no materials and methods, and the CYA "white paper" itself admits "Currently, Biobot uses normalization to adjust for dilution and population size. As wastewater-based epidemiology advances, Biobot will adjust for more technical factors beyond dilution and population size."
You said: "So please... explain yourself to me and everyone else here."
Gladly. My goal is very straight forward. I am exposing the fraud of germ theory, which is the greatest deception of all time. There is no such thing as "contagious disease" and "viruses" do not exist. This is the most powerful hidden truth.
I'm late to the party, so I don't know if "everyone is here" anymore, but for those who are, then terrific. Now they can read your comments along with mine and others and they will be able to make their own informed judgement.
I'm just a passionate nobody on Substack trying my best to get this truth out. I highly recommend Dr Sam Bailey's content on Substack for anyone who would like to know more. Have you heard about her yet?
Dr. GVB, thanks for sharing more data that we can track to help inform what’s taking place. Here I’m trying to get more antivirals on hand for family and friends. Feeling both incredibly empowered to prepare and at the same time feeling crazy to imagine that such a disaster could actually take place, so hesitant to discuss with friends/family except in an indirect way.
In what sense? Public health officials arent listening to him. He's not going to treat your infection; however he might be licensed to treat your pets' infections.
Perhaps his advice will help us to stock up on necessary meds.
I’m no authority on wastewater conclusions so my question is purely random. Could the ingredients of the Covid vaccination from vaccinated people have any bearing? Could the virus be building in vaxed people’s bodies and their waste indicate a rising in variants, virulence? Or am I totally ‘out to lunch?’
The vaxx only triggers the production of spike protein. PCR tests (yes, they DO work if they're done correctly) look for several parts of the virus (spike, nucleocapsid, envelope and/or RdRp). So, the answer is: What is detected in wastewater is virus, not vaxx shedding.
The very concept of wastewater presence of a particular virus sounds like the weirdest science fiction replacing all established science education top to bottom. It is absurd, in short. Why?
One, (according to official narration) you cannot detect any variant of SC2. You can only detect some of its alleged parts and deduct that “yea, we’ve got it”. Which is not science at all.
Two, wastewater? Really? The peak of absurdity. Let’s assume that an average city produces a small ocean of wastewater every day. Here come the analyst and samples, say, 200 ml of that ugly stuff. Randomly. Completely randomly and completely unable to assign the particular sample to any particular area, buildings or population. Of this gross (pun intended) sample, 0.5 ml may be actually used to “detect” anything. Like a drop in the whole Pacific Ocean.
Then serious scientists apply complex terminology, maybe sophisticated mathematics, and come up with conclusions whose credibility is as random as those samples (tracking quality = 0).
Of the two referenced articles, one does not offer any methods or tools, but clearly states that the authors based their paper on “modeling”, and even stated that “…mAb S309 was unable to neutralize BA.2.86, likely due to a D339H mutation based on modeling…” In English: we didn’t know, but modeling is great.
The other paper is behind a paywall. What is open, does not say a word about wastewater.
The authors refer to experiments on artificial constructs, in vitro, NOT on actual living persons, with the complete observation in their bodies.
I recently saw Denis Rancourt legitimately question the methodology of detecting so-called variants. He seems genuinely unconvinced by the evidence presented and he appears well qualified to do so. I want to hear more.
I'm not in anyone's camp (other than against the authoritarian measures/behavior that took place) but I am very interested in seeing more discussions around how much we really know about virology/immunology and how much is just scientific pontification (e.g. lab vs real world)
It seems there are serious flaws with the concept of a singular virus infecting the world, how viruses are detected/identified etc. and the data surrounding all this. Until these heavy hitting researchers agree to discuss what is actually known about these things versus what they think they know, it's going to be a murky place for the rest of us curious folk.
Why don’t we start at the start. The 2019 “virus” was “detected” and “identified” only and solely courtesy of PCR. This state of affairs has been continuing until now to some extent.
PCR - as described by the technology guidelines - cannot process longer scraps of whatever you put in there. As they have designed a huge huge “virus”, its detection is out of question. Full stop.
But if you persist… lab vs real world is the foundation of the scam. Forget lab, altogether. We are told that this “virus” is so omnipresent. It’s everywhere in bulk quantities. Except when you are eating or drinking, of course.
So, if this thing is everywhere, why don’t they make their experiments on real people? None, zero, never happened. They sample something and quickly hide it behind “Authorized personnel only” lab doors. There, they can do whatever they want. Nobody will check them. Nobody will question this stupid approach. The saddest thing is that many good people, and great scientists, fall in for this fiction and peddle fear mongering.
Since day 1, the “fear the virus” campaign has been based on PCR. But there has never been published or implemented or ordered any standardized procedure with PCR. Labs did what they could to welcome more money, i.e. overclocked the procedure and spread more fear, thus forcing more “tests”. Every lab did it their way. Nobody bothered to verify their procedures or even make a statistical review of their protocols vs cases found - an obvious fun part for armchair scientists fighting for more grants. Every country did it their way. Some commercial test kits were allowed on the market after 16 test samples as the basis for authorization.
Since there has never been any standardized protocol, all data has to be considered pure waste, unreliable, not credible in any way and definitely not scientific.
It’s all meat for journalists and decent scientists who easily swallow such fantasy because it ensures the continuity of their “importance” in the medical community. For the time being. One day young angry freshly produced doctors will re-evaluate all this and you may be sure they will redesign the “science” story behind the non-existent data.
There never was any need for a real 'novel' coronavirus. All they needed for their campaign was a pandemic of fear; which they obviously did with full means.
The one percent would never launch such a weapon on themselves - See movie 'The Iron Giant' 😆
This is where most of us miss the point altogether.
The situation is: one party (“they”) is said to attempt to take control over the other party (“us”). “Is said”, because it’s only the interpretation, without any actual statement of that party. By the way, “they” used too often as a vague generic term signals a serious mental issue, speaking from the point of view of a psychiatrist :-) If the other party cannot be defined precisely, the mind goes wild and loses the grip of the reality. Soon, it will see weird stuff everywhere, even with no actual proofs.
Assuming that “they” actually do what “we” assume to be the “fact”… The concept of using a pandemic to spread fear is as abstract as unreasonable. So much effort, orchestrating thousands of random people (healthcare workers), many of whom could actually stand up and disclose the fake stories, and extending it over a time? The longer it goes, the weaker it becomes, by nature - and the easier it will collapse, by its own nature. So, I don’t buy it.
Yes, it’s easy to put blame and guilt on this assumed scenario, but, what if you are wrong? You will gather all forces to fight an imagined enemy where he is not. While you are busy… The only reasonable explanation is that “they” want to shift the control agency from traditional measures (force, other people) to intangible factors. You can’t fight with microbes (but they can), you can’t protect your smartphone and stupid likes from EM solar flares (but they can), you can’t fight with hurricanes (but they can). And you can’t fight with ideology, the oldest Baba Yaga and still in use. But they can, you only need to sign up and support them and their ideology.
The mechanism is the same. The party behind the mechanism is nothing like we have ever known. It is no longer nation-bound. It is supranational, in the realm where all political factions, parties, and countries play together hand in hand. All of them, irrespective of how “enemy” they are being portrayed by the media. Don’t you think that #1 superpower in the world would not be able to win the war anywhere or force its economic demands on anyone within 24 hours? But it doesn’t. Because it cannot fight against its own interests. And we still believe that we have seen through them. The best of fun we can give them :-)
My question is if a person had been living on Mars the past 4 years, will this more virulent variant be MORE virulent than the original Wuhan variant or Delta to that person if they came back and caught it? I have asked this question in various places but no one can answer it.
Anyone who was exposed to coronaviruses in the past (which is everyone, including the lone dude who survived on Mars in that movie) has some innate cross-immunity already. If they werent fooled into getting one of the jabs, and have a healthy immune system and vitamin D level, it was never a serious risk.
Good question. And I think the answer is "yes and no". Yes, because it has undergone years of gain of function in a 'vaccinated' world. But then again 'no' because our (unvaxxed) mucosal immunity, our innate immunity, is perfectly capable of dealing with it so it won't get the chance to cause a problem. It won't settle in the lungs, for example.
If you're not vaxxed or immune compromised then the armageddon variant shouldn't be a problem. The resulting chaos will be, however.
If he just gets back from Mars, he may get a nasty cold until his immune system gets up to speed again. By the way, you can't find SARSCov2 in wastewater because it can't be distinguished from the cold coronavirus and that is because it is all it ever was. Unfortunately for the vaccinated, the common cold has become a serious or even deadly disease.
Take the hand of Jesus, He will lead all out of this dark forest filled with wolves. He is, and has always been our Good Shepherd.
Since that person would not have had the opportunity to get their innate immune system TRAINED against the SARS-CoV-2 variants like we unvaxxed had during the past 4 years, they would definitely catch the new virulent variant and get sick with it. However, the severity of their infection would depend on how strong an innate immune system they had to begin with (innate immune system had the ability to be trained for all sorts of viruses, including coronaviruses before the pandemic) BEFORE they went to Mars and how good their general health was. And once they recover from this infection, their adaptive immune system would kick in for longer lasting immunity.
What's happening now/going to happen is NOT a Marek's scenario. In Marek's ALL unvaccinated chickens died due to not being vaccinated while the vaccinated chickens were fine. With Covid, the unvaxxed will be fine, while it is the vaxxed who will have problems.
I agree with JJ that Marek's situation is different. Different viruses have different mode of action and they may also evolve differently. Virulent variants will die off after killing certain percent of population so I do not see it as existential threat to all humans. Some people live remotely or will choose to not socialize and never be exposed. But I do worry that "they" will harvest and keep those virulent strains and release it whenever they want. They are monitoring the waste water and sequencing the variants so they will have that information as well as access to those variants.
You agree -- because you have evidence ... or because you don't want a Marek's like outcome because that means you are going to die when the deadly pathogen emerges?
BTW - even if the unvaxxed are not killed by the pathogen --- all will die ... global supply chains will collapse when the vaxxed die -- and you will starve.
But don't fret -- leaky vaccines eventually cause deadly mutations ... and all the unvaxxed chickens died... so too will all those who have not been vaxxed with the covid rat juice... as will all those who are vaxxed.. cuz the vax they are taking is formulated for Covid 19... which does not exist.
The key here is the chance of exposure. It does not matter how virulent the virus is if one is not exposed to it there is no problem. In the case of Marek, I'm sure if you expose 1-8 billion unvaccinated birds to it there will be a small percent that will survive. There will be some birds whose immune system due to the polymorphism will find a way to survive the disease. Also I do not know the details about the birds... are they wild type, healthy, free-range birds that have access to grass and medicinal herbs or lab-raised, inbred, unhealthy birds fed some unhealthy fortified diet? As for the scenario, no I'm not afraid at all, if supply chains break and humanity is thrown back to stone age it will be the best thing for the planet, animals and humans.
On a different note wondering what your opinion is about this comment I read a few days ago. I do not know the commenter but I checked both of those stories and they were correct.
"Noticed something just recently. A friend/acquaintance of mine died suddenly last week. They blamed his liver from drinking too much. I never saw him drinking or drunk.
He was coughing up blood before he died.
He was 58.
Then a couple of days ago in the Australian media, a Nepalese man visiting his Daughters family in Australia vomited up 2 litres of blood, was rushed to hospital and saved.
Blamed his liver from his drinking though he has been sober for 2 years.
A day later a German man flying from Thailand to Germany vomits litres of blood and dies.
Now I know many people that have or had liver damage from drinking too much but I've never heard of them vomiting up litres of blood, or seen it reported in the MSM."
Thanks God! However, I have very little doubts that is going to happen sooner or later. These things take time to develop just like a tsunami. I read everything he ever wrote, watched all his interviews and read his book. This is why I would be willing to bet that he will turn out to be right again. Just like in the past. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is what I call " close to a genius". It's absolutely stunning and incredible how he figured out the most complicated puzzle of the world. We are blessed and lucky to have him. And extraordinary blessed that he's sharing his knowledge with all of us. History books will remember him kindly for a very long time. Dr. Geert is our hero who will be remembered by many generations to come.
I also read everything he wrote and watched his videos, but I did not buy his book. I had a stroke just over four years ago and my memory is lousy. Please refresh my mind when you say you will bet that "he will turn out to be right again just like in the past." I am not saying his theories are wrong (his time predictions have been) but which ones have proven to be right by coming to pass?
I think Gabriella is referring to his response to and insights about the handling of the EBOLA virus , or the lessons NOT learned from that. Correct me if I am wrong.
Umm, you have not seen the never-ending treadmill of more and more transmissible variants emerging?? He warned about this way back in March of 2021, saying that mass vaccinating with "leaky" vaccines DURING a pandemic would lead to massive immune selection pressure that would spawn more and more transmissible variants. And that's exactly what happened!
Viruses becoming more and more transmissible through new variants is the norm for viruses. Nothing new here. I am thankful that Geert, and a number of others, said vaccinating with a leaky vaccine during a pandemic was dangerous.
I’m more concerned about the earths magnetic field. It’s already weakened by 25% and it’s accelerating. Watch the Diehold Foundation series 4 on YTube or earth disaster cycle Suspicious Observers Y Tube and then you will understand the need to keep people distracted
Geert clearly lost me here. He seems to be presenting an argument that the possible declining PNNabs is due from a competition between DCs and APCs, presumably b-cells. Supposedly, the viral surges are triggering the DCs to automatically suck them up and and not leaving enough viral load for the APCs to get involved with PNNabs production. Yet, are DCs not also APCs that are involved in antibody production and even if indirectly by networking with T-helpers?
Yeah, I could try to dumb it down, but I might still end up writing over a page. Then there is this video that lays it all out in a simple and enjoyable way. You may go directly to the section on professional antigen presenting cells if you want to get right into it quickly, but the entire series is also quite informative. Definitely worth the time if all this science mumbo-jumbo is starting to get to you.
I think he's trying to differentiate between tissue migratory DCs that are aDsorbing (sticking) virus particles on to their surface and circulating APCs (like B cells) that phagocytize (take in internally) the entire virus particle, process it into smaller antigens that are then presented on their surface.
It's not just indirectly. DCs that phogocized virons will present to naive b-lymphocytes and thereby triggering antibody production. The two work complimentary and are not in competition. Again, where is Geert seeing the competition?
I think he's saying that currently the circulating viral load is so high that a lot of the virus particles, instead of getting phagocytized into DCs and then getting presented on their surface as they normally should, are simply getting stuck (aDsorbed) on to the surface of DCs and getting carried into lower respiratory tract/lung tissues.
Yes, before now shifting to talking of a competition between DCs(actually an APC!) and APCs, I did hear that from him although it sounded entirely speculative. I am really getting the vibes that Geert is doing some serious heavy lifting in making the claim that the PNNabs are declining.
Why doesn't he just leave things as mass vaccination has led to the virus escaping our immunity and now it is just spiralling out of control?
Also, DCs are operating? Aren't they innate cells? How does this fit with Geert's claim that vaccinees innate immunity is getting sidelined?
Sad part is they’ll just mandate more jabs and masks.. We will have to go thru the whole awful process again. They will NEVER change their process or stop to understand the consequences of their continuous actions. Or maybe they do actually understand what they’re doing. Who knows.
Geert thinks things will happen too quickly for that. There simply won't be the logistical supply chain to mandate jabs or masks - there won't be any product on the shelves to force upon us in the first place.
The real scary thing here is that I am really starting to understand what he is saying now.
Not me. I read anyway, trying to grasp any understanding I can.
It's purposely vague and obfuscating because it's all a fraud. (See my reply to Mr Butt's below). Virology is a total scam. More and more people are waking up. There's no such thing as contagious disease and viruses don't exist. Check out Dr Sam Bailey on Substack. You're gonna love her. There's no turning back once you discover this most powerful hidden truth.
Sam Bailey is/was a TV personality not a virologist or a scientist. She is/was a medical doctor but did not work with viruses. I looked her up. I personally would not take her seriously. Viruses do exist. How do I know? I worked with them. Just because they lied about certain aspects of virology does not mean that viruses do not exist. "Viruses do not exist" is a PSYOP. If you are serious about uncovering truth about viruses just try to volunteer in some academic labs that work with viruses.
The medical elites are scared of Sam Bailey. She's having a tremendous effect. "Virologists" who don't tow the line get kicked out. Same with Dr Sam Bailey...
Nobody has "worked with viruses" just as nobody has worked with "unicorns". There are no "academic labs" that work with "viruses" either. They make in-silico Frankenstein computer models and they never use controls in their experiments.
What lab did you work for? I'd love to check out their "work" on "viruses". Could you share please any scientific studies that your lab has done which prove the existence of "viruses"?
Do you really expect things to be that worse across the world (highly vaccinated countries) where by dead bodies are piling up like a stack of cards suddenly? It seems surreal knowing that it might happen in months to come.
Surreal.... yes it is.... like you are living a bad dream.... a nightmare.... a twilight zone episode. I hate it.
The short answer is yes and I will explain why I think this.
You will notice that Geert and everyone around him is always talking at the end of video presentations about the prophylactic use of cheap and available anti-virals for anyone who is vaccinated. The goal is to prevent them from being infected because the infections will be REALLY hard to cure (nearly impossible). Most who will be infected will most likely die quickly. This is a potentially one week from infection onset to the need for ICU treatment.
The cheap and effective anti-virals they think should be used are Ivermectine and Hydroxychloroquine. Yes the drugs that have been demonized by the media, the medical establishment, the FDA, the CDC, etc. These drugs need to be made available in mass quantities and taken by every vaccinated person RIGHT NOW. You and I know that the chances of this happening are pretty slim. So the vaccinated will have nothing to help prevent them from getting this infection. So they will get it and spread it. Once they start to get sick they will head for the doctors and hospitals.
In a recent conversation with a nurse who writes on SubStack and is very familiar with Geert's theories and the clinical problems that will result from this type of virus, I asked her point blank if she thought her hospital or any hospital would provide and mandate cheap anti-virals for the doctors, nurses and staff to protect them once this virus arrives on their doorsteps. She said NO they will not do this. So once this highly contagious virus enters facilities.... highly vaccinated staff will become infected. You can see where this is headed. Sick and dying staff will not be working.... hospitals will not function or close.... sick people will have NOWHERE to go and NO medication to help them.
So I imagine most of them will go home and try to get "over" this breakthrough infection. Except they wont get over this one. This one will kill them quickly. So we (unvaccinated) would be lucky if they were just stacked like firewood on the side of the road because they are going to be rotting inside their heated homes. Who wants the job of pulling bodies out of houses? They will need haz-mat gear at a certain point.
So I know the visual imagery that I have created here is pretty horrible. But I can't see it turning out any other way. If this killer emerges (I think it will) you and I will see things that we will not be able to forget. It is going to be hell on earth for quite some time.
Wow that is full on :(
The moment HCQ was mentioned and Fauci Frowned, I did a search and found it was an ionophore for zinc. It transports zinc through the cell wall so the zinc could interfere with viral replication. So, I searched for zinc ionophores and found that naturally occurring quercetin is also a zinc ionophore and is available in vitamin stores.
My results: after about 8 months of taking vitamins C&D3, quercetin and zinc I was exposed and caught covid19 version1. I awoke from an amazingly intense fever sweat, totally drenched. Went back to sleep and back to work in the morning. Later I tested negative for Covid antibodies.
Thanks to Dr. Bossche's book I now know that the zinc worked, it slowed viral replication and gave my cell based innate immune system time to kill the infected cells. The fever was part of the very active immune response. I did not develop antibodies because my adapted antibody based system was never triggered. I did not need it.
So there are antivirals available now but they need to be used as prophylactics. Besides quercetin and zinc, NAC and nanokinase would be very good supplements. Vet grade ivermectin is available at a low price and should be kept on hand.
I take exactly the same things Gary. I did not get Covid but I imagine I have been exposed to the variants so I most likely have built innate immune protection. We will be fine when this super virus hits.. We have stocked both ivermectine and antibiotics for when the medical system goes down. I would say you just need to have some guns and ammo now. My daughter and I are both licensed to carry and are trained shots. It will get crazy for awhile. Be prepared. Take care... Good Job... the world will need you when this is over.
That said ... the vaxxed are actually not protected because what they are shooting is targeting a version of covid that no longer exists... so everyone is unvaxxed...
And what is coming will be ultra hot - and ultra contagious....
Marek’s disease has plagued the chicken industry, it causes $2 billion in losses annually for fowl farmers across the globe. The virus attacks the brain, spawns tumors in the birds and comes in different varieties or “strains”, which are classified as “hot” or “cold” based on their brutality.
Andrew Read, who co-led the study, had heard about the severe effects of the hottest Marek’s strains before his lab started studying the disease about a decade ago, but even he was surprised when he finally saw the virus in action.
“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days,” said Read, who is an evolutionary biologist at Penn State University.
I suspect everyone is going to die. Anyone who survives will starve.
Fast Eddy: You mention Marek's disease. I remain astonished that the leftist Wikipedia editors who dominate the medium have not censored this clear explanation of the perils of vaccination with a non-sterilizing vaccine:
From the Wikipedia entry for "Marek's disease"
"The Marek's disease vaccine is a "leaky vaccine", which means that only the symptoms of the disease are prevented. Infection of the host and the transmission of the virus are not inhibited by the vaccine. This contrasts with most other vaccines, where infection of the host is prevented.
Under normal conditions, highly virulent strains of the virus are not selected for by evolution. This is because such a severe strain would kill the host before the virus would have an opportunity to transmit to other potential hosts and replicate. Thus, less virulent strains are selected. These strains are virulent enough to induce symptoms but not enough to kill the host, allowing further transmission. However, the leaky vaccine changes this evolutionary pressure and permits the evolution of highly virulent strains. The vaccine's inability to prevent infection and transmission allows the spread of highly virulent strains among vaccinated chickens. The fitness of the more virulent strains is increased by the vaccine. "
A lot of canned food that will be sitting around. I am prepared to hunt and fish. I am not starving.
There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.
The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.
Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident
However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.
The vaxxed are not effectively the same as the unvaxxed. The vaxxed have damaged their immune systems so that their immune systems cannot recognize or fight the virus effectively.
The unvaxxed chickens all died.... within 10 days
The thing is ... you will be better off dead... cuz when billions die the supply chains break - and you starve
Br Bugnolo (From Rome) did say we should all have hazmat suits to bury the dead....
After one month is a heated house.... we are talking about liquefied bodies and blood borne pathogens... so we are talking mini-bio hazard zones. So unless they are removed quickly, we are going to have a difficult task. And then they all have to be buried somewhere.
I believe that when the tsunami will be at the highest level, all these crazy governments will make the ivermectin available for free! They will be too scared not to do it. Just wait and see.
We would have to hope this would happen. And I am not sure it would make any difference once we have the symptomatic and asymptomatic spread of this virus among the vaccinated. Watch this to see all of the details of what may be ahead.
If it weren't a real possibility, that would be great stuff for a horror movie. But I'm actually more concerned about the so-called "measures" that will undoubtedly be taken. Think March 2020, but on steroids. It will be lockdown reloaded, only much worse. Not to mention they will desperately roll out a booster based on that variant, and they will require everyone to take it. Like: No vaxx pass = no food. Some countries already came extremely close to that last time, so yes, hunting and fishing may be a good idea. Also a well or another source of clean water because no vaxx pass will mean no access to the public water supply.
I don’t think they will have time for much. This will sweep across the world quickly and kill every vaccinated person in its path. Will there be chaos? Sure. But the authorities will be dying too. Anyway I wrote a short piece about the beginning of this. It will stimulate your thoughts on this.
You are correct--the vax pass types will be the first to go.
I very seriously doubt that.
same here,...
Right ?
No I am serious - I have everything that Geert has published on this. And I remember almost everything …so I know when he is repeating what he said before. Much of it is still Greek to me but the explainer videos that I have watched have helped me understand a lot of what he is taking about. Here is a good example of what I am talking about.
Can you understand this?
"Our approach relies on detecting genetic fragments of the virus that are excreted in stool by qPCR analysis. Here, we show SARS-CoV-2 effective concentrations, which are derived by adjusting viral concentrations to account for dilution and other factors. For more details about how Biobot's effective concentration is derived, please read our whitepaper."
They detected "fragments", not the whole SARS-Cov-2. There were no controls used either. (Meaning, they didn't do all the same processing and "testing" with waste water that only had poo from healthy people.) This is a scam.
Furthermore, there are no links to any raw data. The "white paper" is not the same thing as the Materials and Methods section as is required in all scientific papers. By using these fraudulent tactics, they can essentially make up any result they want. Here's an expert from the "White Paper":
The raw concentration of SARS-CoV-2 as measured in wastewater is affected by
technical factors unrelated to the spread of the virus.
● Currently, Biobot uses normalization to adjust for dilution and population size. As
wastewater-based epidemiology advances, Biobot will adjust for more technical
factors beyond dilution and population size.
● Biobot is introducing the concept of effective concentration as a transparent and
future-proof approach for this gradual increase in the factors accounted for.
● Presenting the effective concentration, rather than an ever-shifting methods-specific
nomenclature, will allow us to continuously improve our methods without affecting
customer data interpretation.
No controls. No materials and Methods. No raw data. They "detected fragments" the did not detect any "virus."
OMG... I just realized it... you are a virus/science denier? It that what you are saying? Viruses don't exist?
You're very perceptive! Yes, I am a "virus denier". I'm happy to except this characterization despite that some would consider it's "a bit demeaning and mildly insulting."
All good. Let's find some common ground. I assume you are also a "unicorn denier" as well as a "Santa Clause denier", just like I am too, correct? Why is that? Is it because there is no evidence for either of those imaginary concepts? There is also no evidence that "viruses" exist. It's all a scam.
So what are you trying to tell me/us with this? And (please tell me) what does this have to do with my comment? FYI - to start your comment out with "Can you understand this?" is a bit demeaning and mildly insulting. So please... explain yourself to me and everyone else here. Oh... by the way... I hope you can understand this?
"Can you understand this?" has EVERYTHING to do with your comment, (which comes across a bit arrogant and flippant, in my humble opinion).
Here's your original comment one more time: "The real scary thing here is that I am really starting to understand what he is saying now."
I don't think you understand it regardless.
Can we both agree that the information I have presented is the same exact information that the article links to? The sentence that I copy/pasted clearly states that no "Sars CoV2" was found, only a "genetic fragment" which they are falsely attributing to an in-silico "virus" which was modeled on a computer and never isolated to begin with.
Left-over cookie crumbs do not confirm the existence of Santa, and a dollar bill under your pillow does not confirm the existence of the tooth fairy. Virology is an enormous fraud, including this ridiculous sewage study. It's more fear mongering to convince us that deadly "viruses" are everywhere!
At the very least, you should acknowledge that the scientific method was not followed, there are no controls, no raw data, no materials and methods, and the CYA "white paper" itself admits "Currently, Biobot uses normalization to adjust for dilution and population size. As wastewater-based epidemiology advances, Biobot will adjust for more technical factors beyond dilution and population size."
You said: "So please... explain yourself to me and everyone else here."
Gladly. My goal is very straight forward. I am exposing the fraud of germ theory, which is the greatest deception of all time. There is no such thing as "contagious disease" and "viruses" do not exist. This is the most powerful hidden truth.
I'm late to the party, so I don't know if "everyone is here" anymore, but for those who are, then terrific. Now they can read your comments along with mine and others and they will be able to make their own informed judgement.
I'm just a passionate nobody on Substack trying my best to get this truth out. I highly recommend Dr Sam Bailey's content on Substack for anyone who would like to know more. Have you heard about her yet?
Dr. GVB, thanks for sharing more data that we can track to help inform what’s taking place. Here I’m trying to get more antivirals on hand for family and friends. Feeling both incredibly empowered to prepare and at the same time feeling crazy to imagine that such a disaster could actually take place, so hesitant to discuss with friends/family except in an indirect way.
If billions die... the global economy will collapse -- and there will be no food.
Die from the pathogen - or starve.....
Wow, I'm sure glad Geert is on our side. Mighty glad indeed.
Ditto Edwin
In what sense? Public health officials arent listening to him. He's not going to treat your infection; however he might be licensed to treat your pets' infections.
Perhaps his advice will help us to stock up on necessary meds.
They won't do anything because they want to exterminate us... everything is going exactly as planned
I’m no authority on wastewater conclusions so my question is purely random. Could the ingredients of the Covid vaccination from vaccinated people have any bearing? Could the virus be building in vaxed people’s bodies and their waste indicate a rising in variants, virulence? Or am I totally ‘out to lunch?’
I wonder that, too~~how much of what shows up in wastewater is from shedding of the vax?
You said it better than me!
The vaxx only triggers the production of spike protein. PCR tests (yes, they DO work if they're done correctly) look for several parts of the virus (spike, nucleocapsid, envelope and/or RdRp). So, the answer is: What is detected in wastewater is virus, not vaxx shedding.
With all due respect…
The very concept of wastewater presence of a particular virus sounds like the weirdest science fiction replacing all established science education top to bottom. It is absurd, in short. Why?
One, (according to official narration) you cannot detect any variant of SC2. You can only detect some of its alleged parts and deduct that “yea, we’ve got it”. Which is not science at all.
Two, wastewater? Really? The peak of absurdity. Let’s assume that an average city produces a small ocean of wastewater every day. Here come the analyst and samples, say, 200 ml of that ugly stuff. Randomly. Completely randomly and completely unable to assign the particular sample to any particular area, buildings or population. Of this gross (pun intended) sample, 0.5 ml may be actually used to “detect” anything. Like a drop in the whole Pacific Ocean.
Then serious scientists apply complex terminology, maybe sophisticated mathematics, and come up with conclusions whose credibility is as random as those samples (tracking quality = 0).
Of the two referenced articles, one does not offer any methods or tools, but clearly states that the authors based their paper on “modeling”, and even stated that “…mAb S309 was unable to neutralize BA.2.86, likely due to a D339H mutation based on modeling…” In English: we didn’t know, but modeling is great.
The other paper is behind a paywall. What is open, does not say a word about wastewater.
The authors refer to experiments on artificial constructs, in vitro, NOT on actual living persons, with the complete observation in their bodies.
I recently saw Denis Rancourt legitimately question the methodology of detecting so-called variants. He seems genuinely unconvinced by the evidence presented and he appears well qualified to do so. I want to hear more.
I'm not in anyone's camp (other than against the authoritarian measures/behavior that took place) but I am very interested in seeing more discussions around how much we really know about virology/immunology and how much is just scientific pontification (e.g. lab vs real world)
It seems there are serious flaws with the concept of a singular virus infecting the world, how viruses are detected/identified etc. and the data surrounding all this. Until these heavy hitting researchers agree to discuss what is actually known about these things versus what they think they know, it's going to be a murky place for the rest of us curious folk.
Why don’t we start at the start. The 2019 “virus” was “detected” and “identified” only and solely courtesy of PCR. This state of affairs has been continuing until now to some extent.
PCR - as described by the technology guidelines - cannot process longer scraps of whatever you put in there. As they have designed a huge huge “virus”, its detection is out of question. Full stop.
But if you persist… lab vs real world is the foundation of the scam. Forget lab, altogether. We are told that this “virus” is so omnipresent. It’s everywhere in bulk quantities. Except when you are eating or drinking, of course.
So, if this thing is everywhere, why don’t they make their experiments on real people? None, zero, never happened. They sample something and quickly hide it behind “Authorized personnel only” lab doors. There, they can do whatever they want. Nobody will check them. Nobody will question this stupid approach. The saddest thing is that many good people, and great scientists, fall in for this fiction and peddle fear mongering.
Spot on. It's refreshing to see such a logical and scientific approach for once. Glad you're here brother.
The data definitely leans towards your comment. I do wish we had more folks willing to question the entire premise.
Here is a funny thing: there is no data. Zero.
Since day 1, the “fear the virus” campaign has been based on PCR. But there has never been published or implemented or ordered any standardized procedure with PCR. Labs did what they could to welcome more money, i.e. overclocked the procedure and spread more fear, thus forcing more “tests”. Every lab did it their way. Nobody bothered to verify their procedures or even make a statistical review of their protocols vs cases found - an obvious fun part for armchair scientists fighting for more grants. Every country did it their way. Some commercial test kits were allowed on the market after 16 test samples as the basis for authorization.
Since there has never been any standardized protocol, all data has to be considered pure waste, unreliable, not credible in any way and definitely not scientific.
It’s all meat for journalists and decent scientists who easily swallow such fantasy because it ensures the continuity of their “importance” in the medical community. For the time being. One day young angry freshly produced doctors will re-evaluate all this and you may be sure they will redesign the “science” story behind the non-existent data.
By data I actually meant all cause mortality data that Rancourt and Fenton etc have been looking at. I agree about the PCR.
There never was any need for a real 'novel' coronavirus. All they needed for their campaign was a pandemic of fear; which they obviously did with full means.
The one percent would never launch such a weapon on themselves - See movie 'The Iron Giant' 😆
This is where most of us miss the point altogether.
The situation is: one party (“they”) is said to attempt to take control over the other party (“us”). “Is said”, because it’s only the interpretation, without any actual statement of that party. By the way, “they” used too often as a vague generic term signals a serious mental issue, speaking from the point of view of a psychiatrist :-) If the other party cannot be defined precisely, the mind goes wild and loses the grip of the reality. Soon, it will see weird stuff everywhere, even with no actual proofs.
Assuming that “they” actually do what “we” assume to be the “fact”… The concept of using a pandemic to spread fear is as abstract as unreasonable. So much effort, orchestrating thousands of random people (healthcare workers), many of whom could actually stand up and disclose the fake stories, and extending it over a time? The longer it goes, the weaker it becomes, by nature - and the easier it will collapse, by its own nature. So, I don’t buy it.
Yes, it’s easy to put blame and guilt on this assumed scenario, but, what if you are wrong? You will gather all forces to fight an imagined enemy where he is not. While you are busy… The only reasonable explanation is that “they” want to shift the control agency from traditional measures (force, other people) to intangible factors. You can’t fight with microbes (but they can), you can’t protect your smartphone and stupid likes from EM solar flares (but they can), you can’t fight with hurricanes (but they can). And you can’t fight with ideology, the oldest Baba Yaga and still in use. But they can, you only need to sign up and support them and their ideology.
The mechanism is the same. The party behind the mechanism is nothing like we have ever known. It is no longer nation-bound. It is supranational, in the realm where all political factions, parties, and countries play together hand in hand. All of them, irrespective of how “enemy” they are being portrayed by the media. Don’t you think that #1 superpower in the world would not be able to win the war anywhere or force its economic demands on anyone within 24 hours? But it doesn’t. Because it cannot fight against its own interests. And we still believe that we have seen through them. The best of fun we can give them :-)
Exactly so Dan!
My question is if a person had been living on Mars the past 4 years, will this more virulent variant be MORE virulent than the original Wuhan variant or Delta to that person if they came back and caught it? I have asked this question in various places but no one can answer it.
Anyone who was exposed to coronaviruses in the past (which is everyone, including the lone dude who survived on Mars in that movie) has some innate cross-immunity already. If they werent fooled into getting one of the jabs, and have a healthy immune system and vitamin D level, it was never a serious risk.
Good question. And I think the answer is "yes and no". Yes, because it has undergone years of gain of function in a 'vaccinated' world. But then again 'no' because our (unvaxxed) mucosal immunity, our innate immunity, is perfectly capable of dealing with it so it won't get the chance to cause a problem. It won't settle in the lungs, for example.
If you're not vaxxed or immune compromised then the armageddon variant shouldn't be a problem. The resulting chaos will be, however.
If he just gets back from Mars, he may get a nasty cold until his immune system gets up to speed again. By the way, you can't find SARSCov2 in wastewater because it can't be distinguished from the cold coronavirus and that is because it is all it ever was. Unfortunately for the vaccinated, the common cold has become a serious or even deadly disease.
Take the hand of Jesus, He will lead all out of this dark forest filled with wolves. He is, and has always been our Good Shepherd.
Since that person would not have had the opportunity to get their innate immune system TRAINED against the SARS-CoV-2 variants like we unvaxxed had during the past 4 years, they would definitely catch the new virulent variant and get sick with it. However, the severity of their infection would depend on how strong an innate immune system they had to begin with (innate immune system had the ability to be trained for all sorts of viruses, including coronaviruses before the pandemic) BEFORE they went to Mars and how good their general health was. And once they recover from this infection, their adaptive immune system would kick in for longer lasting immunity.
Everyone will die - just like all the chickens when exposed to a hot strain
What's happening now/going to happen is NOT a Marek's scenario. In Marek's ALL unvaccinated chickens died due to not being vaccinated while the vaccinated chickens were fine. With Covid, the unvaxxed will be fine, while it is the vaxxed who will have problems.
Mareks was caused by a leaky vaccine... Covid vaccine is a leaky vaccine.....
I agree with JJ that Marek's situation is different. Different viruses have different mode of action and they may also evolve differently. Virulent variants will die off after killing certain percent of population so I do not see it as existential threat to all humans. Some people live remotely or will choose to not socialize and never be exposed. But I do worry that "they" will harvest and keep those virulent strains and release it whenever they want. They are monitoring the waste water and sequencing the variants so they will have that information as well as access to those variants.
You agree -- because you have evidence ... or because you don't want a Marek's like outcome because that means you are going to die when the deadly pathogen emerges?
BTW - even if the unvaxxed are not killed by the pathogen --- all will die ... global supply chains will collapse when the vaxxed die -- and you will starve.
But don't fret -- leaky vaccines eventually cause deadly mutations ... and all the unvaxxed chickens died... so too will all those who have not been vaxxed with the covid rat juice... as will all those who are vaxxed.. cuz the vax they are taking is formulated for Covid 19... which does not exist.
Everyone dies.
The key here is the chance of exposure. It does not matter how virulent the virus is if one is not exposed to it there is no problem. In the case of Marek, I'm sure if you expose 1-8 billion unvaccinated birds to it there will be a small percent that will survive. There will be some birds whose immune system due to the polymorphism will find a way to survive the disease. Also I do not know the details about the birds... are they wild type, healthy, free-range birds that have access to grass and medicinal herbs or lab-raised, inbred, unhealthy birds fed some unhealthy fortified diet? As for the scenario, no I'm not afraid at all, if supply chains break and humanity is thrown back to stone age it will be the best thing for the planet, animals and humans.
On a different note wondering what your opinion is about this comment I read a few days ago. I do not know the commenter but I checked both of those stories and they were correct.
"Noticed something just recently. A friend/acquaintance of mine died suddenly last week. They blamed his liver from drinking too much. I never saw him drinking or drunk.
He was coughing up blood before he died.
He was 58.
Then a couple of days ago in the Australian media, a Nepalese man visiting his Daughters family in Australia vomited up 2 litres of blood, was rushed to hospital and saved.
Blamed his liver from his drinking though he has been sober for 2 years.
A day later a German man flying from Thailand to Germany vomits litres of blood and dies.
Now I know many people that have or had liver damage from drinking too much but I've never heard of them vomiting up litres of blood, or seen it reported in the MSM."
90%, but it will be from the geomagnetic reversal
The degree to which I was able to closely follow that analysis is truly humbling.
For real, y’all. Stock up now before lockdown 2.0.
It is probably worth binge-watching the first couple of seasons of 'The Walking Dead' as well.
I think this time it will be martial law.
Watch out for hysterical mobs of braindead pro-vaxxers.
Shouldn't come close to me. One warning is enough.
I wouldn't exclude that they will use Martial Law. The panic will be so big that they will be willing to do anything.
This is not a bad idea at all. One should never underestimate idiots with power.
I am open to Geert's theories but so far they have not come to pass.
Thanks God! However, I have very little doubts that is going to happen sooner or later. These things take time to develop just like a tsunami. I read everything he ever wrote, watched all his interviews and read his book. This is why I would be willing to bet that he will turn out to be right again. Just like in the past. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is what I call " close to a genius". It's absolutely stunning and incredible how he figured out the most complicated puzzle of the world. We are blessed and lucky to have him. And extraordinary blessed that he's sharing his knowledge with all of us. History books will remember him kindly for a very long time. Dr. Geert is our hero who will be remembered by many generations to come.
I also read everything he wrote and watched his videos, but I did not buy his book. I had a stroke just over four years ago and my memory is lousy. Please refresh my mind when you say you will bet that "he will turn out to be right again just like in the past." I am not saying his theories are wrong (his time predictions have been) but which ones have proven to be right by coming to pass?
I think Gabriella is referring to his response to and insights about the handling of the EBOLA virus , or the lessons NOT learned from that. Correct me if I am wrong.
Umm, you have not seen the never-ending treadmill of more and more transmissible variants emerging?? He warned about this way back in March of 2021, saying that mass vaccinating with "leaky" vaccines DURING a pandemic would lead to massive immune selection pressure that would spawn more and more transmissible variants. And that's exactly what happened!
Viruses becoming more and more transmissible through new variants is the norm for viruses. Nothing new here. I am thankful that Geert, and a number of others, said vaccinating with a leaky vaccine during a pandemic was dangerous.
I’m more concerned about the earths magnetic field. It’s already weakened by 25% and it’s accelerating. Watch the Diehold Foundation series 4 on YTube or earth disaster cycle Suspicious Observers Y Tube and then you will understand the need to keep people distracted
This I believe is the underlying motivation for the cull.
Thanks for sharing Dr Bossche much appreciated this timely information
Kind regards Paul
We are coming closer and closer to the big bang.
Good thing we have a septic tank 😂🤣 Thanks GV !!
I will wait until the virus has been isolated beforecommenting
Those fearful of food supply should already be planting their own seeds wherever they can.
Geert clearly lost me here. He seems to be presenting an argument that the possible declining PNNabs is due from a competition between DCs and APCs, presumably b-cells. Supposedly, the viral surges are triggering the DCs to automatically suck them up and and not leaving enough viral load for the APCs to get involved with PNNabs production. Yet, are DCs not also APCs that are involved in antibody production and even if indirectly by networking with T-helpers?
Interesting post. I wish I understood. Any way of dumbing this down, plz?
Yeah, I could try to dumb it down, but I might still end up writing over a page. Then there is this video that lays it all out in a simple and enjoyable way. You may go directly to the section on professional antigen presenting cells if you want to get right into it quickly, but the entire series is also quite informative. Definitely worth the time if all this science mumbo-jumbo is starting to get to you.
I think he's trying to differentiate between tissue migratory DCs that are aDsorbing (sticking) virus particles on to their surface and circulating APCs (like B cells) that phagocytize (take in internally) the entire virus particle, process it into smaller antigens that are then presented on their surface.
It's not just indirectly. DCs that phogocized virons will present to naive b-lymphocytes and thereby triggering antibody production. The two work complimentary and are not in competition. Again, where is Geert seeing the competition?
I think he's saying that currently the circulating viral load is so high that a lot of the virus particles, instead of getting phagocytized into DCs and then getting presented on their surface as they normally should, are simply getting stuck (aDsorbed) on to the surface of DCs and getting carried into lower respiratory tract/lung tissues.
Yes, before now shifting to talking of a competition between DCs(actually an APC!) and APCs, I did hear that from him although it sounded entirely speculative. I am really getting the vibes that Geert is doing some serious heavy lifting in making the claim that the PNNabs are declining.
Why doesn't he just leave things as mass vaccination has led to the virus escaping our immunity and now it is just spiralling out of control?
Also, DCs are operating? Aren't they innate cells? How does this fit with Geert's claim that vaccinees innate immunity is getting sidelined?
Sad part is they’ll just mandate more jabs and masks.. We will have to go thru the whole awful process again. They will NEVER change their process or stop to understand the consequences of their continuous actions. Or maybe they do actually understand what they’re doing. Who knows.
Geert thinks things will happen too quickly for that. There simply won't be the logistical supply chain to mandate jabs or masks - there won't be any product on the shelves to force upon us in the first place.
In one interview he mentions that we should be preparing our family for this and getting our house in order....
Prepare to die. Nobody will survive this.
No such thing that nobody will survive. Of course there will be survivals. And lots of them will be among the unvaccinated.
How much do you think we are left with? Why are you so sure about the lethalness of this? Surely, not living in a bubble?
Worst case scenario: death rate among vaccinated around 30%. Anyway, it's got to be pretty bad and scary.
Even if it's 2% in country like India, it amounts to around 1-2 crore deaths
Everyone will be dead withing a week or so ... just like the chickens
I don't think so.