I can attest to this process playing out in my own experience.
In advance, fully aware that this is anecdata.
I got the OG (American slang term, ha!) Wuhan Weapons Grade version of this virus in early 2020. It was brutal, and put me down, literally. And I am extremely physically healthy and literally never get sick.
Took me a long time to recover, 100% on my own, no therapeutic interventions whatsoever. (In retrospect, I could have used some IVM and monoclonals, etc. but water under the bridge now!)
Anyway, I regained all my strength and health, but it took a few months.
Flash forward to Summer, 2021. I am fairly sure that I contracted Delta. It was the same type of symptoms, the hallmark distinct symptom being a vaguely hallucinogenic brain effect, almost like a micro dose of psilocybin or related hallucinogenic. Just...altered. Like a fever "plus".
Except this time, I felt better within one day. Again, no interventions. I'm not esp. afraid now. I train every day, I sleep, I eat right. I have confidence in my natural immune system. It "remembered" and fought it off like a champ.
Dr. Geert. On a personal note. Your warning videos of mass vaxxing into an active pandemic were a key part of my research on the injections. You are incredibly bright and principled.
I do not make heroes, people are flawed with feet of clay.
I make an exception for you, sir. You are a hero. Thank you so very much.
Thanks for that comment. It's nice to hear about other's experiences. I recently got covid (unvaxxed but fit, lean, taking D, zinc etc..have mild asthma - i do tend to get things go to my chest). I don't know if it was delta or omi but I initially came down with that hallucinogenic feel which then went to a mild fever (for 10 days!), sore throat, heavy chest congestion and cough, no appetite, weird skin rash on my hand, followed by wicked fatigue for a few days. I am still recovering from the bronchitis (everything else has gone) though I found a doc (albeit not until after day 7) that has been great about giving me some good meds to ameliorate long covid type symptoms. It was much worse than the flu for me but I don't regret not getting a transfection ("vaccine") as I wanted my immune system to have a broader initial exposure to this virus. I think I just got a viral mother-load. It just seems to affect everyone so differently.
I learned about transfection from JJ Couey of gigaohmbiological who runs a channel on twitch tv. He discusses immunology and scientific papers. He uses that term because it is both technically correct and it bypasses the assumptions that people have when the word 'vaccine' is used.
Hi Richard. Could you please humor me and post your free salt water cure again?? Can you use this for any cold? I’m subscribed to a good many sub stacks and love to read all the comments but I am not sure I’ve come across it anywhere.
I'm in my late 60's, not vaxxed, and have been majorly exposed numerous times. Any antigen tests have been neg when required and I've had my dr. do antibody tests several times and those are negative. I take Mg, D3/K2, Zn, C, do intermittent fasting, not overweight, exercise, and if I have a scratchy throat or around large crowds for extended time, do a nasal wash with XLear and gargle with 1% povidine-iodine. Sometimes I wish I had it so I could show natural immunity. My dr is always pushing the vaccine, and I smile and politely decline. I've heard O Rh Neg blood types have a less chance of infection and I am that blood type. Anyway, the whole thing puzzles me.
Us too with the exposure to Covid. My husband and I are 72 and 75, not vaxxed, and we haven't caught anything yet despite having been around a son and his girlfriend when they were in our house with the orignal covid in December 2019. We were also around them in early January this year when they had what appears to be Omicron. Our daughter got Covid in Nov. 2020, but we weren't really around her much. Then we were around our daughter in law about 2 days before she came down with Covid.
For the last two years we've pretty much done as we always have without any craziness, and fortunately we live in a fairly relaxed area. We've mostly not worn masks at all unless required to do so (doctor's office, sporadic store), continued at our gym with no masks the whole time, and we never mixed in big crowds anyway, either before or now. We've had antibody tests twice, both negative. Like you, we take the same vitamins plus also NAC and a few other ones. We also do intermittent fasting, are slim in weight, we eat low carb/no sugar, drink lots of water, hardly any alcohol. Husband is type O, I'm A. We haven't been sick at all in the last 2 years, not even a sniffle. We've got the povidone-iodine to mix as a nasal spray at the ready but haven't needed it yet. Up until now, any time we have felt a slight tingle in the nose we have been using Zicam nasal spray, have no idea if it does anything but it does seem to make whatever we've felt disappear by the next morning. And per Dr. McCullough's group we got a mouthwash gargle that contains Cetylpyridinium chloride 0.1% as well as hydrogen peroxide in it (seems to be the strongest one we've found..Crest Pro Health Clinical). Everything about this virus is puzzling. I often wonder if it's just a worse than typical flu, to be honest. We never get the flu either.
Richard, I heard Dr. Peter McCullough mention similar nasal procedures to yours except he used a diluted 10% povodine iodine mix, also he said hydrogen peroxide would also work. I think the iodine mix was in a 1:10 dilution. I'm wondering if that would be as effective as a salt solution.
Dr. McCullough said in passing that a lot of things in the nose could kill off Covid, and the key was treating it quickly in ways like you and he have mentioned.
What you say makes great sense. If you think about how you feel when you start to get sick, it's in the nose and throat, that's where you feel it first.
It seems to me that Richard Noakes is probably on the money. And that you're not, sarcasm Queen who wants to deal with the jabbed harshly (it's in your bio).
Interesting. I have checked readings in 3 different countries. Japan is great (low 5s), Australia is ok (maybe 6s, 7s), NZ is not so great. I havn't figured out what it is yet, but it doesn't seem to be genetics, and my diet didn't change that much in those 3 countries (maybe less wheat in JP)
This is Sandy, like Sage I too had a Wuhan Weapons Grade version of Covid in Feb 2020. I had all 11 symptoms to the max that are recognized by the CDC plus a few extras. Took about 3 months but had a 100% recovery. Believing in "natural immunity" and reading as much as was available, I decided not to get vaccinated. Coincidentally, one of my kids was at the Sundance Film Festival in Jan of 2020 and he got Covid there although we had no idea what it was. He was sick about 7 days but also had a full and quick recovery. Separately, we both chose not to get vaccinated. I am glad we did. I had a brief illness that just lasted maybe two days in mid 2021 and my son recently had Omicron, tested for, and using the prophylactic meds mentioned by Peter McCullough, he had a full recovery within a few weeks and minor illness overall. We both have taken a lot of flack for our positions but would not have it any other way. He lives in LA and I live in Seattle. My friends who are vaxxed and boosted range from living their lives as normally as possible to still living in terror. The latter is just plain sad and a waste. At best, the vaccines are a partial solution that does not protect against infection except for temporary periods so is very "leaky" as they say. I fully trust that Geert in 100% correct in his assessment and the others, in my opinion, blinded by massive profits are blinded to seeing the full truth or is it arrogance and hubris instead. I can't make up my mind.
I haven't seen much of anything that says with any certainty at all that the vaccines provide any benefits at all. I'm glad my family and I chose to stay far away from them. My initial instincts and suspicions about mRNA and such an improperly tested innoculation were correct, and I'm glad I followed my instincts.
God, I love you. I am applying for a medical exemption here in the UK. A very slow process, but I intend to use your information to support my application. Thank you.
Please don't dream about something called medical/religious exemption. It's smoke and mirror. The US army as of December 2021 had rejected all exemption applications including religious exemptions (protected by US law). Bill Gates wants to kill 10-15% of the planet (his videos are online - listen directly to him saying it).
and the global agenda published in 2010 by the Rockfeller Foundation can be found here:
If after reading this document you still believe that the UK MI6 and MI5 services were not aware of the scamdemic I'll say you're in trouble. Maybe Lord Schwab already got you in his kingdom.
We at Murderna and Schizer have you covered for the next quarter – Safe and Effective booster ! Booster ! BOoster ! BOOster ! BOOSter ! BOOSTer !BOOSTEr ! BOOSTER BOOSTEr ! BOOSTer ! BOOSter ! BOOster ! BOoster! Booster ! booster shots with a brand new motherboard and an improved MAC Address module:
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Lord Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world).
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented mRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
Unfortunately, the new trans-humans do not have the luck of Spartacus because they are beyond genetically modification.
They have 5G nano-antennas embedded in them that allow their owners to monitor them anywhere they go. Graphene oxide nano-particles where developed for 5G networks and IOT devices and they're now used even in flu shots since 2019!!! watch out guys!!
These transgenic injections do create self assembled bio-networks in trans-humans thanks to graphene oxide and you can detect your "vaccinated" neighbor using a bluetooth App since he has a nano- MAC Address... Their masters can track them by satellite. This is a new sophisticated feudal system - the Great Reset of Lord Schwab.
As usual, excellent summary. Thank you! I've had Delta, it wasn't pleasant, but I got through it fine. Our entire house also just got Omicron. It was like a bad cold, all action was in the nasal passages. My immune system is fired up and ready to fight.
It seems that Dr. Bossche is focused on innate response.
But here is more about T cells from University of Zurich.
"Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 by infection or vaccination generates immune cells that provide long-term immunity. These long-lived memory T cells play a key role in preventing severe cases of Covid-19. Researchers at the University of Zurich have now discovered how these memory T cells form."
I'm sure you're right regarding acquired immunity from previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. My criticism was that the article said some people didn't get Covid-19 because they had cross-reactive T cells from common cold coronaviruses, rather than the more obvious mechanism of non-specific innate immunity. (For example, the cross-immunity from common cold coronaviruses doesn't explain why small children aren't susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection.)
Nick: this is complex subject. People have been exposed for many years against flu, cold viruses. That would result in some croos-reactive T cells that are able to respond to common parts of these viruses, including sars-cov2. Both immune systems are at work, and it depends on many factors like age and exposure to pathogens. This is my uneducated opinion, I am not an expert. However controversies about covid and mRNA injections forced me to learn. Doctors4covidethics (Bossche does not agree with everything they assume) posts some good material. I also listen to neurobiologist J.J Couey at 'GigaOhm Biological' lectures. He is a proponent of cross-reactive T cells and presents many excellent medical studies. Being skeptic by nature, I avoided any injections for covid.
The flu is being resurrected Geert...even in Belgium.
Remember a year ago I told you on LinkedIn it was bound to happen? How can anyone tell the difference between the seasonal upper respiratory infections and Omicron? PCR test??? ;-)
The whole world was duped... not me..
Heads will be rolling soon... many, including the Pope's..
So, I am not vaxxed and have spent the whole pandemic living my normal busy life...ie, very exposed one might say to germs of all sort. I am 60, extremely active, healthy (my whole life), athletic, healthy eater, a lot of sleep, etc. My unvaxxed husband got Omi two weeks ago...was like a flu for him...I did not get covid and still test negative. Also been taking all the recommended vitamins since the start...Why did I not fall ill to covid?
Simple. You didn't fall ill with Covid19 because you have been ensuring your immune system is in peak condition. If you were in close contact with your husband, it is highly likely that you were infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus) but your immune system knocked it on the head before it could gain a foothold, replicate and cause illness.
Infected via PCR means you had traces of SARS-CoV-2 in your nasal passage. That is, you breathed in the virus. From there your immune system reacted and halted the progress of the virus so well that you never showed symptoms of the disease - COVID-19. This is corroborated by the fact that you were continually exposed around your sick husband.
Why did your husband test negative? Probably just an example of how dubious the PCR testing regime is.
Waiting for the next saga -drama of a new sub variant to hit the land of Israel or Gibraltar as they seem so focused on being vaccinated by as many adjuvants as possible, my research on pathology shows the true damage the vaccines do to the body, and as alarming the findings are they are mostly ignored by the main stream, that in itself to me is so alarming that I can not wrap my brain power around it, how we have become oblivious to truths, not wanting to hear the truth and not wanting to allow the sharing of truths. We have become a dysfunctional species as far as respect- manners -truth and accountability.
I believe in life after death in some form of which I do not fully understand as it takes death to see the other side and I wonder how many of those who have passed look at a rebirth coming back to such a life we live now.
Hi Mr R, I guess through life experiences, reading and listening to so many people who have had out of body or very unusual things happen, insights and thoughts that suddenly pop into your brain, knowing things that are about to happen prior and confirmation of those happenings all make me think of something is over the other side of death. I remember reading about the surgeon with the rusty knife from Brazil and how this uneducated person became adept at removing cataracts from peoples eyes with his pen knife, he was if you like taken over by a Doctors spirit to be able to write out medicines he would never have known about, I know he became more famous than the Pele of the day in Brazil, yet he had a premonition of his departure from the living world, but could not do anything to prevent such from happening.
This story being true sent me on such a long journey that I am still on today learning listening and now knowing that death is not the end in my opinion.
Now seeing and living in a Buddhist country for the last decade or so I can see the quest for enlightenment by the pure and understand their true compassion for their fellow man.( Not all obviously as so many are just dipping their toes.
When I was younger and travelling the world I had gained employment in London and I had to clear a whole heap of rubbish away from a dumping ground (a tip of all sorts )that took me weeks to clear into many many skips, one day I unearthed an old TV that was still whole and the screen was intact, I picked up a brick and threw it at the screen it exploded outwards towards me, and to this day I can only say that what happened at that point of time is very real some 40 years later, I had a feeling of a light being turned on within my body and radiated out and all around me (I can only say it was like I had swallowed a powerful torch) that the glass from the explosion went all around me and never touched me, I know from the workers working on the site who came running out to see what the loud explosion was and getting told by older fellas how dangerous those old tv can be. Since then many situations have happened too many for this plat form.
Something is for sure over or out side our current fully understanding, but we get glimpses of something when they are true and not embellished as many NDE returnees claim, to see god see Jesus yet so many never describe them in any detail.
As you know from your life in age being older gives you way more tolerance to being open to life challenges, some we hate some we embrace, some we suck it up as we are powerless to change the direction, yet if we stay true to who we are, we are the vitorious and anything this mob throw at us can not reach our souls or beliefs, that's what they have yet to grasp.
I am one of those guys who have experienced so many paranormal experiences since the age of 8 that I am serious when I use the name Nostradamus. From near death experience to extra sensorial perceptions to connecting to an ocean of energy that supports the physical universe. David Bohm, the British American physicist started his non-local quantum mechanics after experiencing the connection with the universe which was ridiculed by some physicists as gnosticism but which in fact is the only rational theory that has helped me grasp most of the paranormal phenomena that I have experienced. If you really want to dig deeper into what you've experienced, there are 3 scientists/philosophers who have theorized what may be going on.
1 - Nicolaus Von Cusa (15-16th century): De Docta Ignorantia (in English: On learned Ignorance)
This helps you understand your place in the universe in a scientific way. No religion here despite the fact that Cusa was a Cardinal in Rome!!!
2 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (18th century): The Monadology (was originally written in French in ~1712 as "La Monadologie") was published 140 years after his death.
German philosopher, lawyer and scientist.
This treaty shows clearly that the universe is biphasic. The physical universe being just the projection of the intrinsic order of the universe made up of the Monads - he describes in dept what he calls Monads in the book (100 pages only)
3 - David Bohm (20th century) - was professor in the UK and has many published papers in non-local quantum mechanics. His theories are very close to what Leibniz was describing in "La Monadologie" i.e the entire universe is in each point of the universe. In other words you perceive the entire universe from your desk right now and if you need somebody from Argentina to save you in Egypt, you can do so through the dilute phase of the universe if there is a urgency. Perceptions are well defined in the Monadology by Leibnitz.
I bet that if your read the above authors you'll see things totally differently.
Yes Richard I think you salt water sequence is a working thing, last year you wrote about it and since that time I have looked at demographics of where infectious rates are highest and lowest, and quite clearly it shows infection rates are very low at the beachside living or beachside users, how much minerals are airborne from the ocean winds and crashing sea I do not know, but do know the data is real. Salt works.
Have you ever wondered about our bio electricity, which I’m told so far, diminishes as we age. Where does the energy eventually go? Have you ever been out for instance shopping and felt a stare from behind, without thinking glance behind and see some one staring and maybe approaching and you carry on regardless without thinking about it? There is a lot we don’t know but we sense. Is this instinct? I think the animal world has better instinct than humans. Innate intelligence. I like to think that there is God and I am accountable. Makes me feel better. God is love.
Cathy an insight to something as you call it (him- she- god) I concur with your perception of feeling of eyes upon you and do you notice it is direct eye contact when you do. I have many many experiences to name a couple, I walked past a lady at a bar and stopped I tapped her on her shoulder and said excuse me your surname begins with a D, and walked off , next thing I know she is beside me asking me all manner of questions, another, a group of ladies out having a good time I sat down amongst them and said to a lady opposite me your going to buy a new washing machine tomorrow, stood up and left the table, those ladies departed very quickly with one of them coming up to me asking how I knew that, is that an instinct I do not know. Is it something still not understood of our brains capacity.
What about those who are infected with Delta, then boosted, and then exposed to Omicron. Does the booster make a difference, either positive or negative?
Richard, do you know how one could determine if it was Delta or Omicron or even a flu? My son had what appears to have been the original Covid in November-December 2019...he was at university in California and his campus had a LOT of Chinese from Wuhan there. Lots of people were sick, doctors were very puzzled about the strange virus going around and couldn't identify what it was. So he was sick for a couple of weeks, and remains un-vaccinated to this day. He has never had any sort of antibody test. However, in early January 2022 he got sick and assumed it must be Omicron as everyone was saying Delta was gone and now Omicron was circulating in this area. He was sick for 4 or 5 days, but while he says it was similar to the original Covid, it was definitely not as bad (although it was bad enough that he stayed in bed) and also he said it was wasn't deep respiratory like the first one, just mostly in his sinuses this time. He didn't get tested, but his girlfriend was sick at the same time, she tested positive. But I don't see how these tests show anything specific. Could the test show any type of flu remnants, but they are calling it Covid without really knowing for sure? This is my suspicion. I don't think they can distinguish Covid from any variant, Delta, Omicron, or flu.
Thank you for your appreciated insights. Is the answer you formulate also applicable for people with disturbed immune system? My wife recovered from cancer, 15 lymfe nodes have been removed and the ribs have been rather heavily radiated with the maximum amount possible. Her blood values for immune cells are below normal. She caught corona in December, after 2 days only symptom was a fastly deteriorating O2 saturation dropping to appr 60. At this moment she is treated with the Zelenco protocol (HCQ+IVM+antibioticum), the next day O2sat started going up, fully normal after appr 4 days. Is it possible she got a reasonable protection if she gets reinfected, and on a scale from 1 to 10 what do you think this probably will be, assuming “normal” healthy people have a 10?
I can attest to this process playing out in my own experience.
In advance, fully aware that this is anecdata.
I got the OG (American slang term, ha!) Wuhan Weapons Grade version of this virus in early 2020. It was brutal, and put me down, literally. And I am extremely physically healthy and literally never get sick.
Took me a long time to recover, 100% on my own, no therapeutic interventions whatsoever. (In retrospect, I could have used some IVM and monoclonals, etc. but water under the bridge now!)
Anyway, I regained all my strength and health, but it took a few months.
Flash forward to Summer, 2021. I am fairly sure that I contracted Delta. It was the same type of symptoms, the hallmark distinct symptom being a vaguely hallucinogenic brain effect, almost like a micro dose of psilocybin or related hallucinogenic. Just...altered. Like a fever "plus".
Except this time, I felt better within one day. Again, no interventions. I'm not esp. afraid now. I train every day, I sleep, I eat right. I have confidence in my natural immune system. It "remembered" and fought it off like a champ.
Dr. Geert. On a personal note. Your warning videos of mass vaxxing into an active pandemic were a key part of my research on the injections. You are incredibly bright and principled.
I do not make heroes, people are flawed with feet of clay.
I make an exception for you, sir. You are a hero. Thank you so very much.
Thanks for that comment. It's nice to hear about other's experiences. I recently got covid (unvaxxed but fit, lean, taking D, zinc etc..have mild asthma - i do tend to get things go to my chest). I don't know if it was delta or omi but I initially came down with that hallucinogenic feel which then went to a mild fever (for 10 days!), sore throat, heavy chest congestion and cough, no appetite, weird skin rash on my hand, followed by wicked fatigue for a few days. I am still recovering from the bronchitis (everything else has gone) though I found a doc (albeit not until after day 7) that has been great about giving me some good meds to ameliorate long covid type symptoms. It was much worse than the flu for me but I don't regret not getting a transfection ("vaccine") as I wanted my immune system to have a broader initial exposure to this virus. I think I just got a viral mother-load. It just seems to affect everyone so differently.
Love to hear these types of stories.
And "transfection"! Brilliant and hilarious! :)
I learned about transfection from JJ Couey of gigaohmbiological who runs a channel on twitch tv. He discusses immunology and scientific papers. He uses that term because it is both technically correct and it bypasses the assumptions that people have when the word 'vaccine' is used.
Hi Richard. Could you please humor me and post your free salt water cure again?? Can you use this for any cold? I’m subscribed to a good many sub stacks and love to read all the comments but I am not sure I’ve come across it anywhere.
Thank you!
I'm in my late 60's, not vaxxed, and have been majorly exposed numerous times. Any antigen tests have been neg when required and I've had my dr. do antibody tests several times and those are negative. I take Mg, D3/K2, Zn, C, do intermittent fasting, not overweight, exercise, and if I have a scratchy throat or around large crowds for extended time, do a nasal wash with XLear and gargle with 1% povidine-iodine. Sometimes I wish I had it so I could show natural immunity. My dr is always pushing the vaccine, and I smile and politely decline. I've heard O Rh Neg blood types have a less chance of infection and I am that blood type. Anyway, the whole thing puzzles me.
Us too with the exposure to Covid. My husband and I are 72 and 75, not vaxxed, and we haven't caught anything yet despite having been around a son and his girlfriend when they were in our house with the orignal covid in December 2019. We were also around them in early January this year when they had what appears to be Omicron. Our daughter got Covid in Nov. 2020, but we weren't really around her much. Then we were around our daughter in law about 2 days before she came down with Covid.
For the last two years we've pretty much done as we always have without any craziness, and fortunately we live in a fairly relaxed area. We've mostly not worn masks at all unless required to do so (doctor's office, sporadic store), continued at our gym with no masks the whole time, and we never mixed in big crowds anyway, either before or now. We've had antibody tests twice, both negative. Like you, we take the same vitamins plus also NAC and a few other ones. We also do intermittent fasting, are slim in weight, we eat low carb/no sugar, drink lots of water, hardly any alcohol. Husband is type O, I'm A. We haven't been sick at all in the last 2 years, not even a sniffle. We've got the povidone-iodine to mix as a nasal spray at the ready but haven't needed it yet. Up until now, any time we have felt a slight tingle in the nose we have been using Zicam nasal spray, have no idea if it does anything but it does seem to make whatever we've felt disappear by the next morning. And per Dr. McCullough's group we got a mouthwash gargle that contains Cetylpyridinium chloride 0.1% as well as hydrogen peroxide in it (seems to be the strongest one we've found..Crest Pro Health Clinical). Everything about this virus is puzzling. I often wonder if it's just a worse than typical flu, to be honest. We never get the flu either.
Richard, I heard Dr. Peter McCullough mention similar nasal procedures to yours except he used a diluted 10% povodine iodine mix, also he said hydrogen peroxide would also work. I think the iodine mix was in a 1:10 dilution. I'm wondering if that would be as effective as a salt solution.
Dr. McCullough said in passing that a lot of things in the nose could kill off Covid, and the key was treating it quickly in ways like you and he have mentioned.
What you say makes great sense. If you think about how you feel when you start to get sick, it's in the nose and throat, that's where you feel it first.
That's terrific, Rich!
I should have teleported into the future and read about your miracle cure from Spring 2020 to Spring 2022 and then teleported back and implemented it.
Doh! Why didn't I think outside the (future) box, like COVID Savant Richard Noakes?
I'll do better moving forwards. I promise!
It seems to me that Richard Noakes is probably on the money. And that you're not, sarcasm Queen who wants to deal with the jabbed harshly (it's in your bio).
Hey Rich. Did you even read my post?
I know he didn't, because he is blathering about Omicron when I clearly said that I got Alpha and Delta.
I got the original infection in Spring 2020. How the hell was I supposed to know about 2022 Richard Noakes's magical salt water cure?
So go fuck yourself, Rich.
How do you like me now, cunt?
It hasn't changed.
You're a liar.
Where's the lie, Rich?
I'm sorry about the fascism in your country. Not for you. But for the decent Kiwis who got swept up in it.
You are a cunt.
Do you take anything for your Type 2? As it seems to me they're all poisons those type of 'medicines'
Are high sugar levels even dangerous?
Interesting. I have checked readings in 3 different countries. Japan is great (low 5s), Australia is ok (maybe 6s, 7s), NZ is not so great. I havn't figured out what it is yet, but it doesn't seem to be genetics, and my diet didn't change that much in those 3 countries (maybe less wheat in JP)
This is Sandy, like Sage I too had a Wuhan Weapons Grade version of Covid in Feb 2020. I had all 11 symptoms to the max that are recognized by the CDC plus a few extras. Took about 3 months but had a 100% recovery. Believing in "natural immunity" and reading as much as was available, I decided not to get vaccinated. Coincidentally, one of my kids was at the Sundance Film Festival in Jan of 2020 and he got Covid there although we had no idea what it was. He was sick about 7 days but also had a full and quick recovery. Separately, we both chose not to get vaccinated. I am glad we did. I had a brief illness that just lasted maybe two days in mid 2021 and my son recently had Omicron, tested for, and using the prophylactic meds mentioned by Peter McCullough, he had a full recovery within a few weeks and minor illness overall. We both have taken a lot of flack for our positions but would not have it any other way. He lives in LA and I live in Seattle. My friends who are vaxxed and boosted range from living their lives as normally as possible to still living in terror. The latter is just plain sad and a waste. At best, the vaccines are a partial solution that does not protect against infection except for temporary periods so is very "leaky" as they say. I fully trust that Geert in 100% correct in his assessment and the others, in my opinion, blinded by massive profits are blinded to seeing the full truth or is it arrogance and hubris instead. I can't make up my mind.
I haven't seen much of anything that says with any certainty at all that the vaccines provide any benefits at all. I'm glad my family and I chose to stay far away from them. My initial instincts and suspicions about mRNA and such an improperly tested innoculation were correct, and I'm glad I followed my instincts.
God, I love you. I am applying for a medical exemption here in the UK. A very slow process, but I intend to use your information to support my application. Thank you.
Please don't dream about something called medical/religious exemption. It's smoke and mirror. The US army as of December 2021 had rejected all exemption applications including religious exemptions (protected by US law). Bill Gates wants to kill 10-15% of the planet (his videos are online - listen directly to him saying it).
and the global agenda published in 2010 by the Rockfeller Foundation can be found here:
If after reading this document you still believe that the UK MI6 and MI5 services were not aware of the scamdemic I'll say you're in trouble. Maybe Lord Schwab already got you in his kingdom.
Passports themselves are from 1919 or so. You didn't even need one of those before that.
Excellent explanation, perfect... thank you.
We at Murderna and Schizer have you covered for the next quarter – Safe and Effective booster ! Booster ! BOoster ! BOOster ! BOOSter ! BOOSTer !BOOSTEr ! BOOSTER BOOSTEr ! BOOSTer ! BOOSter ! BOOster ! BOoster! Booster ! booster shots with a brand new motherboard and an improved MAC Address module:
We care,
CEOs Murderna & Schizer
Disclaimer of Liability ™
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Lord Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world).
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented mRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
I'm wondering if trans-humans should trademark themselves. In NZ you can do that for $72.
Maybe with the approval of their owners (Murderna, Schizer, Joke & Joke) and a tacit approval from Lord Schwab.
I'm thinking more as a Spartacus type of deal.
Unfortunately, the new trans-humans do not have the luck of Spartacus because they are beyond genetically modification.
They have 5G nano-antennas embedded in them that allow their owners to monitor them anywhere they go. Graphene oxide nano-particles where developed for 5G networks and IOT devices and they're now used even in flu shots since 2019!!! watch out guys!!
These transgenic injections do create self assembled bio-networks in trans-humans thanks to graphene oxide and you can detect your "vaccinated" neighbor using a bluetooth App since he has a nano- MAC Address... Their masters can track them by satellite. This is a new sophisticated feudal system - the Great Reset of Lord Schwab.
Maybe, but they also need recharging every few months.
And I can't imagine that the storage requirements are trivial.
Just checked bluetooth - there is a mac address around here somewhere.
Thank you!! Those two words don't say enough.
As usual, excellent summary. Thank you! I've had Delta, it wasn't pleasant, but I got through it fine. Our entire house also just got Omicron. It was like a bad cold, all action was in the nasal passages. My immune system is fired up and ready to fight.
Hi Geert ! What is your opinion with this stealth Omicron b.a.2 ?
Meanwhile, mainstream media is still blabbering on about T cells 🤦♂️
It seems that Dr. Bossche is focused on innate response.
But here is more about T cells from University of Zurich.
"Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 by infection or vaccination generates immune cells that provide long-term immunity. These long-lived memory T cells play a key role in preventing severe cases of Covid-19. Researchers at the University of Zurich have now discovered how these memory T cells form."
I'm sure you're right regarding acquired immunity from previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. My criticism was that the article said some people didn't get Covid-19 because they had cross-reactive T cells from common cold coronaviruses, rather than the more obvious mechanism of non-specific innate immunity. (For example, the cross-immunity from common cold coronaviruses doesn't explain why small children aren't susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection.)
Nick: this is complex subject. People have been exposed for many years against flu, cold viruses. That would result in some croos-reactive T cells that are able to respond to common parts of these viruses, including sars-cov2. Both immune systems are at work, and it depends on many factors like age and exposure to pathogens. This is my uneducated opinion, I am not an expert. However controversies about covid and mRNA injections forced me to learn. Doctors4covidethics (Bossche does not agree with everything they assume) posts some good material. I also listen to neurobiologist J.J Couey at 'GigaOhm Biological' lectures. He is a proponent of cross-reactive T cells and presents many excellent medical studies. Being skeptic by nature, I avoided any injections for covid.
The flu is being resurrected Geert...even in Belgium.
Remember a year ago I told you on LinkedIn it was bound to happen? How can anyone tell the difference between the seasonal upper respiratory infections and Omicron? PCR test??? ;-)
The whole world was duped... not me..
Heads will be rolling soon... many, including the Pope's..
So, I am not vaxxed and have spent the whole pandemic living my normal busy life...ie, very exposed one might say to germs of all sort. I am 60, extremely active, healthy (my whole life), athletic, healthy eater, a lot of sleep, etc. My unvaxxed husband got Omi two weeks ago...was like a flu for him...I did not get covid and still test negative. Also been taking all the recommended vitamins since the start...Why did I not fall ill to covid?
Simple. You didn't fall ill with Covid19 because you have been ensuring your immune system is in peak condition. If you were in close contact with your husband, it is highly likely that you were infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus) but your immune system knocked it on the head before it could gain a foothold, replicate and cause illness.
Thank you ..but if I was infected, why were my covid tests i took while he had it and after, negative??
Infected via PCR means you had traces of SARS-CoV-2 in your nasal passage. That is, you breathed in the virus. From there your immune system reacted and halted the progress of the virus so well that you never showed symptoms of the disease - COVID-19. This is corroborated by the fact that you were continually exposed around your sick husband.
Why did your husband test negative? Probably just an example of how dubious the PCR testing regime is.
Check for antibodies
Waiting for the next saga -drama of a new sub variant to hit the land of Israel or Gibraltar as they seem so focused on being vaccinated by as many adjuvants as possible, my research on pathology shows the true damage the vaccines do to the body, and as alarming the findings are they are mostly ignored by the main stream, that in itself to me is so alarming that I can not wrap my brain power around it, how we have become oblivious to truths, not wanting to hear the truth and not wanting to allow the sharing of truths. We have become a dysfunctional species as far as respect- manners -truth and accountability.
I believe in life after death in some form of which I do not fully understand as it takes death to see the other side and I wonder how many of those who have passed look at a rebirth coming back to such a life we live now.
Hi Mr R, I guess through life experiences, reading and listening to so many people who have had out of body or very unusual things happen, insights and thoughts that suddenly pop into your brain, knowing things that are about to happen prior and confirmation of those happenings all make me think of something is over the other side of death. I remember reading about the surgeon with the rusty knife from Brazil and how this uneducated person became adept at removing cataracts from peoples eyes with his pen knife, he was if you like taken over by a Doctors spirit to be able to write out medicines he would never have known about, I know he became more famous than the Pele of the day in Brazil, yet he had a premonition of his departure from the living world, but could not do anything to prevent such from happening.
This story being true sent me on such a long journey that I am still on today learning listening and now knowing that death is not the end in my opinion.
Now seeing and living in a Buddhist country for the last decade or so I can see the quest for enlightenment by the pure and understand their true compassion for their fellow man.( Not all obviously as so many are just dipping their toes.
When I was younger and travelling the world I had gained employment in London and I had to clear a whole heap of rubbish away from a dumping ground (a tip of all sorts )that took me weeks to clear into many many skips, one day I unearthed an old TV that was still whole and the screen was intact, I picked up a brick and threw it at the screen it exploded outwards towards me, and to this day I can only say that what happened at that point of time is very real some 40 years later, I had a feeling of a light being turned on within my body and radiated out and all around me (I can only say it was like I had swallowed a powerful torch) that the glass from the explosion went all around me and never touched me, I know from the workers working on the site who came running out to see what the loud explosion was and getting told by older fellas how dangerous those old tv can be. Since then many situations have happened too many for this plat form.
Something is for sure over or out side our current fully understanding, but we get glimpses of something when they are true and not embellished as many NDE returnees claim, to see god see Jesus yet so many never describe them in any detail.
As you know from your life in age being older gives you way more tolerance to being open to life challenges, some we hate some we embrace, some we suck it up as we are powerless to change the direction, yet if we stay true to who we are, we are the vitorious and anything this mob throw at us can not reach our souls or beliefs, that's what they have yet to grasp.
I am one of those guys who have experienced so many paranormal experiences since the age of 8 that I am serious when I use the name Nostradamus. From near death experience to extra sensorial perceptions to connecting to an ocean of energy that supports the physical universe. David Bohm, the British American physicist started his non-local quantum mechanics after experiencing the connection with the universe which was ridiculed by some physicists as gnosticism but which in fact is the only rational theory that has helped me grasp most of the paranormal phenomena that I have experienced. If you really want to dig deeper into what you've experienced, there are 3 scientists/philosophers who have theorized what may be going on.
1 - Nicolaus Von Cusa (15-16th century): De Docta Ignorantia (in English: On learned Ignorance)
This helps you understand your place in the universe in a scientific way. No religion here despite the fact that Cusa was a Cardinal in Rome!!!
2 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (18th century): The Monadology (was originally written in French in ~1712 as "La Monadologie") was published 140 years after his death.
German philosopher, lawyer and scientist.
This treaty shows clearly that the universe is biphasic. The physical universe being just the projection of the intrinsic order of the universe made up of the Monads - he describes in dept what he calls Monads in the book (100 pages only)
3 - David Bohm (20th century) - was professor in the UK and has many published papers in non-local quantum mechanics. His theories are very close to what Leibniz was describing in "La Monadologie" i.e the entire universe is in each point of the universe. In other words you perceive the entire universe from your desk right now and if you need somebody from Argentina to save you in Egypt, you can do so through the dilute phase of the universe if there is a urgency. Perceptions are well defined in the Monadology by Leibnitz.
I bet that if your read the above authors you'll see things totally differently.
Good luck.
Yes Richard I think you salt water sequence is a working thing, last year you wrote about it and since that time I have looked at demographics of where infectious rates are highest and lowest, and quite clearly it shows infection rates are very low at the beachside living or beachside users, how much minerals are airborne from the ocean winds and crashing sea I do not know, but do know the data is real. Salt works.
Have you ever wondered about our bio electricity, which I’m told so far, diminishes as we age. Where does the energy eventually go? Have you ever been out for instance shopping and felt a stare from behind, without thinking glance behind and see some one staring and maybe approaching and you carry on regardless without thinking about it? There is a lot we don’t know but we sense. Is this instinct? I think the animal world has better instinct than humans. Innate intelligence. I like to think that there is God and I am accountable. Makes me feel better. God is love.
Have you heard of the British scientist Rupert Sheldrake? He may be of interest to you :)
No, I haven’t. I will have a look. Thankyou.
You’ll find tonnes of information on him, but here’s an example..
Cathy an insight to something as you call it (him- she- god) I concur with your perception of feeling of eyes upon you and do you notice it is direct eye contact when you do. I have many many experiences to name a couple, I walked past a lady at a bar and stopped I tapped her on her shoulder and said excuse me your surname begins with a D, and walked off , next thing I know she is beside me asking me all manner of questions, another, a group of ladies out having a good time I sat down amongst them and said to a lady opposite me your going to buy a new washing machine tomorrow, stood up and left the table, those ladies departed very quickly with one of them coming up to me asking how I knew that, is that an instinct I do not know. Is it something still not understood of our brains capacity.
Thank you Geert, I wish we heard from you more often !
What about those who are infected with Delta, then boosted, and then exposed to Omicron. Does the booster make a difference, either positive or negative?
Richard, do you know how one could determine if it was Delta or Omicron or even a flu? My son had what appears to have been the original Covid in November-December 2019...he was at university in California and his campus had a LOT of Chinese from Wuhan there. Lots of people were sick, doctors were very puzzled about the strange virus going around and couldn't identify what it was. So he was sick for a couple of weeks, and remains un-vaccinated to this day. He has never had any sort of antibody test. However, in early January 2022 he got sick and assumed it must be Omicron as everyone was saying Delta was gone and now Omicron was circulating in this area. He was sick for 4 or 5 days, but while he says it was similar to the original Covid, it was definitely not as bad (although it was bad enough that he stayed in bed) and also he said it was wasn't deep respiratory like the first one, just mostly in his sinuses this time. He didn't get tested, but his girlfriend was sick at the same time, she tested positive. But I don't see how these tests show anything specific. Could the test show any type of flu remnants, but they are calling it Covid without really knowing for sure? This is my suspicion. I don't think they can distinguish Covid from any variant, Delta, Omicron, or flu.
Thank you!
Thank you for your appreciated insights. Is the answer you formulate also applicable for people with disturbed immune system? My wife recovered from cancer, 15 lymfe nodes have been removed and the ribs have been rather heavily radiated with the maximum amount possible. Her blood values for immune cells are below normal. She caught corona in December, after 2 days only symptom was a fastly deteriorating O2 saturation dropping to appr 60. At this moment she is treated with the Zelenco protocol (HCQ+IVM+antibioticum), the next day O2sat started going up, fully normal after appr 4 days. Is it possible she got a reasonable protection if she gets reinfected, and on a scale from 1 to 10 what do you think this probably will be, assuming “normal” healthy people have a 10?