They will blame the unjabbed. Two days ago I had an unfortunate encounter with two British 70-something retired university lecturers. They just got their 8th one. In conversation the female half of the couple said that if it was in her power she would have everyone forced jabbed. The world is full of evil, vile stupid people Geert. Lots of them are in government, in the media and in the medical professions.

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So I presume this same person is perfectly okay with rape… if you don’t have the right to bodily autonomy, nothing about your person can be defended as sacred. Vile is an accurate adjective for this person.

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I am going to purchase a baseball bat... just in case when The Bossche Mutation arrives and the vaxxers blame me....

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So many of these idiots screaming for forced jabbing are still seized with fear. Their brain has shut down, they cannot think critically. This clade of apes sure do freak out easily.

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I am seeing a small minority of people in my gym ... who wear masks and wipe down everything before they touch it ... the weights .. the bars... the machines... the lot....

They are mentally ill. I feel like spitting in their faces

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I think most of them are suffering an anxiety disorder now and the mask is their security blanket or support animal. Others seem to have lost the remembered baseline for functioning in the world and now have a pandemic induced trance which they may or may not wake up from.

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Some of them are quite ugly and have horrible teeth. The face coverings help mask those facts.

Just an opinion... 😉

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LOL...so they are wearing stylish masks?

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What brain ?

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After hundreds of millions of injuries and deaths... if someone still insists the Rat Juice is Safe and Effective

It is ok to hate them ...and the wish they drop dead

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I hear you Eddy but most of those remaining are members of my family and... I don't wish ill upon my familial brain-dead

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That is describing a huge amount of what is really going on here. Critical thinking has been completely trumped by a group think where masses of individuals will buy into any narrative as long as it allows them to continue to be part of the "in-group," be part of the cartel. 15 members of Robert Kennedy's family reject him and are throwing their support behind Biden. They would rather be seen as supporting an administrative state puppet (and some would say, dithering old fool) than vote for one of their own OR do the real work of coming up with a different candidate. Clintons and Obamas are so addicted to the halls of power they spend half their time at the White House suckling the tit of power before it withers into chaos and narcolepsy at the hands of the medical industrial complex, the military industrial complex, and the Schwabian 4th Reich agenda with which we are all now familiar. That rather than show some intelligence and some backbone and say ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE.

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Clade is a good word: "A clade is a group of organisms that share a common ancestor and all of its descendant."

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"They just got their 8th one."

But they never question why they have to keep getting jabbed of course. Or why they keep getting sick after being jabbed so many times.

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Or another ‘virus’ comes out. Then another. Will they get two mRNA jabs a year for each one? Six a year? Of course the question is not worth debating. Those two are dead men walking.

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Will they get the 2 different jabs at the same time as well as their flu, pneumonia and shingles ones? Dead people walking indeed.

I’m sure that they will trust the studies showing that it’s safe to do that…oh wait. There are no studies.


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No. But there are headlines. Headlines/Studies…much the same thing.

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"Gawd gave you two arms for a reason."

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I'd support a 10 in 1 shot.... with a syringe the size of a turkey baster haahaha

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Vaccine Roulette. But they don't win anything (are they still giving out free donuts)

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One thing good about the coming hyperacute phase is these stupid people will be eliminated by the Hivicron.

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Let it be clearly understood, nobody is unjabbed. The jab operation started 200 years ago with the first vaccine and the immune escape also. Now this C19 mass vaccination at Warp Speed only accelerated and potentialised this decay in herd immunity, which we can verify in the outcomes now. According to a very “cautious” survey in the year of the Olympics, 70% of the population is chronically ill, meaning they start suffering for the rest of their lives at 50…40? and are being buried at 70 when they’re lucky at 80.

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That makes me feel sick in the pit of my stomach because I'm afraid that's coming. They almost succeeded last time around. Too many people have that attitude. Sometimes, I think it's jealosy of the unjabbed.

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Amazing...if I met somebody like that I would probably want to roast them but would not be able to keep my cool and would probably resort to sarcasm instead: "how nice for you...how long have you had your addiction...or...okay, can I chose what to have your force jabbed with?"

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Now that is the sort of comment.... that supports my position that we should celebrate the vax injuries and deaths....

Anyone who at this point in the game is still injecting the Rat Juice... definitely thinks as that person does... most don't say it... but they think it....

Therefore they are The Enemy .... and when they drop dead --- we need to rejoice with a bit of SCHAD (enfreude)

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According to psychologist Carl Jung, the greatest threat to civilization lies not with the forces of nature, nor with any physical disease, but with man’s inability to deal with the forces of his/her own psyche. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/mass-psychosis-facts-and-remedies

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Are they still living? If they are, then I doubt they had 8.

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I know seemingly intelligent people that say herd and natural immunity don’t work. Some of these are doctors of some sort. Just questioning vaccines labels me an anti-vaxxer.

What is really a shame is that the younger generation, including my kids, listens to these fools and has little idea how harmful it is to blindly pump their systems full of poison.

Here is a novel idea. Exercise, eat right, take vitamin D, take a walk outdoors, and let natural immunity deal with viruses until vaccines are tested until they are safe.

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Eliminate all sugar/processed foods. Go as organic as you can afford

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Yes, vaccines are completely pointless at best (we don't know what is in each vial), but are by ingredient list toxic and harmful.

There is however no such thing as herd immunity as we are individuals who may have simialar diets etc to others, but ultimtaely we live or fall on our own maintenance of our health day by day.

Virology is fundamentally flawed and viruses are if anything the exosome, part of the body's defense system or at least cell debris to be removed and disposed of.

Vaccines will never be safe and are a gross fraud.


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Right on John.

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sometimes I wonder how they hoped to inject the whole world population in one batch. A former friend scolded me for not going when I could, if we had all been injected at the same time, the virus would be gone... their idea, not mine, for it took several months in my former country Belgium, to inject just the 8 or so million people (excluding children). Even if we had, it would not have worked, because most people I know who got sick were injected. Did they get it from people like me, not injected, but not sick? Seems like that is what they thought, un-injected people do not show symptoms, only the injected did??? LOL

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"If you don’t wear a mask then my vaccine won’t work."

Umm…your vaccine was never made to work. How do people still not know that after both Blix and Fauci admitted that?

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it is beyond me that thinking people can still believe all the crap we have been told. And how some are still wearing masks, after 4 years! I avoid the store where these 2 are filling racks with masks on... only go there if no other choice.

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If I wasn't so lazy I'd get some stickers made up Covid Vaccines Cause Cancer ... and stick them in public toilets... just for fun hahaha

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I understand why people trusted the government at first because whose mind goes to "they’re trying to kill me"?

But after all the info that has come out and people trying to wake them up, it’s beyond me too that they haven’t.

I just read how a person has gotten 8 jabs, still wears her mask everywhere and just got the Rona again. But then said that maybe she got it after taking an off to eat. Clown world! The virus doesn’t take a break just because you’re eating…if that’s how she got infected. That’s really mind boggling ain’t it?

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the whole thing was. I saw several tube touristic films where people run outside with masks on, go inside a restaurant, take masks off, eat, then put them back on to go out. In the UK you could keep it off as long as your glass had beer in it. Glass empty? mask on. Standing 6 ft apart, the virus would not jump you. but beware, soon as you are 5 feet apart! Going in one direction at Walmart would not get you sick, but beware, oh my, if you go the other direction! and specially if you want to buy a forbidden good! These kids watching toys they could not buy still haunt me. The taped off playgrounds... just saw a compilation lately of all this crazy stuff and shook my head. How can a person with 2 working brain cells step into that crap???

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Lol…why people didn’t ridicule the rules is also mind boggling. That they believed they could keep them safe…just no words.

Dumping millions of pounds of sand on skateboard parks and closing off all park equipment. That was just asinine. Boy the future people will look back at this time and wonder wtf happened to our brain cells.


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I think many people lack a sense of humour, but mind boggling is the word.


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Intelligence is a huge burden

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I went to the hospital the other day. I saw a nurse (I assume she was a nurse but there are other levels of assistants) who wore a mask in A & E. Then later I saw her without it. Then later she had it back on. Confused I say.

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may be it was an surgery nurse? I remember from my own surgery, that everyone in these rooms is masked.

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Perhaps, but it seems very unlikely this was in the general A & E ward, no surgical theatre near as far as I could judge.

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Multi booster and masked... and still they insist I wear a mask...


(cuz they are f7899ing MORONS)

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Essentially it was always impossible to achieve "herd immunity" from a so-called vaccine that doesn't stop infection or prevent transmission, especially when the "vaccines" actively encourage infection (as per Cleveland Study). Experts (tm) in the media kept banging on about it long after it should've been clear any chance had been missed.

If we had any possibility of herd immunity it was lost the moment so many took the faux-vaccines

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*and* the moment we locked *everyone* down! I was screaming into the void about how stupid it was to make healthy people stay home and not get out there and expose themselves to what was going around. I would watch my favorite "essential" workers over the following months to see if they ever missed work and they never did. I knew something demonic was at work in our government.

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Herd immunity does not exist as such as we are individuals, albeit with commonalities.


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I believe this disease was brought in to scare people into taking the mRNA gene therapy.

And the mRNA gene therapy was brought in for a twofold purpose....

1. To begin drastically reducing the world population through it's effects..

2. To test the obedience of the world population through mandates in preparation for the coming mark of the beast..

The antichrist is among us and preparing his entry onto the world stage. he will use famine, war , more deadly diseases and disasters to force people to take his mark....IF they want his help.

Woe to those who are seduced by him. Better to die a physical death through any of the above sorrows than take his mark...because that will bring death eternal..!

I pray for you all and bless Geert Vanden Bossche

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This kind of superstition is causing immense harm in our world today, contributing to the ethnic cleansing in Gaza and many other ills. It has nothing to do with reality or the scientific analysis of Dr. Vanden Bossche.

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I should perhaps have added “in my opinion” as I don’t understand the universe, but I don’t think there’s any real evidence which supports your point of view. You might want to consider this alternative perspective on the Bible and the existence and teachings of Jesus: https://youtu.be/ZZ3PsZ3m3xQ?si=UZ-FwprUFRsARDGI

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I hadn't spoken to my siblings and nephews about mRNA injuries or Geert;s prediction. This past week I sent them the link to the Geert's interview with Jim Kunstler plus some of Ed Dowd's charts. The information I emailed was all new to them. One said I need to take tranquilizers, one said it was a conspiracy theory, and the one with vaxed children was interested in ivermectin. One is married to a university geneticist who said it's all "mumbo jumbo". Why don't other virology experts say anything or criticize Bossche? Considering his dire predictions, why is officialdom silent? Certainly Dr. Bossche has had discussions with other experts. What are they saying?

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Imagine the cognitive dissonance involved and the mental gymnastics needed to protect yourself from the fear of what you have done to yourself by being vaccinated over and over. They have no other option than to call all of us (including Geert) crazy. They cannot change what they have done.

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great explanation! but why does one need to change the past? the truth is important for the future!, I can not understand people willing to die for their opinions. A better solution, or my opinion? so many times they choose the opinion. MOst of the time they just go silent, have 0 facts, but still don't care for a better solution.

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It is a mixture of denialand fear. It is all psychological at this point. No science is involved

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What is funny is most of their responses are not rebuttals to the evidence but ad hominem attacks/dismissals. Sadly they do not understand that they are the problem.

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Because Geert is either very wrong or very right.

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Not exactly. Everyone might not die. But many already are sick all the time. He could therefore be half right. Where I think he is off, and only somewhat, is we have these amazing gifts called immune systems. Our ISs are far more powerful than anything. They will figure out how to beat the jabs eventually.

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You have a point, well said. If it’s going to happen, I hope it’s a slow roll.

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I know one of the sub authors of Great Barrington ... I asked him why he doesn't come out and support GVB... he said 1. we don't know if he will be correct and 2. that would be suicide

Career over given they are all funded by pharma....

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Most of them are experiencing so much cognitive dissonance than all they can produce is "mumbo jumbo." They cannot produce a rational, articulate response...unless they are pathological liars.

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All of this covid debacle was never based on science or Public Health, it was many factions fighting to feed at the trough of opportunity to gain money, position, prestige and whatever twisted personal ambitions they had and the populations have been harmed because of it. Forced lockdowns, forced isolation, forced masking and forced vaccinations was a primitive, deliberately damaging approach. Public Health has now become Public Harm.

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Thank You God

For Making Me

So Much Smarter

Than So Many Others.

I Owe You One.


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the blame game...it started in the Garden. Narcissists never take responsibility, they blame and gaslight and scapegoat. The whole sham we've watched is a study of human nature and narcissism, using others for $$, political slavery, coercion, control, seeing the worst of ppl. MOB mentality, completely leaving God out. ALL govt agencies eventually turn into narcissistic cesspools corrupt...unredeemable.

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They used fear and it worked on so many, but it did not work on me because I am not afraid of death because I know God. Same with colonoscopies and all the other tools of fear they use to make a profit. Everyone is so afraid of dying.

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I feel the same way, when the good Lord is ready to take me, I trust it is my time.

We have also been given the great gift of the immune system, i have been unable to understand how so many people believed a synthetic human-made immunity would be greater than what l has already been bestowed upon us. Also, tampering with genetics (when not addressing an error) is the epitome of hubris.

My request for the exemption was founded on the gene therapy being idolatry and a breach of the Commandments.

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Yes, men and women playing God never leads to anything good! So glad you were able to opt out of the gene therapy! May you stay healthy and strong~~blessings!

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Well......at least I will get to stop paying alimony to my ex who has been boosted through the roof and was recently in hospital with Pericarditis at the ripe old age of 49. Then again - money wont be much good when over half the population is at risk of dying. I told her to take ivermectin. I took it, and got sick for 2 days and it was over. No shots for me!

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Thanks for sharing once again Dr Bossche much appreciated and thank you 🙏

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For those who are following Geert know that Geert is becoming more forthcoming in his assertion, clearly reflective in his language in the recent articles. Who knows when things will tip off, as per him, its June.

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I am grateful that he is updating us and of course I keep praying one of these days he will tell us something has changed to make his predictions not imminent. I know he is a good man and would admit when he is wrong, but he seems very adamant in his current prediction.

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There wasn't any "pandemic"; it was all a big lie propped up by pseudoscience and psychological warfare.

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Danger... there are troglodytes in the comment thread. Hide any raw fish you might have.... they love to eat raw fish and make clueless comments to disparage heroes.

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Geert is increasingly becoming assertive in his language, pointing to all the signals he must be observing to support his theory.

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Yup.... He KNOWS he is right. There is no question about it anymore. Everything he has predicted will happen has happened. He understands both the micro and macro of this situation. This was set in motion with vaccination campaign. It will end with nature establishing herd immunity for the species. The cost will be high for the human race. But the race will survive.

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All you need is love …. Came to mind! I will remember a great scripture when the blame you say is coming… Isaiah 53.

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Isaiah 54:17 too!

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I do not believe there will ever be transparency and admittance that the vaccines were at fault. Has it been accepted they were myo/pericarditis and taken off the market? No. What about now that they are being fou d to change immunity in such a way as to cause aggressive "turbo" cancers? No. I'm sure they will just continue to double down and find yet another scapegoat.

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