So basically, the WHO is merely lying low until forcefully EXPLOITING a tinderbox scenario they fully participated in creating.
They genuinely exhausted any scientific credibility they may have ever enjoyed in past eras. No guidance whatsoever generating from the WHO can be taken seriously, after all they've bungled!
A valuable follow up to this preemptive warning would be a summary of what to expect in highly vaccinated countries, particularly amongst the vaccinated v unvaccinated. Then discussing what can be done (if anything) by these groups to prepare, or better still, mitigate the likely consequences.
Focusing more on what individuals, or community groups can do, rather than on governments, who seem intent on doing what is wrong.
In the past Geert has recommended having anti-virals on hand to use for prophylaxis as soon as the increased virulence has raised its ugly head somewhere in the world.
Can there ever be sterilising immunity with a coronavirus?
And do we need to worry about 'asymptomatic' people?
Shouldn't it have been left to nature at the beginning, without the INSANE vaccine response to a disease it was known wasn't a serious threat to most people?!?!?
Why was there ever a vaccine response when most people weren't at serious risk?
Some of us out here in the community asked this question at the beginning, see my BMJ rapid response dated 25 March 2020: Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2:
Why didn't people within the scientific and medical establishment challenge the planned vaccine response at the start?
How many are compromised by conflicts of interest, associations with the vaccine industry?
How much damage has been done via the implementation of the apparently worse than useless Covid vaccine products?
When one eliminates accidental or temporary benefit variables, how would this have been done AT ALL differently, had it been a deliberately soulless scheme to annihilate millions to billions of world citizens? I can’t think of a single alteration.
Vous faites un travail fantastique d'information en mettant à notre portée votre connaissance profonde de l'immunologie, en nous alertant ainsi sur les risques à venir. Malheureusement, je parle très mal l'anglais. Même si je comprends à peu près le sens de votre propos, je serai bien incapable de le partager. Un sous-titrage en Français serait le bienvenu. Merci de votre compréhension et merci encore pour vos partages.
Look at these figures from a military-connected intelligence consultant. To be clear, the listed numbers are projected percentages of DECLINE, and not resulting population totals!
These calculations are nothing short of staggering.
Very clear explanation (as always). I read your recent book, which I also recommend. The suppression of early treatment, available from early 2020, was a terrible mistake then and clearly has these major implications now as the virus evolves.
Finally, I see you have the same taste in shirts as me.
I agree but things done on purpose can also be a mistake. I try to keep assumptions minimal as people may admit a mistake but never will a deliberate bad policy.
Just what I have written in many places for over two years. I have a nebulizer to use with 0.2% H2O2 that makes a big difference if you get a respiratory infection.
It makes a huge prophylactic difference, as well, including an added drop of Lugol’s solution to the saline-based mixture! (I had asthma until discovering Drs. Mercola and Brownstein in conference on its use during the respiratory virus incidence. Minor seasonal allergies are all that remain.)
That treatment was used with great success in India, too.
I also use povidone iodine, always in isotonic saline. Thanks for another personal confirmation. This could have been done in care homes, the nebulizers are not costly and could have been used in rotation with several residents.
I fully agree! I have several units, and wouldn’t be without one.
(In W. Australia, I found per legislative research that in-patient nebulizer therapy was actually prohibited by law. It likely would’ve prevented measurable loss of life, but I now see the ventilator push was part of a larger protocol NOT geared in that direction.)
Yours are very astute observations. Be ready to get censored for sharing them. 😐
When did the prohibition legislation get passed? There are many problems with using current nebulizers at home by people who are ill but with assistance in a care home the result should be positive.
I agree. It was included in statutes surrounding the Covid pandemic, review signed most recently in(if memory serves) November 2021.
The W. Australia gov page, after remaining public for quite a while, reverted to Restricted Access, before being removed altogether.
The legislation title likely explains why. The attached documentation (including nebulizer use) may still be able to be perused on The Wayback Machine...
This is understandable for asthma medication that does not destroy viruses. If a nebulizer was being used with a virucide it would be no problem. Not clear if that distinction was made in practice, and seeing how effective, off-label medications were suppressed I can believe effective nebulizer use would be too.
And yet RFK Jr. has suffered such extreme backlash for making the entirely warranted comparison.
God addresses all depravity so, should men fail to thoroughly adjudicate these heinous offenses, a weightier, more exacting judgement will nevertheless find the actors involved. While God is precise, His timing is His own.
The plotters will find no hiding places.
Malachi 4:3:
3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
Hebrews 10:30-31:
30 For we know him that hath said,
Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Thank you for another wonderful video, Dr. Geert. If I have grip on this, "herd immunity" and "endemic disease" are not merely a pair of correlates but corresponding realities. Their relation is necessary like positive and negative. But we are sat, in this time, at the midpoint, the zero, of a "pseudo-endemic disease" or "herd tolerance". Life, being as creative as it is, will spring a virulent outbreak upon us. I shall study your words to absorb their meaning better.
Thank you Dr. Geert for your very clear and understandable presentation.
Many people get the flu vaccine well into the flu season. Should these people not ALSO experience an increased susceptibility to antibody dependent enhancement, diminishing of their immune systems to the flu and other infections, long-flu symptoms, increased vulnerability to cancers and susceptibility to more virulent evolved versions of the flu? I would think this would merit a proper research study, with much data available.
Of course all of this is aside of the fact that the artificial spike protein induced by the mRNA shot, is itself highly toxic and inflammatory. If the artificial spike protein itself had been used as the vaccine, and simply injected into the arms of the recipients, it should have had the same presumed antibody producing result. The fact that this wasn't done is a very big red flag in itself. And of course the recipients would have had a very big red inflammatory reaction in the arm, and likely many would have had an anaphylactic reaction. Clearly they wanted something slow kill, something that could hide under plausible deniability.
So will the unvaccinated but naturally infected will still be at risk when super covid hits? How will our vaccinated loved ones fare? Will they ever be able to mount a proper immune response?
Copernicus vs Ptolemy. Heliocentric vs Geocentric. How much of this is point of view (beliefs) related?
Geert is a master and his competence demands we take him seriously. An alternative use of the concepts of disease and immunity from Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan, "To have the disease without the symptoms is to be immune."
It's a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world - BIOWEAPON! Frankenstein on purpose! They even rehearsed this a month before it was released! It will evolve - this was planned because they ignored real science - NO JABS will change the situation, only make them worse.
ALL of this was premeditated by the WHO initially (pushed hard by Gates' organizations like the CDC). If we allow them ANY say in our future, humanity itself is in danger. They continue to say that we are really not needed - just a few in relation to the present population. DEFUND AND EXIT THE WHO/WEF!!!! PUNISH those involved in this ruse and murder of the world's people!!! They should be in fear for their freedom at this point!! ALL of them - Schwab, Rockerfeller, Gates, Soros - should feel like they have a fitting for prison coming any day!! ANY politician taking money or perks from any of these individuals should be in fear for their futures!!!
My goodness. English is not his first language and the subject matter is incredibly difficult to simplify. Could you do this difficult topic in a second language? I find him very understandable and his knowledge and understanding of " the big picture" is humbling. Geert has been spot on this entire scamdemic. I am so thankful for him
Oh... that is funny I never even noticed the interviewer responses. I was paying too much attention to what Dr. Geert was saying. I replayed it and heard what was bothering you And the other person. But again, I never heard it the first time and it did not bother me at all. Affirmative murmurs seem very harmless compared to what Geert is trying to convey.
So basically, the WHO is merely lying low until forcefully EXPLOITING a tinderbox scenario they fully participated in creating.
They genuinely exhausted any scientific credibility they may have ever enjoyed in past eras. No guidance whatsoever generating from the WHO can be taken seriously, after all they've bungled!
Thank you Geert.
A valuable follow up to this preemptive warning would be a summary of what to expect in highly vaccinated countries, particularly amongst the vaccinated v unvaccinated. Then discussing what can be done (if anything) by these groups to prepare, or better still, mitigate the likely consequences.
Focusing more on what individuals, or community groups can do, rather than on governments, who seem intent on doing what is wrong.
What to expect? This incoming Horror.
In the past Geert has recommended having anti-virals on hand to use for prophylaxis as soon as the increased virulence has raised its ugly head somewhere in the world.
I don't think the WHO can be trusted. So sad.
Two years late, my friend...
Geert was right on time and was ignored when he wasn't being attacked.
Dr. Geert has been—still is!—a fly in their ointment.
We find ourselves in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, minus a child with a bull-horn.
Can there ever be sterilising immunity with a coronavirus?
And do we need to worry about 'asymptomatic' people?
Shouldn't it have been left to nature at the beginning, without the INSANE vaccine response to a disease it was known wasn't a serious threat to most people?!?!?
Why was there ever a vaccine response when most people weren't at serious risk?
Some of us out here in the community asked this question at the beginning, see my BMJ rapid response dated 25 March 2020: Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2:
Why didn't people within the scientific and medical establishment challenge the planned vaccine response at the start?
How many are compromised by conflicts of interest, associations with the vaccine industry?
How much damage has been done via the implementation of the apparently worse than useless Covid vaccine products?
When one eliminates accidental or temporary benefit variables, how would this have been done AT ALL differently, had it been a deliberately soulless scheme to annihilate millions to billions of world citizens? I can’t think of a single alteration.
Vous faites un travail fantastique d'information en mettant à notre portée votre connaissance profonde de l'immunologie, en nous alertant ainsi sur les risques à venir. Malheureusement, je parle très mal l'anglais. Même si je comprends à peu près le sens de votre propos, je serai bien incapable de le partager. Un sous-titrage en Français serait le bienvenu. Merci de votre compréhension et merci encore pour vos partages.
It’s not over GVB’s to depopulate.
Look at these figures from a military-connected intelligence consultant. To be clear, the listed numbers are projected percentages of DECLINE, and not resulting population totals!
These calculations are nothing short of staggering.
Thank u Cheeps. Staggering stats .
Horrific …they know , and they still recommend the jab . Obvious tell=depopulation agenda .
Thing is the birth rate was already too low in many countries. They did not need to.make it worse.
Very clear explanation (as always). I read your recent book, which I also recommend. The suppression of early treatment, available from early 2020, was a terrible mistake then and clearly has these major implications now as the virus evolves.
Finally, I see you have the same taste in shirts as me.
The suppression of early treatment was not a "mistake."
It was done on purpose.
I agree but things done on purpose can also be a mistake. I try to keep assumptions minimal as people may admit a mistake but never will a deliberate bad policy.
People were told to stay home until they couldn't breathe anymore.
That is like telling someone who just broke their leg to stay home until gangrene sets in then go to the hospital.
The first defense against respiratory disease has always been early treatment.
Did everyone around the world suddenly get stupid?
Just what I have written in many places for over two years. I have a nebulizer to use with 0.2% H2O2 that makes a big difference if you get a respiratory infection.
It makes a huge prophylactic difference, as well, including an added drop of Lugol’s solution to the saline-based mixture! (I had asthma until discovering Drs. Mercola and Brownstein in conference on its use during the respiratory virus incidence. Minor seasonal allergies are all that remain.)
That treatment was used with great success in India, too.
I also use povidone iodine, always in isotonic saline. Thanks for another personal confirmation. This could have been done in care homes, the nebulizers are not costly and could have been used in rotation with several residents.
I fully agree! I have several units, and wouldn’t be without one.
(In W. Australia, I found per legislative research that in-patient nebulizer therapy was actually prohibited by law. It likely would’ve prevented measurable loss of life, but I now see the ventilator push was part of a larger protocol NOT geared in that direction.)
Yours are very astute observations. Be ready to get censored for sharing them. 😐
When did the prohibition legislation get passed? There are many problems with using current nebulizers at home by people who are ill but with assistance in a care home the result should be positive.
I agree. It was included in statutes surrounding the Covid pandemic, review signed most recently in(if memory serves) November 2021.
The W. Australia gov page, after remaining public for quite a while, reverted to Restricted Access, before being removed altogether.
The legislation title likely explains why. The attached documentation (including nebulizer use) may still be able to be perused on The Wayback Machine...
This must be the document:
I don’t see any reference to nebulizers in that. This is probably the issue:
This is understandable for asthma medication that does not destroy viruses. If a nebulizer was being used with a virucide it would be no problem. Not clear if that distinction was made in practice, and seeing how effective, off-label medications were suppressed I can believe effective nebulizer use would be too.
More so, that we suddenly realised just how many 'stupid' (euphemism) people there are.
As well as just how many PURELY EVIL.
Government documents evidence they unquestionably knew before April 2021 that HCQ, IVM, and interferon were curative.
The singular mistake in this entire debacle is the inexplicable delay in Nuremberg 2 proceedings for the perpetrators.
I am afraid there will never be a Nuremberg 2.0.
The world is acting in lockstep with the WEF and the WHO.
This situation is far more sinister, and far more deadly, than what happened in WW 2.
And yet RFK Jr. has suffered such extreme backlash for making the entirely warranted comparison.
God addresses all depravity so, should men fail to thoroughly adjudicate these heinous offenses, a weightier, more exacting judgement will nevertheless find the actors involved. While God is precise, His timing is His own.
The plotters will find no hiding places.
Malachi 4:3:
3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
Hebrews 10:30-31:
30 For we know him that hath said,
Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
I Am Used To Being Smarter
Than Everyone Else.
But I Never HAD To Be.
Now That We Have To Be:
I've Owned Pets Smarter Than Most Of These "People" .
Including Some Of The Smartest
Idiots We Could Have Ever Met.
?? What are you saying?
If you don't pay close attention to what the experts would have you do, you'll end up in a pine box.
If they’d had their way, not EVEN a pine box due to untold numbers, but only a handful of lime!
Thank you for another wonderful video, Dr. Geert. If I have grip on this, "herd immunity" and "endemic disease" are not merely a pair of correlates but corresponding realities. Their relation is necessary like positive and negative. But we are sat, in this time, at the midpoint, the zero, of a "pseudo-endemic disease" or "herd tolerance". Life, being as creative as it is, will spring a virulent outbreak upon us. I shall study your words to absorb their meaning better.
Thank you Dr. Geert for your very clear and understandable presentation.
Many people get the flu vaccine well into the flu season. Should these people not ALSO experience an increased susceptibility to antibody dependent enhancement, diminishing of their immune systems to the flu and other infections, long-flu symptoms, increased vulnerability to cancers and susceptibility to more virulent evolved versions of the flu? I would think this would merit a proper research study, with much data available.
Of course all of this is aside of the fact that the artificial spike protein induced by the mRNA shot, is itself highly toxic and inflammatory. If the artificial spike protein itself had been used as the vaccine, and simply injected into the arms of the recipients, it should have had the same presumed antibody producing result. The fact that this wasn't done is a very big red flag in itself. And of course the recipients would have had a very big red inflammatory reaction in the arm, and likely many would have had an anaphylactic reaction. Clearly they wanted something slow kill, something that could hide under plausible deniability.
So will the unvaccinated but naturally infected will still be at risk when super covid hits? How will our vaccinated loved ones fare? Will they ever be able to mount a proper immune response?
Thanks Geert. Excellent post. As always Sir!
Maybe for some not to late. There is a time...
Copernicus vs Ptolemy. Heliocentric vs Geocentric. How much of this is point of view (beliefs) related?
Geert is a master and his competence demands we take him seriously. An alternative use of the concepts of disease and immunity from Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan, "To have the disease without the symptoms is to be immune."
It's a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world - BIOWEAPON! Frankenstein on purpose! They even rehearsed this a month before it was released! It will evolve - this was planned because they ignored real science - NO JABS will change the situation, only make them worse.
ALL of this was premeditated by the WHO initially (pushed hard by Gates' organizations like the CDC). If we allow them ANY say in our future, humanity itself is in danger. They continue to say that we are really not needed - just a few in relation to the present population. DEFUND AND EXIT THE WHO/WEF!!!! PUNISH those involved in this ruse and murder of the world's people!!! They should be in fear for their freedom at this point!! ALL of them - Schwab, Rockerfeller, Gates, Soros - should feel like they have a fitting for prison coming any day!! ANY politician taking money or perks from any of these individuals should be in fear for their futures!!!
Plexiglas is still up at the Pittsburgh Veterans Hospital (VA).
Guess those pesky covid germs are still floating around. /s
My goodness. English is not his first language and the subject matter is incredibly difficult to simplify. Could you do this difficult topic in a second language? I find him very understandable and his knowledge and understanding of " the big picture" is humbling. Geert has been spot on this entire scamdemic. I am so thankful for him
He's referring to who is uh -huhing in the background.
Oh... that is funny I never even noticed the interviewer responses. I was paying too much attention to what Dr. Geert was saying. I replayed it and heard what was bothering you And the other person. But again, I never heard it the first time and it did not bother me at all. Affirmative murmurs seem very harmless compared to what Geert is trying to convey.