What will happen to the vaccinated as they get contaminated with Omicron?
Q&A with Geert Vanden Bossche #3
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Q&A with Geert Vanden Bossche #3
Hi Geert, I read your post on Omicron. I understand your explanation as to why Omicron will start out as a mild disease particularly for the unvaccinated. Infected by the significantly mutated Omicron variant, innate Abs amongst the unvaccinated, will no longer be temporarily disabled by short lived, low affinity Anti-S specific Abs generated by rapid re-infections under Delta domination. They will experience a sort of innate immunity "refresh". But that will last only until Omicron takes over to rapidly re-infect them - just like Delta did. And the short lived Anti-S specific Abs are recalled. But, what about the vaccinated? What will happen to them as they get infected with Omicron in the immediate / near term? I understand their innate system is neutralized by the vaccinal Abs and these are not going away (unlike the short lived Anti-S specific Abs in the unvaccinated). If Omicron defeats the vaccinal Abs (as Stephane Bancel himself confided), the vaccinated would be left without immune defence, wouldn't they? Would mean that Omicron could be devastating to the vaccinated?
Because Omicron is well equipped to escape from the neutralizing vaccinal Antibodies (Abs), it could, indeed, break thru vaccinal protection. I expect, that this could lead to a higher morbidity and mortality rate in vaccinees. However, provided vaccinees have had the opportunity to train their innate immunity (i.e., in countries where mass vax campaigns were less aggressive/slower), their innate Antibodies (Abs) could provide some resistance from competing vaccinal Antibodies (Abs). Especially if the latter are declining and not boosted too much by increasingly dominant Omicron. Any help from innate immunity combined with lower vaccinal Ab titers, will slow down pathogenicity such as; to enable the immune system to generate Omicron-matched Antiboies (Abs) fast enough to help patients recover from the disease.
My fear is - this will no longer be possible when the virus continues to mutate and alter its RBD as I described. In this instance, previously neutralizing Antibodies (Abs) could still bind and dramatically increase viral virulence due to ADE.
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My question relates to the Novavax vaccine, which may be available in the US in 2022. It will probably be safer in terms of initial adverse reactions than the mRNA/viral vector vaccines that cause the body to produce the spike protein...as there is a fixed amount of spike protein used in Novavax from my understanding. However, Novavax is still centered around the spike protein, so would it potentially have the same risk of ADE? Thank you.
Have you investigated Chlorine Dioxide taken orally as a mechanism to selectively oxidize the virus? 5000 doctors in 25 countries used it to for the treatment of Covid-19 today: https://keithcu.com/wordpress/?p=4084