Goal: Our newsletter aims at providing regular updates on the science and the truth behind the current pandemic. We are dedicated to bringing the real science to the table and sharing how the truth invalidates the current narrative, for which scientific evidence is now increasingly lacking. We’ll provide an update on a (semi-)weekly basis, on Mondays and/or Fridays. We sincerely hope this newsletter will contribute to raising awareness about the consequences of human intervention in this pandemic, particularly of mass vaccination, from both an individual and public health perspective.
1. Children In China Diagnosed with Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines
“My baby was perfectly healthy before the vaccine dose,” Li (an alias), from China’s north-central Gansu Province, told The Epoch Times. “I took her for a health check. Everything was normal.”
2. Thailand Pays Out $45 Million as Compensation Following Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Reactions
“Thailand's National Health Security Office (NHSO) has so far paid 1.509 billion baht ($45.65 million) as compensation to 12,714 people who developed side-effects after they received Covid-19 vaccines.”
3. Merck’s Covid-19 Pill Heavily Used So Far Despite Concerns
“Among the concerns: Lab testing, though not the clinical trials, suggested molnupiravir could cause birth defects. Also, there are some signs the drug’s use in study subjects led to a higher frequency of mutations in the virus, which could result in variants.”
4. Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021
“Based on passive surveillance reporting in the US, the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men. This risk should be considered in the context of the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.”
5. Biden Administration Targeting Parents in New Ad Campaign Effort to Increase Adolescent Covid Vaccinations
"We took an oath to do what's best for our patients. So we want you to know we trust the COVID vaccine. For ourselves, for our patients, for our kids. So should you," the group says in the ad.
#5 "The ads — a pair of 60-second spots titled "Oath" and "Trust" – feature pleas from Dr. Gerald Harmon, president of the American Medical Association; Dr. Moira Szilagyi, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics; Ernest Grant, president of the American Nurses Association; and Dr. Ada Stewart, chair of the board of the American Academy of Family Physicians."
These are NOT medical groups they are trade associations & registered lobbying organizations. They have no medical standing except in PR for corp media who never look beyond the name to the history or funding.
Never forgive. Never forget. Never trust a thing they say.