Goal: Our newsletter aims at providing regular updates on the science and the truth behind the current pandemic. We are dedicated to bringing the real science to the table and how the truth invalidates the current narrative, for which scientific evidence is now increasingly lacking. We’ll provide an update on a bi-weekly basis (on Mondays and Thursdays / Fridays). We sincerely hope this Newsletter will contribute to raising people’s awareness about the consequences of human intervention in this pandemic, particularly of mass vaccination, from both an individual and public health perspective.
I. US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media
Geert: We’ll soon edit an article that illustrates how passionate I am about vaccines and that calling me an anti-vaxxer is no different from calling a human being a reptile. It’s pure racism.
II. Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Evolution Revealing Vaccine-Resistant Mutations in Europe and America
Geert: This one is behind a paywall but you can read the abstract. You will understand right away why the article is behind a paywall…
III. mRNA vaccines: Gene therapy – how it works
IV. Duration of viral shedding and culture positivity with post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 delta variant infections
Geert: Please also read https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/breakthrough-sars-cov-2-infections-are-a-pain
V. Two Different Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Risks for SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies
Ontario Health Minister refuses to answer lawmaker’s question on vaccine-induced stillbirths
Ritual Humiliation of Unvaxxed Children
UK - Fully Vaccinated account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths over the past 4 months
Explosion in New Heart Conditions Explained as “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”
Dr. Geert, I posted a link to your article from my article on my most recent substack article outlining that we seem to be entering a second stage of adverse events that take longer to materialize such as heart attacks. These are likely to cause more death than even the immediate short-term events within a few days after vaccination. This is based on increasingly more data coming in such as from the Netherlands outlining massive increases in excess deaths along with the exponentially increasing rate of deaths of athletes from heart attacks.
So, not only are we facing an onslaught of adverse events due to the toxicity of the all-at-once spike-protein infusion throughout every organ of the human body, we are facing what you describe with our natural immunity being compromised and viral escape & dependent enhancement.
I think it is clear that the number of deaths from COVID-19 that would have occurred with an approach leveraging natural immunity combined with therapeutics/healthy lifestyle and strategic vaccination will be pale by comparison to the number of deaths caused by this insane worldwide vaccination program (pogrom?).