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Thank you Geert, you saved my life!

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Thank you for your continued efforts and these short videos, Geert. With each one, things are a bit clearer to a lay person!

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Dear Geert. Could you speak to the unusual characteristics of SarsCov2, eg its neurotropism?

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Thanks for Sharing this important information Dr Bossche much appreciated 🙏

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Thank you Geert. This was clear and precise and will likely help many understand better what you've been warning is about. Your continued communications and efforts are greatly appreciated.

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The only reason why the variants came to existence is because at first the FDA could not approved the vaccine because of not enough data but! they could use them under the emergency act ( 6 months period), I guess they had more safety data for this. The Variants started so that they could keep the emergency act going so that they could keep on giving vaccine shot. Then it also help for more shots to be given... more money in their pocket... and so much more.

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Infinitely grateful to you Dr. Vanden Bossche for your precise explanation and warning - which sadly, I think, will not reach the scientific places where it should be heeded.

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Thank you Geert! You’ve been a guardian angel to so many from day one of this horrible pandemic. I’m so glad I found you and listened to your advice.

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I understand completely GVB, but please address the design of the jabs ( yes u cannot vaccinate into a pandemic, immune escape ect ... ).... but explain what the jabs did to the immune system and the design / biochemistry of the jabs and what those jabs did to further destroy the immune system. Thank u 😊

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When it takes 11 minutes to explain the title, you're doing something wrong

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The title makes perfect sense to me. Maybe not to everyone though. I've been ensconced in seeking the knowledge needed to best understand these complex matters. Not everyone has the time, energy, patience or will for that.

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And this just in main stream media Australia - some vaccinated constantly catching Covid. But don't worry, the "experts" have all the answers.

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C'mon Guys ...

The People That Thought

That Taking The Vaccine

Was A Good Idea

- Couldn't Be Responsible For Their Own Health.

Given What We Know Of Them

How Could They Be ?


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hi Geert... thank you.. you lost me there at the end ! are you using the word "assays" ? sent you the transcript..... karenna

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Yes assays are a special kind of test to separate out various compounds/immune cells present in a sample. In this case, he was referring to the poly specific antibodies (from vaccines…the poly specific non neutralizing antibodies) and naturally formed cell based immunity (ie herd immunity. The assays (ie tests) are not widely available to the public. In the research world, they do exist

(He mentioned gas chromatography) If we could test the whole population we could see who has more natural immunity preserved and who’s immune system has been subverted by multiple vaccine doses. (They would have higher levels of the polyspecific antibodies; which are weaker and don’t last long as he mentioned) These individuals theoretically would be more susceptible to more infxns/esp with virulent variants) I agree he tried to answer too much at the end; it’s quite complicated stuff. But that’s the gist of what he sat saying. Hope this helps!


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thanks Anthony. i was unsure i heard him correctly but also had only heard of assays in discussing gold. appreciate your reply.

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He is explaining why he expects more pandemic. As a lay person, I am unable to intelligently evaluate his assertions. If I read and understand his book, perhaps I would be persuaded. It would be helpful to read critical reviews by persons with real expertise.

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Dr M. Raszek PhD wrote a looooong blog article on JUST GVB's book: It's long because he tries to break it down for the layperson. Here==<

***I've started a shorter AI assisted summary on the Merogenomics substack here: Part I Here:

For and equally long read but ultimately more comprehensive you can try Dr Rennebohms excellent work here:


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Thanks for the links.

It's sort of encouraging to know that I'm not the only one who has trouble understanding this stuff. "This book is simply not for anyone, and I imagine only a handful of experts in the world could actually pick it up, grasp it and read it through to its conclusion without scratching their heads even once," says Raszek.

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This may be of help. GVB is explaining very high level concepts from multiple fields; it is definitely not something most can understand easily, but I think it is still worthy of consideration because the consequences, if he’s correct, are monumental:

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Very helpful. Thanks.

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Excellent, I'll have a look thanks. Have you read his review? What did/do you think?

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