Many people are puzzled by the ongoing health crisis. We are currently witnessing a surge in diverse acute respiratory viral diseases, along with long COVID, chronic microbial and immune-mediated diseases, including cancers. At the same time, SARS-CoV continues to evolve, infect, and transmit, even though wastewater levels and COVID-19 (C-19) hospitalization and mortality rates remain relatively low.
Compounding this situation is a mega panzootic of bird flu. These unprecedented phenomena — particularly their temporal and spatial overlap in highly C-19-vaccinated countries — raise questions about whether they are purely coincidental, entirely independent, and unrelated to the collective immune priming induced by C-19 vaccines.
If you want to explore whether these phenomena share a common root and understand how these pressing public health issues might be connected, we invite you to join our Immune Biology Forum. This platform provides a space for meaningful discussions on these complex biological topics, enabling laypeople, doctors, and scientists to learn, ask questions, and engage in interactive discussions with more depth than the superficial exchanges often found on social media.
Below are the links to sign up for the forum and, if you wish, purchase the lectures: Join the Immune Biology Forum []
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Thank you so much for your continued efforts to educate the public as to the current dilemma we are in. I have good friends in medical field who refuse to see what is happening.
I just want to know when the jabbies are going to croak, whose thesis wins out:
- Geert’s ADE killer escape variant
- Hoffe’s mass-scale microclot pulm hypertension heart failure
- turbo cancer
- IgG4
- prions, gradual decline
- <your theory here>